am working with JPA(EclipseLink) and Derby. In my object there is a boolean field. Before a merge operation, the field is set to true. but after the merge, the field still holds the false value.
public class SleepMeasure extends AbstractEntity {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1361849156336265486L;
private boolean WeatherDone;
public boolean isWeatherDone() { // I have already tried with the "getWeatherDone()"
return WeatherDone;
public void setWeatherDone(boolean weatherDone) {
WeatherDone = weatherDone;
It doesn't seem to matter whether, I use "getWeatherDone()" or "isWeatherDone()".
using code:
public class WeatherDataCollectorImpl{
private void saveMeasures(WeatherResponse mResponse, SleepMeasure sleep) throws Exception {
AppUser owner = sleep.getOwner();
And here is my repository class
public class RepositoryImpl{
public <T extends AbstractEntity> T updateEntity(T entity, Class<T> type) throws RepositoryException {
EntityTransaction tr = em.getTransaction();
try {
// entity.weatherdone has value true
entity = em.merge(entity);
// entity.weatherdone has value false
} catch (Exception e) {
return entity;
JPA console Info: There is no error, nor warning and not even any info that the boolean column shall be updated.
--Merge clone with references com.sleepmonitor.persistence.entities.sleep.SleepMeasure#b9025d
--Register the existing object // other objects
--Register the existing object com.sleepmonitor.persistence.entities.sleep.SleepMeasure#1ba90cc
So how do I solve this small problem.
Derby defined this field as "SMALLINT".
Oh God! I found my problem. Actually I realised, it was not only the boolean field, but the whole object could not be updated.
While trying to complete a bideirection referencing, I stupidly did this in a setter property instead of an addMethod() .
public void setSleepProperties(SleepProperties sleepProperties) {
this.sleepProperties = sleepProperties;
if (!(sleepProperties == null)) {
Instead of:
public void addSleepProperties(SleepProperties sleepProperties) {
this.sleepProperties = sleepProperties;
if (!(sleepProperties == null)) {
So I ended up with the referenced entity (sleepProperties.sleepMeasure) over-writing the updates on the owning entity just before a merge. That was very defficult to find, and I think have learned a big lesson from it. Thanks to all who tried to help me out.
The "addMethod()" solved my problem.
i have a custom case that some of my dto's have a field of type X, and i need to map this class to Y by using a spring service method call(i do a transactional db operation and return an instance of Y). But in this scenario i need to use existing value of Y field. Let me explain it by example.
// DTO
public class AnnualLeaveRequest {
private FileInfoDTO annualLeaveFile;
public class AnnualLeave {
private FileReference annualLeaveFile;
public abstract class FileMapper {
private FileReferenceService fileReferenceService;
public FileReference toFileReference(#MappingTarget FileReference fileReference, FileInfoDTO fileInfoDTO) {
return fileReferenceService.updateFile(fileInfoDTO, fileReference);
#Mapper(uses = {FileMapper.class})
public interface AnnualLeaveMapper {
void updateEntity(#MappingTarget AnnualLeave entity, AnnualLeaveRequest dto);
public class MazeretIzinMapperImpl implements {
private FileMapper fileMapper;
public void updateEntity(AnnualLeave entity, AnnualLeaveUpdateRequest dto) {
entity.setAnnualLeaveFile(fileMapper.toFileReference(dto.getAnnualLeaveFile(), entity.getAnnualLeaveFile()));
But mapstruct ignores the result of "FileReference toFileReference(#MappingTarget FileReference fileReference, FileInfoDTO fileInfoDTO) " and does not map the result of it to the actual entity's FileReference field. Do you have any idea for resolving this problem?
How do I replace the annualLeaveFile property while updating the AnnualLeave entity?
