How to enter in commands in mitmproxy? - mitmproxy

I want to filter with regex in mitmproxy but I'm not sure how to bring up a textbox to enter in command. The help menu doesn't display any help. Does anyone know how?

To enter in command, you have to know what type of command you want. For example, filtering isn't actually called filter, although it is in the docs. Filtering is called limiting in mitmproxy, so press the l key and then you can enter in your regex.


How do I navigate to next filter/search item in k9s?

When there's more than one search result from / filter command, how do you navigate to next item? Basically I'm looking for F3 (next search result) equivalent in k9s. Commands listed here does not seem to include what I'm looking for...
Ok try your problem I created dummy 100 pods (2 deployments) in my local cluster :). 50 named test-deployment. 50 named test1-deployment. Used k9s to search with /test? and I noticed a mix of pods came up. To go further in list, donot forget to press enter key once you see your results and then you can use usual navigation like arrow keys or pgdn/pgup keys to move around the result.
Narain's answer works when searching in a list of resources but when looking at yaml the interaction is slightly different:
Press /
Type search term, press enter
Press n to go to next, shift-n to go to previous match
Edit: I realize now that this is shown in the header. I suppose this explanation is good for other blind bats like myself.

AutoHotkey send without replacement

I'm using AutoHotkey. Is there a way of using "Send" without getting the previously wirtten Hotstring replaced?
So if I want to use the Hotkey System it always overrides the System with the text I set after "Send". But how can I achive that it is just appending my Send text to the hotstring?
Send, Hotstring Rest of Things You Want to Say
I think you may be mistaken in what you're trying to say or how you're using Send, as it doesn't replace previously written hotstrings. If you post an example of what you're saying, it will be easier to help. Also, what do you mean when you say "Hotkey System"?
Helpful info from the online documentation, Hotkeys & Hotstrings.
EDIT (per your comment below):
I understand what you're saying now. This is the default way that hotstrings work and has nothing to do with using the Send command. If you want to keep the activating text in a hotstring, you need to use the B0 option. Something like this:
Note that the * makes it so you don't need to type a period after "system". If you want it to work that way instead, remove the asterisk.

Powershell commands?

Ok I'm having trouble and google isn't helping, so I thought I'd come to you geniuses. I'm using Powershell and posh-git, and it keeps doing something that I'm sure I can exit out of with a magic command, I just don't know it yet.
Basically, when I run git diff (or something else with a long result), it will only give me a screen's worth of information, and end the screen with a colon
And if I keep pressing Enter it will add more to the screen til it is done showing everything for that command, and shows
But now what? How do I get out of this and back to calling commands? Enter, Esc and the other things I thought to try are not helping. I'm sure this must be a simple thing, but I don't know how to explain to Google what I want.
Anyone know?
if you do a git config -l you may see some relevant entries like:
You can enable or disable the pager for different commands, or set a different pager. has the details, check out the core.pager section and pager.<cmd> sections for specifics.
If you're using 'less' as your pager, hit 'h' at that : prompt to get lots of details about what you can do there, and as pointed out by others, q, Q, or ZZ will get you back to the command line.
You can terminate the current command using CTRL+C. Is that what you're asking?

Bind F1 to a user function in Matlab

By default, Matlab binds F1 to the doc command. I'd like to change that binding to doc2, which is a function of mine. Unfortunately, the documentation is not very helpul with that matter.
Is there a simple way to achieve this ?
Thank you.
No, you can't do that, and MATLAB does not at all bind F1 to the doc command.
By default, F1 is bound to a few different things, depending on what desktop component you're using at the moment, and whether you have anything selected. In the MATLAB desktop, if nothing is selected, it will open up the Help Browser; but if something is selected, it will do Help on Selection instead, and if you're in the Genome Browser from Bioinformatics Toolbox, it will do something different again, specific to that tool.
You can modify those bindings in the MATLAB Preferences (Keyboard->Shortcuts); but you can only remap the bindings for existing actions, not create your own.
When the default action of opening up the Help Browser is carried out by a keyboard shortcut, it is not done by calling the doc command (that would be a bad idea, as the user may have modified or replaced the doc command to do something unrelated to help).

Sublime Text 2 package to add ; automatically on enter press

When you write eg. console.log("whatevs") and your cursor is placed before ") I want to bind a key-combination to add ; and then return.
Yeah, u can make a macro to achieve this, or a snippet for console log with right placed tabs.
But if this is python and i want to add : or some other language?
So i started to write a small plugin.
But I cant find out how to know what type of file I'm editing. Maybe i missed it in the documentation.
My question is: Is there already a plugin to achieve this, is there a more detailed documentation somwwhere or maybe someone knows about this and can get me on the right track. Is almost what you want. It makes it so if your cursor is between the () and you press ; it will auto jump to the end of the line and add it there.
You could check out the source for that too for a base to work off to create exactly what you want.