How to create the phantom sinogram from the analytical expression directly? - matlab

To create a simulated phantom sinogram, it is common to firstly create the 2-d digital image:
I = phantom(xxx);
and then apply the rand() transform
R = radon(I, theta);
However, since the phantom image has its analytical expression, it will be more accurate to simulate the parallel projection if the radon transform is performed on the analytical expression, i.e., on the analog image directly.
Is it possible in Matlab?

How would it be more accurate? Much of the artifacts are either caused or amplified by the discrete CT-datasets. The point of the phantom is usually to study these artifacts. All of the algorithms that I have seen have been discrete, all of the results everywhere are from discrete datasets with discrete algorithms. I'd keep with the crowd.
You can find the analytical expression for the radon transform for the Shepp-Logan phantom from Peter Toft's PhD (, pages 199-201
... Due to the constant excitation on the circle the Radon transform
is merely the length of the line crossing the circle ...
If Q ellipses are given with a set of parameters then due to the
linearity the Radon transform is a sum ...
The analytical expression for the phantom itself can be found from Wikipedia, or the original article if you wish to cite it:
L. A. Shepp and B. F. Logan,
Bell Laboratories,


Radon Transform derivation Matlab, finding reasonable F(x,y)

For a project in the University I am working with several "Quality Assessement" metrics on Finger-Vein images.
Now I try to implement a metric that uses the Radon Transform and I got stuck at some point doing this in Matlab.
My problem is as follows:
I got the following formula for the Radon Transform. In the first steps I used the built in one in Matlab, but for further implementing the metric I need the derivation of the thing for the Curvature of the curve.
the delta is the dirac-delta function.
So my intention is to calculate the Radon Transform on my own with the formula but my problem is that F(x,y) is the gray value of the pixel located at (x,y). And so I need a Function F(x,y) that gives me the gray value of the pixel that I can put in to calculate the derivates and the double integral.
How can I get such a function? Or got I do some kind of "Curve Fitting" with my values of the pixels that I get a function?
Thanks in advance.
As I understand your question, there are two things that you could do:
Compute the derivatives of the Radon transform numerically (as suggested by Ander Biguri in a comment above). If you compute the Radon transform carefully, it will be a band-limited function, making the computation of derivatives possible. See this paper for some ideas on how to enforce a band-limited transform:
"The generalized Radon transform: sampling, accuracy and memory considerations" (PDF).
Compute the derivatives of the image numerically, then sample those derivatives to compute your C function. That is, you compute dF/dx, dF/dy, d^2F/dx^2, and whichever derivatives you need as images. You can interpolate into these derivatives if you need more precision.
IMO the best way to compute derivatives of a discrete image is through Gaussian derivatives. Note that this applies to both solutions above. For example dF/dx (Fx) can be computed by (see here for more details):
h = fspecial('gaussian',[1,2*cutoff+1],sigma);
dh = h .* (-cutoff:cutoff) / (-sigma^2);
Fx = conv2(dh,h,F,'same');
PS: sorry for all the self-references, but I have worked on these topics quite a bit in the past. :)

Can any function be decomposed as sum of Gaussians?

In Fourier series, any function can be decomposed as sum of sine and
In neural networks, any function can be decomposed as weighted sum over logistic functions. (A one layer neural network)
In wavelet transforms, any function can be decomposed as weighted sum of Haar functions
Is there also such property for decomposition into mixture of Gaussians? If so, is there a proof?
If the sum allows to be infinite, then the answer is Yes. Please refer to Yves Meyer's book of "Wavelet and Operators", section 6.6, lemma 10.
There's a theorem, the Stone-Weierstrass theorem, which gives conditions for when a family of functions can approximate any continuous function. You need
an algebra of functions (closed under addition, subtraction, and
the constant functions
and you need the functions to separate points:
(for any two distinct points you can find a a function that assigns them different values)
You can approximate a constant function with increasingly wide gaussians. You can time-shift gaussians to separate points. So if you form an algebra out of gaussians, you can approximate any continuous function with them.
Yes. Decomposing any function to a sum of any kind of Gaussians is possible, since it can be decomposed to a sum of Dirac functions :) (and Dirac is a Gaussian where the variance approaches zero).
Some more interesting questions would be:
Can any function be decomposed to a sum of non-zero variance Gaussians, with a given, constant variance, that are defined around varying centers?
Can any function be be decomposed to a sum of non-zero variance Gaussians, all having 0 as the center, but defined with alternating variances?
The Mathematics Stack Exchange might be a better place to answer these questions though.

