Is it possible to stop propagation of Announcement delivery? - event-handling

Is it possible to somehow stop the propagation of an Announcement delivery?
Transcript open.
a := Announcer new.
a when: #event do: [ self logCr: 'first handler' ].
a when: #event do: [ self logCr: 'second handler' ].
a announce: #event.
When #event has been announced, it will be delivered to all subscribers. The problem is, that I would like for one of the events to stop the propagation so the second one will not receive it. Similarly to the way event propagation can be stopped in JavaScript.
Unfortunately the way it is implemented (SubscriptionRegistry>>handlesAnnouncement:) it first collects the subscribers and then it announces it.

No, that's currently not possible in Pharo. Your comparison with JavaScript is also not quite fair, since JavaScript is (effectively) single threaded, while Pharo is not. The current implementation of announcements does deliver an announcement in the same thread where it was triggered, so preventing further deliveries would be possible, but in the future the implementation may change to deliver announcements asynchronously. Then this problem will suddenly become much harder.


Append events to eventstore

We are using axon framework version 3.4.2 and found a bug inside our code. The bug relates to a missing event which was not published. The solution is to fix the code but this would not fix the event store and views.
My question is how would one fix this? We thought of appending the events to the event store (we use a JDBC event store), but without the correct data, the new events would not be processed. The best would be to do it in the application by publishing the event in axon and let axon handle all the details, but this is a once-off, correcting action.
Is there any way of "injecting" a once-off event into axon?
The comment which Matt shared is conceptually what you should do.
Thus, to resolve the issue you unintendedly introduced, you should produce a compensation action, aka a command. This command will be handled in your command model, will validate the model's state and publish the desired event.
Added, I am assuming this event of your should originate from an Aggregate, correct?
In Axon terms, that means you want to publish a domain event rather than a regular event.
Although you can publish events on the EventBus or store in the EventStore directly, it is rather complicated to make those domain events through that process.
Thus, as I started off with and what Matt Freeman commented on your question, a compensating action would be the way to go, with or without Axon.
Last note, know that Axon 4.2 is already out for some time now. Although Axon 3 will still under go bug fixes, none of these have occurred in the last year. Simply put, there is no active development on Axon 3. Migrating to a more recent version would thus be beneficial for your project.

What triggers UI refresh in CQRS client app?

