eclipse tomcat server add/remove alias? - eclipse

I'm trying to use the Eclipse server view to deploy an app to tomcat. This works, but its deploying to a different directory than I'd prefer.
For example, my project is named so eclipse is deploying to webapps/, but I really want it deployed to webapps/FINANCE.
I need something like an alias for the project name, but I don't see any where in the server view add/remove feature to specify this.
Where do I need to to make a change so I can do this?

then edit path of your application


debug GWT on tomcat using eclipse

I'm using GWT 2.4 and have a ton of code already written. I understand the Jetty server that comes with the GWT plugin has very tight control over the jars that can be used in a project to mimic app engine as closely as possible. I need to deploy to tomcat 7. I modified my project in eclipse and "blessed" it as a dynamic web project so I can export...WAR and upload it to my QA and production tomcat.
I need help with getting the app to run (and debug) on an embedded tomcat (like an honest dynamic web project would). I already have tomcat setup in eclipse and I have my CAS server web app deployed to it.
I've ready tons of either old or confusing posts here and elsewhere. Basically, I'm looking for the same debugging environment I would get with the packaged Jetty server, but on my own tomcat configured with WTP in I can mimic my production environment (just like Jetty mimics app engine)
any help is appreciated.
It should probably a little bit easier, but it's possible. Here's how I do it:
1. Setting up the web server
Using the JavaEE edition of Eclipse, I set up the Tomcat 7.0 server adapter, and define an environment in Preferences > Server > Runtime Environments
File > New > Project... > Web/Dynamic Web Project
Select the target runtime I set up in the first step
Important: In Context Root, enter /
I create an HTML file and a Servlet, and then try running the setup using Debug As > Debug On Server
2. Adding the GWT code server
Project > Properties > Google > Web Toolkit > Use Google Web Toolkit
Important: I always need to change the order in the Java Build Path (Project > Properties > Java Build Path > Order and Export), see - gwt-dev.jar must be pretty much on top of the path.
Project > Properties > Google > Web Application: War directory = "WebContent", also check "Launch and deploy from this directory"
I create some sample GWT content (I create a sample GWT project, and copy most of it over)
I try to GWT compile the project. This shows me, if I got the build path order right - otherwise, the compiler fails early with "java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: warningThreshold".
Debug As > Web Application - just to create a debug configuration. Stop the debug. Edit the debug configuration (Run > Debug Configurations...), deselect "Run built-in server". Start the debug again.
Now, finally, I can debug both the server and the client part (I still need to click two Debug icons to start both!) I can manage the client side from the "Development Mode" view, and the server side from the "Servers" view. At the end of the day, it works great, and using the "Automatically publish when resources change" feature (Servers view > myServerName > Open > Publishing), sometimes even better than with the integrated Jetty.
At first thought, I don't really see why you would be facing a problem. Perhaps, the way Eclipse is laid out is too confusing and daunting.
On my Eclipse, I had been using the default jetty as the server during GWT debug. However, there were some problems which would not be caught by jetty when deployed on Tomcat or JBoss.
And when I added Tomcat or JBoss instances to Eclipse and added my app to those server instances, the debugging worked straight away. Are you missing one piece of vital, but simple info?
Let me presume that the following would fill in your missing link ...
Locating/adding your server instance:
On Package Explorer (or Project Explorer, either one) in Eclipse, you would see, besides your personal projects, a "servers" project. Under it is are configuration nodes listing all your Tomcat instances.
If you cannot see the "servers" node in Package Explorer, it probably is due to your working set filter. (And if you don't know what working sets are ... I guess you would need to beef up on your dexterity in Eclipse).
If you don't already have a Tomcat instance, you simply right click on the "servers" project to add a new server (Package Explorer -> New -> Server ...). You would be asked the location of your Tomcat home. And your desired port number of the server instance. Of course, you would have to ensure that the port number will not clash with the port used by any other inet operation on your box.
Configuring the port number a 2nd time
On the server instance node in Package Explorer, you would find the file you should edit to set the port number to match the one you specified when creating the new Tomcat instance. If you don't know which file to edit, you would need to read up on the Tomcat version you created to find out which file contains the port number config.
You need to config the port a 2nd time because the 1st time tells Eclipse where and at what port to expect the server instance to be running. The 2nd time is to configure the server instance itself.
Adding your app to the server
However, the nodes in "servers" project only allow you to configure your Tomcat instances. There is yet another view called the "server view" to further configure your tomcat instance. You need to enable Server view from Window->Show View->Server->Servers.
Right click on the server instance in the "Server View" to add your app.
Running debug off the Maven generated target.
There are times you wish to debug the war structure to figure out which jars are missing in the war. And incrementally remove jars from your war to figure out the jars that are already supplied by the server. Since JBoss supplies many of the jars already, you would have to figure out if your development jars are of the versions as those expected by JBoss.
You would create another Eclipse project in your workspace and make an Eclipse folder softlink in your 2nd project to point to the Maven generated target of your first project. And you specify target/{maven generated webapp directory} as the webapp directory of your 2nd project. What I mean by "maven generated webapp directory" is the unzipped intermediate directory generated by Maven (used by Maven to generate the zipped war file).
This is the cleanest way to debug production war if you could faithfully replicate the production tomcat/jboss server on your Eclipse development box.
If you prefer JBoss.
Somehow, JBoss config node is not listed in the "Servers" node in Package/Project Explorers. You would need to go to your JBoss installation directory to edit them.
Remote debugging.
If you wanted to debug the app on your production box, or on a server sitting on another box, you would have to start that tomcat instance under debug. You should read up on that. You have to specify the debug port.
Then in Eclipse, at Run->Debug Configuration->Remote Java Application, you specify the app and the debug port.
The first time you debug, Eclipse "may not know" where the source files are, especially if your app has multiple project dependencies. (Why can't Eclipse search the source files from my list of projects?) Anyway, you have to specify where to find your source files. And then when your debugging traverses into another project dependency, you would have to over-write the location of the source files.
So, voila! That is how I got my debugging working. I advise you to avoid remote debugging as much as possible unless you need to diagnose production problems. Unless you are doing remote debugging, do not attempt to deploy the war to local server, but simply depend on associating the project to the server instance.
Eclipse is too confusing
I know Eclipse is too confusing and you have to wade thro its features. You just have to bear with it. Eclipse menus & views are apparently optimized for plugin-programmer-centric not user-centric.
For example, why would I go to "help" to install new software? I used to expect that "Help->Install new software" to be an instructional manual to installing new software.
It beats (and annoys me) that the Eclipse team did not combine the operations together so that I could add apps to a server instance at Package Explorer. Why not? As a user I would expect to see only a single entry point to configuring my servers.
To alleviate the confusion, I like encouraging people to download and install Springsource's version of Eclipse (STS). It's the same Eclipse, except that STS has the essential parts installed and has a dashboard pointing to compatibly installable plugins. Tomcat is preinstalled as VMware tc Server. And the views are correctly config'd to show the server instances. And the correct workable Eclipse-Maven bridging plugin is pre-installed.