Why use the complex conjugate for Fourier spectra division?

I saw several codes written where Fourier spectra are divided with the complex conjugate like this:
af = fftn(double(img1));
bf = fftn(double(img2));
cp = af .* conj(bf) ./ abs(af .* conj(bf));
in this script among others.
Is this related to handling complex division? Reading the documentation about the ./ operator, it is stated that it handles complex numbers. So is this wrong?:
The expressions af./bf and af.*conj(bf)./abs(bf).^2 are completely equivalent in MATLAB, if that's what you're asking. There is no clear connection, however, between that question and the example you've shown. abs(bf).^2 does not appear in the denominator in your example.
The only reason conj() is being used in the code you've shown is because it is the Fourier dual of time inversion
I.e., f(t)<-->F(k) implies f(-t)<--->conj(F(k)), for real-valued time signals f(t).
This has a specific application to time delay analysis using phase correlation.
You could rewrite this expression avoiding the conjugation as
However, the given form of the expression has the advantage that you can desingularize the division by adding a small epsilon to the denominator,
Consider the following equivalent (within about 1e-15) code:
cpX = exp(1i*(angle(af)-angle(bf)));
You can compute the normalized cross power spectrum as you have shown with the complex conjugate (cp = af .* conj(bf) ./ abs(af .* conj(bf))) or by explicitly subtracting the phase as above.
Considering that the FFT of a shifted impulse is a complex exponential, the cpX equation should give some insight into how "phase correlation" allows you to find a translation between two images. The location of the peak in the inverse FFT gives the translation.

Creating a matrix of Gaussian Wavelets at dyadic scales

I need to create a diagonal matrix containing the Fourier coefficients of the Gaussian wavelet function, but I'm unsure of what to do.
Currently I'm using this function to generate the Haar Wavelet matrix
and taking the rows at dyadic scales (2,4,8,16) as the transform:
M= 256
H = ConstructHaarWaveletTransformationMatrix(M);
fi = conj(dftmtx(M))/M;
H = fi*H;
H = H(4,:);
H = diag(H);
How do I repeat this for Gaussian wavelets? Is there a built in Matlab function which will do this for me?
For reference I'm implementing the algorithm in section 4 of this paper:
I maybe would not being answering the question, but i will try to help you advance.
As far as i know, the Matlab Wavelet Toolbox only deal with wavelet operations and coefficients, increase or decrease resolution levels, and similar operations, but do not exposes the internal matrices serving to doing the transformations from signals and coefficients.
Hence i fear the answer to this question is no. Some time ago, i did this for some of the Hart Class wavelet, and i actually build the matrix from the scratch, and then i compared the coefficients obtained with the Built-in Matlab Wavelet Toolbox, hence ensuring your matrices are good enough for your algorithm. In my case, recursive parameter estimation for time varying models.
For the function ConstructHaarWaveletTransformationMatrix it is really simple to create the matrix, because the Hart Class could be really simple expressed as Kronecker products.
The Gaussian Wavelet case as i fear should be done from the scratch too...
THe steps i suggest would be;
Although MATLAB dont include explicitely the matrices, you can use the Matlab built-in functions to recover the Gaussian Wavelets, and thus compose the matrix for your algorithm.
Build every column of the matrix with every Gaussian Wavelet, for every resolution levels you are requiring (the dyadic scales). Use the Matlab Wavelets toolbox for recover the shapes.
After this, compare the coefficients obtained by you, with the coefficients of the toolbox. This way you will correct the order of the Matrix row.
Numerically, being fj the signal projection over Vj (the PHI signals space, scaling functions) at resolution level j, and gj the signal projection over Wj (the PSI signals space, mother functions) at resolution level j, we can write:
Hence, both fj0 and gj will induce two matrices, lets call them PHIj and PSIj matrices:
The PHIj columns contain the scaled and shifted scaling wavelet signal (one, for j0 only) for the approximation projection (the Vj0 space), and the PSIj columns contain the scaled and shifted mother wavelet signals (several, from j0 to j1-1) for the detail projection (onto the Wj0 to Wj1-1 spaces).
Hence, the Matrix you need is:
PHI=[PHIj0 PSIj0... PSIj1]
Thus you can express you original signal as:
where C is a vector of approximation and detail coefficients, for the levels:
C=[cj0' dj0'...dj1']'
The first part, for addressing the PHI build can be achieved by writing:
function PHI=MakePhi(l,str,Jmin,Jmax)
% [PHI]=MakePhi(l,str,Jmin,Jmax)
% Build full PHI Wavelet Matrix for obtaining wavelet coefficients
% (extract)
[LO_R,HI_R] = wfilters(str,'r');
laux=l([end-Jmax end-Jmax:end]);
PHI=[PHI MakeWMatrix('a',str,laux)];
for j=Jmax:-1:Jmin
laux=l([end-j end-j:end]);
PHI=[PHI MakeWMatrix('d',str,laux)];
the wfilters is a MATLAB built in function, giving the required signal for the approximation and or detail wavelet signals.
The MakeWMatrix function is:
function M=MakeWMatrix(typestr,str,laux)
% M=MakeWMatrix(typestr,str,laux)
% Build Wavelet Matrix for obtaining wavelet coefficients
% for a single level vector.
% (extract)
[LO_R,HI_R] = wfilters(str,'r');
if typestr=='a'
lin=laux(2); lout=laux(3);
for i=3:la-1
lin=laux(i); lout=laux(i+1);
and finally the MakeCMatrix is:
function [M]=MakeCMatrix(F_R,lin,lout)
% Convolucion Matrix
% (extract)
for i=1:lin
M(:,i)=[zeros(2*(i-1),1) ;F_R ;zeros(2*(lin-i),1)];
M=[zeros(1,lin); M ;zeros(1,lin)];
This last matrix should include some interpolation routine for having better general results in each case.
I expect this solve part of your problem.....

