I am new to maven but have used perforce for quite sometime.
Our project repository is on perforce. Basically there's multiple folders with their own pom files.
What I'm doing currently is, on the command line I create a perforce workspace and sync the latest depot version. Then in eclipse, I go and import a maven project and give the path to this folder that i synced on the command line. Now i don't mind doing that, but whenever I edit a file, I have to manually go to the command line for that file, find it and do a p4 edit on it which is very annoying.
Is there a way to have my project imported as Maven and it automatically sync with my Perforce depot within eclipse. I have already tried using the p4 plugin but it checks out the depot as it is and does not give a project level view and I can't do a maven build/maven install on it.
I have also tried to import maven project from scm, but looks like maven doesnt support perforce within eclipse?
Please help, i'm struggling a lot with this.
You can do that by installing Maven and Maven scm plugins.
You also need to have perforce and perforce connectors add in installed.
And then by importing the project.
Check for more details here
Checkout Maven project from SCM - no connectors
Best Regards,
I’m using Eclipse Mars with Maven (v 3.3). When I update a dependency in my pom (change the version), my Eclipse-Maven project doesn’t pick it up, even when I right click my project, and select “Maven” -> “Update Project.” I know this because I do not see compilation errors in the Eclipse Java editor that I see when I build the project on the command line using
mvn clean install
When I remove the project from the workspace and re-import it, then things get back to normal. However this is a cumbersome process. How do I get my Maven-Eclipse project to automatically detect changes in my pom and update the project libraries appropriately?
And yes, in the “Project” menu, “Build Automatically” is checked.
When you import the project into Eclipse, use Eclipse's own built-in Maven support (aka, m2e). I recommend against using mvn eclipse:eclipse as it doesn't give the best results (as you're seeing). Maven is a build and dependency management tool, not an IDE; expecting it to manage IDE-specific stuff is silly, in my opinion (I realize the Maven team thinks differently, that Maven should be responsible for managing your IDE, but that's nonsense).
So if you have the project available on your system, delete any Eclipse-specific files (typically just .classpath, .project, and folder .settings), they were generated by mvn eclipse:eclipse and you don't want them interfering with the "proper" import process described here. Then inside Eclipse, use File > Import > Maven > Existing Maven Projects to import the project. That should result in better integration between Eclipse and maven, including automatically updating the Eclipse build path when the pom is changed.
As a quick check, after doing the import that way, you should see a group called Maven Dependencies in the Libraries tab of the project's Build Path (in Properties dialog). Like this:
If you want the Eclipse project configuration to be automatically updated every time the pom is changed, there's a (experimental) setting for that under Preferences > Maven. Be aware that doing so might not be desirable, though - as mentioned in this feature request, it's a somewhat lengthy process that touches a bunch of stuff in the Eclipse Project; doing that automatically on every pom.xml change could end up being more trouble than it's worth.
Three Mandatory checks you should do for automatic update in your classpath
Your Repository is not in-sync with your Eclipse IDE, Please check the below settings in your IDE.
Right Click your any POM.xml from your IDE and check for the Maven profile which should be auto-activated. Also offline and Force update check box shouldn't be enabled. Please refer the below image.
Always check for your user settings which should reflect your local maven settings.xml, as shown in the below figure.
After performing all these checks, refresh your Eclipse Work-space to get these changes reflected.
Eclipse should be updating your classpath. If it's not, that implies something is going wrong.
It's hard to say what the problem could be exactly without knowing more about your project's pom.xml. More information might be necessary to solve the issue, but I'll just make a stab in the dark:
Open the .project file in your project's root folder and check the ordering of builders and natures there. It might be possible that some other nature on the project is also causing maven2Nature to fail. Move maven nature up and see if that helps any.
Alternatively you might be thinking that Eclipse does not update your dependencies because it does not add some some error indicators in the project that should be there with new dependencies. If that's the case try cleaning the current project (project>clean...). Maven in Eclipse does not necessarily trigger a full rebuild when dependencies are updated.
