CKSubscription error iOS10 - swift

My subscriptions were working properly with iOS 9, but since I updated, I have a very odd error. I have two subscription methods that are equal, except for the fields they manage. Here is the code:
let meetingSubscriptionPredicate = Predicate(format: "Users CONTAINS %#", (id?.recordName)!)
let meetingSubscription = CKQuerySubscription(recordType: "Meetings", predicate: meetingSubscriptionPredicate, options: .firesOnRecordCreation)
let notification = CKNotificationInfo()
notification.alertBody = "Meeting Created!"
notification.shouldBadge = true
meetingSubscription.notificationInfo = notification { (result, error) -> Void in
if error != nil {
let universitiesSubscriptionPredicate = Predicate(format: "Name = %#", self.UniversityTextField.text!)
let universitiesSubscription = CKQuerySubscription(recordType: "Universities", predicate: universitiesSubscriptionPredicate, options: .firesOnRecordCreation)
let universitiesNotification = CKNotificationInfo()
universitiesNotification.alertBody = "Your university is now on Meet'em!"
universitiesNotification.shouldBadge = true
universitiesSubscription.notificationInfo = universitiesNotification, completionHandler: { (saved, error) in
if error != nil {
else {
print("University subscription created")
The odd thing is that the Meeting subscription is saved, and the University's subscription is not. I've double checked the names and they are all right at the Dashboard. Besides that, I'm not getting any notification on my phone when supposed to...

Found elsewhere online that you can try to reset your development environment. In my case, the predicate I was trying to use was not set to queryable. This is ticked where you define your record type. The reason it worked one day and not another is possibly due to moving from development to production. At that time you are asked to optimize indexes, and it is possibly here that the ability to search on a given predicate is dropped. That seemed to be the case for me anyway.


Why is CloudKit on Apple Watch super slow?

I am using CloudKit to store very simple workout data. The quantity is negligible.
I am using the same code to interact with CloudKit for the iOS app as well as the watchOS app. This is the code I use for loading data:
let predicate = NSPredicate(value: true)
let query = CKQuery(recordType: recordType.rawValue, predicate: predicate)
let queryOperation = CKQueryOperation(query: query)
var results: [CKRecord] = []
queryOperation.recordFetchedBlock = { (record: CKRecord ) in
queryOperation.queryCompletionBlock = { (cursor: CKQueryOperation.Cursor?, error: Error?) in
if let error = error {
print("Getting all " + recordType.rawValue + " records with CloudKit was unsuccessful", error)
response(false, nil)
if cursor == nil {
response(true, results)
let nextOperation = CKQueryOperation(cursor: cursor!)
nextOperation.recordFetchedBlock = queryOperation.recordFetchedBlock
nextOperation.queryCompletionBlock = queryOperation.queryCompletionBlock
On iOS the loading is almost instant, on watchOS this can take minutes which is basically unusable. Sporadically the loading speed on watchOS can be decent.
What could be the cause?
qualityOfService is set to default when you don't assign a configuration.
Assume the watch is low on battery then system decides whether to process the operation immediately or later.
So setting it explicitly might help the system determine how you would like the operation to be handled.
Can you try setting the configuration as follows:
let configuration = CKOperation.Configuration()
configuration.qualityOfService = .userInitiated
queryOperation.configuration = configuration
queryOperation.queuePriority = .veryHigh //Use this wisely, marking everything as very high priority doesn't help