How to add white noise process term for a couple of ODEs, assuming the Gaussian distribution?

This question has already confused me several days. While I referred to senior students, they also cannot give a reply.
We have ten ODEs, into which each a noise term should be added. The noise is defined as follows. since I always find that I cannot upload a picture, the formula below maybe not very clear. In order to understand, you can either read my explanation or go the this address: Plos one. You could find the description of the equations directly above the Support Information in this address
The white noise term epislon_i(t) is assumed with Gaussian distribution. epislon_i(t) means that for equation i, and at t timepoint, the value of the noise.
the auto-correlation of noise are given:
where delta(t) is the Dirac delta function and the diffusion matrix D is defined by
Our problem focuses on how to explain the Dirac delta function in the diffusion matrix. Since the property of Dirac delta function is delta(0) = Inf and delta(t) = 0 if t neq 0, we don't know how to calculate the epislonif we try to sqrt of 2D(x, t)delta(t-t'). So we simply assume that delta(0) = 1 and delta(t) = 0 if t neq 0; But we don't know whether or not this is right. Could you please tell me how to use Delta function of diffusion equation in MATLAB?
This question associates with the stochastic process in MATLAB. So we review different stochastic process to inspire our ideas. In MATLAB, the Wienner process is often defined as a = sqrt(dt) * rand(1, N). N is the number of steps, dt is the length of the steps. Correspondingly, the Brownian motion can be defined as: b = cumsum(a); All of these associate with stochastic process. However, they doesn't related to the white noise process which has a constraints on the matrix of auto-correlation, noted by D.
Then we consider that, we may simply use randn(1, 10) to generate a vector representing the noise. However, since the definition of the noise must satisfy the equation (2), this cannot enable noise term in different equation have the predefined partial correlation (D_ij). Then we try to use mvnrnd to generate a multiple variable normal distribution at each time step. Unfortunately, the function mvnrnd in MATLAB return a matrix. But we need to return a vector of length 10.
We are rather confused, so could you please give me just a light? Thanks so much!
NOTE: I see two hazy questions in here: 1) how to deal with a stochastic term in a DE and 2) how to deal with a delta function in a DE. Both of these are math related questions and will be a better place for this. If you had a question pertaining to MATLAB, I haven't been able to pin it down, and you should perhaps add code examples to better illustrate your point. That said, I'll answer the two questions briefly, just to put you on the right track.
What you have here are not ODEs, but Stochastic differential equations (SDE). I'm not sure how you're using MATLAB to work with this, but routines like ode45 or ode23 will not be of any help. For SDEs, your usual mathematical tools of separation of variables/method of characteristics etc don't work and you'll need to use Itô calculus and Itô integrals to work with them. The solutions, as you might have guessed, will be stochastic. To learn more about SDEs and working with them, you can consider Stochastic Differential Equations: An Introduction with Applications by Bernt Øksendal and for numerical solutions, Numerical Solution of Stochastic Differential Equations by Peter E. Kloeden and Eckhard Platen.
Coming to the delta function part, you can easily deal with it by taking the Fourier transform of the ODE. Recall that the Fourier transform of a delta function is 1. This greatly simplifies the DE and you can take an inverse transform in the very end to return to the original domain.