If none of this works, closing/opening the project might solve the issue quicker than re-importing.
What you wrote, should work. Did you check this:
does "pure" mvn install from terminal see your changes in POM?
maybe some Maybe plugin is buggy, cached some dependencies in target, and mvn clean install is needed
you can run Eclipse in a new workspace, and import your project there, sometimes it helps in case of such strange problems
instead of importing Maven project to Eclipse via m2eclipse, you can try to create Eclipse files via the old mvn eclipse:eclipse and see what happens then
does it work well when you try to import your Maven project to other IDE, the free IntelliJ Community Edition for example?
As a last resort, you can delete your current Eclipse installation and install a new version. When you add several plugins, they might interfere with one another and create weird behavior. After you do that, do not import your Maven project into your workspace, but rather create a new one and copy and paste the files that you had.
I have a maven project, and i'm surprised that .project and .externalToolsBuilder are under svn.
Someone explain to me that its because we need to create a builder automaticaly when developer's import project under eclipse.
Does it possible to add in pom.xml all that i need to create this builder when project is imported into eclipse wihout need to commit .project file?
Because i want to have a clean directory without .project/.classpath etc... before import my project and i don't want this file under svn
thanks a lot.
The answer to your question is clearly "yes". It is possible to set up Eclipse from a pom.xml file and have Eclipse generate the files it needs from there.
Yes, you can generate the .project file, but not the files in the .externalToolBuilders folder. And if you have custom builders those should be added with <additionalBuildcommands>. See eclipse maven plugin.
So, the .project file shouldn't sit in svn, .externalToolBuilders. You can generate those too, as you can see in the eclipse maven plugin, but the content still has to be somewhere (your pom, a server etc).
We've got a multi-module project using Eclipse and Maven. The only way I could get it to work in the past was to use a flat layout for the projects, where the parent module was a peer to the other modules. This worked fine with m2eclipse and Subversion.
Now we'd like to move to Git and GitHub. I'd like to expose the entire project, along with all the modules, as a single project on GitHub. The problem is that EGit, the Eclipse/Git plugin, wants to manage projects one at a time, not groups of projects, and so if you've got a flat layout, you can't do it.
The right answer is to use a standard Maven hierarchical layout and manage the parent and all the modules as a unit. But Eclipse doesn't like that, and no amount of fiddling will get Eclipse to accept nested projects. m2Eclipse does not support hierarchies: https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/MNGECLIPSE-2291
So what do you do? Do Git from the command line and abandon the ability to see what files have changed in Eclipse? Or abandon Eclipse?
A standard Maven multi-module structure as a single git repo works perfectly fine for me in Eclipse Indigo with M2e and the git plugin that shows up in that environment. You can't ask Eclipse to do your fetching for you, but once you've pulled from command line, you use Team/Share, say 'Git!' and all is well.
I think I see what's the source: hierarchy is a problem for projects inside the workspace, not 'existing projects' that you import.
Here's a typical workflow:
use git svn clone to get a tree. it's a stock, hierarchical mvn multi-module tree
in eclipse, use import/maven/existing maven project. Point at the whole tree
select all
it works fine. The nesting does not disturb eclipse one bit. I don't know what problem that bz is pointing at.
Before I used m2e I used the maven-eclipse-plugin. And it also worked in these cases, because it does not generate a .project/.classpath for <packaging>pom</packaging> aggregating projects, so Eclipse is never called upon to actually nest anything.
I'm not alone -- see the developer setup instructions as cxf.apache.org for an open source example that you can try for yourself.
Is it possible that you are working with old versions of the tool?
I have a Maven multi-module project that I work with using Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo), M2Eclipse (1.0) and EGit (1.0).
On the file system the multi-module project has a single parent directory.
In Eclipse I have separate projects for each module.
M2Eclipse does the dependency management perfectly.
There is single git repository (.git directory) at the top-level and EGit works perfectly.
You can put your modules in Git with hierarchical layout. And build those modules by Maven. If those modules are projects(whatever java, c++ or php project) recognized by Eclipse, they can be imported into workspace as flat layout in workspace.
