How to set KUBE_ENABLE_INSECURE_REGISTRY=true on a running Kubernetes cluster? - kubernetes

I forgot to set export KUBE_ENABLE_INSECURE_REGISTRY=true when running (AWS provider). I was wondering if there was anyway to retroactively apply that change to a running cluster. It is only a 3 node cluster so doing it manually is an option. Or is the only way to tear down the cluster and start from scratch?

I haven't tested it but in theory you just need to add --insecure-registry (if you are running your insecure registry in the kube network to the docker daemon options (DOCKER_OPTS).
You can also specify the url instead of the network.


What is minikube config specifying?

According to the minikube handbook the configuration commands are used to "Configure your cluster". But what does that mean?
If I set cpus and memory then are these the max values the cluster as a whole can ever consume?
Are these the values it will reserve on the host machine in preparation for use?
Are these the values that are handed to the control plane container/VM and now I have to specify more resources when making a worker node?
What if I want to add another machine (VM or bare metal) and add its resources in the form of a worker node to the cluster? From the looks of it I would have to delete that cluster, change the configuration, then start a new cluster with the new configuration. That doesn't seem scalable.
Thanks for the help in advance.
Answering the question:
If I set cpus and memory then are these the max values the cluster as a whole can ever consume?
In short. It will be a limit for the whole resource (either a VM, a container, etc. depending on a --driver used). It will be used for the underlying OS, Kubernetes components and the workload that you are trying to run on it.
Are these the values it will reserve on the host machine in preparation for use?
I'd reckon this would be related to the --driver you are using and how its handling the resources. I personally doubt it's reserving the 100% of CPU and memory you've passed in the $ minikube start and I'm more inclined to the idea that it uses how much it needs during specific operations.
Are these the values that are handed to the control plane container/VM and now I have to specify more resources when making a worker node?
By default, when you create a minikube instance with: $ minikube start ... you will create a single node cluster capable of being a control-plane node and a worker node simultaneously. You will be able to run your workloads (like an nginx-deployment without adding additional node).
You can add a node to your minikube ecosystem with just: $ minikube node add. This will make another node marked as a worker (with no control-plane components). You can read more about it here: Docs: Tutorials: Multi node
What if I want to add another machine (VM or bare metal) and add its resources in the form of a worker node to the cluster? From the looks of it I would have to delete that cluster, change the configuration, then start a new cluster with the new configuration. That doesn't seem scalable.
As said previously, you don't need to delete the minikube cluster to add another node. You can run $ minikube node add to add a node on a minikube host. There are also options to delete/stop/start nodes.
Personally speaking if the workload that you are trying to run requires multiple nodes, I would try to consider other Kubernetes cluster built on top/with:
This would allow you to have more flexibility on where you want to create your Kubernetes cluster (as far as I know, minikube works within a single host (like your laptop for example)).
A side note!
There is an answer (written more than 2 years ago) which shows the way to add a Kubernetes cluster node to a minikube here : Answer: How do I get the minikube nodes in a local cluster
Additional resources: Docs: Setup: Production environment: Tools: Kubeadm: Create cluster kubeadm Kubernetes sigs: Kubespray

Docker desktop kubernetes add node

I running docker desktop with kubernetes option turned on. I have one node called docker-for-dektop.
Now i have created a new ubuntu docker container. I want to add this container to my kubernetes cluster. Can be done? how can i do it?
As far as I'm aware, you cannot add a node to Docker for Desktop with Kubernetes enabled.
Docker for Desktop is a single-node Kubernetes or Docker Swarm cluster, you might try using kubernetes-the-hard-way as this explains how to setup a cluster and add nodes manually without the use of kubeadm.
But I don't think this might work as there will be a lot of issues with setting up the network to work correctly.
You can also use the instructions on how to install kubeadm with kubelet and kubectl on Linux machine and adding a node using kubeadm join.