URL issue with tomcat include project name

I am using Eclipse for J2EE project...
one device send request to my side and url like
/corporationweb/Controller is fixed we can't change it because it made on device
my project name in eclipse is "VirtualTest" but here tomcat include project name if i mapping any servlet, /corporationweb/Controller URL like
I need page open without change project name
any i can mapping servlet directly so URL like http://localhost:8080/corporationweb/Controller
any URL rewriting technique..
make as default application for my project
Rightclick project in Eclipse, choose Properties, go to Web Project Settings and set Context root to /.
This will let Eclipse deploy the project on context root instead of project name (which is the default).
Unrelated to the concrete problem, you really need to ensure that your application is written the way so that it does not care on which context path the application is been deployed. This is namely a server specific setting which is not controllable from inside your project. Make use of HttpServletRequest#getContextPath() the smart way.
If you want to make "VirtualTest" as default application for your project, and not showing this name in URL, you can simply change project name to "root", which is a special name for the default application.
Your URL will be like:
If you are using Eclipse. Go to server and remove the unwanted project which are Synchronized, then restart your server. Worked for me

How to deploy war on websphere 8 without using Admin Console?

How do we a deploy a simple war file on the websphere server 8 without using the websphere administration console?
As a part of the manual deployment I will need to know,
where to put the war file manually on the server?
war uses jndi for db connection, since we do not want to use admin console,
how do we create jndi data sources?
we would also want to externalize the properties file. (like I used to keep in JBOSS_HOME/server/default/conf folder in jboss instead of the app.war/web-inf/classes)
Please help
PS: Actually we will be having an ant build which will do these three things for us so that we don't have to go to the admin console. Just run the ant build and it will copy war, create jndi etc stuff.
The best way of doing what you want is writing a wsadmin script.
Using wsadmin you can deploy, add/delete/modify resources in WebSphere, pretty much anything.
I would suggest you read Getting started with wsadmin scripting
You can also use 'monitoredDeployableApps' folder under server profile. You can enable this feature from the admin console -> Applications -> Global deployment settings.
Simple and best way to do this is in two steps: (v 8+)
Enable 'monitoredDeployableApps' feature in Admin Console -> Applications -> Global Deployment Settings and restart the server. (once restart you will see a folder in your profile 'monitoredDeployableApps' (default name and can be changed while enabling this feature)
Drag and Drop your war file in this folder (no restart needed) and observer Systemout.log of the server. Verify in Admin Console for the deployed application.
NOTE: Make sure your context-root is populating to your deployable (war,ear,...) files.
-- Prakash Karri

How to call an ant target / maven after JBoss Tools Deploy?

