Connect mongo with meteor in production - mongodb

I have deployed my meteor application on localhost for demo purpose by following what was mentioned here.
$export MONGO_URL='mongodb://localhost'
$ export PORT=3000
$ export ROOT_URL=''
$ node main.js
I have had a bunch of collections in my meteor's mongo instance while development and need to move it to the new db that the deployed version connects to. I've taken a mongo dump of that and I know how to restore it. My question is, how exactly do I connect to the mongo db in order to do this?
I've tried:
mongo localhost
mongo localhost:3000
mongo -U localhost
They don't seem to work.
I do not want to run the mongo in development environment using meteor mongo. I have to deploy this in the client machine.

You can use the Meteor command line tools to attach to your local meteor instance.
meteor mongo
Taken from
Also, I think your commands didn't work 'cause the meteor mongo instance is hosted on port 3001 instead of 3000. Port 3000 hosts the actual meteor app, 3001 is the mongo instance.

As k.chao.0424 says you can use meteor mongo to connect to the mongo db via terminal or command line if you are using windows. But as i see you used the port 3000 for mongodb. I suggest you a simple way you just run the follwing command to run meteor and mongo db just write on your terminal:-
or if you are using ubuntu and any permission issues than write:-
sudo meteor
It will automatically run your project on 3000 port and your mongdb in 3001 port as by default after running app you can connect with mongodb via following command:-
meteor mongo
Hope this will help!


Connecting a Dockerized MongoDb instance, behing a reverse Nginx proxy on EC2

I try to connect Robomongo (or any other MongoDb UI) to a mongo instance, which is dockerized and behind an NGinx reverse-proxy (also dockerized, using jwilder/nginx-proxy) on a EC2 Container-Service instance.
err screenshot here
I have an application running using this mongo instance, on the same network, working like a charm ; so we know that mongo is running well.
If I try to access directly the container via a browser and targeting the 443 port, i get the following message :
It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.
I'm using the official mongoDb docker container, which only exposes 27017 ; so my request is redirected from 443 to 27017.
Do you know how can this be achieved ?
Thanks a lot,
Perhaps you need pass the --httpinterface flag to the mongodb container:
docker run --name some-mongo -d mongo --httpinterface
This flag are deprecated since version 3.2: HTTP interface for MongoDB
Check Mongodb Documentation

Connecting to mongolab db in the shell, but not in Robomongo

I am trying to connect to a MongoLab DB using the credentials and user I set up. I chose the AWS instance using the 500mb of storage (the free Sandbox version). It said it was 3.0.x for Mongo (showing 3.0.9 in MongoLab).
On my environment I am running MongoDB shell version: 3.2.1
Using the command:
mongo -u dbname -p dbpass
in the shell, I am able to connect to the DB just fine. However, when trying to connect through Robomongo, I am not. I am using the same username, password, database name, host and port. When I run the test, it connects to the host and port just fine, but it says Authorization Fails (this should not be, as I was just authorized to connect in the shell).
What is going?
There is nothing wrong. Just RoboMongo 0.8.x does not support Mongo 3.0+. You can download 0.9 RC4.

How can I connect to local Meteor's mongodb

How can I connect to the local Meteor's local mongoDB? Fyi, I want to use robomongo as the client. Where can I get the authentication details etc?
I'm using robomongo too
1) Just open robomongo,
2) Create new connection,
3)Give address localhost and port 3001
4) Click connect
Note: Meteor must be running to access the database
While you are creating new connection there is an authentication tab,there u can create username and password for db
enter command meteor mongo in the project directory while you are running the project. it will connect to a mongo shell of the project where you can see the mongo url.
$ meteor mongo
MongoDB shell version: 2.4.9
connecting to:

How to connect mongodb clients to local Meteor MongoDB

How can I connect Robomongo (or any other mongodb client) to the mongodb instance that is created by my local Meteor application?
Ensure Meteor is running on localhost. Open a terminal window and run meteor command. It will start running on localhost:3000 if you have not changed to port.
While it is running, open a separate terminal window and run meteor mongo command. This will open up a MongoDB shell and tell you what port it is connecting to This is normally 3001 as of version or 3002 if earlier. It will say something like
Go to Robomongo (or your favorite mongodb client software) and create a new connection, making sure to change the connection address to localhost and the given the port number. No need to additionally define /meteor if your client does not insist on a default database.
Also as pointed out in some drivers may need specific line endings, delimeters or other character flow. For example, ObjCMongoDB a C based driver wants the url to be with that extra / at the end, or it won't work. So make sure you check the documentation for your driver/client.
Easiest way to get the current configuration details is to use the following command
meteor mongo -U
This will give you the connection string
From terminal run following command
meteor mongo -U
That will show you the local host IP address and in which port you application is running. Now run the Robomongo and configure as following two field as you got by running the previous command
Use SSH tunneling by the following command :
ssh -L 3001:localhost:3001 user-name#host
It forwards connections from your local port 3001 to localhost:3001 on your server. Now we can simply connect to our database.
Create a Robomongo connection on your localhost and hit Test (Out of two checks, Authentication may fail) :
I'm using ObjCMongoDB, a C based mongoDB driver. With the new update instead of using the previous to connect to my localhost running meteor's mongodb, I now need to use with the collection name still being meteor.collection. The important change is the port from :3002 to :3001/. Remember the /, it is critical for the connection.
This worked for me,Before connecting make sure meteor is running.
I am using Robomongo to connect. Create new connection and add
Address as : localhost;
port as: 3001
I'm too using Robomongo and before the latest update V0.7.1,i used port 3002 to connect,as #Serkan Durusoy suggest's for the latest update it is working for 3001 port
#imal365 answer is perfect. Just to add my insight on it:
I realized that the default Meteor Mongo port number is the port number of the application with 1 added to it (as of version In my case, I was running Meteor on port 1337 with the command meteor --port 1337 and my Meteor Mongo port was 1338.

How to identify the port of minimongo running inside meteor?

I am novice in meteor. I was developing an application which leverages the mongo db which comes with the meteor package. The meteor is running under the port 3000, but i want to know under what port the mini mongo runs. I am using a tool MongoVUE to view all the collections that is under mongo running in a port. I was able to view the mongo collections when i run the standalone mongo since i know the port for that but for this mini mongo running under meteor i am not able to know the port. Any help is appreciated.
Mingomongo runs in the browser, it's a client-side Javascript library.. it runs in memory, it doesn't have a port.. it enables you to query data published by the server in your client application, using MongoAPI style syntax..
to get the connection string of the Mongo instance running on the server (say, if you want to connect from a different client, or just see the port number) run
meteor mongo -U
Using ps auxww|grep mongo|grep meteor on my Fedora system I get:
jwulf 20635 0.3 2.6 150800 41336 pts/1 Sl+ 17:07 0:01 /usr/lib/meteor/mongodb/bin/mongod --bind_ip --smallfiles --port 3002 --dbpath /home/jwulf/tools/leaderboard/.meteor/local/db
So it is running on port 3002 on my system. Starting mongo with --port 3002 allows me to connect to the Meteor mongo server and copy data into the database.
You can also connect to the local instance by running meteor mongo in your Meteor app directory.
The database itself is at <app-name>/.meteor/local/db on my Fedora system.
In meteor 0.8.3 it's using port 3001
so I run:
mongo localhost:3001
use use meteor
and I'm good to go...thanks to Sitapati Das for the command above...