Tokenization based pattern replacement in web.config.token - web-config

I am using Release Manager 2015 to deploy my application.
I am using Microsoft's Extension Utilities pack to do this:
Extension Utility Pack - Documentation
This simply states:
Tokenization based pattern replacement
This task finds the pattern __<pattern>__ and replaces the same with the value from the variable with name <pattern>.
Eg. If you have a variable defined as foo with value bar,
on running this task on a file that contains __foo__ will be changed to bar.
So in my web.config.token file I simply add:
<add name="ADConnectionString" connectionString="__ADConnectionString__" />
and in release manager under variables created a variable with the name ADConnectionString which is then picked up during the step and replaced.
My question is that I cannot figure out a way to replace a tokenized string within a string.
<add name="CreateTextWriter" initializeData="directory=D:\__WEBLOGDIR__\__ENVIRONMENT__; basename=Web" />
This will work however
<host name="cache1.__ENVIRONMENT__.__DOMAIN__" cachePort="1"/>
will not. This is due to the RegEx being used for the matching.
$regex = '__[A-Za-z0-9._-]*__'
$matches = select-string -Path $tempFile -Pattern $regex -AllMatches | % { $_.Matches } | % { $_.Value }
This will match the whole string rather than each tokenized string. To get around this I have changed the RegEx slightly to not be greedy in its selection.
$regex = '__[A-Za-z0-9._-]*?__'
Hope this helps someone else.


Get count of exact word match within a Text file

The requirement is to get the exact match count for a word "test". So in the following example it should be 1:
testing 1 2 3 "test" testing
Tester testing 2345 tes testers testings testing
I tried the below code :
(Get-Content "C:\Users\abc\Desktop\POC\Findstring.txt" |
Select-String -Pattern "test" -AllMatches).matches.count
But it provides me the value as 9 since it provides a like functionality (it is also considering tester,testing etc in the count).
How should we ensure that we get the count for exact match and not for a LIKE operator scenario (similar to in SQL).
Use regex \btest\b as the -Pattern argument so as to match test as a whole word only.
Pass your input file path directly to Select-String's -LiteralPath parameter, which is much faster and more efficient than streaming the individual lines from the file via Get-Content.
Select-String -AllMatches `
-Pattern '\btest\b' `
-LiteralPath C:\Users\abc\Desktop\POC\Findstring.txt
Note: The command is spread across multiple lines for readability. To convert it to a single-line form, also remove the line-ending ` (backtick) characters, which act as line continuations.
Your intent is to limit matching test substrings to whole words.
Since Select-String uses regexes (regular expressions), you can do so by enclosing the substring in word-boundary assertions, \b, as Theo advises, i.e. '\btest\b'
For a detailed explanation of this regex and the ability to interact with it, see this page
Also note that Select-String - like PowerShell in general - is case-insensitive by default; to match case-sensitively, add the -CaseSensitive switch.
Variation with also ignoring the word test when enclosed in "..."
If you additionally want to ignore "test" substrings (i.e. double-quoted instances of the word), you must amend your regex to also include a negative look-behind assertion, (?!...) in order to preclude a " preceding the word:
Select-String -AllMatches `
-Pattern '(?<!")\btest\b' `
-LiteralPath C:\Users\abc\Desktop\POC\Findstring.txt
See this page.
Currently, you search for the pattern test which is also true in case of testing, testers, etc. The following should do the trick:
((Get-Content "C:\tmp\testdata.txt") -split " " | Select-String -Pattern '^(test)$' -AllMatches).count

