I'm trying to use a mongoDB container on Amazon ECS and I want to set up a load balancer with a healthcheck that pings port 27017
What I've done:
Double checked all my security groups to make sure everything has access to port 27017
The load balancer has a health check set to TCP:27017
My ECS service is set up to identify the ELB and seems to be correctly mapped to the contianerName and port correctly.
It still fails every time. I can't even figure out how to debug this problem. When I run the container locally I can nc localhost 27017 and it "seems" to connect (well, I get a blank line which I don't get with any other port)
How can I health check my mongodb?
Update 1:
output of netstat -tulpn | grep 27017
tcp 0 0 :::27017 :::* LISTEN 2600/docker-proxy
Update 2:
My health check settings are as follows:
Ping Target TCP:27017
Timeout 10 seconds
Interval 30 seconds
Unhealthy threshold 5
Healthy threshold 10
This is just a configuration issue on your part.
If the ELB is public then you need to make sure the security groups for your instances allow it to talk to it publicly.
If the ELB is internal then you need to make sure the security groups allow them to talk to each other, such as putting them in the same security group.
You also need to make sure you've forwarded the port to the ECS instance so that it's reachable. Make sure you can hit the service on the ecs instance from a different server, whether at AWS or your laptop.
What do your security groups look like? What does your configuration look like? Are the instances private? public? Is the ELB private? public?
I'm following a tutorial How to Deploy a Dockerised Application on AWS ECS With Terraform and running into a 503 error trying to hit my App.
The App runs fine in a local Container (http://localhost:3000/contacts), but is unreachable via ECS deployment. When I check the AWS Console, I see health checks are failing, so there's no successful deployment of the App.
I've read through / watched a number of tutorials, and they all have the same configuration as in the tutorial mentioned above. I'm thinking something must have changed on the AWS side, but I can't figure it out.
I've also read a number of 503-related posts here, and tried various things such as opening different ports, and setting SG ingress wide open, but to no avail.
If anyone is interested in troubleshooting, and has a chance, here's a link to my code: https://github.com/CumulusCycles/tf-cloud-demo
Thanks for any insights anyone may have on this!
Your target group is configured to forward traffic to port 80 on the container. Your container is listening on port 3000. You need to modify your target group to forward traffic to the port your container is actually listening on:
resource "aws_lb_target_group" "target_group" {
name = "target-group"
port = 3000
protocol = "HTTP"
target_type = "ip"
vpc_id = "${aws_default_vpc.default_vpc.id}" # Referencing the default VPC
Your load balancer port is the only port external users will see. Your load balancer is listening on port 80 so people can hit it over HTTP without specifying a port. When the load balancer receives traffic on that port it forwards it to the target group. The target group receives traffic and then forwards it to an instance in the target group, on the configured port.
It does seem a bit redundant, but you need to specify the port(s) that your container listens on in the ECS task definition, and then configure that same port again in both the target group configuration, and the ECS service's load balancer configuration. You may even need to configure it again in the target group's health check configuration if the default health checks don't work for your application.
Note: If you look at the comments on that blog post you linked, you'll see several people saying the same thing about the target group port mapping.
Problem statement:
I cannot access services running in pods within third party containers that don't listen on a few specific ports when using istio-sidecar
I am running on a network with firewalled connections, so only a handful of ports can be used to communicate across the nodes, I cannot change that.
I have some third party containers running within pods that listen on ports that do not belong to the handful that is allowed
Without istio, I can do an iptables REDIRECT on an initContainer and just use any port I want
With istio-sidecar, the envoy catch-all iptables rules forward the ORIGINAL_DST to envoy with the original port, so it always tries to connect to a port that nobody is listening at. I see envoy receiving it and trying to connect to the pod at the port that I faked, the one that is allowed in the network, not the one the service is listening at.
I am trying to avoid using a socat-like solution that runs another process copying from one port to another.
I can use any kind of iptables rules and/or istio resources, EnvoyFilters etc....
My istio setup is the standard sidecar setup with nothing particular to it.
I have an EKS Kubernetes cluster. High level the setup is:
a) There is an EC2 instance, lets call it "VM" or "Host"
b) In the VM, there is a POD running 2 containers: Side Car HAProxy Container + MyApp Container
What happens is that when external requests come, inside of HAProxy container, I can see that the source IP is the "Host" IP. As the Host has a single IP, there can be a maximum of 64K connections to HAProxy.
