Manually add Template 10 to an existing UWP project? - template10

I have a UWP app that I created using one of the Azure templates, can I add Template 10 to it manually? If so what are the steps? Is it as easy as adding the references and coping over the chucks of code from an existing project?
It might be easier going the opposite route and moving the pertinent code over from the Azure app to a Template 10 app.

This was actually easier than I expected, although wiki post on the GitHub repository would be helpful. These are the steps that I took.
Created a blank Template 10 app for reference.
Added the Template 10 NuGet package to the project.
Copy and pasted all of the relevant code over from the reference project to my existing project.
Built and cleaned the solution, refreshed the project, and then it would run.


Dynamics 365 - Plugin - Newly Created Images Are Null when checked in code?

I am working on a d365 unified interface sandbox environment on a development project.
This environment was setup recently as a clone of the production d365 instance.
Today I have been adding some plugins and finding a strange issue. I can get the plugin code on record create/update firing no problem (I have pre operation create/update and post operation create/update stages defined and the correct code gets hit for each).
But the C# plugin code does not recognise any of the pre or post images that I have added.
In code when we check IPluginExecutionContext.PostEntityImages it does not contain anything.
Any of the pre existing images that were there already when the environment was cloned are firing correctly. We have a process whereby we name all of our pre and post images the exact same for every entity and I know the ones I have created are named exactly as expected.
In this example I have created a Post Operation stage Update plugin on the OOB opportunity entity with a PreImage defined against it but the code just will not recognise it.
Anyone experienced this before?
Occasionally the sandbox service seems to fail picking up updates on a plugin assembly. In those cases updating the assembly with a different assembly version (build or revision number) can help.
If not, I would advise to simply remove the complete assembly and recreate it again.
If you do not have an automated deployment process in place, follow these steps:
Create a separate solution.
Add the assembly along with its step registrations and images to the solution.
Export the solution.
Remove the assembly using the plugin registration tool.
Import the solution again.

How to show a custom web page in 1 Azure DevOps project only

I understand I can build Extension, but it appears it will install on all projects in the collection. My custom web page is only relevant to 1 project.
I found this SO question How to install a TFS extension only on some project instead the whole collection but the 3 links in the answer aren't working.
Anyone have any work around suggestion?
As is shown in the ticket, the extension installed in the Collection Scope, the extension will be installed for all team projects.
Azure Devops doesn't support installing extensions for a single project now.
Since you are using the custom web page(custom extension), I am afraid that there is no method could limit the extension to users.
For some extensions and paid extension, you can restrict users from using this extension by assigning extension to user or changing access level.
You could refer to this doc about users access extension features.
Here are the User Voices about this feature, many customers have the same requirement.
Allow Extensions to be Installed only in Projects
Extensions scoped at a project level
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How to install TDS generated .update packages in Sitecore 7.2?

In setting up Sitecore 7.2 at my organization for our public facing .com I have run into a hiccup while trying to implement proper CI, Release Management, and Deployment Management. I am able to, using MSBuild, compile my Sitecore MVC code, compile .update packages from TDS, and package each of these in .nupkg files for Octopus Deploy. What I am running in to is that once I have deployed the MVC code I must also deploy the Sitecore Structure/Content which requires me to install .update packages. I have tried the solution provided at but for a fairly lightweight site this is timing out around 20 minutes within Octopus Deploy for only my System package, let alone having not touched Structure or Content. I am looking for a way, preferably through PowerShell (not strictly speaking, the Sitecore PowerShell Extensions built into the sitecore web interface after installing that package). Using the SPE would be acceptable if, and only if, I can use SPE's Cmdlets from Octopus Deploy's PowerShell workflow.
Please Advise.
Jason Bert has a great series of blogs on using Octopus Deploy with TeamCity and TDS for deploying to Sitecore instances:
You can also use TDS itself to deploy the items in the solution, but this uses direct calls to a webservice on the target Sitecore instance which may not meet with your requirements.
Also, are you deploying the entire System tree? 20 minutes to deploy changes made to the System tree seems unusual, unless you've made a LOT of changes in there (for example, the Dictionary). Even then, you shouldn't be source-controlling author content, only the elements crucial to the solution that are owned by development.
You can install the update package via sitecore utility at /sitecore/admin/UpdateInstallationWizard.aspx
If you experience that installing the package via this mode takes a lot of time, you might want to modify the Deployment Property Manager settings for the TDS project.
You can do this by right clicking your TDS project in Visual Studio and selecting "Deployment Property Manager".
Once the Deployment Property Manager window opens up, set the Deploy property to Once for every node which does not need to be updated. For any items which are to be updated, mark them as Always.
This will drastically save you on the time required to install the package.