Set up UI dashboard on single node Kubernetes cluster set up with kubeadm

I set up Kubernetes on a Ubuntu 16.04 vServer following this tutorial
On this node I want to make Kubernetes Dashboard available but after starting the service via kubectl create -f I have no clue how to proceed.
The UI is not accessible via https://{master-ip}/ui.
How can I make the UI publicly accessible?
The easiest is to try running kubectl proxy on the client machine where you want to use the dashboard and then access the dashboard at with a browser on the same client machine.
If you want to connect via master node ip as described in your answer you need to set up authentication first. See this and this.

kubeadm init on CentOS 7 using AWS as cloud provider enters a deadlock state

I am trying to install Kubernetes 1.4 on a CentOS 7 cluster on AWS (the same happens with Ubuntu 16.04, though) using the new kubeadm tool.
Here's the output of the command kubeadm init --cloud-provider aws on the master node:
# kubeadm init --cloud-provider aws
<cmd/init> cloud provider "aws" initialized for the control plane. Remember to set the same cloud provider flag on the kubelet.
<master/tokens> generated token: "980532.888de26b1ef9caa3"
<master/pki> created keys and certificates in "/etc/kubernetes/pki"
<util/kubeconfig> created "/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf"
<util/kubeconfig> created "/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf"
<master/apiclient> created API client configuration
<master/apiclient> created API client, waiting for the control plane to become ready
The issue is that the control plane does not become ready and the command seems to enter a deadlock state. I also noticed that if the --cloud-provider flag is not provided, pulling images from Amazon EC2 Container Registry does not work, and when creating a service with type LoadBalancer an Elastic Load Balancer is not created.
Has anyone run kubeadm using aws as cloud provider?
Let me know if any further information is needed.
I launched a cluster with kubeadm on AWS recently (kubernetes 1.5.1), and it was stuck on same step as your does. To solve it I had to add "--api-advertise-addresses=LOCAL-EC2-IP", it didn't work with external IP (which kubeadm probably fetches itself, when not specified other IP). So it's either a network connectivity issue (try temporarily a security group rule on that master instance), or something else... In my case was a network issue, it wasn't able to connect to itself using its own external IP :)
Regarding PV and ELB integrations, I actually did launch a "PersistentVolumeClaim" with my MongoDB cluster and it works (it created the volume and attached to one of the slave nodes)
here is it for example:
PV created and attached to slave node
So latest version of kubeadm that ships with kubernetes 1.5.1 should work for you too!
One thing to note: you must have proper IAM role permission to create resources (assign your master node, IAM role with something like "EC2 full access" during testing, you can tune it later to allow only the few needed actions)
Hope it helps.
The documentation (as of now) clearly states the following in the limitations:
The cluster created here doesn’t have cloud-provider integrations, so for example won’t work with (for example) Load Balancers (LBs) or Persistent Volumes (PVs). To easily obtain a cluster which works with LBs and PVs Kubernetes, try the “hello world” GKE tutorial or one of the other cloud-specific installation tutorials.
There are a couple of possibilities I am aware of here -:
1) In older kubeadm versions selinux blocks access at this point
2) If you are behind a proxy you will need to add the usual to the kubeadm environment -:
Plus, which I have not seen documented anywhere -:

How to re-connect to Amazon kubernetes cluster after stopping & starting instances?

I create a cluster for trying out kubernetes using cluster/ in Amazon EC2. Then I stop it to save money when not using it. Next time I start the master & minion instances in amazon, *~/.kube/config has old IP-s for the cluster master as EC2 assigns new public IP to the instances.
Currently I havent found way to provide Elastic IP-s to cluster/ so that consistent IP-s between stopping & starting instances would be set in place. Also the certificate in ~/.kube/config for the old IP so manually changing IP doesn't work either:
Running: ./cluster/../cluster/aws/../../cluster/../_output/dockerized/bin/darwin/amd64/kubectl get pods --context=aws_kubernetes
Error: Get x509: certificate is valid for, not
How to make kubectl make queries against the same kubernetes master on a running on different IP after its restart?
If the only thing that has changed about your cluster is the IP address of the master, you can manually modify the master location by editing the file ~/.kube/config (look for the line that says "server" with an IP address).
This use case (pausing/resuming a cluster) isn't something that we commonly test for so you may encounter other issues once your cluster is back up and running. If you do, please file an issue on the GitHub repository.
I'm not sure which version of Kubernetes you were using but in v1.0.6 you can pass MASTER_RESERVED_IP environment variable to to assign a given Elastic IP to Kubernetes Master Node.
You can check all the available options for in file for AWS in Kubernetes repository.