mIRC If Timer X is running - irc

Im looking to make an if statement that will check if a timer is running!
on *:text:*ABC*:#: {
if timerX is running { msg $chan Working! }

there is no need to use property ".secs", not if you wanted to check ONLY if the timer is running
by the way, i would not recommend to use wildcards on "on text" matches, since it can match everything.
on $*:text:/^!timercheck\s(.+\s)/:#:{ if ($timer($regml(1))) { code here for working} else { code here for not working } }
or you can use $iif
on $*:text:/^!timercheck\s(.+\s)\s/:#:{
msg $chan $+($nick,:) Timer $qt($regml(1)) is $iif(!$timer($regml(1)),not) running
as example
^ = the first thing in line
\s = space after the command
(.+\s) = first word after the space

on *:TEXT:*ABC*:#:{
if ($timer("name").secs) { msg $chan working }


Mirc script to find exact match in customer list

I am using this to find customer name in text file. Names are each on a separate line. I need to find exact name. If searching for Nick specifically it should find Nick only but my code will say found even if only Nickolson is in te list.
On*:text:*!Customer*:#: {
if ($read(system\Customer.txt,$2)) {
.msg $chan $2 Customer found in list! | halt }
else { .msg $chan 4 $2 Customer not found in list. | halt }
You have to loop through every matching line and see if the line is an exact match
Something like this
On*:text:*!Custodsddmer*:#: {
var %nick
; loop over all lines that contains nick
while ($read(customer.txt, nw, *nick*, $calc($readn + 1))) {
; check if the line is an exact match
if ($v1 == nick) {
%nick = $v1
; stop the loop because a result is found
if (%nick == $null) {
.msg $chan 4 $2 Customer not found in list.
.msg $chan $2 Customer found in list!
You can find more here: https://en.wikichip.org/wiki/mirc/text_files#Iterating_Over_Matches
If you're looking for exact match in a new line separate list, then you can use the 'w' switch without using wildcard '*' character.
From mIRC documentation
$read(filename, [ntswrp], [matchtext], [N])
Scans the file info.txt for a line beginning with the word mirc and
returns the text following the match value. //echo $read(help.txt, w,
Because we don't want the wildcard matching, but a exact match, we would use:
$read(customers.txt, w, Nick)
Complete Code:
ON *:TEXT:!Customer *:#: {
var %foundInTheList = $read(system\Customer.txt, w, $2)
if (%foundInTheList) {
.msg # $2 Customer found in list!
else {
.msg 4 # $2 Customer not found in list.
Few remarks on Original code
halt should only use when you forcibly want to stop any future processing to take place. In most cases, you can avoid it, by writing you code flow in a way it will behave like that without explicitly using halting.
It will also resolve new problems that may arise, in case you will want to add new code, but you will wonder why it isn't executing.. because of the darn now forgotten halt command.
This will also improve you debugging, in the case it will not make you wonder on another flow exit, without you knowing.
if (..) {
.... }
else { .. }
When considering many lines of codes inside the first { } it will make it hard to notice the else (or elseif) because mIRC remote parser will put on the same identification as the else line also the line above it, which contains the closing } code. You should almost always few extra code in case of readability, especially which it costs new nothing!, as i remember new lines are free of charge.
So be sure the to have the rule of thump of every command in a new line. (that includes the closing bracket)
Matching Text
On*:text:*!Customer*:#: {
The above code has critical problem, and bug.
Critical: Will not work, because on*:text contains no space between on and *:text
Bug: !Customer will match EVERYTHING-BEFORE!customerANDAFTER <NICK>, which is clearly not desired behavior. What you want is :!Customer *: will only match if the first word was !customer and you must enter at least another text, because I've used [SPACE]*.

Need example for try-catch-finally where finally is a must

I need an example that use try..catch..finally clause where the finally is NECESSARY vs try..catch clause where finally is optional. The example below only demonstrated that finally is optional because with or without it, it won't make any different to my output.
My Example (note: $ErrorActionPreference is Continue):
try {
$value = 5 / 0
} catch {
Write-Output "illegal operation"
$t = Get-Date
Write-Output ("operation is done at " + "$t")
The reason is I need to know where finally clause become necessary vs just put finally clause no matter what.
A finally clause is just a logical construct saying "this statement or group of statements should always be run at the end of the try block, regardless of whether there was an error or not". It tells people reading the code that there is a logical connection between the code in the try and finally blocks (e.g. opening and closing a database connection). However, beyond that there is no essential difference between
try {
5 / 0
} catch {
'illegal operation'
try {
5 / 0
} catch {
'illegal operation'
} finally {
You can find some discussion of the subject here.
I think the only way it would make a difference is if you return or exit in the try block:
try {
'foo' # <-- displayed
} finally {
'bar' # <-- displayed
'baz' # <-- not displayed
but maybe something like that is just bad design.

