Perl parse an .xlsm file without using excel - perl

I have an input .xlsm file from which I have to parse some values.
Currently I am using Win32::OLE which from certain reasons I need to stop using.
Is there a way to parse that file without using EXCEL processes?My searches on google lead me to Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX module and Excel::Writer::XLSX(with some problemes), but I don't know whether they require Excel or not.
Thank you!


Importing data from text file and saving the same in excel

I am trying to read data from text file (which is output given by Tesseract OCR) and save the same in excel file. The problem i am facing here is the text files are in space separated format, and there are multiple files. Now i need to read all the files and save the same in excel sheet.
I am using MATLAB to import and export data. I even thought of using python to convert the files into CSV format so that i can easily import the same in MATLAB and simply excelwrite the same. But no good solution.
Any guidance would be of great help.
thank you
To read a text file in Matlab you can use fscanf or textscan then to export to excel you can use xlswrite that write directly to the excel file.

Getting spreadsheets from Google-Drive using Perl module Net::Google::Drive::Simple

in my script I'm using perl module Net::Google::Drive::Simple. I can see/download all my imported/shared files on my Google Drive, but I can't see/download any spreadsheets which I created/are shared with me.
Am I using bad module for this or are there any special methods for handling spreadsheets?
Thank you in advance.
Only documents like PDF or png can be downloaded directly. Google Drive Documents like spreadsheets or (text) documents need to be exported into one of the available formats. Check for "exportLinks" on a file given.

How to transfer data from excel to powerpoint using Perl?

I am using Active Perl from ActiveState and would like to to transfer data from an Excel sheet to a particular table on the slides in a particular Power point file.
How do I do it in Perl?
I suggest you call your Perl script from VBA.
You can do that like this(in VBA):
ShellWait "c:\perl\bin\perl.exe c:\path\to\", vbNormalFocus
Also try the Shell API that VBA provides.
I suggest you write to disk first(in Excel). And then you read from disk(in Powerpoint). And you do this using VBA, both of these. Using Perl for this makes little sense because you're going to get wrapped up into file parsing problems and all sorts of other stuff.

Error using the User Defined function of Excel in Matlab [duplicate]

This question already exists:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Excel Addin Error #NAME?
I think it is a follow-up query to my earlier reported issue concerning User defined function in Excel.
I am able to use the function in Excel when used Manually, but when I write to an excel file using Matlab using xlswrite, it gives an error #NAME?
I am attaching the screenshots of the both when entered manually and when using the function through Matlab.
Thanks a lot. I have stored the VBA function as an Excel addin here :
Here is what I saw about Excel Add-ins not loaded when used in Automation :
I am attaching the small snippet of the code from chi_squared() here :
Function Chi_Squared(act, exp, Optional df)
This is how I write to an excel file in Matlab :
Formula_chisqr={[ '=chi_squared(' 'O2:O22' ',' 'M2:22' ')']};
[status, message] = xlswrite1(ExcelFilename,Formula_chisqr,sheetname, Location_Agg);
I also tried giving the complete path as suggested. But it did not work.
You have to specify the workbook where the UDF defined. Even if your function is it your PERSONAL.XLSB file. You don't have to do it only if UDF is defined in the same file where you use it.
For example,
If myFunctions.xlsb is not opened you may need to specify full path to the file.
If you want to be able to call UDF in any file without specifying the file name, you need to save the file as Add-in, and then enable it in Options - Add-ins - Manage Add-ins.
Another idea: When you use XLSWRITE provide file name with extension XLSX, like test.xlsx, not just test. By default MATLAB saves files with XLS extention in older format. It looks like when you open such file in newer version of Excel (2007/2010) the compatibility mode does not allow macros or UDFs to run.
When you open the Excel as a COM server, the UDF's and Add-ins are not loaded by default. So, you need to first load the add-ins if you would like to use the add-in your Excel file.
Here is the small code snippet in Matlab which loads the add-ins before opening the Excel file.
Excel = actxserver ('Excel.Application');
if ~exist(File,'file')
ExcelWorkbook = Excel.Workbooks.Add;
Source : Mathworks

How to most effectively automate repetitive Excel task?

I want to automate Excel using Perl to do the following task(s):
For a list of Excel .xls files, do the following:
Open the file
Set Format to CSV
Save the file under the original filename and directory, but replace the extension "xls" with "csv"
Close the file
I found how to open files, even how to save them. I did not find how to change the fileformat/save as a different format. There shall be no user dialogs popping up, it should be fully automated. The Excel file list I can generate myself, a parameterized "find" or maybe "dir" should suffice.
If you are using Excel automation a great help is Excel itself. Use the VBA environment (Alt+F11) to get help for the Excel objects you want to use.
The objectbrowser (F2) is very valuable.
Workbook.SaveAs([Filename], [FileFormat], [Password], [WriteResPassword], [ReadOnlyRecommended], [CreateBackup], [AccessMode As XlSaveAsAccessMode = xlNoChange], [ConflictResolution], [AddToMru], [TextCodepage], [TextVisualLayout], [Local])
Searching for CSV in the object browser will show Excel constants with their values, since you probably cannot use these Excel constants in Perl.
See Spreadsheet::ParseExcel and xls2csv, they will help you.