-- the root of Git working directory
-- moudule1
-- project1(a java project)
-- .project(a project file recognized by eclipse JDT)
-- pom.xml
-- project2(a java project)
-- .project
-- pom.xml
-- module2
-- projectA(a java project)
-- .project(a project file recognized by eclipse JDT)
-- pom.xml
-- projectB(a c++ project)
-- .project(a project file recognized by CDT)
-- pom.xml
For Maven projects, multiple imports at once can be achieved via the Maven import wizard (that is accessible from Git).
In case you don't know what kind of projects you're about to import, you can use the new Easymport that will import project "as best", by deducing configurations from various files. See https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-playground#easymport-easy-and-smart-openimport-of-a-project
Once you get all those projects, you can use the Nestor plugin, which will show project in a nested/hierarchical layout, mapping more correctly your Maven project: https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-playground#nestor-view-nested-projects
I checked out an open-source project from SourceForge's SVN source control using the Eclipse Maven plugin. After it checks out, I get this error in the pom.xml file:
Error resolving version for plugin
'org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-source-plugin' from the repositories
[local (C:\Documents and Settings\thomas.owens\.m2\repository),
central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2)]: Plugin not found in any
plugin repository
I'm fairly new to Maven, but I followed the installation instructions for Apache Maven and the Eclipse plugin. It seems weird that this plugin would not be found in the central plugin repository for Maven or my local repository, when I can clearly see a directory located at C:\Documents and Settings\thomas.owens\.m2\repository\org\apache\maven\plugins\maven-source-plugin that contains a single resolver-status.properties file.
Any thoughts as to why this plugin might not be found and where I can find it?
The problem that I was encountering was not an issue with the maven-source-plugin, but incorrect proxy settings that was preventing the connection to the repositories. The answers to this question on the use of Maven with a proxy helped me to find the mistake and correct it.
That plugin is in the central repository.
Perhaps you just need to run with -U to update:
mvn -U clean install
Or in Eclipse: right-click on the project, select Maven-> Update Dependencies, (perhaps) Maven-> Update Project Configuration
Check if you are able to see Maven in Eclipse, Window > Preferences.
If so, select Maven and go to installations and check if the folder, in where maven was installed, is properly set. Then, set your setting.xml file, it should be in /(maven installation folder)/conf/
Then, right click in your project go to Maven > Update Maven Dependencies.
Did it help?
Which project?
Perhaps there is a bug in their pom.
Or perhaps they require a 'standardized' develop environment with specific environment variables set, or a specific setting in user.home/.m2/settings.xml
Note: I'm asking about the command line mvn tool, although I imagine similar answers would apply to the m2eclipse plugin?
It's a bit confusing what the command line mvn targets that mention Eclipse actually do and DON'T do.
Confirming what I believe I understand:
The mvn eclipse:eclipse command is just generating Eclipse dot-project files? You would them import them into Eclipse?
The -Declipse.workspace=(eclipse-workspace-path) eclipse:add-maven-repo is just updating workspace files to point a repository, but does not tell the workspace anything about your maven projects, even if you do both steps in the same command?
When I first saw the references to Eclipse in the Maven doc I thought perhaps you could generate set of Eclipse projects and add them to a template workspace from the command line, but I guess that was just wisshfull thinking.
The m2eclipse and command line mvn tool take two very different approaches to Eclipse/Maven integration. It sounds like your question is about mvn tool.
The mvn eclipse:eclipse command reads your pom file and creates Eclipse projects with correct metadata so that Eclipse will understand project types, relationships, classpath, etc. It does not actually import those projects into a workspace as creating a workspace or importing projects into a workspace requires running Eclipse. You have to re-run this command when anything in your pom changes. Once you run this command, it is simple to import the created projects into your workspace. Just start Eclipse and use File -> Import -> Existing Projects wizard. Once you've imported projects you will not have to repeat this process after re-generating metadata unless the number of projects have changes. Just start Eclipse back up, select all projects and invoke refresh from the context menu.