Autohotkey : skip comment lines in Loop / FileReadLine - autohotkey

i read a config.ini with a location of some .exe to run, but i want to skip a comment line from my config.ini (cause i want to explain how to use the file), if someone can help me thanks
#SingleInstance force
FileReadLine, exe, config.ini, %A_Index%
if ErrorLevel
Run %exe%
Sleep , 300
// Put here location of your programs << line to skip
// Thanks << line to skip

FileReadLine, exe, config.ini, %A_Index%
if ErrorLevel
else if SubStr(exe,1,2)=="//"
Run %exe%
Sleep , 300
Using SubStr() check if first two chars in line are // if so use continue to skip rest of loop and start next iteration.


It maybe seem unnecessary, but I want to reopen a spezific program after it is closed by ahk

This is how far i got:
#IfWinActive ahk_exe zotero.exe
WinGetTitle, Title, A
WinClose, A
Sleep 1000
Run, zotero.exe , , Min
I am unsure about the if statement in an if statement. How can I make it work?
I would suggest to use:
Loop {
Sleep, 1000 ; just 1 second delay between any check
process, Exist, "Zotero.exe"
if ErrorLevel
Run, zotero.exe , , Min

Issue with an Autohotkey Script running in Windows 10

The following script doesn't work properly in Windows 10. The force shutdown screen doesn't go away (which is supposed to happen so the script can continue). I tried using ESC instead of ENTER along with adding two TABs before the ENTER (neither of those methods worked). I am using it to backup the RAM Disk (made with the driver I mentioned in my previous question) before shutting down/rebooting the OS:
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
SetTimer, RunBeforeShutdown, Off
DllCall("kernel32.dll\SetProcessShutdownParameters", UInt, 0x4FF, UInt, 0)
;puts us first in line for getting the shutdown call, i guess?
ENDSESSION_Logoff = 2147483648
If (lParam == ENDSESSION_Logoff) {
global EventType = "Logoff"
} Else {
global EventType = "Shutdown"
;no way to distinguish between shutdown and restart
SetTimer, RunBeforeShutdown, On
Return false
SetTimer, RunBeforeShutdown, Off
Sleep, 1000
SendInput, {ENTER} ; gets us past the 'Force shudown' screen
Sleep, 1000
#SingleInstance, Force
; **** Your commands go here ****
RunWait cmd.exe /c backup.bat
; ********
If (EventType == "Logoff") {
Shutdown, 0
} Else {
Shutdown, 1
EDIT: I ended up making a Scheduled Task that runs Drive Snapshot every night with parameters to back up the drive to a drive image.

AutoHotKey Help, matching character and replacing

My save feature, note I do not want to know better ways to save it or corrections to my save code, I just need help on the part where I need it to automatically remove additional non required/old brackets generated on save:
Here's the save button:
nprocess,exist, %Input%
nprocess,priority, %Input%, %PriorInput%
), C:\Users\%A_UserName%\Desktop\AutoSetup\Settings.ahk
MsgBox, 0, Saved, %PriorInput% Priority to %Input% has been saved.
How can I get AutoHotkey to find } and remove any matching the char } and then add one } at the very end of the file, and have this looped?
I have a save feature and the output is this:
process,exist, Steam.exe
process,priority, Steam.exe,
process,exist, Steam.exe
process,priority, Steam.exe,
I want it to find the end } and the middle } remove both of them and then add a single } at the very end. If you save, it always adds a bracket at the bottom.
FileRead, Contents, C:\Users\%A_UserName%\Desktop\AutoSetup\Settings.ahk
if not ErrorLevel ; Successfully loaded
StringTrimRight, Contents, Contents, 1 ; remove the end }
FileAppend, %Contents%, C:\Users\%A_UserName%\Desktop\AutoSetup\Temp.ahk
Contents = ; Free the memory
process,exist, %Input%
process,priority, %Input%, %PriorInput%
), C:\Users\%A_UserName%\Desktop\AutoSetup\Temp.ahk
FileMove, C:\Users\%A_UserName%\Desktop\AutoSetup\Temp.ahk, C:\Users\%A_UserName%\Desktop\AutoSetup\Settings.ahk, 1 ; overwrite existing file
; Run, edit C:\Users\%A_UserName%\Desktop\AutoSetup\Settings.ahk
MsgBox, 0, Saved, %PriorInput% Priority to %Input% has been saved.
; reload ; if Settings.ahk is included in this script
I'd use something like this (The loop causes high CPU utilization):
#SingleInstance Force
Menu, Tray, Add
Menu, Tray, Add, Add Process, Add_Process
Menu, Tray, Default, Add Process ; doubleclick the tray icon to add a new process
SetTimer, set_priority, 500
Process,exist, Notepad.exe
Process,priority, Notepad.exe, L
; Add Process
InputBox, ProcessName, ProcessName, Enter a Process.
if !ErrorLevel
InputBox, priority, priority, Enter a priority.
if !ErrorLevel
text =
Process,exist, %ProcessName%.exe
Process,priority, %ProcessName%.exe, %priority%
; Add Process
FileRead, Contents, %A_ScriptFullPath%
if not ErrorLevel ; Successfully loaded
StringReplace, Contents, Contents, `; Add Process, %text%
FileAppend, %Contents%, %A_ScriptDir%\Temp.ahk
Contents = ; Free the memory
FileMove, %A_ScriptDir%\Temp.ahk, %A_ScriptFullPath%, 1 ; overwrite existing file

Series of actions in one script, successively

Leraning how to make a series of actions, with strings, files, variables etc. From 1 to 101 of them. Files in one folder or folders in one folder, strings from high, variables in one script. By more simple and classical methods.
If you want to do multiple similar actions it's almost always a good idea to use some form of loop.
Arrays can also help a lot.
Here's a file/folder loop:
Loop Files, C:\*.exe, R ; get all .exe files that are on C:\ and subfolders of it
MsgBox, Full path of the current file: %A_LoopFileFullPath%
If (A_LoopFileName = "virus.exe") {
MsgBox, A file called virus.exe was found.
Here's a normal loop:
Loop, 101 ;run the following code 101 times
MsgBox, This is iteration number %A_Index%
If (A_Index = 10)
MsgBox, Nice! You made it through 10 iterations!
Loop, 101 ;run the following code 101 times
If (A_Index >= 10 && A_Index < 20)
MsgBox, This is iteration number %A_Index%. (10-20)
If (A_Index >= 37 && A_Index < 71)
MsgBox, This is iteration number %A_Index%. (37-71)

How to detect whether a process or application is running and terminate the program if it isn't

So I am attempting to determine whether the process MultiMC.exe is running or not and if it isn't I want to end my script.
IfExist, Process MultiMC.exe
ExitApp, 0
ExitApp 1
I've tried this but it isn't working.
Try the following "Process,Exist, act.exe", lifted from
I only show this so you see how the "Process,Exist, act.exe" is used in another script.
Process,Exist, act.exe ; Sets errorlevel to process PID
IfWinNotExist, % "ahk_pid " errorlevel ; Expression for ahk_pid
{ ; Block to do something.
Run, C:\Documents and Settings\Pat\Desktop\act.exe
Break ; Stops loop if run or it will continue forever.