[Ionic 2]How to make the app in browser use Android material design all time - ionic-framework

I want to use the Ionic 2 app I build as web app (progressive web app). But I want to when build, it will ONLY use android material design. Right now in localhost by running Ionic serve, the result on my browser is random - sometimes it looks like Apple with tabs at the bottom, and sometimes it looks Android with tab up top.
How can I build the app to make sure the output www folder will ONLY use Android style. And I can deploy the build as a website (run on desktop with no Cordova stuffs)?

You should be able to set the mode prop in the config options when you bootstrap your app in app.ts:
ionicBootstrap(MyApp, [SomeProviders], {mode: 'md'});


How to launch Hello World Flutter on Desktop from Android Studio?

I am trying out flutter value proposition of multi platforming.
I am on Android Studio.
Hello world works on Android.
Hello world is not launched on Iphone Emulator even though it is shown in the drop down.
I don't see anything to launch the app in a desktop where i can resize the window at will
I don't see anything either to launch the app in the browser.
Any help? Especially for the desktop and web .. The iphone emulator is probably a setting.
I am on Android Studio 3.3.2 and XCode 10.1
Flutter for desktop is in very early stages, as described on the Flutter wiki; it won't work out of the box. If you want to experiment with it, you'll need to manually add desktop support to your project.
Similarly, Flutter for web is a technical preview that requires extra setup to try out.

How to deploy Ionic app for remote internal users to test

I have an ionic app build on my system.
For now, I have been testing my app using Ionic DevAPP (which can be found on the App Store and Google Play).
Prerequisite to run an app on my mobile device using Ionic DevApp is, My app needs to be up and running using the command:
ionic serve
This option looks great when doing development.
But now, I have my app build and I want to share it with the testing team and PO who is located on shore.
I want to know is there any way or free platform where the users can run an app on their mobile devices directly without starting a dev server.
I know about Ionic dashboard, but it is not free when comes to sharing builds.
I don't want to upload my app on Play Store or Google Play.
Any help is recommended as I am really looking for options to share my app.
I use Diawi To share both apk and ipa, bypassing play/app stores.

Can we run a Capacitor PWA app offline?

i just created an Ionic project and i added capacitor on it ( with a "npx cap init" ), i set up my service worker ( i just left the <--- ...... ---> in my index.html ). Then i run " ionic serve " from my laptop, and i tried to access it from my mobile phone ( so basically i did a personnal hotspot with my mobile internet, i mean my laptop and mobile phone have the same internet connection ), and it works.
I can access to my ionic app from my mobile whereas it is runt on my laptop, but now i'd like to add/download this app on my mobile phone and use it offline.
Do you know any way i can do that ?
Thanks a lot !
Capacitor works by serving your static assets (like javascript and HTML) from a self-hosted web server, whose behavior is dependent on your capacitor.config.json. This behaviour is most obvious if you look at the source code.
If you have server.url specified in capacitor.config.json, Capacitor's self-hosted server will act as a proxy for the server you point to.
If you do not have server.url specified, Capacitor's self-hosted web server will serve the files that were bundled with your native app.
Based on this, when you are creating the build for your phone, you will need to remove the server url property from your capacitor.config.json. You may also need to generate the capacitor.config.json on the fly in order to separate your development and production needs.
Note that the Ionic Framework and Capacitor have two completely different deployment paths; this answer assumes that you use Capacitor to create your builds.
Of course you can make an app and install it on your phone - that is basic purpose of Capacitor. Docs for android, docs for ios
Steps are similar to this (example for android):
Install Android Studio
At capacitor.config.json define techSupportEmail
npx cap add android
npm run build && npx cap copy android && npx cap open android
Enable developer mode on your phone
Plug your phone in
In Android Studio choose your device and hit "play" button

WebApp using Ionic 3 or latest

I am new to Ionic so it may possible that my question is of baby level but then too I want to know presence of any browser platform in ionic 3. I know the ionic application runs on browser but as i have to add platform for android if I have to run it on android device.
So is there any presence of web platform which specifically build application for web?
If I would like to make web application using Ionic so can I?

Android Wear Deployment VS. Mobile Deployment

I have 2 modules in my project Mobile & Wear because I eventually want to add wear support. I have not done any work to the Wear project, it is just whatever Android Studio generates as part of the project creation template.
I noticed Android Studio creates 2 separate APKs when you do a signed build. I see 1 mobile APK and 1 Wear APK upon signed build.
If I would like to publish only the mobile Module now, and Wear later. Do I just upload the Mobile APK and that's it? Or are there any additional config / code changes necessary?
When you're developing, there's two different apk's as you said, because each one is used to test the app while we are developing.
Once that you want to submit your app to the market, these two .apk will become just one, calling this process "packaging wearable app".
So, if you want have just your mobile .apk, please go to build.gradle(mobile), and comment the code:
wearApp project(':wear')
Basically this line is telling to your compiler, to pack your wear app into your mobile app.