Ionic + IBM MobileFirst

I've found a few post on this topic but have not been able to find the best solution.
Attempted to integrate Ionic into IBM MobileFirst (Worklight).
At the moment - I have built a normal Ionic project and moved the WWW folder in the 'common' folder. Also added in the initOptions, main.js and messages.js.
MobileFirst has an awful build process - I hate having to deploy to a mobilefirst development server + preview app for any code changes. I am hoping to get some type of auto reload working within mobileFirst, or at least develop with ionic normally and hav ea job to bring my changes into my worklight project... something that is better than me current situation.
Does anyone have a sample project that actually auto-builds or picks up code changes automatically?
Any and all help is greatly appreciated.
Not sure what do you mean by "auto-reloading"; if you make any changes to the web resources to your project inside the Studio plug-in (in Eclipse) and reload the preview in the browser, it will show the changes.
You are not required to Run As > Run on MobileFirst Development Server for each change. As long as you work on the resources in your workspace, the "auto-reloading" as you call it, should work (make sure you are using the latest available MobileFirst Studio version from the Eclipse Marketplace).
There is also a rudimentary Starter Application that is based on Ionic.
You can download it from here.
There are also several results on the subject matter when searching in Google.
The need to rebuild in order to see changes in your Web components (CSS, JavaScript, HTML) did used to be an annoyance in early versions of what was then Worklight and is now MobileFirst. I forget when the need for a rebuild was removed but certainly in Worklight 6.2 and beyond you now simply need to refresh in your browser.
UPDATE: If using MobileFirst 6.3 you need to ensure that you are on a
suitable patch level. I find that simple refresh does not work in, but if I update (Help->Check for Updates) to then edit/save/refresh works as
My personal practice is always to have Mobile Web environment in my project and then choose that from the Console. This loads the application in the browser-based Mobile Simulator that you can tailor to fit your target form-factor. This has a "Go/Refresh" button that immediately reflects your edits.
Alternatively, some folks these days do not use Studio, instead they use the Command Line Interfacer. Possibly this may be more to your taste. You can download it here.
there is a solution with using staff like ionic-cli serve command + symbolic links that will replace common folder.
check here an example
(you just can disable sound, cause i've recorded it in russian) 7-15 minutes of this video
Other option is to organize live-preview yourself using IDE features and/or nodejs
This will work as long as you are working on front-end (mostly non-worklight api) part.
You need to include this lines in the index.html
<!-- ionic bundle & css -->
<link href="www/ionic/css/ionic.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="www/ionic/js/ionic.bundle.js"></script>

Publish-AzureServiceProject is not updating files on the cloud

I have a PHP Azure project which I have to manage with Powershell cmdlets. One of these, Publish-AzureServiceProject doesn't seem to be detecting file changes so these are not updated on the cloud (even though no errors are displayed).
I have remote desktop'd into the machines and the code is definitely not updated from weeks ago.
If I deploy to the local emulator, it is fine but this is much more obvious because it displays "removing old package" and "creating local package". The cloud package definitely contains the latest files, so the packaging is working fine.
Can anyone tell me how to force the publish to update the files on the cloud and more importantly, why this is not happening? Also, if I force the update, will it deploy to a new box and get a new IP Address?
It seems to work now.
I have removed and reinstalled azure libraries from my machine and created a new project from scratch and copied the original files over into it. I have not included diagnostics (not sure if that's an issue) and I have modified the Publish-AzureServiceProject script to select the subscription each time before it publishes.
It is possible that the subscription confusion was not helping (I have two Azure subscriptions and it might have used the wrong one at some point and done something weird) and also it was possible there was some conflict with various versions of the Azure SDK since I have been using it for over 6 months but at the moment, all is good.
A related article on my blog here: Problems with PHP Azure
Thanks for the interest