ImportError: Missing Required Dependencies [ 'dateutil' ] - importerror

I tried to use a code, where I use pymc3, but I get an error: ImportError: Missing required dependencies ['dateutil']. I installed dateutil, but it still gives me this error.


vss-web-extension-sdk package not working with React

I am trying to use vss-web-extension-sdk package with react but its giving me error.
Getting the below error:
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'vss-web-extension-sdk'

myfatoorah_flutter import package fails build

I have added myfatoorah_flutter package version 1.0.7 and in file I have imported the package as import 'package:myfatoorah_flutter/myfatoorah_flutter.dart'; it fails the build and gives the following error
../../../Downloads/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The argument type 'bool Function(bool)' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'bool Function(bool, RouteInfo)'.
- 'RouteInfo' is from 'package:back_button_interceptor/src/back_button_interceptor.dart'
I have tried following solutions and none of them worked:
changed version of myfatoorah_flutter
switched between channels dev/stable
upgraded flutter sdk
settings.gradle removed and added again
when I remove import line, it works fine, help is required so that I can integrate the payment methods
I am also getting the same error as I tried this way and worked for me.
change version of back_button_interceptor to back_button_interceptor: 4.0.2 in myfatoorah_flutter's pubspec.ymal.

Can not find ionic-tooltips module

When i imported TooltipsModule from ionic-tooltips that time i am getting an error can not find ionic-tooltips module.
i installed "npm i ionic-tooltips" this library.
This is the link for the library
here is an image for the import statement

Missing Logger in classpath

I try to compile a Scala library in Bazel. This leads to an error:
error: Symbol 'type <none>.slf4j.Logger' is missing from the classpath.
This symbol is required by 'value com.typesafe.scalalogging.slf4j.Logger.underlying'.
Make sure that type Logger is in your classpath and check for conflicting dependencies with `-Ylog-classpath`.
A full rebuild may help if 'Logger.class' was compiled against an incompatible version of <none>.slf4j.
one error found
one error found
java.lang.RuntimeException: Build failed
at io.bazel.rulesscala.scalac.ScalacProcessor.compileScalaSources(
at io.bazel.rulesscala.scalac.ScalacProcessor.processRequest(
at io.bazel.rulesscala.worker.GenericWorker.runPersistentWorker(
at io.bazel.rulesscala.scalac.ScalaCInvoker.main(
My BUILD.bazel looks like this:
load("#io_bazel_rules_scala//scala:scala.bzl", "scala_library")
name = "foo",
srcs = [
deps = [
From what I have read this error usually stems from mixing 2.x and 2.y Scala versions. I cannot for the live of me figure out where I would do this, though.
Had to add org.sonarsource.sonarlint.core:sonarlint-slf4j-sonar-log: as a dependency because it wants org.slf4j.Logger.
Had to look at the sourcecode to find this:
import org.slf4j.{ LoggerFactory, Marker, Logger => Underlying }

ModuleParseError: Module parse failed: iconv-lite

My project was working perfectly fine.. But after doing a git push, I'm suddenly getting an error when I run gulp:
{ [Error: ModuleParseError: Module parse failed:
Line 1: Unexpected token :
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
| {"uChars":[128,16 ....
Why is this happening? I have uninstalled and reinstalled this module iconv-lite, but it doesn't seem to help.
I received this same exact error. You'll want to install a JSON loader module. I'm using json-loader in this example.
npm install json-loader --save
Then, you need to add this loader to your webpack.config.js
module: {
loaders: [
{ test: /\.json$/, loader: "json-loader"}
I had this dependency by an indirect dependency on node-fetch and fixed the issue by adding the following to my webpack.config.js:
externals: {
'node-fetch': 'fetch'
Deleting the file solved the issue.