Emacs - No line numbering for empty lines - emacs

I'm trying to setup line numbering in Emacs.
Linum works well, but when I open two buffers, numbering for empty lines disappears.
I use Manjaro Linux. Emacs works in the terminal.
Here's screenshot.
Code from .emacs file:
(add-hook 'find-file-hook (lambda () (linum-mode 1)))
(unless window-system
(add-hook 'linum-before-numbering-hook
(lambda ()
(setq-local linum-format-fmt
(let ((w (length (number-to-string
(count-lines (point-min) (point-max))))))
(concat "%"(number-to-string w) "d"))))))
(defun linum-format-func (line)
(propertize (format linum-format-fmt line) 'face 'linum)
(propertize " " 'face 'mode-line)))
(unless window-system
(setq linum-format 'linum-format-func))
How can I fix it?

You might be able to fix this by replacing all of the above code with just
(global-linum-mode 1)
linum-mode should already do the variable-size-format thing for
you. Don't know why you're reinventing the wheel.
Maybe your problem is that you're trying to string concat two propertize-d objects. You can avoid this by making your formatting like "%3d " instead of "%3d" and concatting " " later:
(add-hook 'find-file-hook (lambda () (linum-mode 1)))
(unless window-system
(add-hook 'linum-before-numbering-hook
(lambda ()
(setq-local linum-format-fmt
(let ((w (length (number-to-string
(count-lines (point-min) (point-max))))))
(concat "%" (number-to-string w) "d "))))))
(defun linum-format-func (line)
(propertize (format linum-format-fmt line) 'face 'linum))
(unless window-system
(setq linum-format 'linum-format-func))


Display the bookmark name in the mode line of emacs

How can I display the name of a bookmark (from 'bookmark' or 'bookmark+') in the mode line of emacs, instead of the file name?
A slightly strange request, but here you go (works for files and dired buffers):
(defun show-bookmarks-mode-line ()
(let (bname text)
(setq bname (if (eq major-mode 'dired-mode)
(setq bname (expand-file-name bname))
(setq text
(delq nil
(lambda (x)
(and (equal bname
(bookmark-get-filename x)))
(substring-no-properties (car x))))
(setq text
", "))
(let ((mode-line-buffer-identification
(propertize text 'face 'mode-line-buffer-id)))
(sit-for 5))
Could you elaborate on why you need it?

How to avoid line breaks within |...| in Emacs

In Emacs, how can I avoid line breaks within |...| when using M-q (fill-paragraph)?
In https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!searchin/gnu.emacs.help/fill-nobreak-predicate/gnu.emacs.help/qNuZZjQnsww/99oJ1fb4OSUJ I found the following solution for [[...]], but it doesn't work when the open and close delimiters are the same:
(defun fill-open-link-nobreak-p ()
"Don't break a line after an unclosed \"[[link \"."
(skip-chars-backward " ")
(let ((opoint (point))
spoint inside)
(setq spoint (point)))
(when (re-search-backward "\\[\\[" spoint t)
;; (message "found") (sit-for 2)
(unless (re-search-forward "\\]\\]" opoint t)
(setq inside t)))
(add-to-list 'fill-nobreak-predicate 'fill-open-link-nobreak-p)
This seems to do the trick:
(defun odd-number-of-pipes-this-paragraph-so-far ()
(oddp (how-many "|" (save-excursion (backward-paragraph) (point)) (point))))
(add-to-list 'fill-nobreak-predicate 'odd-number-of-pipes-this-paragraph-so-far)

eval every line in the scratch buffer and append the result to the line

I've got this snippet of code:
(define-key lisp-interaction-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-e")
(lambda ()
(let ((result (eval (read (buffer-substring
(point-at-bol) (point-at-eol)))))
(goto-char (point-at-eol))))
(insert (format " ; => %s" result))))
but it doesn't work, as in
Wrong type argument: commandp, (lambda nil (let ((result (eval (read (buffer-substring (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol))))) (goto-char (point-at-eol)))) (insert (format " ; => %s" result)))
This command shouldn't function on a per-line basis. Move point by sexp instead.
Here is a library I made that does basically this, but works with mult-line
results, and is reentrant. So you can change some stuff, and re-run the
command to update results.
EDIT: correct link to package mentioned.
(define-key lisp-interaction-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-e")
(lambda ()
(let ((result (eval (read (buffer-substring
(point-at-bol) (point-at-eol))))))
(goto-char (point-at-eol))
(insert (format " ; ⇒ %s" result)))))