CloudKit - recordZoneFetchCompletionBlock shows 1000's of deleted records

I noticed something strange during testing. First, I Erase All Content and Settings on the simulator, and then manually delete all records in CloudKit. When I first run the app, I've noticed that over 2000 records are being deleted. I don't understand why (or even where!) they are being stored. Have I completely missed something? Below is a portion of the CloudKit method that is run as part of a check for updates.
operation.fetchDatabaseChangesCompletionBlock = { (token, more, error) in
if error != nil {
} else if !zonesIDs.isEmpty {
changeToken = token
let configuration = CKFetchRecordZoneChangesOperation.ZoneConfiguration()
configuration.previousServerChangeToken = changeZoneToken
let fetchOperation = CKFetchRecordZoneChangesOperation(recordZoneIDs: zonesIDs, configurationsByRecordZoneID: [zonesIDs[0]: configuration])
fetchOperation.recordChangedBlock = { (record) in
fetchOperation.recordWithIDWasDeletedBlock = { (recordID, recordType) in
if changeToken != nil {
listRecordsDeleted[recordID.recordName] = recordType
fetchOperation.recordZoneChangeTokensUpdatedBlock = { (zoneID, token, data) in
changeZoneToken = token
fetchOperation.recordZoneFetchCompletionBlock = { (zoneID, token, data, more, error) in
if error != nil {
} else {
changeZoneToken = token
self.updateLocalRecords(listRecordsUpdated: listRecordsUpdated)
self.deleteLocalRecords(listRecordsDeleted: listRecordsDeleted)
Delete Records
func deleteLocalRecords(listRecordsDeleted: [String : String]) {
for (recordName, recordType) in listRecordsDeleted {
let request: NSFetchRequest<NSFetchRequestResult> = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "\(recordType)")
request.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "ckrecordname = %#", recordName)
do {
let result = try context.fetch(request)
if !result.isEmpty {
if let data = result[0] as? NSManagedObject {
catch {
print("Error fetching")
It sounds like you're deleting the records through the dashboard but are keeping the record zone. In that case the deletes are part of the history of the zone, and when you first sync with the zone it basically rewinds through all that history for the zone, which at the end includes deletes for all your records.
Keep in mind this also applies to zones - so a zone delete for example stays in the history and can lead to some unwanted situations if you don't account for that. I ran into the situation where I was deleting the zone on one device, but the other one would then try to sync, find no zone and create it again.

CKContainer.discoverAllIdentities always fails

The CKContainer.discoverAllIdentities request always fails in my CloudKit app. It has continually failed over the course of several days.
A simplified version of the code that is failing (which results in the same error) is:
private func getContacts(completion: (([CKUserIdentity]?) -> Void)?) {
container.status(forApplicationPermission: .userDiscoverability) { [weak self] status, error in
if let error = error {
switch status {
case .granted:
self?.discover(completion: completion)
print("status not granted")
private func discover(completion: (([CKUserIdentity]?) -> Void)?) {
let op = CKDiscoverAllUserIdentitiesOperation()
op.qualityOfService = .userInitiated
op.discoverAllUserIdentitiesCompletionBlock = { error in
if let error = error {
op.userIdentityDiscoveredBlock = { identity in
It results in an error being passed to the op.discoverAllUserIdentitiesCompletionBlock. The description of the error in the log is:
<CKError 0x1c4a51a60: "Server Rejected Request" (15/2000); server message = "Internal server error"; uuid = F67453B9-712D-4E5E-9335-929123E3C978; container ID = "">
Previously, this operation would work, but only for certain iCloud users. Now it's not for both of my test users.
This was a problem in iOS 11.0
Based on my testing:
This works ok in Xcode 9.2 / iOS 11.2.1 on the device (not simulator)
After resetting the simulator works for the first time, doesn't work subsequently, however on the device it works repeatedly.
let queue = OperationQueue()
func requestPermissions(for permissions: CKApplicationPermissions,
completionHandler: #escaping (CKApplicationPermissionStatus, Error?) -> ()) {
CKContainer.default().requestApplicationPermission(permissions) { status, error in
if let error = error {
print("Error for requesting \(permissions) - \(error)")
let statusMessage : String
switch status {
case .granted:
statusMessage = "Granted"
case .denied:
statusMessage = "Denied"
case .couldNotComplete:
statusMessage = "Could not complete"
case .initialState:
statusMessage = "Initial state"
print("Permission - \(statusMessage)")
completionHandler(status, error)
private func discoverAllUsers() {
let operation = CKDiscoverAllUserIdentitiesOperation()
operation.userIdentityDiscoveredBlock = { userIdentity in
print("userIdentity = \(userIdentity)")
operation.discoverAllUserIdentitiesCompletionBlock = { error in
if let error = error {
print("Discover all users Error: \(error) ")
else {
print("Discover all users completed successfully")
Apple fixed this issue day after this answer was posted, coincidence?! I don't think so :)
This is not actually the answer to the question, but a fix that helped me to cross over this error. It will require you to change your app UI interaction and add ContactsUI framework to your project, moreover your user will be responsible for selecting a contact with iCloud related email.
Good news is that the method discoverUserIdentity is still works. So, you can use it to get CKUserIdentity from manually selected contact.
func addContact(_ contact:CNContact) {
var lookUpEmails = [CKUserIdentityLookupInfo]()
for email in contact.emailAddresses {
lookUpEmails.append(CKUserIdentityLookupInfo(emailAddress: (email.value as String)))
let checkUserOperation = CKDiscoverUserIdentitiesOperation()
checkUserOperation.userIdentityLookupInfos = lookUpEmails
checkUserOperation.userIdentityDiscoveredBlock = { [unowned self] (identity, info) -> Void in
if identity.hasiCloudAccount {
if let recordID = identity.userRecordID {
//do something with discovered user
checkUserOperation.queuePriority = Operation.QueuePriority.high
It might sound useless, but in my case, it helped me to solve the Server Rejected Request" (15/2000) error, to fix one of the features of my app and continue to use the other feature related code with less efforts than I thought.
I hope someone will find this helpful.
Just another data point on this that might help with the overall picture. I was still seeing this error on 11.2.5 when I used my own iCloud AppleID (with hundreds of contacts) while running a Test App that called discoverAllIdentitiesWithCompletionHandler. I'd get the dreaded
CKError 0x1c0051730: "Server Rejected Request" (15/2000); server message = "Internal server error".
When I switched to run the exact same code on my daughters iOS11.2.5 device (with just a handful of contacts) the code worked fine.
Leads me to believe there is some rate limiting going on when there are a lot of contacts with iOS11.
(P.S. No errors at all running on iOS10)

