Perform join in core data - swift

In my app I have two entities, User and Meetings. What I want is a list of User who have meetings today.
Also, I haven't added relationship between both the entities. Is there any way through which I can query both the entities in a single fetch request. Or is there any other way.
Please help me to solve this in best possible way
Thanks in advance

Core Data tries to map objects from the OOP-world into tables and rows from the rDBMS-world and back. This is called a object-relational mapper (ORM). Even this looks very easy, because concepts seems to be similar, it is a difficult task. One called it the "Vietnam of information technology".
However, at some point things do not go together. This is called the object-relational impedance mismatch (ORIM). At this point one has to decide, whether he takes the OOP-way or the rDBMS-way. Resolving relationships is one of this points.
Core Data decided to do this the OOP-way: Relationships are treated as relationships between "usual" objects. This has two consequences:
You do not join anything. In OOP objects are not joined. So in Core data objects are not joined. (However, they have some features in a fetch request with dictionaries, but this is not the usual way to access data in Core Data.)
To do the job, Core Data needs to know the relationships between objects. You have to set the relationships.


Need some advice concerning MVVM + Lightweight objects + EF

We develop the back office application with quite large Db.
It's not reasonable to load everything from DB to memory so when model's proprties are requested we read from DB (via EF)
But many of our UIs are just simple lists of entities with some (!) properties presented to the user.
For example, we just want to show Id, Title and Name.
And later when user select the item and want to perform some actions the whole object is needed. Now we have list of items stored in memory.
Some properties contain large textst, images or other data.
EF works with entities and reading a bunch of large objects degrades performance notably.
As far as I understand, the problem can be solved by creating lightweight entities and using them in appropriate context.
I'm afraid that each view will make us create new LightweightEntity and we eventually will end with bloated object context.
Second. As the Model wraps EF we need to provide methods for various entities.
Third. ViewModels communicate and pass entities to each other.
So I'm stuck with all these considerations and need good architectural design advice.
Any ideas?
For images an large textst you may consider table splitting, which is commonly used to split a table in a lightweight entity and a "heavy" entity.
But I think what you call lightweight "entities" are data transfer objects (DTO's). These are not supplied by the context (so it won't get bloated) but by projection from entities, which is done in a repository or service.
For projection you can use AutoMapper, especially its newer feature that I describe here. This allows you to reduce the number of methods you need to provide "for various entities" (DTO's), because the type to project to can be given in a generic type parameter.

find(1234) including relationships

I am having a model "Events" (Zend_Db_Table_Abstract) that's got various relationships to other models. Usually I think I would do something like this to find it and its relationships:
$events = new Events();
$event = $events->find($id)->current();
$eventsRelationship1 = $event->findDependentRowset('Relationship1');
As the relationship is already set up I am wondering if there's any sort of automatic join available or something. Every time I fetch my event I need to have all the relationships, too. Currently I see only two ways to achieve that:
Build the query myself, hard coded. Don't like this, because it's working around the already set up relationship and "model method convenience".
Fetch every related object with a single query. This one's ugly, too, as I have to trigger too many queries.
This goes even a step further when thinking about getting a set of multiple rows. For a single event I may query the database multiple times, but when fetching 100 rows joins are just elementary.
So, does anyone know a way to create joins by using those relationships or is there no other way than hardcoding the query?
Thanks in advance
The way to solve this challenge is to 'upgrade' your database access to use the dataMapper pattern.
You are essentially adding an extra layer between the model in your application an their representation in the db. This mapper layer allows you read/write data from different tables - rather than a direct link between one model and one table.
Here is a good tutorial to follow. (There are some bits you can skip - I left out all the getters and setters as its just me using the code).
It takes a little while to get your head round the way it works, when you've just been using Zend_Db_Table_Abstract, but it is worth it.

Core Data and Relationships

I have two objects, a Trip and a Place. A Trip represents a journey from one Place to another Place, ie. a Trip needs a fromPlace and a toPlace. So, this is a 1-to-2 relationship, but I need to know which is the "from" and which is the "to". I am not sure how to model this in Core Data. I have created two entities (Trip, Place), and now I want to setup the relationship(s) so I have a fromPlace and a toPlace. Do I need to add an extra field on the Place entity called isFrom, or similar?
If this was in a database, I would just have a id column on the Place table, and then two columns in the Trip table - fromPlaceId and toPlaceId. How do I achieve something similar in Core Data?
Do I need to add an extra field on the Place entity called isFrom, or similar?
Yes. It's better for you not to think of Core Data as a wrapper around a database; the database intuition sometimes gets in the way.
Don't first think in terms of database and then try to translate it into Core Data. While you're learning how to use Core Data, just think of it as a system of objects which can be saved into a file and persist between two launches of the app.
Then, from the point of view of object-oriented programming, you have a class Trip which has two instance variables fromPlace and toPlace of class Place.
You want to make it persist on a file. So you create an entity Trip which has two relations fromPlace and toPlace, both of which is of entity Place. That's it!
In more detail, fromPlace and toPlace in Trip are both to-one relationships. In Place, you make two to-many relationships, say tripsStartingHere and tripsEndingHere. Then you set tripsStartingHere as the inverse of fromPlace, and tripsEndingHere as the inverse of toPlace.

