How to solve this warning: failed to open stream: No such file or directory - codeigniter-3

Recently, I had a problem as:
Warning:include(C:\xampp\htdocs\crackverbal\application\views\errors\html\error_php.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\crackverbal\system\core\Exceptions.php on line 269
Warning: include(): Failed opening 'C:\xampp\htdocs\crackverbal\application\views\errors\html\error_php.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\xampp\php\PEAR') in C:\xampp\htdocs\crackverbal\system\core\Exceptions.php on line 269
Warning: include(C:\xampp\htdocs\crackverbal\application\views\errors\html\error_php.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\crackverbal\system\core\Exceptions.php on line 269
Warning: include(): Failed opening 'C:\xampp\htdocs\crackverbal\application\views\errors\html\error_php.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\xampp\php\PEAR') in C:\xampp\htdocs\crackverbal\system\core\Exceptions.php on line 269
I used Xampp and codeigniter-3.

I am guessing that
Under application\view\errors\html\ Folder, error_php.php file does not exist Or
Under application\view\ Folder, errors folder does not exist at all.
You can create dummy file and see if there is any error.
Under application/view/, create folder name errors,
then in errors folder, create folder name html
then in html folder, create php file name error_php.php
In error_php.php,
<?php echo "Sample text."; ?>

Just copy error folders in your codeigniter application to codeigniter view folder.
It will correct error page path. And the warnings will removed.

copy "errors" folder from "codeigniter3/application/views" and paste it into your project ("my_project/application/views").
Paste the below code into index.php
$view_folder = '';
// The path to the "views" folder
if ( ! is_dir($view_folder))
if ( ! empty($view_folder) && is_dir(APPPATH.$view_folder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR))
$view_folder = APPPATH.$view_folder;
elseif ( ! is_dir(APPPATH.'views'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR))
header('HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable.', TRUE, 503);
echo 'Your view folder path does not appear to be set correctly. Please open the following file and correct this: '.SELF;
exit(3); // EXIT_CONFIG
$view_folder = APPPATH.'views';
if (($_temp = realpath($view_folder)) !== FALSE)
$view_folder = $_temp.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$view_folder = rtrim($view_folder, '/\\').DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
define('VIEWPATH', $view_folder);

You should download a fresh codeigniter folder and copy the error folder in the views folder.
Paste it in your own views folder.

please check your folder name may have a space like like: localhost/code igniter/welcome

I just copied "errors" folder from "codeigniter3/application/views" in newly unzipped codeigniter3 folder and paste it into my project ("my_project/application/views"). It solved the problem :)

Create application / view / folder,
in errors folder, create html folder
create php filename error_php.php in the html folder

Check the routs.php file in application>config/routs.php file and change $route['default_controller'] = 'welcome'
$route['default_controller'] = 'your default controller name';


How to get the configuration file path within JAR file for KafkaProducer SSL setup?

I have a JAR file with below structure:
| +-springframework
| +-boot
| +-loader.jar
| +- kafka
| truststore.jks ==> I want to get the path here
How can I get the configuration file path, only path (string) of 'kafka/truststore.jks' file ?
Because I am applying the SSL for KafkaProducer, I using below code and it work fine on local:
private sslTruststoreResource;
String sslTruststoreLocation = sslTruststoreResource.getFile().getAbsolutePath(); // ==\> ***it throw FileNotFoundException here on deployed Server, local env run fine !***
Map\<String, Object\> config = Maps.newHashMap();
config.put("ssl.truststore.location", sslTruststoreLocation);
but when I deploy on Server, it throw FileNotFoundException :(
After many days to research, I found that the sslTruststoreResource.getFile() will be fail for JAR file case as mentioned at here
The sslTruststoreResource.getInputStream() or sslTruststoreResource.getFilename() are ok for JAR file but they are not path I need for kafka configuration.
In my project, the 'truststore.jks' file is located as below:
-- java
-- resources
. -- kafka
-- truststore.jks
So, is there any solution for my issue ? Thank you.
I tried to use ClassPathResource, ResourcePatternResolver but they not working
After many ways I still could not get the path from JKS file then I copy it to another path out of jar file where my code can refer to its path
final String FILE_NAME = env.getProperty("kafka.metadata.ssl.truststore.location");
String sslTruststoreLocation = "*-imf-kafka-client.truststore.jks";
try {
InputStream is = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(FILE_NAME);
// Get the destination path where contains JKS file
final String HOME_DIR = System.getProperty("user.home");
final Path destPath = Paths.get(HOME_DIR, "tmp");
if (!Files.isDirectory(destPath)) {
// Copy JKS file to destination path
sslTruststoreLocation = destPath.toFile().getAbsolutePath() + "/" + FILE_NAME;
File uploadedFile = new File(sslTruststoreLocation);
if(!uploadedFile.exists()) {
FileCopyUtils.copy(is, new FileOutputStream(sslTruststoreLocation));
log.debug("Copied {} file from resources dir to {} done !", FILE_NAME, sslTruststoreLocation);
config.put(SslConfigs.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION_CONFIG, sslTruststoreLocation);
} catch (IOException e) {
final String message = "The " + sslTruststoreLocation + " file not found to construct a KafkaProducer";
Looks like this is a known issue in Kafka.
Spring Boot propose a workaround similar to yours.

