Common LISP (SBCL): Returning values from within loops - lisp

Preface: I'm currently taking a condensed course that is apparently taught in LISP and I've never worked with LISP in my life so I had to learn the language over a weekend. I apologize in advance for the abysmal code. I'm just familiar enough with LISP's syntax to get the code working and not much more.
I'm currently working on a program that solves the map coloring problem. This code takes a sequence where the first element of each sub sequence is a state and the second element represents a color. ex: '((A R) (B G) (C G) (D Y) (E B) (F B)) and then checks to make sure that no state has the same color as a state it's constrained by (defined by the constraint list). I know there are probably a lot of cleaner and simpler ways to do this but what I'm currently struggling with is having my dolist loops immediately return the value T whenever the if statement is met. So far I've been unable to get the functions to simply return a value and had to resort to this really ugly/wrong method of setting a variable to true and waiting for the loop to finish in order to make the code work. I've tried using return and just having T inside the if statements but, in both cases, the loop would finish instead of returning a value and I have no idea why.
(setq constraint '((A (B C E)) (B (A E F)) (C (A E F)) (D (F)) (E (A B C F)) (F (B C D E))))
(defun check_constraint (f s)
(setf ans nil)
(dolist (state constraint)
(if (eq (first state) f)
(if (search (list s) (second state))
(setf ans T) ;;where I want it to just return T
;;ex: ((A R) (B R) (C B) (D R) (E B) (F G))
(defun check_conflict (lst)
(setf anb nil)
(dolist (state lst)
(dolist (neighbor (remove state lst))
(if (check_constraint (first state) (first neighbor))
(if (eq (second state) (second neighbor))
(setf anb T)) ;;where I want it to just return T
EDIT: I ended up just fixing this with recursion. The code is cleaner now but I'd still love to know what my issue was. This is the recursive code.
(setq constraint '((A (B C E)) (B (A E F)) (C (A E F)) (D (F)) (E (A B C F)) (F (B C D E))))
(defun check_constraint (lst f s)
((null lst) nil)
((search (list (car (car lst))) f)
(if (search s (second (car lst))) T))
(t (check_constraint (cdr lst) f s))
(defun check_neighbor (check lst)
((null lst) nil)
((check_constraint constraint (list (car check)) (list (first (first lst))))
(if (eq (second check) (second (car lst))) T))
(t (check_neighbor check (cdr lst)))
;;(check_state '((A R) (B R) (C B) (D R) (E B) (F G)))
(defun check_state (lst)
((null lst) nil)
((check_neighbor (car lst) (cdr lst)) T)
(t (check_state (cdr lst)))

First a few style issues. You should use DEFVAR or DEFPARAMETER to declare global variables. Those should also have asterisks around the name to show that they are global (or special actually).
(defparameter *constraint*
'((A (B C E))
(B (A E F))
(C (A E F))
(D (F))
(E (A B C F))
(F (B C D E))))
The lisp convention for naming things is to use dashes between words (CHECK-CONSTRAINT instead of CHECK_CONSTRAINT). You should also prefer full words for variable names instead of abbreviations (LIST instead of LST). The closing parentheses should not be written on their own line.
Then the actual problem. You can use RETURN to return a value from a block named NIL. Loops establish such a block, so you can write the first function like
(defun check-constraint (first second)
(dolist (state *constraint*)
(when (and (eq first (first state))
(member second (second state)))
(return t))))
It's better to use WHEN instead of IF when there's only a then-branch. I also combined the two IFs into one using AND. Since you were wrapping S in a list for using SEARCH, I figured you probably want to use MEMBER instead (although I'm not sure since I don't exactly know what the code is supposed to do). You can change that back if it's wrong.
You probably could also simplify it to
(defun check-constraint (first second)
(member second (second (find first *constraint* :key #'first))))
In the second function you have two loops. If you use RETURN to return from the inner one, you just end up continuing the outer loop and ignoring the return value. So you have to use RETURN-FROM to return from the function instead of the inner loop.
(defun check-conflict (list)
(dolist (state list)
(dolist (neighbor (remove state list))
(when (and (check-constraint (first state) (first neighbor))
(eq (second state) (second neighbor)))
(return-from check-conflict t)))))


