Is (sudo) service postgresql restart a clean shutdown - postgresql

I know database indexes can become corrupted if the server crashes. If I do:
sudo service postgresql restart
can that cause the same kind of corruption as a server crash?

That depends on the system I belive. You should look into the script to check the actual command issued. Eg. here we see, that restart is equal to stop & start. then checking stop we see it does killproc postmaster and removes pid. From the man killproc sends SIGTERM if otherly not specified. By the documentation
This is the Smart Shutdown mode. After receiving SIGTERM, the
server disallows new connections, but lets existing sessions end their
work normally. It shuts down only after all of the sessions terminate.
If the server is in online backup mode, it additionally waits until
online backup mode is no longer active. While backup mode is active,
new connections will still be allowed, but only to superusers (this
exception allows a superuser to connect to terminate online backup
mode). If the server is in recovery when a smart shutdown is
requested, recovery and streaming replication will be stopped only
after all regular sessions have terminated.
So in presented case, indexes should survive. But you definetely should watch your /etc/init.d/ script to be sure.


Postgres streaming replication - servers keep shutting down

I am new to PostgreSQL and I am trying to set up a streaming replication from our server to a test DB on my laptop. I have been following this tutorial along with the Postgres documentation here
I'm running Windows 10, PostgreSQL 11, PostGIS 2.5 extension.
The server and my local machine both keep shutting down and the logs are filled with errors such as:
LOG: performing immediate shutdown because data directory lock file is invalid
LOG: received immediate shutdown request
LOG: could not open file "": No such file or directory
WARNING: terminating connection because of crash of another server process
DETAIL: The postmaster has commanded this server process to roll back the current transaction and exit, because another server process exited abnormally and possibly corrupted shared memory.
Could anyone point me towards the issue here? I know my server's aren't configured properly but I just don't know what configurations need to be changed.
Here is an image of my standby server's most recent log.
standby log
Here is an image of my master server's most recent log.
master log
You must have messed up in many ways.
You removed or overwrote on the master server.
That is very dangerous and causes the server to die with the error message you quote.
You didn't create recovery.conf before starting the standby server, or you removed backup_label. From the error messages I'd suspect the second, with ensuing data corruption.

Postgresql 9.2.1 Normal user mode Vs Standalone Backend mode

I'm having a remote machine that's using postgresql 9.2.1. Suddenly, i couldn't start my pgsql server(pg_isready command is rejecting connections). what my doubt is that, is there any possibility that i can start my database in Standalone back end mode, while it is not opening in Normal user mode?
And, what is the difference in starting the pgsql server in those two modes?
Thanks in advance.
Rather than using single user mode, look into the PostgreSQL server log file. That should tell you what the problem is.
In single-user mode, there will be just a single process accessing the database; none of the background processes are started. You'll be superuser, and the database process will last only for the duration of your session. This is something for emergency recovery, like when system tables are corrupted, you forgot your superuser password and so on.
In your case, single-user mode will probably only help if the database shut down because of an impending transaction ID wraparound. You can then issue the saving VACUUM (FREEZE) in single-user mode.
As soon as you have fixed your problem, upgrade to a supported release of PostgreSQL.

Postgres SIGKILL crash

FYI only; this does not need an answer.
I was working on a Postgres server under heavy load, and issued a GRANT command that hung. It was not blocked by any other commands.
I had a few open connections and was able to kill several of the processes with a normal pg_cancel_backend (SIGTERM) command, but my GRANT command didn't respond to either that or pg_terminate_backend (SIGINT). I finally tried "kill -9 (pid)" (SIGKILL) and the server crashed.
Issuing SIGKILL to the database server process or the postmaster can cause crashes--that's well documented. Running SIGKILL against a child process can also crash the database.
Running SIGKILL against a child process can also crash the database
Any fatal signal that terminates any backend without a chance to clean up, such as SIGSEGV, SIGABRT, SIGKILL, etc, will cause the postmaster to assume that shared memory may be corrupt. It will roll back all transactions, terminate all running backends, and restart.
PostgreSQL does that to protect your data. If something went wrong before a backend crashed that caused it to scribble on shared memory, then shared_buffers could contain invalid data that'd get flushed to disk and replace good pages.
I was pretty sure that was in the docs, but all I can find is what I think you were referring to in shutting down the server.
Anyway, if you SIGKILL a backend you'll see something like:
WARNING: terminating connection because of crash of another server process
DETAIL: The postmaster has commanded this server process to roll back the
current transaction and exit, because another server process exited
abnormally and possibly corrupted shared memory.
HINT: In a moment you should be able to reconnect to the database and
repeat your command.
server closed the connection unexpectedly
This probably means the server terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request.
The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Succeeded.
This also happens if the OOM killer kills a backend, which is why you should turn off memory overcommit on Linux.
I wrote some guidance on things to do and not to do with PostgreSQL on my blog. Worth a look.

