Doxygen: Modules page content - doxygen

In doxygen, if you create modules, the modules page will show up, with very basic content:
I would like to customize this page by added some description how the modules are related.
First thing I tried was to simply reference the "modules" page:
#page modules
Can you see this content?
#details This is some extra content!
#section Detail-Section
Show yourself!
This adds a link to normal modules page in "related pages", but the things I enter there will still not show up. In fact, they seem to be completly ignored!
I was not able to find out where to add this content, but checking the genereated html file let's me assume that it is possible.
The following snippet shows the html code that comes after the table that lists the modules:
</div><!-- directory -->
</div><!-- contents -->
<!-- start footer part -->
So, is there a way to actually add "contents" with doxygen from a comment like for normal custom pages?


TYPO3: 2 news plugins on 1 page get mixed up

I have a page that consists of 2 news plugins (extension key = "news", typo3 version = "6.2.38"). I have created those 2 plugins in the backend. Both news plugins have the same folder as their source of articles. I have assigned "categories" to the articles inside the source folder. Now the the first plugin is supposed to show the articles of category "A" and the second plugin is supposed to show the articles of category "B".
Both plugins activated:
If both plugins are activated, all articles ("A" and "B") appear underneath the title of plugin 2. Plugin 1 only shows its title without any articles below it.
Only plugin 2 activated:
I only see articles of category "B" as expected.
Only plugin 1 activated:
I only see articles of category "A" as expected.
EDIT: Here comes the structure of the resulting HTML. "c1" is the content element of the first plugin and "c2" is the content element of the second plugin.
<div id="c1" class="csc-default">
<div class="csc-header csc-header-n1"><h2 class="csc-firstHeader">Articles of plugin 1:</h2></div>
<div class="news">
<div class="news-list-view">
. one div for each article
<div id="c2" class="csc-default">
<div class="csc-header csc-header-n1"><h2 class="csc-firstHeader">Articles of plugin 2:</h2></div>
<div class="news">
<div class="news-list-view">
. one div for each article
It looks like everything is in correct order. However, what I see in the browser is (in this order): 1) "Articles of plugin 1:" 2) "Articles of plugin 2:" 3) ALL the articles of BOTH plugins.
if the HTML provided by the server is correct (as your code shows) the display can be influenced by two things:
invalid HTML
possible problems with CSS can result from floats (or positions), which show content out of order in HTML.
with Javascript you can modify the build DOM, so elements are positioned in other order than originaly given.
Browser try to fix broken HTML, this might result in elements boxed inside each other than in line.
All possibilities can be examined with tools like Firebug. compare the DOM-Code with the original server-code (CTRL-U). Differences result from javascript or invalid HTML (e.g. missing closing tag).
CSS tweaks can be found inspecting the CSS of each element for CSS properties.

data-nav-section from second html back to index.html not working correcty

Good day, I'm stuck here.
In my index.html there are header options to navigate directly to the following sections:
This al works well. So far so good.
Now I have a portfolio html page with the same sections in the header that should navigate back to the index page.
When I click on any option in the header (of the portfolio html) it does navigate to the index page but not to the correct section but always to the top of the page (home).
So what I want is that I click "Contact" in the header of the portfolio html and that I get to the contact section in the index page.
Does anyone have advice for me how to get it done?

jQuery Toggle in SharePoint using XSLT, but all the instances toggle not just the clicked one

