I wanted to do this:
//step 1 match criteria
$match: criteria
//step 2 skip
$skip: offset
//step 3 limit
$limit: limit
//step 4 sort by computed distance
$geoNear : {
near: {type: 'Point', coordinates: coords },
distanceField: 'currentCity.computed_distance',
includeLocs: 'currentCity.loc',
spherical: true,
uniqueDocs: true,
distanceMultiplier: 3963.2, //convert to miles (this number is the radius of the earth in miles)
if (err) return res.error(err);
if (!users.length) return res.error('no matched criteria');
but the documentation of $geoNear states:
You can only use $geoNear as the first stage of a pipeline.
Reading the documentation, i see that i can simply move $match inside of $geoNear via the query option. likewise, $limit may be placed inside of $geoNear via the limit option. the one problem is, there is no equivalent for the $skip option, so it looks as if facilitating pagination would not be possible? i'm really confused here, why $geoNear can't be the 4th step in the pipeline. The goal of the query is simply to find the best n matches, where n = limit, then sort by nearest in proximity. is this even possible? I am having trouble finding an answer for this specific use case.
I suppose one solution might be to perform a query to select only ids matching documents, convert to list of ids, then do the aggregates with an $in query like so:
model.User.find(criteria).skip(offset).limit(limit).select('_id').exec(function (err, userIds) {
var ids = [];
$geoNear : {
query: { _id: {$in: $ids } },
near: {type: 'Point', coordinates: coords },
distanceField: 'currentCity.computed_distance',
includeLocs: 'currentCity.loc',
spherical: true,
uniqueDocs: true,
distanceMultiplier: 3963.2, //convert to miles (this number is the radius of the earth in miles)
if (err) return res.error(err);
if (!users.length) return res.error('no matched criteria');
This would work, but ideally i could do it in 1 query if possible. any ideas greatly appreciated.
One solution is this one:
result = db.cafes.aggregate([{
'$geoNear': {
'near': {
'type': 'Point',
'coordinates': [
'spherical': True,
'distanceField': 'dist',
'num': 20}
}, {
'$skip': 10
There is also a better solution with this approach:
ids = [42]
result = db.command(
'geoNear', 'cafes',
'type': 'Point',
'coordinates': [
'_id': {
'$nin': ids}},
And a really nice explanation on speed and issues over here:
The $nearSphere MongoDB operator is able to return the documents near to a given point (specified as parameter of the operator) sorted by incresing distance.
However, how to get the actual distance? Is there any mean of getting this using MongoDB functionality? Either with $nearSphere (although I have checked its documentation and I haven't found this information) or with other mechanisms (maybe the aggregation framework?)
With aggregation you can use the $geoNear stage to provide both spherical geometry and return the distance.
Example from the docs:
$geoNear: {
near: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ -73.99279 , 40.719296 ] },
distanceField: "dist.calculated",
maxDistance: 2,
query: { category: "Parks" },
includeLocs: "dist.location",
spherical: true
I have a location collection, and have used this code that shows location near the assigned geo location below:
db.location.find({ll:{$near:[-80.12996, 25.79315]}}).limit(5).pretty()
However, now I need to expand from this and find the top 5 pizza restaurant (field is type: "Pizza"), and ordered by the geo location above (need to use near to have it by ascending). Can't figure out how to do it. I tried to use aggregate but not working for me, I might have it in the wrong order or something.
step 1: create an index of the field with have location.
db.location.createIndex( { <location field> : "2dsphere" } )
step 2: try this query replacing your coordinates in lat lng:
$geoNear: {
near: { type: "Point", coordinates: [lat, lng]},
distanceField: "dist.calculated",
spherical: true
$match: {
type: "Pizza",
$sort: {
'dist.calculated': 1
$limit : 5
I am using a $geoNear as the first step in the aggregation framework. I need to filter out the results based on "tag" field and it works fine but I see there are 2 ways both giving different results.
Sample MongoDB Document
"position": [
"tag": "pizza"
I have added 2dsphere index to the "position" key
db.restaurants.createIndex( { 'position' : "2dsphere" } )
Query 1
uses $match aggregration pipeline operation to filter out the results based on "tag" key
"near": { type: "Point", coordinates: [ 55.8284,-4.207] },
"distanceField": "dist.calculated",
"includeLocs": "dist.location",
"spherical": true
Query 2
Uses query inside the $geoNear aggregation operation to filter results based on "tag" key
"query" : {"tag":"pizza"}
"near": { type: "Point", coordinates: [ 55.8284,-4.207] },
"distanceField": "dist.calculated",
"includeLocs": "dist.location",
"spherical": true
The grouping option is just to get the count of documents returned by both the queries.
The totalDocs returned by both queries seem to be different.
Can someone explain me the differences between both the queries ?