Lisp: ordered union of two lists

I am trying to make a function that returns the union of two lists in an ordered manner.
Here is my code:
(defun setunion (lst1 lst2)
((null lst1) lst2)
((null lst2) lst1)
((member (car lst2) lst1)
(setunion lst1 (cdr lst2)))
(t (append (setunion lst1 (cdr lst2))
(list (car lst2))))))
(print (setunion '(a b c) '(a c d e f a)))
This returns (A B C F E D) but the output I am looking for is (A B C D E F). How can I change my code to return the right output?
EDIT: I figured it out I think. I made a helper function that removes the duplicates of list 2 and reverses it as well as remove the duplicates of list 1.
(defun help (lst1 lst2)
(setunion (remove-duplicates lst1 :from-end t) (reverse(remove-duplicates lst2 :from-end t))))
(print (help '(b c b d) '(a d e a)))
This gives me the output (B C D A E) which is what I'm looking for.
OK, so basically all you want to do is remove duplicates over all lists, and the elements should be in order of first appearance. You could append all lists, then remove duplicates from the end:
(defun set-union (&rest lists)
(remove-duplicates (reduce #'append lists)
:from-end t))
If what you want is the union of a bunch of lists such that elements in the lists occur in the order they occur in the lists, working from the left, then here is one fairly natural way of doing that. I'm not sure if this is what I'd write in real life. It has the advantage that:
it's easy to see what is happening;
it doesn't rely on hairy standard CL functions.
It has the disadvantage that it requires tail-call elimination to work with long lists (and some people regard code which works like this not to be idiomatic CL).
(defun union-preserving-order (&rest ls)
;; Union of a bunch of lists. The result will not contain
;; duplicates (under EQL) and elements will occur in the order they
;; occur in the lists, working from the left to the right. So
;; (union-preserving-order '(a b) '(b a c)) will be (a b c), as will
;; (union-preserving-order '(a b) '(c b a)), while
;; (union-preserving-order '(b a) '(a b c) '(c d)) will be (b a c
;; d).
(upo/loop (first ls) (rest ls) '()))
(defun upo/loop (lt more accum)
;; LT is the list we're working on, MORE is more lists for later,
;; ACCUM is the list we're building (backwards). In real life this
;; would be a local function in UNION-PRESERVING-ORDER.
(if (null lt)
;; Finished this list
(if (null more)
;; no more lists: we're done
(nreverse accum)
;; more lists, so pick the first of them and loop on that
(upo/loop (first more) (rest more) accum))
;; not finished this list, so loop on it
(upo/loop (rest lt) more
;; Either the next element of this list is already in
;; the accumulator, or it's not and we need to add it.
(if (member (first lt) accum)
(cons (first lt) accum)))))
Here's a version which uses explicit iteration but otherwise does the same trick.
(defun union-preserving-order (&rest ls)
;; Union of a bunch of lists. The result will not contain
;; duplicates (under EQL) and elements will occur in the order they
;; occur in the lists, working from the left to the right. So
;; (union-preserving-order '(a b) '(b a c)) will be (a b c), as will
;; (union-preserving-order '(a b) '(c b a)), while
;; (union-preserving-order '(b a) '(a b c) '(c d)) will be (b a c
;; d).
(let ((accum '()))
(dolist (l ls (nreverse accum))
(dolist (e l)
(pushnew e accum)))))
Finally here's a dirty hack which builds the results forwards. Without proof I think this is as good as you can do in terms of performance without resorting to some clever lookup structure like a hash-table to check whether you've seen elements already.
(defun union-preserving-order (&rest ls)
;; Union of a bunch of lists. The result will not contain
;; duplicates (under EQL) and elements will occur in the order they
;; occur in the lists, working from the left to the right. So
;; (union-preserving-order '(a b) '(b a c)) will be (a b c), as will
;; (union-preserving-order '(a b) '(c b a)), while
;; (union-preserving-order '(b a) '(a b c) '(c d)) will be (b a c
;; d).
(let ((results '()) ;results we'll return
(rlc nil)) ;last cons of results
(dolist (l ls results)
(dolist (e l)
(unless (member e results)
(if (not (null rlc))
(setf (cdr rlc) (list e)
rlc (cdr rlc))
(setf rlc (list e)
results rlc)))))))

Implement every, some in Lisp [duplicate]

I want a predicate as a parameter of a function.
(DEFUN per (F L)
(cond ((F L) 'working)
(T 'anything)))
(per 'numberp 3)
as result it raises an error:
Undefined operator F in form (F L).
As explained in Technical Issues of Separation in Function Cells and Value Cells,
Common Lisp is a Lisp-2, i.e., you
need funcall:
(defun per (F L)
(if (funcall F L)
(per #'numberp 3)
(per #'numberp "3")
See also apply.
Late to the party, but here's another example:
(defun strip-predicate (p list)
(cond ((endp list) nil)
((funcall p (first list)) (strip-predicate (rest list)))
( T (cons (first list) (strip-Predicate p (rest list))))))
This could be used on predicates such as atom or numberp:
(strip-predicate 'numberp '(a 1 b 2 c 3 d))
(a b c d)
(strip-predicate 'atom '(a (a b) b c d))
((a b))