Having problem with split method using powershell

I have an xml file where i have line some
<!--<__AMAZONSITE id="-123456780" instance ="CATZ00124"__/>-->
and i need the id and instance values from that particular line.
where i need have -123456780 as well as CATZ00124 in 2 different variables.
Below is the sample code which i have tried
$xmlfile = 'D:\Test\sample.xml'
$find_string = '__AMAZONSITE'
$array = #((Get-Content $xmlfile) | select-string $find_string)
Write-Host $array.Length
foreach ($commentedline in $array)
Write-Host $commentedline.Line.Split('id=')
I am getting below result:
The preferred way still is to use XML tools for XML files.
As long a line with AMAZONSITE and instance is unique in the file this could do:
## Q:\Test\2019\09\13\SO_57923292.ps1
$xmlfile = 'D:\Test\sample.xml' # '.\sample.xml' #
## see following RegEx live and with explanation on
$RE = '(?<=AMAZONSITE id=")(?<id>[\d-]+)" instance ="(?<instance>[^"]+)"'
if((Get-Content $xmlfile -raw) -match $RE){
$AmazonSiteID = $
$Instance = $Matches.instance
LotPings' answer sensibly recommends using a regular expression with capture groups to extract the substrings of interest from each matching line.
You can incorporate that into your Select-String call for a single-pipeline solution (the assumption is that the XML comments of interest are all on a single line each):
# Define the regex to use with Select-String, which both
# matches the lines of interest and captures the substrings of interest
# ('id' an 'instance' attributes) via capture groups, (...)
$regex = '<!--<__AMAZONSITE id="(.+?)" instance ="(.+?)"__/>-->'
Select-String -LiteralPath $xmlfile -Pattern $regex | ForEach-Object {
# Output a custom object with properties reflecting
# the substrings of interest reported by the capture groups.
[pscustomobject] #{
id = $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value
instance = $_.Matches.Groups[2].Value
The result is an array of custom objects that each have an .id and .instance property with the values of interest (which is preferable to setting individual variables); in the console, the output would look something like this:
id instance
-- --------
-123456780 CATZ00124
-123456781 CATZ00125
-123456782 CATZ00126
As for what you tried:
Note: I'm discussing your use of .Split(), though for extracting a substring, as is your intent, .Split() is not the best tool, given that it is only the first step toward isolating the substring of interest.
As LotPings notes in a comment, in Windows PowerShell, $commentedline.Line.Split('id=') causes the String.Split() method to split the input string by any of the individual characters in split string 'id=', because the method overload that Windows PowerShell selects takes a char[] value, i.e. an array of characters, which is not your intent.
You could rectify this as follows, by forcing use of the overload that accepts string[] (even though you're only passing one string), which also requires passing an options argument:
$commentedline.Line.Split([string[] 'id=', 'None') # OK, splits by whole string
Note that in PowerShell Core the logic is reversed, because .NET Core introduced a new overload with just [string] (with an optional options argument), which PowerShell Core selects by default. Conversely, this means that if you do want by-any-character splitting in PowerShell Core, you must cast the split string to [char[]].
On a general note, PowerShell has the -split operator, which is regex-based and offers much more flexibility than String.Split() - see this answer.
Applied to your case:
$commentedline.Line -split 'id='
While id= is interpreted a regex by -split, that makes no difference here, given that the string contains no regex metacharacters (characters with special meaning); if you do want to safely split by a literal substring, use [regex]::Escape('...') as the RHS.
Note that -split is case-insensitive by default, as PowerShell generally is; however, you can use the -csplit variant for case-sensitive matching.

how to expand expression string in powershell [duplicate]