I am attempting to learn and apply the CQRS design approach (pattern and architecture) to a new project but seem to be missing a key piece.
My client application executes a query and retrieves a list of light-weight, read-only DTOs from the read model. The user selects an item and clicks a button to initiate some action. The action is performed by creating and sending the corresponding command object to the write model (where the command handler carries out the action, updates the data store, etc.) At some point, however, I need to update the UI to reflect changes to the state of the application resulting from the action.
How does the UI know when it is time to refresh the original list?
Additional Info
I have noticed that most articles/blogs discussing CQRS use MVC client apps in their examples. I am working on a Silverlight client right now and am beginning to wonder if the pattern simply doesn't work in that case.
Follow-Up Question
After thinking more about Bartlomiej's response and subsequent discussion, I am wondering about error handling in CQRS. Given that commands are basically fire-and-forget asynchronous operations, how do we report an error condition to the UI?
I see 'refreshing the UI' to take one of two forms:
The operation succeeds, data has changed and the UI should be updated to reflect these changes
The operation fails, data has not changed but the user should be notified of the failure and potential corrective actions.
Even with a Post-Redirect-Get pattern in an MVC, you can't really Redirect until you know the outcome of the operation. None of the examples I've seen thus far address these real-world concerns.
I've been struggling with similar issues for a WPF client. The re-query trigger for any data is dependent on the data your updating, commands tend to fall into categories:
The command is a true fire and forget method, it informs the back-end of a state change but this change does not need to be reflected in the UI, or the change simply isn't important to the UI.
The command will alter the result of a single query
The command will alter the result of multiple queries, usually (in my domain at least) in a cascading fashion, that is, changing the state of a single "high level" piece of data will likely affect many "low level" caches.
My first trigger is the page load, very few items are exempt from this as most pages must assume data has been updated since it was last visited. Though some systems may be able to escape with only updating financial and other critical data in this way.
For short commands I also update data when 'success' is returned from a command. Though this is mostly laziness as IMHO all CQRS commands should be fired asynchronously. It's still an option I couldn't live without but one you may have to if your implementation expects high latency between command and query.
One pattern I'm starting to make use of is the mediator (most MVVM frameworks come with one). When I fire a command, I also fire a message to the mediator specifying which command was launched. Each Cache (A view model property Retriever<T>) listens for commands which affect it and then updates appropriately. I try to minimise the number of messages while still minimising the number of caches that update unnecessary from a single message so I'll (hopefully) eventually end up with a shortlist of update reasons, with each 'reason' updating a list of caches.
Another approach is simple honesty, I find that by exposing graphically how the system updates itself makes users more willing to be patient with it. On firing a command show some UI indicating you're waiting for the successful response, on error you could offer to retry / show the error, on success you start the update of the relevant fields. Baring in mind that this command could have been fired from another terminal (of which you have no knowledge) so data will need to timeout eventually to avoid missing state changes invoked by other machines also.
Noting the irony that the only efficient method of updating cache's and values on a client is to un-separate the commands and queries again, be it through hardcoding or something like a hashmap.
My two cents.
I think MVVM actually fits into CQRS quite well. The ViewModel simply becomes an observable ReadModel.
1 - You initialize your ViewModel state via a query on the ReadModel.
2 - Changes on your ViewModel are automatically reflected on any Views that are bound to it.
3 - Certain changes on your ViewModel trigger a command to propegate to a message queue, an object responsible for sending those commands to the server takes those messages off the queue and sends them to the WriteModel.
4 - Clients should be well formed, meaning the ViewModel should have performed appropriate validation before it ever triggered the command. Once the command has been triggered, any event notifications can be published onto an event bus for the client to communicate changes to other ViewModels or components in the system interested in those changes. These events should carry the relevant information necessary. Typically, this means that other view models usually don't have to re-query the read model as a result of the change unless they are dependent on other data that needs to be retrieved.
5 - There is an object that connects to the message bus on the server for real-time push notifications when other clients make changes that this client is interested in knowing about, falling back to long-polling if necessary. It propagates those to the internal message bus that ties the components on the client together.
6 - The last part to handle is the fact that clients can be occasionally connected, which should be the only reason a command fails (they don't have internet access at the moment), which is when the client should be notified of problems.
In my ASP.NET MVC 3 I use 2 techniques depending on use case:
already well-known Post-Redirect-Get pattern which fits nicely with CQRS. Your MVC action that triggers the command returns a redirection to action that performs a query.
in some cases, like real-time updates of other clients, I rely on domain events/messages. I create an event handler that uses singlarR to push changes to all connected and interested clients.
There are two major ways you can take as far as I know :
1) design your UI , so that the user does not see its changes right away. Like for instance a message to tell him his action is a success, and offering him different choices to continue his work. this should buy you enough time to have updated your readmodel.
2) more complex, but you might keep the information you have send to the server and shows them in the interface.
The most important I guess, educate your user if you can so that they know why the data is not here... yet!
I am thinking about it only now, but these are for sync command handling, not async, in async things go really harder on the brain...the client interface becomes an event eater too..

Email workflow using WF4

Firstly I am new WF (v4), but I can see the benefits, it's just the learning curve that is holding me back at the moment so I need your help.
Take my scenario, I have a business requirement to send a series of emails at various intervals. So I have created a sequential workflow in a workflow service with the appropriate delays between each mail send. The workflow is started by a Recieve call. This part seems to work fine.
However I want a have a second Receive call that effectively stops workflow so no more emails sent.
To try and achieve this I configured a Pick control with 2 branches. Branch 1 has a Receive with StartEmails which starts my delayed sequence of emails as describe before. Branch 2 contains a second Receive 'StopEmails, however my breakpoint never gets hit on the StopEmails Receive. I beleieve I have setup the correct correlation and CanCreatedInstance is set to false.
Is it that I can't make a second call while the first branch is in a delay (waiting) state?
Any pointers would be appreciated.
After a little more digging on SO, I believe I found my answer. see this post Workflow foundation 4.0 message correlation and error reporting
I was correct in my thinking that it was the delay in my first branch was what was blocking my second Receive request from being executed. Replacing my Pick with a Parallel container solved the problem. Makes sense when you think about it!
Parallel container to the rescue!

