Find column-count inbetween integers row-wise in matrix (matlab) - matlab

I have a stupid problem, I can't find the answer to ^^.
I have a 100x10000 double matrix containing integers from 1 to 4 and want to find row-wise the column-count between every single integer
My first idea was to use:
storage_ones = cell(100,1);
for n = 1:100;
[row col] = find(matrix(n,:)==1);
storage_ones{n,1} = col;
And then substract them in another loop. But with find I get following Answer:
Empty matrix: 1-by-0
Does anybody have an idea how I can solve this problem?
Thanks in advance!!

Your issue is potentially due to one of two things:
Since you're using a double datatype, it is possible that you're encountering floating point errors where the values aren't going to be 1 exactly. If this is the case consider not checking for exact equality and instead check if it is very close to 1 using a small epsilon (here I used 1e-12).
[row, col] = find(abs(matrix(n,:) - 1) < 1e-12);
If you really have an integer datatype, consider using uint8 to store your data rather than double and then you can perform exact comparisons.
matrix = uint8(matrix);
% Then for your comparison
find(matrix(n,:) == 1)
You may just not have any 1's in that column. If find can't find any matches, it returns an empty array.
find([1 2 3] == 4)
% Empty matrix: 1-by-0


Matlab find function throws size difference error when there is no apparent one

My matlab code is attempting to find the indices in a 601 by 1 matrix that correspond to a given value but says the left and right sides have a different number of elements
pH_fine = pH(1):0.01:pH(end);
pH_labvals = [7.72,9.87,7.4,7.63,7.06,6.85,8.29,9.37,11.1];
index_labvals = [];
a = find(pH_fine == 8); %This works perfectly
for i = 1:length(pH_labvals)
index_labvals(i) = find(pH_fine == pH_labvals(i)); %This throws an error
Your problem is that the find(pH_fine == pH_labvals(i)) on the right side sometimes doesn't find any match, and returns an empty result for an index, specifically a 1-by-0 row vector. This doesn't match the size of the left side, which is indexing a 1-by-1 element from your vector index_labvals.
You need to check first if the result of find is empty, and decide what you will put in the index vector in that case, like a 0 or NaN. You will also need to deal with find giving you a vector of indices if pH_labvals has the same value repeated. If you simply want to remove repeated values, you could use unique like so:
pH_labvals = unique(pH_labvals, 'stable');
If you're wondering why you're getting an empty result from find, you should read through this post about the perils of floating-point comparison. One possible solution, assuming pH_labvals contains non-repeated values with 2 decimal places of precision, is to first round your pH_fine vector to 2 decimal places:
pH_fine = round(pH(1):0.01:pH(end), 2);
This should allow you to avoid the errors from floating-point comparison.
An alternative approach is to use interp1 for table lookup:
pH = [1,14]; % Not sure what values you use here, it doesn't matter for the example.
pH_fine = pH(1):0.01:pH(end);
pH_labvals = [7.72,9.87,7.4,7.63,7.06,6.85,8.29,9.37,11.1];
index_labvals = interp1(pH_fine,1:numel(pH_fine),pH_labvals,'nearest')
Here, we're finding the nearest index within pH_fine that matches each of the values in pH_labvals. 1:numel(pH_fine) are the indices into pH_fine.
Note that there's no need for a loop, as interp1 will lookup all pH_labvals at once.

logical operation within vector range expression in MATLAB

can I have something like
A(1:2 && 5:6)=0;
meaning I want to zero out specific ranges within my vector index expression in one line
Is that possible?
And what if I wanted to zero out all the rest like
A(~[1:2]) = 0
What's the way of logical NOT within vector indexing?
The following should work:
idx = [1:2,5:6];
A(idx) = 0
If you want to zero the complement of the vector of indices:
idx = [1:2,5:6];
A(~ismembc(1:length(A),idx)) = 0
Where ismembc is a faster, lightweight version of ismember that assumes the array is sorted and non-sparse with no NaN elements. (Credit goes to this question.)
Just do A([1:2 5:6]). I.e., just create a vector of the indices you want to zero out.

MATLAB: changes in vector elements

I have a some vectors of different large sizes and their value is between 0 and 1. I want to save those indices of elements which there would be any changes in decimal. For an small example, let's assume
Now the ouptput for this should be as
Would you please let me know how it can be done?
As suggested by #Luis Mendo (including his suggestion with removing ~= 0), here the comment as answer. You can use the logarithm function to determine your number of decimals for you.
i = find(diff(floor(log10(V))))+1
Be sure to use floor to have integer values you can compare to 0.
count = arrayfun(#(x) regexp(num2str(x),'\.','split'),V, 'UniformOutput', false)
dp = cell2mat(arrayfun(#(x) length(x{2}),count, 'UniformOutput', false))
I did it this way. First I split the numbers and next i find the length of the second term and lastly, I find whether the length is different from its previous..

Finding all rows in a pair of vectors where both entries are non-zero (Octave)

I have a n x 2 matrix in Octave, and I would like to find every row where the matrix(row, 1) and matrix(row, 2) elements are non-zero. I could use a for loop like this:
[nrows, ncols] = size(data);
for i = 1:nrows
if(data(i, 1) ~= 0 && data(i, 2) ~= 0)
% Do something
The issue with that is that n is about 3 million, and iteration in Octave takes for ever. I feel like there is a way to do it with find, but I haven't been able to figure it out yet.
Anyone have any advice?
You can create use logical indexing:
idx = all(data(:,1:2)~=0, 2);
The resulting vector idx contains 1s in every row where both cells are non-zero and 0 otherwise.
I think in this case (since it is related with zero values) the following also should work
But #H.Muster's solution is the one that works in all cases, hence a better one.
If performance is the issue: maybe try converting both columns to logical:
useful = and(logical(data(:,1)),logical(data(:,2)))
Then you can again use logical indexing:
filtered = data(useful,:)

How to extract a row of a matrix

In every other language if I have a matrix, if I call a mono-dimensional index, the result will be an array.I don't know why in Matlab if you take a single index of a matrix, you'll get a single element, that's stupid.
Anyway in C:
mat[0] is an array.
In Matlab:
mat=[1 2; 3 4];
How do I take the first row of the matrix? mat(1) is 1, not [1 2].
EDIT: There is another problem, I have a problem with this function:
function str= split(string, del)
str=['' ; ''];
for i=1:length(string)
if string(i)==del
elseif found==1
This returns sometimes a matrix and sometimes an array.
For example if I use split('FF','.') I get 'FF' as result, but what if I want to return a matrix? I can't even choose the dimensione of the matrix, in this context a weak typed language is a big disvantage.
You have to say which columns you want. : stands for all indices in a dimension, so to take first row
It is not stupid, but useful. If you address a matrix with only one index, it implicitly gets converted to a vector. This gives you the option to use linear indices (see sub2ind).
This will extract the second row
vector = mat(2,:)
And This will extract the second column
vector = mat(:,2)
You can use
vector = mat(end,:)
To extract the last row
Hope this helps you
From Matrix Indexing in MATLAB:
When you index into the matrix A using only one subscript, MATLAB
treats A as if its elements were strung out in a long column vector,
by going down the columns consecutively
I just hope it doesn't look stupid to you anymore (along with the right answers from angainor and Marwan)