I have a text file "list.txt" with a list of hundreds of URL's that I want to parse, along with some common-to-all config data, into individual xml files (config files) using each value in "list.txt", like so:
list.txt contains:
The boilerplate config data looks like (using line_1 as an example):
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Website xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
So if "list.txt" contains 100 items, I want 100 config files written with the URL and Title elements individualized.
I have fumbled with several posts on reading the array and on creating text files, but I haven't been able to make any of it work.
What I tried, although it's munged at this point. I'm not sure where I started or how I got to here:
$FileName = "C:\temp\list.txt"
$FileOriginal = Get-Content $FileName
# create an empty array
Foreach ($Line in $FileOriginal)
$FileModified += $Line
if ($Line -match $pattern)
# Add Lines after the selected pattern
$FileModified += 'add text'
$FileModified += 'add second line text'
Set-Content $fileName $FileModified
This is way beyond my neophyte Powershell skills. Can anyone help out?
You're looking for a string-templating approach, where a string template that references a variable is instantiated on demand with the then-current variable value:
# Define the XML file content as a *template* string literal
# with - unexpanded - references to variable ${line}
# (The {...}, though not strictly necessary here,
# clearly delineates the variable name.)
$template = #'
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Website xmlns:xsi=""
# Loop over all input lines.
Get-Content C:\temp\list.txt | ForEach-Object {
$line = $_ # store the line at hand in $line.
# Expand the template based on the current $line value.
$configFileContent = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($template)
# Save the expanded template to an XML file.
$configFileContent | Set-Content -Encoding Utf8 "$line.xml"
I've chosen UTF-8 encoding for the output XML files, and to name them "$line.xml", i.e. to name them for each input line and to store them in the current location; adjust as needed.
The template expansion (interpolation) is performed via automatic variable $ExecutionContext, whose .InvokeCommand property provides access to the .ExpandString() method, which allows performing string expansion (interpolation) on demand, as if the input string were a double-quoted string - see this answer for a detailed example.
Surfacing the functionality of the $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString() method in a more discoverable way via an Expand-String cmdlet is the subject of this GitHub feature request.
Ansgar Wiechers points out that a simpler alternative in this simple case - given that only a single piece of information is passed during template expansion - is to use PowerShell's string-formatting operator, -f to fill in the template:
# Define the XML file content as a *template* string literal
# with '{0}' as the placeholder for the line variable, to
# be instantiated via -f later.
$template = #'
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Website xmlns:xsi=""
# Loop over all input lines.
Get-Content C:\temp\list.txt | ForEach-Object {
# Expand the template based on the current $line value.
$configFileContent = $template -f $_
# Save the expanded template to an XML file.
$configFileContent | Set-Content -Encoding Utf8 "$line.xml"
Optional reading: choosing between -f and $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString() for template expansion:
Tip of the hat to Ansgar for his help.
Using -f:
It is made explicit on invocation what values will be filled in.
Additionally, it's easier to include formatting instructions in placeholders (e.g., {0:N2} to format numbers with 2 decimal places).
Passing the values explicitly allows easy reuse of a template in different scopes.
An error will occur by default if you accidentally pass too few or too many values.
-f placeholders are invariably positional and abstract; e.g., {2} simply tells you that you're dealing with the 3rd placeholder, but tells you nothing about its purpose; in larger templates with multiple placeholders, this can become an issue.
Even if you pass the right number of values, they may be in the wrong order, which can lead to subtle bugs.
Using $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString():
If your variables have descriptive names, your template will be more readable, because the placeholders - the variable names - will indicate their purpose.
No need to pass values explicitly on invocation - the expansion simply relies on the variables available in the current scope.
If you use a template in multiple functions (scopes), you need to make sure that the variables referenced in the template are set in each.
At least by default, $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString() will quietly ignore nonexistent variables referenced in the template - which may or may not be desired.
However, you can use Set-StrictMode -Version 2 or higher to report an error instead; using Set-StrictMode is good practice in general, though note that its effect isn't lexically scoped and it can disable convenient functionality.
Generally, you manually need to keep your template in sync with the code that sets the variables referenced in the template, to ensure that the right values will be filled in (e.g., if the name of a referenced variable changes, the template string must be updated too).

Replace the name of environment variable by it's actual value from environment in a text file

I am trying to automate Active Directory installation on Windows Server 2008 using windows powershell. I created a text file with .tmpl extension and added:
Then I created an answer file in a text format:
Now I want to be able to write a script in PowerShell which will use the template file to get the value of variable ReplicaOrNewDomain from environment and replace $env:ReplicaOrNewDomain by that value in the text file so that I can use that answer file for AD installation.
You have a few options to do this. One is Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables. This uses a %variable% syntax (instead of $env:variable), so it would be simpler if you only want to substitute environment variables:
gc input.tmpl | foreach { [Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($_) } | sc out.ini
A more complete expansion of PowerShell expressions can be achieve via ExpandString. This is more useful if you want to insert actual PowerShell expressions into the template:
gc input.tmpl | foreach { $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($_) } | sc out.ini
A third option would be something like a customized templating scheme that uses Invoke-Expression, which I implemented here.
You can do that with a simple replacement like this:
$f = 'C:\path\to\your.txt'
(Get-Content $f -Raw) -replace '\$env:ReplicaOrNewDomain', $env:ReplicaOrNewDomain |
Set-Content $f
or like this:
$f = 'C:\path\to\your.txt'
(Get-Content $f -Raw).Replace('$env:ReplicaOrNewDomain', $env:ReplicaOrNewDomain) |
Set-Content $f
Note that when using the -replace operator you need to escape the $ (because otherwise it'd have the special meaning "end of string"). When using the Replace() method you just need to use single quotes to prevent expansion of the variable in the search string.
However, why the intermediate step of replacing the template parameter _ReplicaOrNewDomain__ with a different template parameter $env:ReplicaOrNewDomain? You would make your life easier if you just kept the former and replaced that with the value of the environment variable ReplicaOrNewDomain.
One thing that I like to do with my template files is something like this.
Then in my code I can use the format operator -f to make the changes.
$pathtofile = "C:\temp\test.txt"
(Get-Content $pathtofile -Raw) -f $env:ReplicaOrNewDomain, "FooBar" | Set-Content $pathtofile
It can help if you have multiple things that you need to update at once. Update your file with as many place holders as you need. You can use the same one multiple times if need be in the file.
If your actual file is supposed to contain curly braces you need to double them up to the are escaped.
You can use the ExpandString function, like this:
(assuming $TemplVal has the template string).