Why is pgsql sometimes not listening for the first few seconds after start even though "service postgres status" returns OK?

I have a web app that uses postgresql 9.0 with some plperl functions that call custom libraries of mine. So, when I want to start fresh as if just released, my build process for my development area does basically this:
dumps data and roles from production
drops dev data and roles
restores production data and roles onto dev
restarts postgresql so that any cached versions of my custom libraries are flushed and newly-changed ones will be picked up
applies my dev delta
Since switching my app's stack from win32 to CentOS, I now sometimes (i.e., it seems, only if and only if I haven't run this build process in "a while"--perhaps at least a day) get an error when my build script tries to apply the delta:
psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
Specifically, what's failing to execute at the shell level is this:
psql --host=$host -U $superuser -p $port -d $db -f "$delta_filename.sql"
If, immediately after seeing this error, I try to connect to the dev database with psql, I can do so with no trouble. Also, if I just re-run the build script, it works fine the second time, every time I've encountered this. Acceptable workaround, but is the underlying cause something to be concerned about?
So far in my attempts to debug this, I inserted a step just after the server restart (which of course reports OK shutdown, OK startup) whereby I check the results of service postgresql-dev status in a loop, waiting 2 seconds between tries if it fails. On my latest build script run, said loop succeeds on the first try--status returns "is running"--but then applying the delta still fails with the above connection error. Again, second try succeeds, as does connecting via psql outside the script just after it fails.
My next debug attempt was to sleep for 5 seconds before the first status check and see what happens. So far this seems to solve the problem.
So why is pgsql not listening on the socket after it starts [OK] and also has status running ok, for up to 5 seconds, unless it has "recently" been restarted?
The status check only checks whether the process is running. It doesn't check whether you can connect. There can be any amount of time between starting the process and the process being ready to accept connections. It's usually a few seconds, but it could be longer. If you need to cope with this, you need to script it so that it checks whether it is possible to connect before proceeding. You could argue that the CentOS package should do this for you, but it doesn't.
Actually, I think in your case there is no reason to do a full restart. Unless you are loading libraries with shared_preload_libraries, it is sufficient to restart the connection to pick up new libraries.

psql seems to timeout with long queries

I am performing a bulk copy into postgres with about 80GB of data.
\copy my_table FROM '/path/csv_file.csv' csv DELIMITER ','
Before the transaction is committed I get the following error.
Server closed the connection unexpectedly
This probably means the server terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request.
In the PostgreSQL logs:
LOG:server process (PID 21122) was terminated by signal 9: Killed
LOG:terminating any other active server processes
WARNING:terminating connection because of crash of another server process
DETAIL:The postmaster has commanded this server process to roll back the current transaction and exit, because another server process exited abnormally and possibly corrupted shared memory.
HINT: In a moment you should be able to reconnect to the database and repeat your command.
Your backend process receiving a signal 9 (SIGKILL). This can happen if:
Somebody sends a kill -9 manually;
A cron job is set up to send kill -9 under some circumstances (very unsafe, do not do this); or
the Linux out-of-memory (OOM) killer triggers and terminates the process.
In the latter case you will see reports of OOM killer activity in the kernel's dmesg output. I expect this is what you'll see in your case.
PostgreSQL servers should be configured without virtual memory overcommit so that the OOM killer does not run and PostgreSQL can handle out-of-memory conditions its self. See the PostgreSQL documentation on Linux memory overcommit.
The separate question "why is this using so much memory" remains. Answering that requires more knowledge of your setup: how much RAM the server has, how much of it is free, what your work_mem and maintenance_work_mem settings are, etc. It isn't a very interesting problem to look into until you upgrade to the current PostgreSQL 8.4 patch release to make sure the problem isn't one that's already fixed.