Xcode adding custom dir, doesn't show in tree view - swift

I've added dictionary dir to my Xcode app project.
But I don't see it in tree view on the left pane:
Actually I don't need to see it per se, I just need its path to copy it to ~/library/spelling
But I'm just curious if its the right way to tackle this problem. Will I be able to get its path if it doesn't show in left pane?

The standard tree view in Xcode is not a direct mapping of the underlying directory structure. Xcode uses "groups" which are the yellow folders in the project navigator that can be directories in the file system but don't have to be.
If you'd like to add your new files to the project, simply open a Finder window and drag them from Finder into the project navigator. You'll be presented with a dialog when you drop them in, make sure the files are added to your fish target. This is what makes the actually get copied into the built app.
If you'd like to have Xcode show a direct translation of the directory structure, you can drag the fish/dictionary folder into the project navigator, and select "Create Folder References" rather than create groups. This will be represented with a blue folder icon and will stay in sync with the directory.
Also, just so you know, the files won't be in library or anywhere like that. You'll load them by asking your main bundle for the url for that resource like so:
if let url = NSBundle.mainBundle().URLForResource("ka_GE", withExtension: "aff") {
// found url for resource
Note that if you dragged in the dictionary folder as a folder reference in you'll project, you'll have to call it like this:
if let url = NSBundle.mainBundle().URLForResource("ka_GE", withExtension: "aff", subdirectory: "dictionary") {
// found url for resource


How to change location of iPhone app icon?

Okay, I am a noob. It must be simple but I stuck here.
I do rigth-click and choose 'select file'.
After I choose the file the dialogue appears:
I want to keep my icons not in the root directory. But I can't figure out how to do this. I tried different ways, even create project from scratch...
Please help.
When you bring image assets into Xcode they will all be in your application bundle's root directory at run time.
It appears that you've added a file named "icon#2x.png" to your project at one time already. Go to the project's summary page in Xcode click Build Phases and then expand the section titled Copy Bundle Resources. There you'll find the reference to the resources that will be copied to your bundle at run time.
More on bundle structures here:
Anyway, the way I've done this in the past is to:
Remove the existing image duplicate from Xcode and from the folder structure in Finder.
Add a new folder in Finder call it "/AppIcons" (or whatever).
Copy all the app icons to that folder in Finder.
Drag the "/AppIcon" folder into your XCode project. I typically put images in an "/Images" subdirectory in the Xcode project. Again you can put it wherever you'd like.
In Xcode on the project summary panel, add your app icons from the folder "/AppIcons" by dragging / dropping or by right clicking and adding them as separate files.
Alternatively in the past when I've had problems with this sometimes Xcode will copy the app icons to the root project directory. If that happens, I make sure that I have the "/AppIcons" folder structure on disc (in Finder) and in my Xcode project. I add the app icons to the project, then move them to /AppIcons in Finder, and re-reference them all over again.
Your Copy Bundle Resources should then have the proper file reference. Note that my apps icons go in "/Images/AppIcons"
Good luck!
I would add the image files to your project with the name icon#2x.png. To do this right click where you want to add the files in xcode and click add file/s. Then search for your image and add them using the dialogue that pops up. - there is a check box so that you can either copy them to the projects destination folder which will copy them into you project folder or leave it unchecked (inadvisable) which would reference it's current location on your HDD. Make sure the file doesn't already exist in the project before doing this!
Sorry I forgot to mention then drag and drop the file from within xcode onto the image location box.
In XCode 4 (I'm using 4.6.2) you will get this confusing message if you've just moved the target's info.plist file, but not corrected the location at the top of the summary panel. Fix this and the icons will reappear, assuming they are added to the project, or if not you should now be able to drag them in without xcode insisting on making extra copies.
This tends to happen when you're starting a project and sorting out the mess of default file locations that xcode gives you. I like my project structure to be 99% the same as the file system structure.
This is an easy fix. If the image you want as your App Icon resides outside of the root of your project, when you get that dialog just click "Yes", and then click delete on the newly created file in the root, and "Move to Trash".
The reference is still there and works without a hitch, since the file will still be in the root at runtime

How to correct missing files in xcode iOS project

I have a project with some missing files. The files are their own folder on the same level as the iOS app project folder. Not sure why but the files are showing up as "missing"
Is there something I can do to the Library Search Paths (see screenshot below) so they find them correctly?
fyi: I inherited the project, so it was just sent to me. I try to build it and get all those files missing.
thanks for any help :)
It's nothing to do with library search paths, they are used to find libraries to compile against; they're nothing to do with source files contained within your project.
They are missing because your project file is trying to reference a location for the file that doesn't exist. You have two options:
If you have all the missing files on hand in Finder, you can delete the references to them in Xcode, and re-import them. Do this by dragging them back into the project from Finder.
You can instead 'fix' your project file, to have it refer to the right place. To do this, use the File Inspector on the right, and under Location, select the 'box' icon (not sure what it is, but select it), and relocate your file.
open the folder in which these files are present then drag and drop the missing files in you project. check the "copy items into destination group's folder(if needed)", choose "create groups for any added folders".
Remove these files from the project view (list on the left side), drag them back into the project and make sure you don't select Copy to project, but you also have to check which target to put in.