You can use expression to get this result. For example:
FileMapper fileMapper;
#Mapping( target = "annualLeaveFile", expression = "java(fileMapper.toFileReference(entity.getAnnualLeaveFile(), dto.getAnnualLeaveFile()))" )
abstract void updateEntity(#MappingTarget AnnualLeave entity, AnnualLeaveRequest dto);
MapStruct does not support this without expression usage. See the end of the Old analysis for why.
Alternative without expression
Instead of fixing it in the location where FileMapper is used, we fix it inside the FileMapper itself.
public abstract class FileMapper {
private FileReferenceService fileReferenceService;
public void toFileReference(#MappingTarget FileReference fileReference, FileInfoDTO fileInfoDTO) {
FileReference wanted = fileReferenceService.updateFile(fileInfoDTO, fileReference);
updateFileReference(fileReference, wanted);
// used to copy the content of the service one to the mapstruct one.
abstract void updateFileReference(#MappingTarget FileReference fileReferenceTarget, FileReference fileReferenceFromService);
Old analysis
The following is what I notice:
(Optional) your FileMapper class is not a MapStruct mapper. This can just be a normal class annotated with #Component, since it does not have any unimplemented abstract methods. (Does not affect code generation of the MazeretIzinMapper implementation)
(Optional, since you have this project wide configured) you do not have componentModel="spring" in your #Mapper definition, maybe you have this configured project wide, but that is not mentioned. (required for the #Autowired annotation, and #Component on implementations)
Without changing anything I already get a working result as you want it to be, but for non-update methods (not listed in your question, but was visible on the gitter page where you also requested help) the FileMapper as is will not be used. It requires an additional method that takes only 1 argument: public FileReference toFileReference(FileInfoDTO fileInfoDTO)
(Edit) to get rid of the else statement with null value handling you can add nullValuePropertyMappingStrategy = NullValuePropertyMappingStrategy.IGNORE to the #Mapper annotation.
I've run a test and with 1.5.0.Beta2 and 1.4.2.Final I get the following result with the thereafter listed FileMapper and MazeretIzinMapper classes.
Generated mapper implementation
value = "org.mapstruct.ap.MappingProcessor",
date = "2022-03-11T18:01:30+0100",
comments = "version: 1.4.2.Final, compiler: Eclipse JDT (IDE) 1.4.50.v20210914-1429, environment: Java 17.0.1 (Azul Systems, Inc.)"
public class MazeretIzinMapperImpl implements MazeretIzinMapper {
private FileMapper fileMapper;
public AnnualLeave toEntity(AnnualLeaveRequest dto) {
if ( dto == null ) {
return null;
AnnualLeave annualLeave = new AnnualLeave();
annualLeave.setAnnualLeaveFile( fileMapper.toFileReference( dto.getAnnualLeaveFile() ) );
return annualLeave;
public void updateEntity(AnnualLeave entity, AnnualLeaveRequest dto) {
if ( dto == null ) {
if ( dto.getAnnualLeaveFile() != null ) {
if ( entity.getAnnualLeaveFile() == null ) {
entity.setAnnualLeaveFile( new FileReference() );
fileMapper.toFileReference( entity.getAnnualLeaveFile(), dto.getAnnualLeaveFile() );
Source classes
#Mapper( componentModel = "spring", uses = { FileMapper.class }, nullValuePropertyMappingStrategy = NullValuePropertyMappingStrategy.IGNORE )
public interface MazeretIzinMapper {
AnnualLeave toEntity(AnnualLeaveRequest dto);
void updateEntity(#MappingTarget AnnualLeave entity, AnnualLeaveRequest dto);
FileMapper component
public abstract class FileMapper {
private FileReferenceService fileReferenceService;
public FileReference toFileReference(#MappingTarget FileReference fileReference, FileInfoDTO fileInfoDTO) {
return fileReferenceService.updateFile( fileInfoDTO, fileReference );
public FileReference toFileReference(FileInfoDTO fileInfoDTO) {
return toFileReference( new FileReference(), fileInfoDTO );
// other abstract methods for MapStruct mapper generation.
