Finder Synch Extension Waiting to Attach in XCode 7.0.1 OSX 10.10 - swift

I have written a Finder Synch extension with Swift and add to my project target in XCode 7.0.1. At first run, it works as normal but after several runs, it stall on Extension Waiting to Attach. If I open a Finder window, nothing happened and my class init never called.
Do you face any problem like this? Using Mac OSX 10.10.5 Yosemite with XCode 7.0.1.

This happened to me also, make sure your entitlements and certificates / signing are set correctly. Working with a non signed finder sync extension caused exactly the problems you described.
edit: one more thing, the optional relaunch (alt + right click on finder) also helps attach to the extension after it is launched.


How to cancel vscode extention update?

I'm working on a C++ project(on remote) so I heavily rely on C/C++ extension.
Recently they probably released some new component for the extension.
This triggered auto update but the Downloading stucked.
Now my C/C++ is useless.
I've tried disable/enable, uninstall/install, even rebooting the computer.
None worked.
So how can I cancel this update and get my extension back.
I've switched off extension auto-update so this won't happen again.
as far as i know there's no way currently to cancel an extension upgrade...
rather you can downgrade it and stop the extensions update
This would be helpful for downgrading

VSCode system-wide installation warning

These days, anytime I start VSCode, I get this warning
You are running the system-wide installation of Code, while having the user-wide distribution installed as well. Make sure you're running the Code version you expect.
Please how do I fix that?
UPDATE (Recommended by #Fabio Turati)
Just uninstalling the older one without the (USER) extension, it seems working. If not, then uninstall the one left and reinstall vscode.
additional reading:
You installed the new one (with USER extension) before uninstalling the older one. So now you have both, and this is why you get that message. You need to uninstall them both, then reinstall vs code. Make sure you add a shortcut on desktop, it took me a few more minutes to find the .exe of vs code. No worries you don't lose anything by uninstalling...
cheers !
You probably have both versions installed (like I do).
To get rid of the warning, make sure you open the user-wide version. That means unpinning the one you used to have from everywhere.
Then use windows (10) search: visual studio code . Only the ' user-wide distribution' gets shown. If you open visual studio code that way, the warning is gone.
i had these installed:
uninstalled the first one and that error message is gone.
The new executable of the "user-wide distribution" is in this location by default:
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe
Replacing your shortcuts with this one should make sure you are using the new installation. (You can also uninstall the old one of course if you want to)
Run into this issue today but all I did was install the new one one (with user extension) and then after successful installation I uninstalled the the old one. Restart my computer and all seems to be ok.
I magically solved by (using windows 10):
Unpin from "taskbar" the vs code shortcut
Remove the shortcut from desktop also if you have it
Search on cortana "visual studio code", once the app appears right click and select "pin to taskbar"
Open tha vs code app from taskbar and the error should be gone.

Simple FinderSync extension doesn't seem to be running inside Xcode

I'm using the FinderSync extension template.
When I run the extension target there's zero output in the console. The code doesn't seem to run.
running the extension
I've found success in running the main app target from Xcode rather than the Finder Sync target.
If things are set up correctly, running the main app will in turn install the Finder Sync extension.
Make sure that you have enabled the Extension:
System Preferences > Extensions > Checkbox for Your Extension
This does make debugging a bit annoying, as the debugger will not be attached to the Extension. Simple debugging can be accomplished by setting text to the Finder menus, os_log() to the system console, etc.
You may also be able to attach to to the Extension via Debug > Attach to Process.
So the question is really about how to run a Finder extension inside XCode (how to debug it).
Firstly, you need to register your extension in Finder:
pluginkit -a <path you your debugging appex>
Then, you have to wait to attach to the running instance in Xcode: Debug menu, Attach to Process by PID or Name ... and then enter the name of your executable. Now Xcode is waiting for it to start.
Finally, tell Finder to enable your extension (or restart Finder):
pluginkit -e use -I <ID of you appex>

eclipse gets stuck when trying to launch static web on local host

I am trying to run a static web page on my mac (Yosemite 10.10.2) using eclipse Luna.
When I run it for the first time it works perfectly fine. But as soon as I exit from eclipse, reopen it and click on run button then HTTP Preview progress gets stuck at 100% while showing:
Preparing Launch delegate ... Launching delegate
The only workaround I've found so far is to exit eclipse, delete the whole workspace folder and run eclipse again. It works but it's so annoying. I tried this before with mountain lion OS and eclipse kepler and same thing happens.
I really appreciate your help.
It worked for me after eclipse restart.
Had same problem and it turns out that my mistake was changing /etc/hosts file configuration for After removal of config changes, server worked.

Is possible build an iPhone project from mac os x terminal and without an xcode project?

is possible build an iPhone project from Mac os x terminal and without an xcode project?
I'd like to make an iPhone static library without create and using xcode project and only with the terminal.
For subsequent builds, after the first one, you can look at the command lines that Xcode executes in its Build window (there's a little command disclosure tab) and copy all those command lines into a script or suitable makefile template.