Maintaining Directory Structure when loading local files into UIWebview on iPhone

I'm noticing a minor annoyance when working with local files in a UIWebview and hoping there is a simple workaround. As a simplified example lets say in my xCode project I have a folder called "WebProject" that contains an html file and a subfolder called "images" where the images reside. The html file references the images as you'd expect: src="images/MYIMAGE.jpg" for example, which works just dandy if this where are normal webpage. When you load the html file in a UIWebview, however, this image would not show up because it seems that all of the files are just thrown into one big bundle folder (so the image link is actually: src"MyIMAGE.jpg"). Is there anyway to enforce the directory structure of these files in the main bundle, so that this sort of thing does not happen? Thanks!
Just create the structure you want in the filesystem (using finder or whatever) and import that whole tree into your project. Make sure you select "Create folder references for any added folders"
You'll notice these folders are blue instead of the normal yellow used for groups. This folder structure will exist in the bundle and so your relative references will work as you expect.
Hope that helps.
See this page and this tech note for how to add resources, and maintain directory structure. Make sure you select the radio button that says "Create folder references for any added folders." Then when you go to write your code, folder-relative paths to the bundle will resolve just as if they are sub-directories. Because they are, even in your app's resources.

Access Photo Library in cocos2d

I am creating a game using cocos2d.
Now what I want is I need to insert the image from Photo Library to my application. Can you please tell how can we access Photo Library through cocos2d?
Thanks in ADVANCE...
You should be able to access the users Photo Library in the normal fashion. As far as actually using the selected photo, is a different question. ;-)
Not sure if this is what you mean but...
To use an image in your application you put the image file in your resources folder in xcode. Then you can reference it by name to use it for your sprites or anything else that will use a file. This goes for other types of files that your application will use too (like data files, plists, etc).
If you put an icon file in your resources folder in xcode and name it icon.png then that will be the icon that will appear for the user to select to run your application on the iphone/ipod/ipad.
Same goes if you put another file in the resources folder and name it default.png then it will show up as the splash screen that appears while your application is being loaded.
Note: If you are working with a template it will probably already have canned files with these names. Just remove them from the resource folder in xcode and add the new ones. To add the files to your project, drag them into the resource folder within xcode and select the check box for: "Copy items into destination group's folder (if needed)", as well as, make sure in add targets section only the check box for your application name is checked and the radio button "Recursively create groups for any added folders" is selected. This will copy the file(s) into your project directory and they will also appear in the resources folder in xcode. You can then click on them in xcode to see that they are correct.

iPhone Interface Builder - Moved resources to sub-directory, now IB can't see them!

I had a bunch of images in my Xcode project. They were originally added without choosing "Create Folder References for any added folders". So I removed the references and re-added as per these instructions Include a resource directory hierarchy into app bundle
Unfortunately, Interface Builder will not display any of the images inside that directory. On the project tree the directory comes up with a blue icon and all the files are there!
The file names show in the IB Inspector (i.e. under the 'Image' property), but I get missing image icons for everything located in that directory.
Any ideas how to get the images showing again?
Problem solved! Turns out that blue folder references are fine, but IB will not read them!
For anyone else who cares to know, if you have the following:
Once you've added them in a blue folder in Xcode (as detailed in link above), you can refer to them in IB as follows:
In the XIB's XML it will look something like this
<string key="NSResourceName">images/pic.png</string>
Simple! The only drawback is Interface Builder's WYSIWYG preview does not process these paths!
I found the answer here http://www.iphonedevsdk.com/forum/iphone-sdk-development/6457-xcode-folder-directories.html
If you like to have your images structured in your SCM and under XCode but really doesn't mind that all images will be placed in one directory once building the final .ipa package, here is what you need to do:
Create a directory called e.g. "Images" in your root folder
Place all your images into this folder
Add a new group from within XCode and call this "Images" too
Right-click this group and choose "Add Files to ..."
Select all your files and uncheck "Copy items into destination group's folder" because they are already in there
Make sure to select your right targets
From Interface Builder you are now able to pick your images without prefixing it with the folder name and you will see a preview of your images within Interface Builder.
Gives me both my IB preview and a neat folder structure when designing my app.
Copy Images folder to your project folder.
Add this folder to project. In "Choose options for adding these files" dialog, you must check "Create groups".
"Copy items if needed" you can leave checked.
Make sure to select your right targets