Time based Sagas with Event Sourcing

Let's say I wanted to have a saga that get's created by some event, then sits and wait for a few hours, and if nothing happens, sends off some command.
Now, if this Saga was all in-memory and I had to restart the app/server, the saga would be unloaded and never seen again, right?
Would I use Event Sourcing to bring this Saga up to speed once the system is back online?
If so, I would need pretty much a separate Event Store with "active sagas" that can be replayed at system startup, to get my Sagas up to speed. So far it seems good to me, but how would I implement the timeout?
I would need some way of "faking" the timeouts at replay, taking into account there may be several, subsequent timeouts depending on the events going into the saga.
The best way to achieve this capability is with another endpoint that is capable of returning a message back to you at a certain point in time. For example, your saga may dispatch a message to this "timeout manager" and say wake me in 1 hour or 1 day or even 1 year. The message would then be returned to you at that time. Ideally this message would have business meaning that would cause an action to occur.
Perhaps the best example of this is something like customer signup where, if the customer hasn't confirmed their account within 7 days from signup, you'd notify them via email. The "timeout message" would effectively be: RemindUserToConfirmAccountMessage. When this message is received back by the saga after 7 days, the saga would determine based upon its current state, if that message needs to be handled and a customer email needs to be sent. But if the user has already confirm his/her account, the message can be discarded with no action taken.

J Olivers Event Store - Saga Help

I am trying to wrap my head around Saga's using Jonathan Olivers EventStore and CommonDomain. I understand how Aggregates are working with the CommonDomain/EventStore but I am stuck on grasping Saga usage. I have read both of Jonathan's Saga's with Event Sourcing Part I & II but sill lost in actual implementation
1) More of observation, when persisting the saga the EventStore is utilizing the Headers to persist the Saga and Commands that need to be sent out and it looks like the Payload is storing the Event that triggered the Saga to "wake up". Wondering reasons for this. Would we never want to store individual commands vs having them all in the header?
1) It seems like the Event that triggered the Saga gets replayed multiple times since the "Transition" method in SagaBase always re-adds the event to uncommitted collection. (Unlike ARs that have an internal Apply method vs public Domain method). Maybe I am not using the Transition method properly
2) Typically the bus that you use with the EventStore will publish Events (I implemented IPublishMessages). If I need my Saga to publish a command there does not seem to be a Send option. Do I need to parse the Headers to grab the commands myself?
I am thinking I am using the CommonDomain / EventStore incorrectly as working with Aggregates was easy but Saga's seem "incomplete" to me. I am assuming its because I am not doing it correctly. Still very new to CQRS. Does anyone have a working example of Saga's using J Olivers Common Domain / Event Store? I think that would clear things up considerably.
I think I figured it out but would like some input. Saga's really should not be publishing events. They send out commands. Thus on the publish side of things for the EventStore (IPublishMessages) I should first be checking the type of message (AggregateType vs SagaType) For AggregateTypes I can publish Events but for SagaTypes only publish the commands (found in Header). This eliminates the same event (say OrderSubmittedEvent) that triggers the creation of the Saga to not publish it again when persisting the saga.
The commands are put in the headers to be sent on the bus. The EventStore is concerned with the storage of events so the events that caused saga transitions are persisted. Later, when the saga is loaded from the event stream, the events will be passed to the saga's transition method to bring it to the current state.
The transition method serves a dual purpose in the saga implementation. Transition is called to handle incoming messages and to load the saga from peristence. In SagaEventStoreRepository.BuildSaga ClearUncomittedEvents and ClearUndispatchedMessages are called on the saga after the current state is built up thus avoiding duplicate event and command processing.
I haven't personally done this but I would use a separate EventStore instance for my sagas. This would allow for the usage of a separate IPublishMessages implementation to take the commands from the event headers and send them.