Reading Siemens S7 PLC symbol table - plc

I would like, for educational purposes, to read PLC symbols table by using libnodave (or any equivalent open-source like snap7).
Actually, when I read data from merkers, I must know in advance what kind of variable will be present in the DB, also due to the fact that libnodave reads raw bytes in sequences.
I'm searching a way to know in advance what kind of data was chosen by the plc programmer when storing data so, when I use raw bytes read, I can easily monitor variables and adapt my reading and visualization routine.
Thanks in advance.

A program in a S7-3xx/4xx PLC has no symbolic addressing downloaded. So Libnodave or Snap7 can't point to a symbol.
TIA and the S7-12xx/15xx PLC are different. They have symbols downloaded. But so far as i know Libnodave or Snap7 can not use these symbols yet.
A solution maybe is the export the Symboltable is Step7/TIA to an Excel or .scv file and read there the symbol with it's format and address information.
(Libnodave does not support S7-12xx/15xx, use Snap7 instead.)


What is multicodec and how it is related to multihash?

I don't have any background with this subject.
To try to understand them better, I read:
CIDv1: Multicodec prefix
From what I understand, the multihash is the algorithm used to hash (one way) the value. so it means, we can't go back (we can't decode the hash to the value).
I don't understand, in simple words, what is multicodec and if it's related to decoding the hash to a value (which makes no sense).
what is the motivation to multicodec prefix?
The multicodec is related to decoding the value the hash points to, if that makes it easier to understand. Don't worry, no magic hash decoding is happening ;). Remember we're making CIDs, and we can use CIDs to lookup content. However then we have the question of "how do we decode this data we just retrieved?", the multicodec solves that problem for us. Reading From Data to Data Structures might help clear up some confusion.
The multicodec prefix allows IPFS to evolve to support new and different encodings for the data that's actually put into IPFS. This refers to IPLD, and you can actually find the answer you're looking for under Links (with information about the codecs under Codecs):
For links we use a CID. A CID is an extension of multihash, in fact a multihash is part of a CID. We simply add a codec to a multihash that tells us what format the data is in (JSON, CBOR, Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc). This way, we can actually link between data in different formats and any link to data anyone ever gives us can be decoded so that it can become more than just a series of bytes.
CID is a standard that anyone can implement, even people that have no other interest in IPLD beyond the need for hash links to different data types can use it.

Converting SBML model into a simulatable Matlab Function

I'm looking for a tool to convert a SBML model into a Matlab function. I've tried SBMLTranslate() function from libSBML but this returns a Matlab struct, not a function. Does anybody know if such tool exists? Thanks
There are at least three efforts in this direction:
Frank Bergmann offers an online service for SBML translation where you can upload an SBML file and it will generate a MATLAB file. The comments at the top of the generated MATLAB file explain how to use the results. The C++ source code is available on SourceForge.
Bergmann's code referenced above was used by Stanley Gu to create sbml2matlab, a Windows standalone program. Off-hand, I don't know whether Gu's version changed or enhanced the algorithm used by the Bergmann version, but it seems likely. (Note: Gu now works at Google and does not maintain this code anymore, as far as I know.)
The Systems Biology Format Converter (SBFC) is a framework written principally by Nicolas Rodriguez; it includes a collection of converters, one of which is an SBML-to-MATLAB converter. This converter is written in Java.
I have not compared the results of the translators myself yet, so cannot speak to the differences or quality of output. If you try them and have any feedback to relate, please let the authors know. Knowing what has or hasn't worked for real users will help improve things in the future.
A final caveat is that all of these have been research projects, so make sure to set your expectations accordingly. (This is not a criticism of the authors; the authors are very good – I know most of them personally – but the reality of academic development work is that we all lack the time and resources to make these systems comprehensive, hardened, polished, and documented to the degree that we wish we could.)

28k/56k modem emulator/decoder

I have a kinda-lossless modem record in ogg. The main problem is that I don't know how to translate the data to some understandable form. Is there any modem tool capable of converting the data to tome meaningful format?
If not, what's the best practice to bruteforcefully find out what the original content before modulation was? I mean like generating possible data until the original data file and the generated one matches.
Thank you
I would ask this guy:
He has implemented early protocols in minimodem but might be aware of another tool for latest protocols.

MD5 hash of a file in ABAP

I want to generate a MD5 hash of a text file in ABAP. I have not found any standard solution for generating it for a very big file. Function module CALCULATE_HASH_FOR_CHAR does not meet my requirements because it takes a string as an input parameter. Although it works for smaller files, in case of a for example 4 GB file one cannot construct such a big string.
Does anybody know whether there is a standard piece of coding for doing that (my google efforts did not bring me anything) or maybe someone has an MD5 algorithm in ABAP that calculates the hash of a file?
It looks like the implementation of this algorithm is impossible in ABAP because of the fact that the language does not allow arithmetic overflows during the calculations. This should also answer the question why it has not been implemented so far in SAP system. Either way looks that there is no other way as to call an external tool which of course is, regrettably, hardly platform independent.
EDIT: Ok! So with a great help of René and the code of Fast MD5 Implementation in Java I created the implementation of MD5 algorithm in ABAP . This implementation allows to update the calculated hash with more bytes, which of course might be coming from different sources.
There is no method which takes a file so far but anyways most of the work has been done.
Some simple ABAP Unit tests are included in the code, which also document how to use it.
Perhaps you could read the file in data blocks of a couple megabytes and create a hash list of those using the suggested function. And then create a single top hash using the generated hash list.
The SDN is usually a very good starting point for finding ABAP-related solutions. I was able to find this post:
The author suggests:
Upload the .txt file BUT as BIN.
Calculate the hash code using function MD5_CALCULATE_HASH_FOR_RAW
Are you able to get your file in binary format and use MD5_CALCULATE_HASH_FOR_RAW?
Edit: This post even has a more detailed answer using CALCULATE_HASH_FOR_RAW:
Quote of Shivanand Kalagi's answer:
ALG = 'MD5'

Where to start to use CRC for error checking?

I am trying to use CRC for error checking for downloaded files.
I used NSURLConnection for downloading file.
But I have no idea where to start to use CRC for error checking.
Do I use some libraries? If so, would you recommend me one?
Can anyone tell me where I can find any examples or tutorials for CRC usage in c++ or objective c?
Thank you very much
First off, how is the file CRC handled on the server (if at all)? There are a multitude of algorithms (CRC32 for simple checksum, MD5/SHA for cryptographic hashes) which can be used, and you must use the same one. If the server does not provide any checksum information (say, from a checksum file), there is no use for a checksum as there is nothing to compare it to.