Core Data commands crash ViewController even after delete - swift

I was trying to add autosaving to my Core Data-based app and there was a line of code I added to textDidChange in a CollectionViewItem:
That gave me a lot of errors, so I commented out the line. I then went in to delete the CocoaAppCD.storedata persistent store file to make it cleaner (I'm still in early dev stages so all that goes in my persistent store is random test materials).
Now, I'm finding, Core Data commands crash my ViewController. Specifically this function:
func createNewNotebook(folderURL: NSURL)
let currentNotebook = Notebook(entity: sv.noteType, insertIntoManagedObjectContext:sv.context)
currentNotebook.folderURLstring = folderURL.absoluteString
let noteSet = currentNotebook.mutableSetValueForKey("contains")
intakeFilesFromFolder(noteSet, currentFolderURL: folderURL)
(Notebook and NoteEntity are the two entity types in my Core Data model.) When either the currentNotebook.folder... or let noteSet... commands run, I get these errors in my console:
Brouillon.NoteEntity folderURLstring]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x6080000a3a20
2016-07-24 19:27:02.622 Brouillon[8006:361665] Failed to set (contentViewController) user defined inspected property on (NSWindow): -[Brouillon.NoteEntity folderURLstring]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x6080000a3a20
and the WindowController is empty with no view filling it (even though these same statements had worked before I added the now-commented-out line). But if I bypass this function so the Core Data statements don't run, the views load. I would have thought that if I had anything dirty left in the database, deleting the CocoaAppCD.storedata file should have fixed it (and I keep deleting that file after every run). But it seems like something in Core Data is still mucked up for me - any ideas?

I figured this out. The problem was I had declared the wrong entity type: my sv.noteType should have been sv.notebookType, since it was a Notebook rather than a NoteEntity. (The error would have been introduced when I was creating the class instantiated as sv, as a class to hold my otherwise-duplicated code.)


Saving a score to firebase with attached values

What I'm wanting to accomplish is save a score to firebase that has two values attached to it. Here's the code that writes the score to firebase.
func writeToFirebase() { .userInteractive).async {
self.ref = Database.database().reference()
if GameManager.instance.getTopScores().contains(GameManager.instance.getGameScore()) {
.updateChildValues( [
"vehicle": GameManager.instance.getVehicleSelected()
The issue I'm having is when a new score is saved with its values it sometimes overwrites the other scores. This seems to be random and its not when they're the same score or anything like that. Sometimes it will only overwrite one score and sometimes multiple. I'm watching firebase and I can see it being overwritten, it turns red and then is deleted. Sometimes the new score being added will be red and get deleted. The score doesn't need to be a child, but I don't know how to attach values to it if it's not. Any help is appreciated
This issue seems to happen occasionally so I am going to post my comment as an answer.
There are situations where an observer may be added to a node and when data changes in that node, like a write or update, it will fire that observer which may then overwrite the existing data with nil.
You can see this visually in the console as when the write occurs, you can see the data change/update, then it turns red and then mysteriously vanishes.
As suggested in my comment, add a breakpoint to the function that performs the write and run the code. See if that function is called twice (or more). If that's the case, the first write is storing the data properly but upon calling it a second time, the values being written are probably nil, which then makes the node 'go away' as Firebase nodes cannot exist without a value.
Generally speaking if you see your data turn red and vanish, it's likely caused by nil values being written to the node.