Convert DOC to PDF using DomPDF and PhpDocx

I am trying to convert .docx file to .pdf file by using dompdf and phpdocx. But I am getting error as -
file_put_contents(output_files/img6203609b73e9bc858.png): failed to open stream: No such file or directory {"exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): file_put_contents(output_files/img6203609b73e9bc858.png): failed to open stream: No such file or directory at C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\customer-api-2.0.1\\vendor\\phpdocx\\Classes\\Phpdocx\\Transform\\TransformDocAdvDOMPDF.php:478)
Here is my code -
require_once '../vendor/dompdf/dompdf/';
$docx = new \Phpdocx\Create\CreateDocx();
$path = storage_path('app');
$dompdf = new \Dompdf\Dompdf();
$transform = new \Phpdocx\Transform\TransformDocAdvDOMPDF($path.'\document.docx');
I am badly stuck here. Can anyone help me to resolve this error or suggest me any other alternative to achieve my aim

Zend File Create folder while uploading

With this form element I'm uploading a file:
$element = new Zend_Form_Element_File('foo');
$element->setLabel('Upload Image1:')
$element->addValidator('Count', false, 1);
$element->addValidator('Size', false, 102400);
$element->addValidator('Extension', false, 'jpg,png,gif');
$form->addElement($element, 'foo');
This requires that the folder is already existing.
How can I add an option, that the folder is beeing created, but only if a user selects a file and the upload succeeds?
You will have to remove ->setDestination from your form and put it in your controller.
The following is what you will put in your controller.
$upload = new Zend_File_Transfer_Adapter_Http();
if (//code to check if folder '/var/www/upload' does not exist)
//code to create a folder '/var/www/upload' and then set destination to that folder

imagick error: 'unable to open image' image upload

I get the following error when trying to process uploaded images with imagick.
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ImagickException' with message 'unable to open image `9eK59iu.jpg': No such file or directory # error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2644' in D:\PATH\upload.php on line 77
The code looks like this:
$new_folder_name = "D:/PATH/content";
$tmp_img = $_FILES["upload_file"]["tmp_name"];
$img = new Imagick($tmp_img);
$img->thumbnailImage(100 , 100 , TRUE);
Without imagick the image upload works just fine.
Only imagick won't open the image given to $_FILES
I also tried to open the image with imagick, after move_uploaded_file, like this:
$extension = pathinfo($upload_file_name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$new_upload_file_name = rand(00000, 99999).".".$extension;
$new_folder_name = "D:/PATH/content".time();
$path_to_file = $new_folder_name."/".$new_upload_file_name;
$img = new Imagick($path_to_file);
$img->thumbnailImage(100 , 100 , TRUE);
neither works.. :-(
Any suggestion?
Read the file upload docs. The server-side temporary filename assigned by PHP to store the uploaded file in ['tmp_name'] in the $_FILES array. You're trying to use the client-side user-provided ['name'], which DOES NOT exist anywhere on your server.
$tmp_img = $_FILES["upload_file"]["tmp_name"];
You are also simply assuming that the upload has succeed. That is NOT a good thing. Never EVER assume success with dealing with remote resources (web apis, file uploads, database operations, etc...). ALWAYS check for errors:
if ($_FILES['upload_file']['error'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
die("Upload failed with error code " . $_FILES['upload_file']['error']);

CakePHP moving app from one server to other

I moved my app from one server (develop) to other (release) and cake is falling in file lib/Cake/bootstrap.php which is one of cake core files.
the former address (which is running) is
at address is the error.
I just copied all files from one server to other. There was no hard-coded addresses
At first server the adresar structure was
root: /sdruzenid
app: /sdruzenid/app
webroot: /sdruzenid/app/webroot
adresar www is not used (because the other web runs in it and this is just subdomain)
in new location it is
root: /www
app: /www/app
webroot: /www/app/webroot
when I print paths from app/webroot/index.php it is:
ROOT: /httpd/html/sdruzenidcz/www
WWW_ROOT: /httpd/html/sdruzenidcz/www/app/webroot/
CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH: /httpd/html/sdruzenidcz/www/lib:/httpd/html/sdruzenidcz:./
the error is cased by this code in lib/Cake/bootstrap.php
App::uses('ErrorHandler', 'Error');
App::uses('Configure', 'Core');
App::uses('CakePlugin', 'Core');
App::uses('Cache', 'Cache');
App::uses('Object', 'Core');
App::$bootstrapping = true;
the error is at last line. I cant find where variable $bootstrapping is defined or set but this is in cake core and on develop deploy it works fine
In my code app/webroot.index.php near error is:
if (!defined('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH')) {
if (function_exists('ini_set')) {
ini_set('include_path', ROOT . DS . 'lib' . PATH_SEPARATOR . ini_get('include_path'));
//it crashes after include of bootstrap.php
if (!include 'Cake' . DS . 'bootstrap.php') {
$failed = true;
} else {
if (!include CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH . DS . 'Cake' . DS . 'bootstrap.php') {
$failed = true;
Delete all cache files on
The problem was simple. On hosting was low version of php. After upgrade all went fine.
So by short: If you have error in cake/core/bootstrapping.php on line 144, upgrade your php.