Can we use union of two sqlite databases with same tables for Core Data?

I have an iPhone Core Data app with a pre-populated sqlite "baseline" database. Can I add a second smaller sqlite database with the same tables as my pre-populated "baseline" database but with additional / complementary data such that Core Data will happily union the data from both databases and, ultimately, present to me as if it was all a single data source?
Idea that I had is:
1) the "baseline" database never changes.
2) I can download the smaller "complementary" sqlite database for additional data as and when I need to (I'm assuming downloading sqlite database is allowed, please comment if otherwise).
3) Core Data is then able to union data from 1 & 2. I can then reference this unified data by calling my defined Core Data managed object model.
Hope this makes sense.
Thanks in advance.
Core Data is designed to handle multiple data files via the – addPersistentStoreWithType:configuration:URL:options:error: method. This will allow you to combine all of the data files together and then access them via a single NSManagedObjectContext.
Your only issue, and it may not even be an issue for you, is that the store files cannot directly reference each other. Therefore you will need to reference data between files "manually" via unique identifiers. However I suspect you are already aware of that limitation.
Manual Relationships
The idea is that when both objects in a "relationship" are in one model and one file, Core Data does its magic and handles all of the referential integrity for you. However when they are in different files and/or models this doesn't happen automatically anymore.
The solution to this issue is to use a fetched property that looks up some unique identifier to retrieve the entity (or entities) that you want to be on the other side of the relationship. This will give you a "weak" relationship between files.
One thing to note though when doing this. The fetched property does not get updated automatically when something changes. This means when data changes that would cause that relationship to change, your application will not be automatically made aware of it and you will need to request that property again to get the updated relationship information.
Hopefully that makes it a bit clearer.
Co-existance of fetched properties and relationships
They can definitely co-exist but realize that they are two separate properties. If you want your controller code to see them as one, then I would suggest building a subclass for that entity and then adding a convenience method in there that hits both the relationship and the fetched property and then rolls them up into one NSArray or NSSet before returning it back to your controller code.
You can attach the downloaded database with ATTACH DATABASE statement and operate with unions of tables.

How do I use entity framework with hierarchical data?

I'm working with a large hierarchical data set in sql server - modelled using the standard "EntityID, ParentID" kind of approach. There are about 25,000 nodes in the whole tree.
I often need to access subtrees of the tree, and then access related data that hangs off the nodes of the subtree. I built a data access layer a few years ago based on table-valued functions, using recursive queries to fetch an arbitrary subtree, given the root node of the subtree.
I'm thinking of using Entity Framework, but I can't see how to query hierarchical data like
this. AFAIK there is no recursive querying in Linq, and I can't expose a TVF in my entity data model.
Is the only solution to keep using stored procs? Has anyone else solved this?
Clarification: By 25,000 nodes in the tree I'm referring to the size of the hierarchical dataset, not to anything to do with objects or the Entity Framework.
It may the best to use a pattern called "Nested Set", which allows you to get an arbitrary subtree within one query. This is especially useful if the nodes aren't manipulated very often: Managing hierarchical data in MySQL.
In a perfect world the entity framework would provide possibilities to save and query data using this data pattern.
Everything IS possible with Entity Framework but you have to hack and slash your way in to it. The database I am currently working against has too many "holder tables" since Points for instance is shared with both teams and users. Both users and teams can also have a blog.
When you say 25 000 nodes do you mean navigational properties? If so I think it could be tricky to get the data access in place. It's not hard to navigate, search etc with entity framework but I tend to model on paper then create the database based on how I want to navigate while using entity framework. Sounds like you don't have that option.
Thanks for these suggestions.
I'm beginning to realise that the answer is to remodel the data in the database - either along the lines of nested sets as Georg suggests, or maybe a transitive closure table, which I've just come across.
That way, I'm hoping to get two key benefits:
a) faster querying aginst arbitrary subtrees
b) a data model which no longer requires recursive querying - so perhaps bringing it within easy reach of the Entity Framework!
It's always amazing how so often the right answer to a difficult problem is not to answer it, but to do something else instead!