Xcode: +CoreDataProperties.swift issue

I'm designing an app which is going well but I had an issue a while ago whereby I had to create a new model for CoreData because I made alterations to the Entities. I'm up to the fourth version and I had another issue with the app and I cleaned it. Now, this is what I'm getting:
The 'deleted' Attribute is set to NSDate
but after I try to build it again I get the following error:
I thought if I made alterations to the Entity Xcode would pick that up and alter any files accordingly! But that doesn't seem to be the case!
I've tried deleting the +CoreDataProperties.swift files and the 'Shopping List' swift file, recreating the 'Shopping List' swift file, under a different class name, and trying to build it again but I get the same error. This tells me its a CoreData issue, not a Swift issue. Obviously I need the attribute as NSDate but I'm not sure where to go from here!
The only way I can get the app to build is to comment out the 'deleted' attribute in the +CoreDataProperties.swift file and it runs fine.
I have the app running on a test iPhone 6 and the last time I made changes to the Entity I lost all the data I entered manually on the phone because of errors. The only way to get the app back up and running was to delete the app off the phone and reinstall it. I seriously don't want to go down that route again because I have nearly 450 various records on the phone.
If I leave the 'deleted' Attribute commented out when its uploaded to the app store, will it fail to upload, and will it fail to work correctly if the upload is successful?
I'd rather sort the issue before trying!
What you need to do is called light weight migrations. In app delegate you need to tell the app to look for the new version and create presistence store
lazy var persistentContainer: NSPersistentContainer = {
The persistent container for the application. This implementation
creates and returns a container, having loaded the store for the
application to it. This property is optional since there are legitimate
error conditions that could cause the creation of the store to fail.
let container = NSPersistentContainer(name: "NAMEGOESHERE")
let description = NSPersistentStoreDescription()
description.shouldInferMappingModelAutomatically = true
description.shouldMigrateStoreAutomatically = true
container.persistentStoreDescriptions = [description]
// End of new code
container.loadPersistentStores(completionHandler: { (storeDescription, error) in
if let error = error as NSError? {
// Replace this implementation with code to handle the error appropriately.
// fatalError() causes the application to generate a crash log and terminate. You should not use this function in a shipping application, although it may be useful during development.
Typical reasons for an error here include:
* The parent directory does not exist, cannot be created, or disallows writing.
* The persistent store is not accessible, due to permissions or data protection when the device is locked.
* The device is out of space.
* The store could not be migrated to the current model version.
Check the error message to determine what the actual problem was.
fatalError("Unresolved error \(error), \(error.userInfo)")
return container
This method worked for me. There are a number of tutorials out there on doing light weight migrations here and there is a stack overflow answer which is one I actually referred to when I had this problem here. By doing migrations your app shall be able to create a new persistance store and in that new store it ll change the attribute of deleted from Bool to NSdate as in the generated managedobject file. Hope this helps

CKAsset in server record contains no fileURL, cannot even check for nil

I am testing a sync conflict when I save a record that contains a CKAsset (simply a JPG image) using CKModifyRecordsOperation with a save policy of .IfServerRecordUnchanged. I am getting the error CKErrorCode.ServerRecordChanged. This CKError returns me useful information for conflict resolution, including the CKRecord I tried to save, and the current server version of the record. The first is in error.userInfo[CKRecordChangedErrorClientRecordKey] the second is in error.userInfo[CKRecordChangedErrorServerRecordKey].
My problem is I am trying to access the server record's CKAsset with this code:
if let photoAsset = rec["myPhoto"] as? CKAsset {
print("PhotoAsset.fileURL: \(photoAsset.fileURL)") // BAD_ACCESS ERROR HERE = NSData(contentsOfURL: photoAsset.fileURL)
I don't get how this is possible. But after further investigating, I print out the client and server CKRecords and the server one is missing the 'path' property.
client CKAsset...myPhoto (modified) -> CKAsset: 0x7b960d90; path=~/tmp/BF185B2C-7A39-4730-9530-9797E843243Aphoto, size=373959, uploadRank=0, uploadReceipt=A92Eg1qoyPG7yrg3, UUID=3C2D5DC8-4FF5-4A81-853B-395FC1C59862, referenceSignature=<012fd149 200fc600 617e3907 88763e3e 5002abbf 5b>, flags=uploaded, wrappedEncryptionKey=, signature=<0134a297 38d52f5f 9275bfba fce5b1a8 3d6b9692 d3>
server CKAsset...myPhoto = CKAsset: 0x7be700d0; referenceSignature=<015337bd 84409893 7c014f46 36248d27 ce911dc3 7a>, size=373959, uploadRank=0, UUID=DF5D2EB4-033C-49A2-AF52-6055B5A44106, wrappedEncryptionKey=<767e7cfd d1e62110 32119ee9 f6f026b3 5bcf0cc3 8053a4de>, signature=<0134a297 38d52f5f 9275bfba fce5b1a8 3d6b9692 d3>
Notice how path=~/tmp/C706423B-A3E8-4051-A9B3-483C718BFBF5photo is missing from the server one? Can anyone explain this? To fix it I try to avoid touching the CKAsset from the server record. I would like to at least be able to check for nil. I wanted to put this out there in case it helps anyone else.
Due to the crash on accessing fileURL, this is most likely a framework bug. Probably an oversight on account of the CKRecord being buried in a dictionary. I just follow it up with a regular fetch(withRecordID:).
I'm experiencing this issue as well on iOS 11.2.1 when accessing CKAsset from serverRecord property in CKRecord. It's a little bit frustrating. A workaround is fetching the object once again via func fetch(withRecordID... and then access fileURL.
This seems like the correct behavior, not a bug.
CloudKit informed you that your write operation failed because you weren't working from the latest CKRecord and gave you a non-hydrated version of the server's current CKRecord so you could determine which fields were different from your starting point. The rest is up to you.
If CloudKit returned the fully hydrated server record in the error response for a write operation, it would potentially waste enormous amounts of bandwidth/resources.
That is why CKAssets exist: to separate the size-constrained key-value fields associated with a CKRecord from the unlimited-size binary assets that can be attached to them.