Word wrap for Emacs print buffer to PDF

I use this function for printing a buffer's content to PDF
(from my .emacs file:)
(defun print-to-pdf ()
(switch-to-buffer "*PostScript*")
(write-file "/tmp/tmp.ps")
(kill-buffer "tmp.ps")
(setq cmd (concat "ps2pdf14 /tmp/tmp.ps /home/user/" (buffer-name) ".pdf"))
(shell-command cmd)
(shell-command "rm /tmp/tmp.ps")
(message (concat "Saved to: /home/user/" (buffer-name) ".pdf"))
I cannot, however, find a way to enable or apply the visual-line minor mode to the PostScript buffer before it gets written to disk so to enable word wrap in the output.
The problem with getting visual line mode to be respected is that it inserts "soft newlines" (which get ignored by the PS renderer). A solution is to replace these with hard newlines. The code below does what you want, I think. Note that we call harden-newlines in a temporary buffer so as not to mess up the current document. Also, I've changed the output destination to always land in /tmp/print.pdf. It seems... unwise to overwrite documents in your /home without any sort of warning! You can always move the PDF afterwards.
Anyway, here you go. Is this what you wanted?
(defun harden-newlines ()
"Make all the newlines in the buffer hard."
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (search-forward "\n" nil t)
(put-text-property (point) (1+ (point)) 'hard t)
(defun spool-buffer-given-name (name)
(load "ps-print")
(let ((tmp ps-left-header))
(setq ps-left-header
(list (lambda () name) 'ps-header-dirpart))
(setf ps-left-header tmp))))
(defun print-to-pdf ()
"Print the current file to /tmp/print.pdf"
(let ((wbuf (generate-new-buffer "*Wrapped*"))
(sbuf (current-buffer)))
(set-buffer wbuf)
(insert-buffer sbuf)
(longlines-mode t)
(spool-buffer-given-name (buffer-name sbuf))
(kill-buffer wbuf)
(switch-to-buffer "*PostScript*")
(write-file "/tmp/print.ps")
(kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
(call-process "ps2pdf14" nil nil nil
"/tmp/print.ps" "/tmp/print.pdf")
(delete-file "/tmp/print.ps")
(message "PDF saved to /tmp/print.pdf")))

How to have colors in the output of (emacs) shell-command?

When executing the command shell-command, the output shown in the associated buffer is not colorized.
This is particularly annoying when calling a testing framework (outputting yellow/green/red...) from within emacs.
How can I configure, or extend, emacs in order to have shell-command allowing colorized output in the shell and preserving the colors while representing that output?
ps. I'm using the Bash shell, on a UN*X system.
This is probably what you want :
(add-hook 'shell-mode-hook 'ansi-color-for-comint-mode-on)
You can implement your own shell-execute, something like
(defun my-shell-execute(cmd)
(interactive "sShell command: ")
(shell (get-buffer-create "my-shell-buf"))
(process-send-string (get-buffer-process "my-shell-buf") (concat cmd "\n")))
This adds an advice to run ansi-color-apply-on-region on the minibuffer after shell-command finishes:
(require 'ansi-color)
(defun ansi-color-apply-on-buffer ()
(ansi-color-apply-on-region (point-min) (point-max)))
(defun ansi-color-apply-on-minibuffer ()
(let ((bufs (remove-if-not
(lambda (x) (string-starts-with (buffer-name x) " *Echo Area"))
(dolist (buf bufs)
(with-current-buffer buf
(defun ansi-color-apply-on-minibuffer-advice (proc &rest rest)
(advice-add 'shell-command :after #'ansi-color-apply-on-minibuffer-advice)
;; (advice-remove 'shell-command #'ansi-color-apply-on-minibuffer-advice)
It does not rely on shell-mode or comint. I accompany it with something like the following to get nice test output (a green smiley with the count of successful doctests.
(defun add-test-function (cmd)
(interactive "sCommand to run: ")
(setq my-testall-test-function cmd)
(defun my-testall ()
(shell-command my-testall-test-function))
(local-set-key [f9] 'my-testall))
This solution is inspired by #ArneBabenhauserheide's but uses xterm-color instead of ansi-color. It also colorizes the *Shell Command Output* buffer as well as the mini
(defun xterm-color-colorize-shell-command-output ()
"Colorize `shell-command' output."
(let ((bufs
(lambda (x)
(not (or (string-prefix-p " *Echo Area" (buffer-name x))
(string-prefix-p "*Shell Command" (buffer-name x)))))
(dolist (buf bufs)
(with-current-buffer buf
(defun xterm-color-colorize-shell-command-output-advice (proc &rest rest)
(advice-add 'shell-command :after #'xterm-color-colorize-shell-command-output-advice)
;; (advice-remove 'shell-command #'xterm-color-colorize-shell-command-output-advice)