SWIFT: do I have someone set a record with different text every time?

So I made a chatroom and when someone sends a message they also add a Subscription in my cloud kit database but the problem is there cant be more then one of the same name that is a subscription and I want them to be able to set more subscriptions then one. Here is some code:
func setupCloudKitSubscription () {
let userDefaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
if userDefaults.boolForKey("subscribed") == false {
let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "TRUEPREDICATE", argumentArray: nil)
let subscription = CKSubscription(recordType: "Extra1", predicate: predicate, options: CKSubscriptionOptions.FiresOnRecordCreation)
let notificationInfo = CKNotificationInfo()
notificationInfo.alertLocalizationKey = "New Sweet"
notificationInfo.shouldBadge = true
subscription.notificationInfo = notificationInfo
let publicData = CKContainer.defaultContainer().publicCloudDatabase
publicData.saveSubscription(subscription) { (subscription:CKSubscription?, error:NSError?) -> Void in
if error != nil {
userDefaults.setBool(true, forKey: "subscribed")
You see how it says recordType: "Extra1" how can I made the "Extra1" different text every time someone makes a subscription? Thanks!
Your question is not completely clear. I think what you wanted to ask is that you want the subscription to send you a different message with each notification.
You could set it to display one or more fields of the record. For doing that you should use something like this:
notificationInfo.alertLocalizationKey = "Response: %1$#"
notificationInfo.alertLocalizationArgs = ["responseField"]
Then you also need this in your Localization.Strings file.
"Response: %1$#" = "Response: %1$#";