I'm curious to know how to workaround this problem as I want to be able to make like 256K connections per Host.
I'm not sure is you understand reason for 64k limit so try to explain it
At first that is a good answer about 64k limitations
Let's say that HAProxy ( listening at port 8080 and free ports at Host ( are 1,353~65,353, so you have combination of:
source → destination
That is 64k simultaneous connections. I don't know how often NAT table is updating, but after update unused ports will be reused. So simultaneous is important
If your only problem is limit of connections per IP, here is couple solutions:
Run multiple HAProxyes. Three containers increase limit to 64,000 X 3 = 192,000
Listen multiple ports on HAProxy (check about SO_REUSEPORT). Three ports (8080, 8081, 8082) increase max number of connections to 192,000
Host interface IP is acting like a gateway for Docker internal network so I not sure if it is possible to set couple IPs for Host or HAProxy. At least I didn't find information about it.
It turns that in Kubernetes one can configure how we want clients to access the service and the choice that we had was nodePort. When we changed it to hostPort, the source IP was seen in the haproxy container and hence the limitation that I was having was removed.
If this option would have failed, my next option was to try the recommendation in the other response which was to have haproxy listening in multiple ports. Thankfully that was not needed.
I have an ECS cluster with 3 EC2 instances all sitting in private subnets. I created a task definition to run the kafka-connect image provided by Confluent with the following environment variables:
I have an application load balancer in front of this cluster with a listener on port 8083. I have correctly set up target group to include the EC2 instances running kafka-connect. So the load balancer should forward requests to the cluster. And it does, but I always get back a 502 Bad Gateway response. I can ssh into the EC2 instances and curl localhost:8083 and get the response back from kafka-connect, but from outside the EC2, I don't get a response.
To rule out networking issues between the load balancer and the cluster, I created a separate task defintion running Nginx on port 80 and I'm able to successfully hit it from outside the EC2 instances through the load balancer.
I have a feeling that I have not set CONNECT_REST_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME to the correct value. It's my understanding that this is the host clients should connect to. However, because my EC2 instances are in a private subnet, I have no idea what to set this to, which is why I've set it to localhost. I tried setting it to the load balancer's DNS name, but that doesn't work.
You need to set CONNECT_REST_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME to the host or IP that the other Kafka Connect workers can resolve and connect to.
It's used for the internal communication between workers, and if it's localhost then if your REST request (via your load balancer) hits a worker that is not the current leader of the cluster, that worker will try to forward the request to the leader—using the CONNECT_REST_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME. But if CONNECT_REST_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME is localhost then the worker will simply be forwarding the request to itself and hence things won't work.
For more details see https://rmoff.net/2019/11/22/common-mistakes-made-when-configuring-multiple-kafka-connect-workers/
I created my kubernetes cluster with specified security group for each ec2 server type, for example for backend server I have backend-sg associated with and a node-sg which is created with the cluster.
Now I try to restrict access to my backend ec2 and open only port 8090 as an inbound and port 8080 as an outbound to a specific security group (lets call it frontend-sg).
I was manage to do so but when changing the inbound port to 8081 in order to check that those restrictions actually worked I was still able to acess port 8080 from the frontend-sg ec2.
I think I am missing something...
Any help would be appreciated
Any help would be appriciated
I will try to illustrate situation in this answer to make it more clear. If I'm understanding your case correctly, this is what you have so far:
Now if you try ports from Frontend EC2 instance to Backend EC2 instance, and they are in same security group (node-sg) you will have traffic there. If you want to check group isolation then you should have one instance outside of node-sg and only in frontend-sg targetting any instance in backend-sg (supposing that both node-sg and backend-sg are not permitting said ports for inbound traffic)...
Finally, a small note... Kubernetes is by default closing all traffic (and you need ingress, loadbalancer, upstream proxy, nodePort or some other means to actually expose your front-facing services) so traditional fine graining of backend/frontend instances and security groups is not that "clearcut" when using k8s, especially since you don't really want to schedule manually (or by labels for that matter) which instances pods will actually run (but instead leave that to k8s scheduler for better unitilization of resources).