Display and Upload files MS access with SQL Server backend - sql-server-2008-r2

I'm responsible for an internal ticketing system used to initiate work for our team. I've finished converting the MS Access database into SQL Server 2008 R2 but I'm hung up on the attachment functionality that was previously handled in Access.
Does anyone have any code samples that display a list of files (from SQL Server) where user can click and view? The user should be able to upload new attachments to the varbinary(max) column.


How to clear the data in a Power BI Report when publishing it to multiple clients via DevOps

We are building a generic Power BI Reporting suite for a product. Every time we commit the PBIX file to Source Control our DevOps project publishes the report to multiple workspaces, clears the SQL Connection, and reattaches it to the SQL database for each particular client. We then trigger a dataset refresh so that the report loads the data from it's own SQL database.
The problem is that the PBIX file committed to GIT contains the imported data from the LAST SQL data source it was connected to (usually our Dev SQL DB). Then when the report and dataset are published to each client the client will see this imported DEV data in their report for a period of 20 minutes or so until the dataset has refreshed, which is a security risk and confusing for the user.
I found this workaround using PowerQuery as an example, however I am really hoping for a more robust solution.
How can we "clear" the imported data in the PBIX file so that when we publish to each client it is completely empty and just reloads that clients data?
Did you try a Powerbi API?
The ideal situation would be to be able to publish pbit instead of pbix (which contains data). Unfortunately, this is not allowed. If you can, vote for this or a similar idea.

Which of these functionalities are available through the OpenText AppWorks REST API?

I have no experience with OpenText.
I have a client who hosts a large amount of documents on OpenText Content Server. They would like to do things such as:
Navigating through the file system and moving files between directories in the file system
Upload files (PDF, MS Word docs, etc.) from local machines to the cloud file system
Retrieve files from the cloud file system to be stored and opened on local machines, or read the content of files directly through the API
Changing access rights (read/write) of users on Content Server
Are these options possible through the AppWorks REST API?
Lastly, is there any reporting analytics data available about the Content Server, e.g.:
Number of uploads/downloads in a timeframe
Number of users logged in a timeframe
The first 4 items are possible out of the box with the newer versions.
The latter two would need reports to be created on the server side which in turn then be called via rest.

Published report can't connect to data source after I change the data source

I updated a report with embeded data, from SQL Server, to our company's Tableau Server. It worked perfectly. After that, the old SQL Server is going to be demised, thus I move all data to a new server, the database, schema and data are exactly the same, and update the data connection in my local reports. It still works well.
Then I publish it again with the same configuration. The publishion is successful. However, Tableau server shows error that the database can't be connected when I open the report. Any idea? Thanks in advance.
I just update the server, username and pass for all data connections.
If you are working from a published data source and you change information, such as the server connection details, you should re-upload the new data source - you may wish to also delete the old data source to avoid confusion.
The issue is because the Tableau Server does not have access for extracting data from the new server. Our Tableau Server will need a new account for the new server to extract data I needed. Thus, I need to raise a ticket to create such account.

Sql Server Database Mail To Send RDL Report

Using Sql Server in my last job we had a stored procedure that passed the a reporting services report address and parameters and sent the report as pdf to an email address via database mail.
I've looked everywhere for instructions on how i can achieve this as i would like to set up an agent job that runs on a Thursday night that runs through a list of invoice numbers and email addresses and sends these reports via email to the address on the same row
The procedure you've been using is probably not part of sql server. AFAIK there is no such procedure that is commonly available.
the way it goes is usually to create a SSRS subscription (using report manager at http://yourserver/reports) where you set destination email and parameters. afterwards you trigger the subscription with the AddEvent procedure in the ReportServer db.
It gets a bit complicated when there are too many recipients to manage manually, and if you need to change the parameters often.
If you have sql server enterprise edition, you can setup and use data driven subscriptions. You will need a table that contains emails and parameter mappings.
If you don't have enterprise edition, then it's a bit complicated. I would suggest that you have a look at https://busyreports.codeplex.com/ or similar solutions.