Core Data relationship not saved to store

I've got this command line app that iterates through CSV files to create a Core Data SQLite store. At some point I'm building these SPStop objects, which has routes and schedules to-many relationships:
SPRoute *route = (SPRoute*)[self.idTransformer objectForOldID:routeID ofType:#"routes" onContext:self.coreDataController.managedObjectContext];
SPStop *stopObject = (SPStop*)[self.idTransformer objectForOldID:stopID ofType:#"stops" onContext:self.coreDataController.managedObjectContext];
[stopObject addSchedulesObject:scheduleObject];
[stopObject addRoutesObject:route];
[self.coreDataController saveMOC];
If I log my stopObject object (before or after saving; same result), I get the following:
latitude = "45.50909";
longitude = "-73.80914";
name = "Roxboro-Pierrefonds";
routes = (
"0x10480b1b0 <x-coredata://A7B68C47-3F73-4B7E-9971-2B2CC42DB56E/SPRoute/p2>"
schedules = (
"0x104833c60 <x-coredata:///SPSchedule/tB5BCE5DC-1B08-4D11-BCBB-82CD9AC42AFF131>"
Notice how the routes and schedules object URL formats differ? This must be for a reason, because further down the road when I use the sqlite store and print the same stopObject, my routes set is empty, but the schedules one isn't.
I realize this is very little debugging information but maybe the different URL formats rings a bell for someone? What could I be doing wrong that would cause this?
EDIT: it seems that one SPRoute object can only be assigned to one SPStop at once. I inserted breakpoints at the end of the iteration and had a look a the sqlite every time and I definitely see that as soon as an SPRoute object (that already had been assigned to a previous stop.routes) is assigned to a new SPStop, the previous stop.routes set gets emptied. How can this be?
Well, we had disabled Xcode's inverse relationship's warning which clearly states:
SPStop.routes does not have an inverse; this is an advanced
setting (no object can be in multiple destinations for a specific
Which was precisely our issue. We had ditched inverse relationships because Apple states that they're only good for "data integrity". Our store is read-only so we figured we didn't really need them. We learn now that inverse relationships are a little more than just for "data integrity" :P

Exception when running on simulator 3.2

I'm testing my app on simulator 3.1.3, it runs fine.
When it come to simulator 3.2, it crashes right from the beginning:
2010-06-24 16:35:29.208 MyTestApp[6991:207] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSGenericException', reason: 'This coder requires that replaced objects be returned from initWithCoder:'
2010-06-24 16:35:29.213 MyTestApp[6991:207] Stack: (
As far as I know, I do not use the "initWithCoder" method (do not really know what this is though).
How can I know where the exception is thrown so I could have a better understanding of what is causing the problem?
ps: I have added an exception in Breakpoint: objc_exception_throw (with location libobjc.A.dylib, strangely I had to enter the location manually, I expected xcode to find it for me when I added objc_exception_throw). But still the same trace and no more information.
This page should provide some helpful info: Debugging Tips for Objective-C
Of particular interest is the console command info line *. Every one of those numbers listed by the exception log is an address on the stack. Those bottom ones in the 10,000 and below range are usually located in the app's main method, for example. The highest ranged addresses tend to represent the default libraries.
Using the command info line *10678 would likely return some info about a specific line in the main method, which doesn't help very much. Normally the trick is to find the highest address before the default libraries begin. I'm unsure how much this will help your problem in particular, seeing as there's a huge gap between the expected small addresses and the next highest up. In any case, start with the smallest address above the bottom two (3555255 from what I can see in the log you posted) and see if it returns a line from one of your own code files. If it does, check the one above it, and so on until you find the last address from your own code. Hope this helps.
I figured out the reason of this error. I had created an object of type NSDictionnary within IB and it seems it was not the correct way to do this. Instead I have programmatically created this same object in XCode and this works fine. Seems like it was some kind of persistent problem.