Expect Interact and special characters

trying to create a macro program with expect to help me manage my cisco devices>
I want to keep all native cisco functions like tab complete ETC.
initially I wanted to type "!...!" where my macro is inside the bangs, my code looked like this:
interact {
-re "!(.+)!" { #find correct macro }
but with this method, there is no feedback to the user. what happens if they misspell? etc then they can't see their corrections with backspace.
then I started thinking about just capturing each character press and building a string
interact {
#book says backspace character
"\b" {
set command [lreplace $command end end]
#detect return, sending command
-re "\r" {
set command [join $command ""]
if [regexp "^!" $command] {
#send ctrl+u to erase line sent
send "\025"
findMacro $command
set command ""
send "\r"
#send tab for tab completion
"\t" { send "\t" }
-re "(.)" {
send $interact_out(1,string)
lappend command $interact_out(1,string)
but I can't "expect" the backspace. I've tried 0x08.. etc nothing is working. in the end I'm not even sure this is the way to go simply because there are to many other buttons a user could push and mess up my string I'm building.
the real solution, I think, is to wait until "\r" is pressed, and then run a regex on that line. but I'm not sure how to do that.

Can't invoke submit queries in PERL CGI

Hey so I am trying to make a simple 'dating website' however I'm struggling with CGI aspect :( Mainly I'm having trouble with forms(I think I'm not too sure what I'm struggling with).
I have this statement
print header, start_html("EngCupid"), h2("EngCupid"), start_form;
if (!param() || param("home")) {
} elsif (param("browse")) {
} elsif (param("search")) {
} elsif (param("username")) {
} else {
print "fail";
print end_form, end_html;
exit 0;
To Handle the general navigation of the website. However, I'm struggling when it comes to submit buttons etc inside these functions. So my browse_page() function is
sub browse_page {
print h2("Browse Page");
print p;
if (param("next")) {
$hidden_variable = param("x") + 1;
param('x', $hidden_variable);
$hidden_variable = 0;
print hidden('x');
print submit("next", "Next");
print submit("home", "Home"), " ", submit("search", "Search Users");
Which is supposed to increment a variable that I need to use for further functions every time I press the next key. However, whenever I press the next key it just prints fail as in the form isn't being passed?
Do I need a new form inside each function I am printing? I tried it but it still didn't work. Just a little lost in forms in general.
I am not sure what you are trying to achieve. Maybe the problem is that the x is not being sent back from client to server, maybe you wanted
print hidden('x', param('x'));
Also, why do you set $hidden_variable to 0? After submitting, the script will run again, the old value of the variable will not be accessible anymore.

Perl do...while and last command

I've just encountered some very weird behavior that I really can't explain:
do {
my $qry = $self->getHTMLQuery(undef, $mech->content());
next if (!defined($qry));
map { 'http://www.XXXXYYYX.com'.$_->attr('href') }
$qry->query('div.prodInfo div.prodInfoBox a.prodLink.GridItemLink')
last if ($TEST >= 10);
} while(eval { $mech->follow_link(class => 'jump next') });
print "WHILE ENDED\n";
The code above never prints "WHILE ENDED" even though it does seem to go out of the while loop when $TEST >= 10.
But the following code does print "WHILE ENDED":
do {
my $qry = $self->getHTMLQuery(undef, $mech->content());
next if (!defined($qry));
map { 'http://www.XXXXYYYX.com'.$_->attr('href') }
$qry->query('div.prodInfo div.prodInfoBox a.prodLink.GridItemLink')
} while(eval { $mech->follow_link(class => 'jump next') } && $TEST <= 10);
print "WHILE ENDED\n";
In both tests, the initial value of $TEST is 0.
Is the behavior of last in do...while different than in for and while {...}?
A do block with a looping modifier doesn't count as a real loop as far as next, last, and redo are concerned. This is mentioned in perlsyn, where you'll find the tip Schwern mentioned about surrounding it with a bare block to make last work. But that won't work with next, because a bare block is only executed once, so next acts like last. To make next work, you can put the bare block inside the do, but then last will act like next.
If you need both next and last to work with a do ... while, the easiest way is to use an infinite loop with the real condition in a continue block. These 2 loops are equivalent, except that the second is a real loop, so it works with next & last:
do { ... } while condition;
while (1) { ... } continue { last unless condition };
From perldoc -f last:
"last" cannot be used to exit a block that returns a value such as
"eval {}", "sub {}" or "do {}"
TLP is right. The standard work around for this (I just hit it myself) is to wrap the do/while in a bare block which, counter-intuitively, does respect loop controls.
{ do {
} while 1; }
The block outside will catch last. If you want to handle next you have to put the bloc inside.
do {{
}} while 1;
The block inside will catch next.
Unfortunately you can't do both.