Is there any possibility to run ant after, let's say a clean of a jboss tools server?
e.g. i plan to move some directories after having deployed them to a different directory to speed up things in jboss start up.
Another solution which came to my mind was to make jboss tools call a specific "start jboss" task/bat/something which would result in first calling my own 'move files' target then starting jboss
[EDIT - solved]
So the working solution for me was a comination of ant and jboss tools.
I use jboss 6.0.0 and jboss tools 3.2 i think
So double click the jboss 6.0.0 server, click on the tab deployment (it's a usability fail imho that this important tab is at the bottom of the view/window).
Now click on your dynamic web app module name in the list. Redirect the deployment location to yourwebappname.ear/yourwebappname.war
Use the jboss deploy folder
Move all lib files from the war/web-inf/lib to yourweappname.ear/lib
I could move all of them except spring-web-2.5.6.jar
Delete them in web-inf
eventually create and fill the meta-inf directory in yourwebappname.ear/META-INF (i did it at least) with application.xml and
thanks # sir Andersen
You do not reveal what kind of moves you exactly want to do and no, there is no direct support to call out to Ant or similar after a clean in JBoss Tools deploy.
But depending on what you actually want to do one or more of the below options might work for you:
Use custom deploy directory for the server
If you just need all deployments go to a specific directory then just set a custom deploy directory for the server - no need to move anything.
This is done by double clicking on the server and in the server editor under the deployments tab you can control the root directory.
Use custom deploy directory and name for specific deployments
If you need more finegrained control then you can also use the Deployments page described above to set the relative directory and name for deployment for each individual module.
Have a Ant task setup as eclipse external tool builder
If none of the above works then you could setup an Ant task as external tool builder under Project Properties. This ant launcher you can even limit to only run when certain resources changes inside the eclipse workspace - you might be able to use that to control when you want to do the "move some directories".

Configure project in eclipse so that it ends up in the tomcat "common" class loader

I have two tomcat web applications that need to share information using a singleton. I have already made it work by placing the jared classes in the tomcat common directory. Each webapp then gets the same copy of the singleton. What I would like to do is to integrate this behavior within eclipse. I would like the common classes to be a single project that gets incorporated into the tomcat common class loader every time I start the tomcat server within eclipse. Anyone knows how to configure eclipse to do this?
May be one possibility could be to extend the tomcat class loader in order for that class loader to search in other directories than WEB-INF/lib, this by:
Extending org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader and override the findClassInternal method.
Configuring Tomcat to use the extended classloader.
This is done in the appropriate webapp configuration file under the Tomcat conf/Catalina/hostname path with the following element:
Then in eclipse, you could set your common project on the "Required projects on the build path", which makes it part of the classpath.
That means your extended classloader must be able to look for other classe:
either in a fixed pre-defined path
or in a pre-defined path within the classpath.
Not tested myself, but may be that can give you a lead on this issue.
A much simpler solution is proposed by noselasd in the comments, taking advantage of the GlobalNamingResources Component of Tomcat.
However, the FAQ does mentions:
When you create a new Tomcat server in Eclipse, the New Server wizard assumes it is not safe to affect the current behavior of the Tomcat installation that this new server will use.
WTP is able to avoid affecting the behavior of the installed Tomcat by using Tomcat's ability to run multiple server instances from a single installation. Thus, the default configuration for each new Tomcat sever you create will be a new server instance of the Tomcat installation associated with the Tomcat runtime selected in the wizard.
If you expect the new Tomcat server in Eclipse to run the same instance that the default batch files in your Tomcat installation run, you will likely be surprised when the Tomcat server in Eclipse doesn't behave as expected.
The Tomcat server configuration can be changed so that it does run the same instance as your Tomcat installation.
You will find here how to modify the server.xml in WTP.
I've managed to get it working. Here is what I did:
Created a common project in the eclipse workspace.
Created the two web applications, called first and second, that should share the common project.
When the web applications are created a Servers project is created with the tomcat configuration.
Change inside the Servers project and add the line shared.loader=/path-to-workspace/common/bin.
This works perfectly for development. Every time a new build is created everything is in sync. For deployment You need to convert the common project into a common.jar and place it in ${catalina.home}/lib.