HealthKit fetch data between interval

I have a little problem grasping HealthKit. I want to get heart rate from HealthKit with specific time.
I have done this in the past (until I noticed that I couldn't fetch data when the phone was locked)
func retrieveMostRecentHeartRateSample(completionHandler: (sample: HKQuantitySample) -> Void) {
let sampleType = HKObjectType.quantityTypeForIdentifier(HKQuantityTypeIdentifierHeartRate)
let predicate = HKQuery.predicateForSamplesWithStartDate(NSDate.distantPast() as! NSDate, endDate: NSDate(), options: HKQueryOptions.None)
let sortDescriptor = NSSortDescriptor(key: HKSampleSortIdentifierStartDate, ascending: false)
let query = HKSampleQuery(sampleType: sampleType, predicate: predicate, limit: 1, sortDescriptors: [sortDescriptor])
{ (query, results, error) in
if error != nil {
println("An error has occured with the following description: \(error.localizedDescription)")
} else {
let mostRecentSample = results[0] as! HKQuantitySample
completionHandler(sample: mostRecentSample)
var observeQuery: HKObserverQuery!
func startObservingForHeartRateSamples() {
let sampleType = HKObjectType.quantityTypeForIdentifier(HKQuantityTypeIdentifierHeartRate)
if observeQuery != nil {
observeQuery = HKObserverQuery(sampleType: sampleType, predicate: nil) {
(query, completionHandler, error) in
if error != nil {
println("An error has occured with the following description: \(error.localizedDescription)")
} else {
self.retrieveMostRecentHeartRateSample {
(sample) in
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
let result = sample
let quantity = result.quantity
let count = quantity.doubleValueForUnit(HKUnit(fromString: "count/min"))
println("sample: \(count)")
This code will fetch the latest sample every time it is a change in HealthKit. But as I said earlier, it won't update when the phone is locked. I tried using:
self.healthKitStore.enableBackgroundDeliveryForType(HKQuantityType.quantityTypeForIdentifier(HKQuantityTypeIdentifierHeartRate), frequency: HKUpdateFrequency.Immediate) { (success, error) in
if success{
} else {
But this didn't work and as I found out there was a bug that Apple said it wasn't working as they wanted. Guess it is some security-thing.
But then I thought, maybe I can request samples between a startTime and endTime. For example i have EndTime(2015-05-31 10:34:45 +0000) and StartTime(2015-05-31 10:34:35 +0000).
So my question is how can I get heart rate samples between these two times.
I guess I must do it in the
HKQuery.predicateForSamplesWithStartDate(myStartTime, endDate: myEndTime, options: HKQueryOptions.None)
But when I tried it didn't find anything. Maybe I got this all wrong...
I am using a heart rate monitor on my chest and I know that I get some values in healthKit within the start and end time.
Ok I tried it and it is working some times, not always. Someone has an idea?
func fetchHeartRates(endTime: NSDate, startTime: NSDate){
let sampleType = HKObjectType.quantityTypeForIdentifier(HKQuantityTypeIdentifierHeartRate)
let predicate = HKQuery.predicateForSamplesWithStartDate(startTime, endDate: endTime, options: HKQueryOptions.None)
let sortDescriptor = NSSortDescriptor(key: HKSampleSortIdentifierStartDate, ascending: false)
let query = HKSampleQuery(sampleType: sampleType, predicate: predicate, limit: 100, sortDescriptors: [sortDescriptor])
{ (query, results, error) in
if error != nil {
println("An error has occured with the following description: \(error.localizedDescription)")
} else {
for r in results{
let result = r as! HKQuantitySample
let quantity = result.quantity
let count = quantity.doubleValueForUnit(HKUnit(fromString: "count/min"))
println("sample: \(count) : \(result)")
Edit 2:
It was working but I couldn't call it the way I did. So I fetched it a couple of seconds later and it worked fine :)
...But as I said earlier, it won't update when the phone is locked...Guess it is some security-thing.
You are correct.
From HealthKit Framework Reference:
Because the HealthKit store is encrypted, your app cannot read data from the store when the phone is locked. This means your app may not be able to access the store when it is launched in the background. However, apps can still write data to the store, even when the phone is locked. The store temporarily caches the data and saves it to the encrypted store as soon as the phone is unlocked.
If you want your app to be alerted when there are new results, you should review Managing Background Delivery:
Call this method to register your app for background updates. HealthKit wakes your app whenever new samples of the specified type are saved to the store. Your app is called at most once per time period defined by the specified frequency.