SQL 2008 R2 - Reporting Services, using Data Model with Report Builder 3 over internet causes crash, any ideas?

I have a Windows 2008 R2 box set up with SQL 2008 R2 both the Data Engine and Reporting Services.
I have configured Reporting Services to use custom authentication (FormsAuthentication) that I wrote.
The custom authentication gets passed the name of a user to treat as the admininistrator assuming they login correctly in the Reporting Services configuration files.
The custom authentication when queried by Reporting Services about the current users permissions will always return true when logged in as the user configured as the administrator.
I have uploaded a Data Model to Reporting Services (using the built in Report Manager app) which uses a Data Source I added (also using built in Report Manager app) which connects to a database on the same box.
I have a ASP.NET MVC3 web app (also on same box) that is configured to use the Reporting Services web service to do things like list existing reports, run existing reports and a link to start Report Builder 3.
The ASP.NET MVC3 web app shares it user logins with Reporting Services, i.e. the custom authentication used by Reporting Services verifies user details by looking at the same data as the web app.
The ASP.NET MVC3 web app is available externally.
If I log into the web app remotely, start Report Builder 3 via link, login as UserA, use the Report Wizard with options >> Create dataset >> select Data Model (see above) as the source of data >> choose 1 table of data (e.g. Organisations) >> click button to preview data >> click next -- BANG - REPORT BUILDER 3 HANGS.
If I log into the web app locally on the server hosting everything, start Report Builder 3 via link, login as UserA, use the Report Wizard with options >> Create dataset >> select Data Model (see above) as the source of data >> choose 1 table of data (e.g. Organisations) >> click button to preview data >> click next >> choose row/column groups and values, report style and click finish. I can then run the report and save it. -- EVERYTHING WORKS!
Things I looked at:
If I do a SQL Profiler Trace against
the both the Reporting Services
database and the database that the
Data Model is using in the case where
it hangs it appears Reporting
Services is getting into some kind of
loop continuously asking the
Reporting Services databases if there
are any running jobs. When it works
it never asks the Reporting Services
about Running jobs at this point.
If I use the Data Source the Data Model uses in Report Builder 3 as the data source then it does work. HOWEVER this then prompts for a SQL Server login and requires the you open the SQL Server port on both the server and the remote machine! Not good.
This is driving me crazy. Any body with elite skills in the black magic of using Reporting Services 2008 R2 and Report Builder 3 that can help be figure this out will be deserving of everying computing award going.
EDIT: I found this while Googling again (Forum post, Google Cache) and got really excited but couldn't quite make sense of what the poster was saying and changes I made trying to follow it just broke all Reporting Services access so I rolled back the changes. Unfortunately the forum is archieved (and a bit rubbish) so I can't contact or leave a message for the poster.
Peter, my experience with Reporting Services is extremely limited; I've been building reports for SQL Azure Reporting Services using BIDS.
I had a problem whereby BIDS was crashing when I attempted to preview a report and it took me hours to work out that my reports weren't checked out of version control and BIDS couldn't save them. Rather than giving me any kind of meaningful error message, Visual Studio simply crashed on me.
Maybe, just maybe, your issue is that Report Builder can't save the report and is crashing for a similar reason. However, from your description, I'd suggest that if it is the case, it's likely to be a permissions issue rather than a read-only one. I'd check that the security context for the access of data is as you expect when logging in remotely.
Sorry that I can't give you a definitive answer, but maybe it will suggest somewhere new to look.
It turns out that this is caused by a school boy error by Microsoft of using one connection and not opening/closing it appropriately. MS were able to give us this workaround when we called them:
Basically after you've got the Report Builder 3 clickOnce app installed, locate it on your computer and then inside the system.net tag of the app.config file add the tags below.
<add address="*" maxconnection="1024"/>