Why the exact wanted code will not be generated
When generating the mapping code MapStruct will use the most generic way to do this.
An update mapper has the following criteria:
The #MappingTarget annotated argument will always be updated.
It is allowed to have no return type.
the generic way to update a field is then as follows:
// check if source has the value.
if (source.getProperty() != null) {
// Since it is allowed to have a void method for update mappings the following steps are needed:
// check if the property exists in the target.
if (target.getProperty() == null) {
// if it does not have the value then create it.
target.setProperty( new TypeOfProperty() );
// now we know that target has the property so we can call the update method.
propertyUpdateMappingMethod( target.getProperty(), source.getProperty() );
// The arguments will match the order as specified in the other update method. in this case the #MappingTarget annotated argument is the first one.
} else {
// default behavior is to set the target property to null, you can influence this with nullValuePropertyMappingStrategy.
target.setProperty( null );
I'm using spring-data-cassandra:3.1.9 and the properties looks like :
keyspace-name: general_log
session-name: general_log
local-datacenter: datacenter1
schema-action: CREATE
Cassandra version: apache-cassandra-4.0.1
spring-boot: 2.4.7
spring-data-jpa: 2.4.9
spring-jdbc: 5.3.8
spring-orm: 5.3.8
My entity looks like:
#ApiModel(description = "Audit log")
#Table(name = "audit_log")"audit_log")
public class AuditLogPO implements Serializable {
public static class Id implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
#ApiModelProperty(value = "业务标识")
#Column(name = "business_key")
#PrimaryKeyColumn(ordinal = 1, ordering = Ordering.ASCENDING)
private String businessKey;
// setters & getters ...
private Id id;
#ApiModelProperty(value = "业务分区")
#Column(name = "business_partition") = "business_partition")
private String businessPartition;
// getters & setters ...
After running this application, table audit_log will not be created automatically.
Actually, after digging into the source code located in spring-data-cassandra:3.1.9, you can check the implementation:
wich implementation as following:
protected void performSchemaAction() throws Exception {
boolean create = false;
boolean drop = DEFAULT_DROP_TABLES;
boolean dropUnused = DEFAULT_DROP_UNUSED_TABLES;
switch (this.schemaAction) {
dropUnused = true;
drop = true;
ifNotExists = SchemaAction.CREATE_IF_NOT_EXISTS.equals(this.schemaAction);
case CREATE:
create = true;
case NONE:
// do nothing
if (create) {
createTables(drop, dropUnused, ifNotExists);
which means you have to assign CREATE to schemaAction if the table has never been created. And CREATE_IF_NOT_EXISTS dose not work.
Unfortunately, we've not done yet.
SessionFactoryFactoryBean#performSchemaAction will be invoked as expected, however tables are still not be created, why?
It is because Spring Data JPA will add entities in<?>)). But performSchemaAction method will be invoked in SessionFactoryFactoryBean. And all of these two FactoryBeans do not have an order and we do not know who will be firstly invoked.
Which means if SessionFactoryFactoryBean#afterPropertiesSet has been invoked firstly, probably no Entity is already there. In this circumstance, no tables will be created automatically for sure.
And how to create these tables automatically?
One solution is that you can invoke SessionFactoryFactoryBean#performSchemaAction in a bean of ApplicationRunner manually.
First of all, let's create another class extends from SessionFactoryFactoryBean as:
public class ExecutableSessionFactoryFactoryBean extends SessionFactoryFactoryBean {
public void createTables(boolean drop, boolean dropUnused, boolean ifNotExists) throws Exception {
super.createTables(drop, dropUnused, ifNotExists);
Next we should override as:
public SessionFactoryFactoryBean cassandraSessionFactory(CqlSession cqlSession) {
sessionFactoryFactoryBean = new ExecutableSessionFactoryFactoryBean();
// Initialize the CqlSession reference first since it is required, or must not be null!