Extract specific data

Please help. I am trying to extract multiple filenames from the following .xml file. I then need to copy the list of files from one folder to another. A part of the XML I have posted below:
<altname>HP Broadcom Online Firmware Upgrade Utility for VMware 5.x</altname>
<name>HP Broadcom Online Firmware Upgrade Utility for VMware 5.x</name>
<description>This package contains vSphere 5.1 and VMware </description>
<altname>Online ROM Flash - Power Management Controller </altname>
I used Windows PowerShell as below and got the output, but the output contains filenames (CP021404.scexe, CP021614.scexe below), line# and symbol still in it. What am I doing wrong on my first PS attempt?
$input_path = ‘C:\PowerShell\hpsum_inventory.xml’
$output_file = ‘C:\powershell\hpsum_inventory-o.xml’
$regex = ".exe"
select-string -Path $input_path -Pattern $regex -AllMatches > $output_file
PowerShell\hpsum_inventory.xml:8: <filename>CP021404.scexe</filename>
PowerShell\hpsum_inventory.xml:18: <filename>CP021614.scexe</filename>
The problem is that you're using a RegEx match and the period character in RegEx matches any character except Line Feed/New Line characters, so it's matching any character followed by 'exe'. Really what you want to do is read the file as XML, and just output the <filename> nodes.
$input_path = ‘C:\PowerShell\hpsum_inventory.xml’
$output_file = ‘C:\powershell\hpsum_inventory-o.xml’
$regex = "exe$"
(Select-Xml -Path $input_path -XPath //filename).node.InnerText | ?{$_ -match $regex} | out-file $output_file
Edit: Ok, you need to incorporate that into a string, that's easy enough. We'll add a ForEach loop (I use the alias % for that) to the last line to insert the file name into a string.
(Select-Xml -Path $input_path -XPath //filename).node.InnerText | ?{$_ -match $regex} | %{"copy c:\powershell\$_ x:\firmware\"} | out-file $output_file
Edit2: Ok, so you want the knowledge in general of how to match text in a file. Can do! Select string will do what you want actually, it just wasn't the best method in general for the example you gave earlier. This gets a bit more interesting, since you need to be familiar with RegEx matching patterns, but other than that it's fairly straight forward. You want to use the -Pattern match again, but let me suggest a better pattern:
That looks for the filename tag, including closing > on it, and grabs everything up to the next < character. The () denote a capturing group, so the rest is ignored as far as the capture goes. Then we pipe to a ForEach loop, and for each line that it finds that matches we select the Matches property, and the second Group property of that (the first contains the whole text, including the filename> and < bits). So it looks like this:
$input_path = 'C:\PowerShell\hpsum_inventory.xml'
$output_file = 'C:\powershell\hpsum_inventory-o.xml'
$regex = "filename>(.*?)<"
select-string -Path $input_path -Pattern "filename>(.*?)<"|%{$_.matches.groups[1].value}
Now that only gets the file names. If we want to incorporate the rest of your thing about inserting it into text you enclose the part in the ForEach loop inside a sub-expression $() and then put that into your double quoted string like such:
select-string -Path $input_path -Pattern "filename>(.*?)<"|%{"copy c:\powershell\$($_.matches.groups[1].value) x:\firmware"}|Out-File $output_file
Personally I would suggest not doing that directly as it limits you. I'd collect the data in an array, then pipe that array into a process that does what you want, but then at least you have the collection so you can do with it what you want.
$input_path = 'C:\PowerShell\hpsum_inventory.xml'
$output_file = 'C:\powershell\hpsum_inventory-o.xml'
$regex = "filename>(.*?)<"
$Filenames = select-string -Path $input_path -Pattern "filename>(.*?)<"|%{$_.matches.groups[1].value}
$Filenames|%{"copy c:\powershell\$_ x:\firmware"}|Out-File $output_file
Why do it that way? What if you don't want to over-write something? Then you can do something like:
$Filenames|?{$_ -notin (GCI X:\firmware -file|select -expand name)}|%{"copy c:\powershell\$_ x:\firmware"}|Out-File $output_file
For your collection of serial numbers, try the regex pattern of:
"Serial Number: (\S*)"
In RegEx there are a few escaped characters that have special meaning, and capitalizing them inverts that meaning. \s means whitespace, so spaces, tabs, what not. Doing it as a capital means something that is NOT whitespace. The asterisk means however many of the previous thing (not whitespace) it can find. So this looks for 'Serial Number: ' and then captures everything after that until it reaches the end of the line or encounters whitespace. Check out this link to see how it works.