Flattening lists (while removing 'nil' and keeping atoms after " . ") in lisp

I want to create a function that would flatten a list and remove all potential nil inside.
Expected behavior, example 1:
(myfunc '(a (b (c) (d)) (e f) (g (h)) nil)) => (a b c d e f g h)
Expected behavior, example 2:
(myfunc '(a . d)) => (a d)
my function so far:
(defun myfunc (l)
((atom l) nil)
((and (atom (car l)) (not (equal (car l) nil))) (cons (car l) (myfunc (cdr l))))
(t (append (myfunc (car l)) (myfunc (cdr l))))))
My function works as expected for the first example, but not the second.
I get:
(myfunc '(a . d)) => (a)
Why doesn't it keep that d?
Is there a way to fix it?
Perhaps you should think about what the flatten function should do, in plain English:
Base case: If flattening nil, return an empty list.
Base case: If flattening single atoms, return a list containing just that.
Recursive case: If flattening pairs, return a list appending the flattening of its car with the flattening of its cdr.
Here's how I'd implement the description I just gave:
(defun flatten (x)
(cond ((null x) x)
((atom x) (list x))
(t (nconc (flatten (car x)) (flatten (cdr x))))))

LISP program not small tweaks needed.

The Program is supposed to find each symbol in the List, that comes after a certain symbol.
The function gets to parameters passed in. A List which could contain nested-lists and a symbol.
The function has to scan thru the list and search for the given symbol and print the symbols that come after the given symbol.
(find-all 'a '((b a) ((c a b)))) --> (c b)
(find-all 'a '(b (a a) c)) --> (a c)
(find-all 'a '(b d c e)) --> nil
My Code So Far:
(defun find-all (a list)
(if (consp list)
(if (consp (car list))
(find-all a (car list))
(if (eq a (car list))
(cons (car(cdr list)) (find-all a(cdr list)))
(find-all a(cdr list))))))
This code works except when the symbol its looking for is the last atom in the list.
it fails in these test cases:
(find-all 'a '((b a) ((c a b)))) --> (c b)
(find-all 'a '(b (a a) c)) --> (a c)
but works fine in these cases:
(find-all 'a '(b a c a e)) --> (c e)
The issue is probably at my cons statement and i am unable to fix this.
I don't think your code is correct. First of all, it's not correctly indented, which makes it difficult to read. The correct indentation should be:
(defun find-all (a list)
(if (consp list)
(if (consp (car list))
(find-all a (car list))
(if (eq a (car list)) ; if properly intended here
(cons (car(cdr list)) (find-all a(cdr list)))
(find-all a(cdr list)))))))))
Even after that I have trouble following your logic. For example, when something is a cons, then you should process both the car and the cdr, but you don't. I didn't go through the the debugging process, but you should.
Instead, I'd like to show you an alternative. I would suggest splitting the problem in 2 parts:
flattening the list
Since we start with a nested list but end up with a flat list, it's easier to flatten the list first. Here is a classical flatten function:
(defun flatten (sxp)
((sub (sxp res)
((null sxp) res)
((consp sxp) (sub (car sxp) (sub (cdr sxp) res)))
(t (cons sxp res)))))
(sub sxp nil)))
processing the flat list
Now, with a flat list, the rest becomes obvious, using the member function (and calling my function find-from to distinguish it from yours at the REPL):
(defun find-from (a lst)
((sub (lst)
(when lst
(let ((rst (cdr (member a lst))))
(when rst
(cons (car rst) (sub rst)))))))
(sub (flatten lst))))
? (find-from 'a '((b a) ((c a b))))
(C B)
? (find-from 'a '(b (a a) c))
(A C)
? (find-from 'a '(b d c e))
? (find-from 'a '(b a c a e))
(C E)

Reverse LISP list in place

I would like to write a function that reverses the elements of a list, but it should happen in place (that is, don't create a new reversed list).
Something like:
>> (setq l ' (a b c d))
((a b c d)
>> (rev l)
(d c b a)
>> l
(d c b a)
What flags should I follow to achieve this?
Have a look at nreverse which will modify the list in place (see HyperSpec).
As per the comments, do note the comments that #Barmar made and this bit from the spec:
For nreverse, sequence might be destroyed and re-used to produce the result. The result might or might not be identical to sequence. Specifically, when sequence is a list, nreverse is permitted to setf any part, car or cdr, of any cons that is part of the list structure of sequence.
It's not difficult to implement this (ignoring fault cases). The keys are to use (setf cdr) to reuse a given cons cell and not to lose the reference to the prior cdr.
(defun nreverse2 (list)
(recurse reving ((list list) (rslt '()))
(if (not (consp list))
(let ((rest (cdr list)))
(setf (cdr list) rslt)
(reving rest list)))))
(defmacro recurse (name args &rest body)
`(labels ((,name ,(mapcar #'car args) ,#body))
(,name ,#(mapcar #'cadr args))))
[edit] As mentioned in a comment, to do this truly in-place (and w/o regard to consing):
(defun reverse-in-place (l)
(let ((result l))
(recurse reving ((l l) (r (reverse l))
(cond ((not (consp l)) result)
(else (setf (car l) (car r))
(reving (cdr l) (cdr r)))))))
> (defvar l '(1 2 3))
> (reverse-in-place l))
(3 2 1)
> l
(3 2 1)