I am having a problem with my XSLT, I am using SharePoint 2010 and I am building a custom front-end that will pull data from lists and render the data in a nice manner. I have figured out how to use XSLT with HTML to render a SharePoint list, I wasn't able to add an image of my news feeds because my rep is too low but I will get it up!
Now here is where my problem starts:
I am using jQuery toggle to show/hide the body paragraph of this news feed. The Continue Reading button is where my issue is, every time I click on the "Continue Reading" button in the lower right of each news post, it show/hides all the news items, not just the one I click on.
I have tried using Bootstrap collapse and now I am using jQuery Toggle() however I run into the same issue! Take a look at my XSLT code snippet to display thee body paragraph and the corresponding jQuery code snippet that actives the show/hide toggle:
<tr class="spacer">
<td valign="top" class="td-newscontent">
<div class="news content">
<!-- start excerpt -->
<xsl:value-of select="#BodyExcerpt" disable-output-escaping="yes" />
<div class="moving">
<xsl:value-of select="#Body" disable-output-escaping="yes" />
<!-- end news excerpt -->
<!-- start continue reading link -->
<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes"><![CDATA[<br class="continue-br" />]]></xsl:text>
<a class="butt pull-right continue-right">Continue Reading</a><br /><br />
<!-- end continue reading link -->
Javascript (jQuery)
$(".butt").click(function() {
$(".moving").toggle("slow", function() {
.moving is the actual #body being shown/hidden
.butt is the "continue reading" button (I know butt was a bad name to use)
I have read a few things on the net about "this" but I am not sure how to use it.
First time posting so I couldn't post any images, but when you click on "continue reading" all the body news articles expand then you click it again and all the body news items contract, what I would like it to do is open just the one I am clicking on!
I have a lot going on, everything is housed in SharePoint, using HTML5, Css3, jQuery and XSLT. I started by using IDs but I switched to classes, not sure if that was a good idea but it functions, but not as intended.
Any help would be appreciative, I have been researching this issue for almost 2 weeks so I finally decided to ask some experts :) (Feel free to ask any questions or ask for more information, I will answer with everything I got!)
You are close, so well done for getting this far! Your problem lies in your JavaScript. If you look at the rendered code using your browser's developer tools (F12), you will find that all of the different body texts have the same class (moving) and all of the buttons have the same JavaScript onclick, which is to toggle everything of class .moving.
Thus the solution you are looking for is to match each button with its respective body text. There are two main ways you can do this.
You can give each text div and each button a unique ID by assigning it to some unique feature of the list item (SharePoint list items already have a unique identifier as the field ID). Using xsl:value-of within HTML attributes would violate XML rules, so you can use something called an Attribute Value Template, which is the bit in the curly braces:
<div id="newstext_{#ID}">
<xsl:value-of select="#Body" disable-output-escaping="yes" />
<!-- etc... -->
<a onclick="$('#newstext_{#ID}').toggle('slow', function() {});">Continue reading</a>
Modify just the JavaScript to target the parent of the button. The following code selects the parent DOM element of the button, which should be the div of class .news, then finds the child of class .moving, then applying your toggle:
$(".butt").click(function() {
$(this).parent().find(".moving").toggle("slow", function() {
The second method is easier but can get complicated if you end up running a lot of JavaScript. It is easier (and more efficient) to select elements by ID, so personally I think the extra effort is worth it. I haven't tested this code so let me know if it doesn't work. On some of your other points:
no, butt is not a good name for a class - remember, you can use element types in your jQuery selectors, so there is no need to duplicate the type as the class. For example, $('a') selects all the anchor tags on the page.
IDs should be used when elements need to be uniquely identified (e.g. for scripts), classes when you are grouping elements together (e.g. for styles).

How to render another page (not only content) in fluid

I search a way to render a page into another page.
I have a page with uid=186 and I want to render this on every page, so I try to render it in the layout.The page with uid=186 got another page template and also uses another layout (the layout is just empty, I don't really need a layout for that page).
My first try was:
<v:content.render pageUid="186" />
But that renders only the content, and also only the columns that are defined in the current page template, not the ones in the page templates I use in uid=186.
I also tried:
<v:render.request action="render" controller="Page" pageUid="186" extensionName="fluidpages"/>
But this leads to the PHP error:
mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 29 bytes) in /var/www/vhosts/myhost/typo3_src-6.2.9/typo3/sysext/frontend/Classes/ContentObject/Menu/MenuContentObjectFactory.php on line 50
As I use a page template with much columns in the page uid=186 I would love to render the hole page as it is, and not fetch each column.
I would also be fine with a typoscript solution.
Anyone got an idea how I could archive that?
you can make a separate file that render the uid=186 with page layout of uid=186
First you have to separate the header and footer or may be you can define the different sections for header and footer in one file (for ex pageObjects.html). so you can render that section whenever you want.
<f:render section="Header" partial="PageObjects" arguments="{_all}" />
<v:content.render pageUid="186" />
<f:render section="Footer" partial="PageObjects" optional="TRUE" arguments="{_all}" />

How to replace a CSS class by another one when i change the media

I'm new in the usage of CSS, and i'm still in the learning curve
Basically, i want to display a section using the class col-xs-12 when i select the media print instead of a col-xs-9 in all other medias.
Is there an easy way in CSS to do that ?
Using Bootstraps built-in classes you can either use jQuery, plain javascript or #media queries. If you're using Less or something you can use mixins. Since you mentioned you're new to CSS I'm going to assume it's plain old CSS.
You mentioned that you want col-xs-12 and col-xs-9. You can chain sizes together as well. Eg. class="col-xs-12 col-lg-9", etc..
As noted in the .visible-print and .hidden-print classes you can have the following...
<div id="sectionContainer">
<div class="col-xs-12 hidden-print">
<!-- Add the content to see if your viewing on a web page -->
<div class="col-xs-9 visible-print">
<!-- Content to show in print -->
You cannot change classes in CSS -
A viable workaround that does not involve JavaScript would be to make a third class print and copy+paste the css rules from col-xs-12 to it --
Add this new class to everything that is col-xs-9 which you want to be displayed as col-xs-12 on media print,
and finally, to keep things smooth, put whatever styles you need and your new .print styles into a separate .css file and link it in the head:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="print.css" media="print">
(or, if it isn't a gigantic file at that point, #media only print{} is acceptable )
Alternatively, if you won't be using the col-9 class, you can just swap their classnames in your #media section.
Or, if you're comfortable with a javascript solution, you could add a "Print" button to your page that would do something like
A media query can only change what the selectors' rules are from size to size, it can't change the selectors you've put into the markup. To change the class in the markup would require the use of Javascript.
YOu oould restyle you col-xs-12 specifically for print to match that of col-xs-12 , or similarly, add a new class, col-xs-12-print and style it to match col-xs-9
when using twitter bootstrap they have classes to hide and show certain elements for print
.visible-print and .hidden-print