Few assumptions:-
1. Assume there are 300 records that match based on the location.
2. Assume first set of 100 results do not have tag pizza. The rest 200 documents (101 to 300) have tag pizza
Query 1:-
There are 2 pipeline operations $geoNear and $match
The output of $geoNear pipeline operation is the input to $match
pipeline operation
$geoNear finds max of 100 results (limit we have specified) based on
the location sorted by nearest to far distance. (Note here that the
100 results retured are purely based on the location. So these 100
results do not contain any document with tag "pizza")
These 100 results are sent to the next pipeline operation $match from
where the filtering happens. But since the first set of 100 results
did not have tag pizza, the output is empty
Query 2:-
There is only 1 pipeline operation $geoNear
There is a query field included in the $geoNear pipeline operation
$geoNear finds max of 100 results (limit we have specified) based on
the location sorted by nearest to far distance and the query
Now here the results from 101 to 200 are returned as output as the
query is included within the pipeline operation $geoNear. So in
simple sentence we say, find all documents with location [x,y] with
P.S : - The $group pipeline stage is added just for getting the count and hence have not written about it in the explaination
// If you have to apply multiple criteria to find locations then this query might helpful
const userLocations = await userModel.aggregate([
$geoNear: {
near: { type: "Point", coordinates: [data.lon1,data.lat1]
},//set the univercity points
spherical: true,
distanceField: "calcDistance",
// maxDistance: 2400,//25km
"distanceMultiplier": 0.001,
{ $unwind: "$location" },
{ $match: {
"location": {
$geoWithin: {
$centerSphere: [
[ 73.780553, 18.503327], 20/ 6378.1 //check the user point is present here
I am using a $geoNear as the first step in the aggregation framework. I need to filter out the results based on "tag" field and it works fine but I see there are 2 ways both giving different results.
Sample MongoDB Document
"position": [
"tag": "pizza"
I have added 2dsphere index to the "position" key
db.restaurants.createIndex( { 'position' : "2dsphere" } )
Query 1
uses $match aggregration pipeline operation to filter out the results based on "tag" key
"near": { type: "Point", coordinates: [ 55.8284,-4.207] },
"distanceField": "dist.calculated",
"includeLocs": "dist.location",
"spherical": true
Query 2
Uses query inside the $geoNear aggregation operation to filter results based on "tag" key
"query" : {"tag":"pizza"}
"near": { type: "Point", coordinates: [ 55.8284,-4.207] },
"distanceField": "dist.calculated",
"includeLocs": "dist.location",
"spherical": true
The grouping option is just to get the count of documents returned by both the queries.
The totalDocs returned by both queries seem to be different.
Can someone explain me the differences between both the queries ?
Few assumptions:-
1. Assume there are 300 records that match based on the location.
2. Assume first set of 100 results do not have tag pizza. The rest 200 documents (101 to 300) have tag pizza
Query 1:-
There are 2 pipeline operations $geoNear and $match
The output of $geoNear pipeline operation is the input to $match
pipeline operation
$geoNear finds max of 100 results (limit we have specified) based on
the location sorted by nearest to far distance. (Note here that the
100 results retured are purely based on the location. So these 100
results do not contain any document with tag "pizza")
These 100 results are sent to the next pipeline operation $match from
where the filtering happens. But since the first set of 100 results
did not have tag pizza, the output is empty
Query 2:-
There is only 1 pipeline operation $geoNear
There is a query field included in the $geoNear pipeline operation
$geoNear finds max of 100 results (limit we have specified) based on
the location sorted by nearest to far distance and the query
Now here the results from 101 to 200 are returned as output as the
query is included within the pipeline operation $geoNear. So in
simple sentence we say, find all documents with location [x,y] with
P.S : - The $group pipeline stage is added just for getting the count and hence have not written about it in the explaination
// If you have to apply multiple criteria to find locations then this query might helpful
const userLocations = await userModel.aggregate([
$geoNear: {
near: { type: "Point", coordinates: [data.lon1,data.lat1]
},//set the univercity points
spherical: true,
distanceField: "calcDistance",
// maxDistance: 2400,//25km
"distanceMultiplier": 0.001,
{ $unwind: "$location" },
{ $match: {
"location": {
$geoWithin: {
$centerSphere: [
[ 73.780553, 18.503327], 20/ 6378.1 //check the user point is present here
how to sort by proximity and date in mongoDB?
I tried this. But they just sort by date:
coll.find({'date':{$gte:date},'location':{$nearSphere:[lat,lng]}}).sort({'date':1}).execFind(function (err, docs) {})
I appreciate the help.
There's no direct way to use $near or $nearSphere and sort by another field, because both of these operators already sort the results of doing a find(). When you sort again by 'date', you're re-sorting the results. What you can do, however, is grab results from the $nearSphere incrementally, and sort each set of results. For example:
function sortByDate(a, b) { return a.date - b.date; }
// how many results to grab at a time
var itersize = 10;
// this will hold your final, two-way sorted results
var sorted_results = new Array();
for (var i=0, last=db.coll.count(); i<last-itersize; i+=itersize) {
var results = db.coll.find( {"date":{$gte:date},
// longitude, then latitude
"location":[lng, lat]} ).skip(i).limit(itersize).toArray();
// do date sorting app-side for each group of nearSphere-sorted results
sorted_results = sorted_results.concat( results.sort(sortByDate) );
You should also be aware of the order you specify geospatial coordinates in mongodb queries. MongoDB uses the geojson spec, which does coordinates in X, Y, Z order (i.e., longitude, latitude).
It's recommended to use $geoNear in an aggregate :
You can sort on your date and distance in the aggregate :
$geoNear: {
near: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ lng, lat ] },
key: "location",
spherical: true,
distanceField: "dist.calculated",
query: { "date": {"$gte": date} }
{$sort: {"dist.calculated":1, "date": 1}}