return sessionFactoryFactoryBean;
Now we can create an ApplicationRunner to perform the schema action:
public ApplicationRunner autoCreateCassandraTablesRunner() {
return args -> {
if ( {
sessionFactoryFactoryBean.createTables(false, false, true);
please refer this doc
But you still need to create keyspace before excuting the following codes:
public class SessionFactoryInitializerConfiguration extends AbstractCassandraConfiguration {
SessionFactoryInitializer sessionFactoryInitializer(SessionFactory sessionFactory) {
SessionFactoryInitializer initializer = new SessionFactoryInitializer();
ResourceKeyspacePopulator populator = new ResourceKeyspacePopulator();
populator.setScripts(new ClassPathResource("com/myapp/cql/db-schema.cql"));
return initializer;
// ...
You can also specify this behavior in your application.yml:
schema-action: create-if-not-exists
Although, you will need to create the keyspace (with appropriate data center / replication factor pairs) ahead of time.
data item boolean flag won't hold its state when item is returned from server through dispatcher to Presenter (client side).
shared package
public class ResourceItem extends BaseResourceItem implements IsSerializable {
private String name;
public ResourceItem() {
public ResourceItem(String name) {
super(true); = name;
public class BaseResourceItem {
private boolean removeEnabled = true;
public BaseResourceItem() {
public BaseResourceItem(boolean removeEnabled) {
this.removeEnabled = removeEnabled;
public boolean isRemoveEnabled() {
return removeEnabled;
public void setRemoveEnabled(boolean removeEnabled) {
this.removeEnabled = removeEnabled;
Flag in question is removeEnabled . By default it's true, and even though I set it to false in server side, when Presenter gets it, it's been set to false for some reason. Am I missing something with serialization? (can't think of anything else at this point).
Server package
public class GetModelSettings {
List<ResourceItem> listOfSettings;
public class GetModelSettingsHandler implements ActionHandler<GetModelSettingsAction, GetModelSettingsResult> {
public GetModelSettingsResult execute(GetModelSettingsAction action, ExecutionContext context)
throws ActionException {
ResourceItem item1 = new ResourceItem();
ResourceItem item2 = new ResourceItem();
// item1 -> true
// item2 -> false
return new GetModelSettingsResult(list);
As you can see, a simple handler return a list. At this point, data is correct, one item has flag set to true, the other one to false.
Client package
public class ModelSettingsPresenter {
dispatcher.execute(new GetModelSettingsAction(), new AsyncCallback<GetModelSettingsResult>() {
public void onSuccess(GetModelSettingsResult result) {
itemList = result.getListOfSettings();
// itemList.get(0) -> true
// itemList.get(1) -> true
Data items both have flags set to true in this presenter. Any ideas why is this happening?
This has to do with serialization used with inheritance.
During deserialization, the fields of non-serializable classes will be initialized using the public or protected no-arg constructor of the class. A no-arg constructor must be accessible to the subclass that is serializable. The fields of serializable subclasses will be restored from the stream.
More on it can be found in different thread Java object Serialization and inheritance
I experienced poor performance when using em.find(entity, primaryKey).
The reason seems to be that em.find() will also load entity collections, that are annotated with FetchType.LAZY.
This small test case illustrates what I mean:
public class OriginEntityTest4 {
public void test() throws Exception {
final OriginEntity oe = new OriginEntity("o");
final ReferencePeakEntity rpe = new ReferencePeakEntity();
DatabaseAccess.onEntityManager(em -> {
DatabaseAccess.onEntityManager(em -> {
em.find(OriginEntity.class, oe.getEntityId());
#Entity(name = "Origin")
public class OriginEntity extends NamedEntity {
private final ListProperty<ReferencePeakEntity> referencePeaks =
referencePeaks =
new SimpleListProperty<>(FXCollections.observableArrayList(ReferencePeakEntity.extractor()));
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "origin", fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
public final List<ReferencePeakEntity> getReferencePeaks() {
return this.referencePeaksProperty().get();
public final void setReferencePeaks(final List<ReferencePeakEntity> referencePeaks) {
I cannot find any documentation on that, my question is basically how can I prevent the EntityManager from loading the lazy collection?
Why I need em.find()?
I use the following method to decide whether I need to persist a new entity or update an existing one.
public static void mergeOrPersistWithinTransaction(final EntityManager em, final XIdentEntity entity) {
final XIdentEntity dbEntity = em.find(XIdentEntity.class, entity.getEntityId());
if (dbEntity == null) {
} else {
Note that OriginEntity is a JavaFX bean, where getter and setter delegate to a ListProperty.
Because FetchType.LAZY is only a hint. Depending on the implementation and how you configured your entity it will be able to do it or not.
Not an answer to titles question but maybe to your problem.
You can use also em.getReference(entityClass, primaryKey) in this case. It should be more efficient in your case since it just gets a reference to possibly existing entity.
See When to use EntityManager.find() vs EntityManager.getReference()
On the other hand i think your check is perhaps not needed. You could just persist or merge without check?
See JPA EntityManager: Why use persist() over merge()?
Thanks in advance for any help.
I have the following object association in my model:
public class Contract {
private Integer id;
private String name;
public class User {
private List<Contract> contracts;
public String getUser(#PathVariable Integer userId, Model model) {
model.addAttribute("contractsList", contractDao.findAllContracts());
public String processUser(#ModelAttribute User user, Model model) {
//Create a copy of the user to update...
User userToUpdate = userDao.findUser(user.getId);
//set other properties...
return "someSuccessView";
protected void initBinder(HttpServletRequest request, ServletRequestDataBinder binder) throws Exception {
binder.registerCustomEditor(Contract.class, new UserContractsPropertyEditor());
My PropertyEditor:
public class UserContractsPropertyEditor extends PropertyEditorSupport {
#Inject ContractDao contractDao;
public void setAsText(String text) throws IllegalArgumentException {
System.out.println("matching value: " + text);
if (text != "") {
Integer contractId = new Integer(text);
My JSP form:
<form:form commandName="user">
<%-- Other fields... --%>
<form:checkboxes items="${contractsList}"
itemLabel="name" />
The form renders correctly. That is, the checkbox list of Contracts is generated and the correct ones are "checked." The problem is when I submit I get:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 'items' must not be null
at org.springframework.util.Assert.notNull(
at org.springframework.web.servlet.tags.form.AbstractMultiCheckedElementTag.setItems(
at org.apache.jsp.WEB_002dINF.jsp._005fn.forms.user_jsp._jspx_meth_form_005fcheckboxes_005f0(
The custom property editor seems to be doing its job and there are no null/empty strings being passed.
If the form and controller makes the conversion when viewing the form, why is it having trouble when processing the form? What am I missing here?
You need to ensure that a call to getContract() returns a List instance:
public List<Contract> getContracts() {
if (contracts == null) contracts = new ArrayList<Contract>();
return contracts;
Thanks for your response. I guess a fresh set of eyes first thing in the morning does the trick again.
Apparently, my custom property editor had no clue what to do with the id value I was passing in since it couldn't access my DAO/service. So, I had to change the constructor:
public class UserContractsPropertyEditor extends PropertyEditorSupport {
private ContractDao contractDao;
public UserContractsPropertyEditor(ContractDao contractDao) {
this.contractDao = contractDao;
public void setAsText(String text) throws IllegalArgumentException {
Integer contractId = new Integer(text);
Contract contract = contractDao.findContract(contractId);
Then, modified the initBinder in my controller:
#Inject ContractDao contractDao;
protected void initBinder(HttpServletRequest request, ServletRequestDataBinder binder) throws Exception {
binder.registerCustomEditor(Contract.class, new UserContractsPropertyEditor(this.contractDao));
Maybe this will help someone else.