Slick. Select and then update selected rows - scala

I want to select some rows, update them and return updated values, but I don't understand how can I do it with Slick. Here is an example. I want to select all tasks which are awaiting execution, lock them, change statuses to in progress and return updated tasks:
object Test {
case class Task(id: Int, status: String)
class TaskTable(tag: Tag) extends Table[Task](tag, "tasks") {
def id = column[Int]("id")
def status = column[String]("status")
def * = (id, status) <>(Task.tupled, Task.unapply)
val tasks = TableQuery[TaskTable]
def selectWaitingTasksAndChangeStatus(): Seq[Task] = {
tasks.filter(_.status === "awaitingExecution").forUpdate
// Here I want to change status to "inProgress" and
// return tasks to client code with "inProgress" status

Is this the thing you're looking for?
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
def selectWaitingTasksAndChangeStatus(): Seq[Task] = {
val selectAction = tasks.filter(_.status === "inProgress").result
val updateAction = tasks.filter(_.status === "awaitingExecution").map(_.status).update("inProgress")
val combinedAction = for {
tasksBeforeUpdate <- selectAction
_ <- updateAction
tasksAfterUpdate <- selectAction
} yield tasksAfterUpdate.diff(tasksBeforeUpdate)
Await.result(, Duration.Inf)
Since you'd like to get Seq[Task] from that method, you have to synchronously wait for the result from the database. Asynchronous solution would require Future[Seq[Task]] as the returned type.


Akka Streams: State in a flow

I want to read multiple big files using Akka Streams to process each line. Imagine that each key consists of an (identifier -> value). If a new identifier is found, I want to save it and its value in the database; otherwise, if the identifier has already been found while processing the stream of lines, I want to save only the value. For that, I think that I need some kind of recursive stateful flow in order to keep the identifiers that have already been found in a Map. I think I'd receive in this flow a pair of (newLine, contextWithIdentifiers).
I've just started to look into Akka Streams. I guess I can manage myself to do the stateless processing stuff but I have no clue about how to keep the contextWithIdentifiers. I'd appreciate any pointers to the right direction.
Maybe something like statefulMapConcat can help you:
import{Sink, Source}
import scala.util.Random._
import scala.math.abs
implicit val system = ActorSystem()
implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()
//encapsulating your input
case class IdentValue(id: Int, value: String)
//some random generated input
val identValues = List.fill(20)(IdentValue(abs(nextInt()) % 5, "valueHere"))
val stateFlow = Flow[IdentValue].statefulMapConcat{ () =>
//state with already processed ids
var ids = Set.empty[Int]
identValue => if (ids.contains( {
//save value to DB
} else {
//save both to database
ids = ids +
.onSuccess { case identValue => println(identValue) }
A few years later, here is an implementation I wrote if you only need a 1-to-1 mapping (not 1-to-N):
import{GraphStage, GraphStageLogic}
import{Attributes, FlowShape, Inlet, Outlet}
object StatefulMap {
def apply[T, O](converter: => T => O) = new StatefulMap[T, O](converter)
class StatefulMap[T, O](converter: => T => O) extends GraphStage[FlowShape[T, O]] {
val in = Inlet[T]("")
val out = Outlet[O]("StatefulMap.out")
val shape = FlowShape.of(in, out)
override def createLogic(inheritedAttributes: Attributes): GraphStageLogic = new GraphStageLogic(shape) {
val f = converter
setHandler(in, () => push(out, f(grab(in))))
setHandler(out, () => pull(in))
Test (and demo):
behavior of "StatefulMap"
class Counter extends (Any => Int) {
var count = 0
override def apply(x: Any): Int = {
count += 1
it should "not share state among substreams" in {
val result = await {
Source(0 until 10)
.groupBy(2, _ % 2)
.via(StatefulMap(new Counter()))
.fold(Seq.empty[Int])(_ :+ _)
result.foreach(_ should be(1 to 5))

Slick3 with SQLite - autocommit seems to not be working

I'm trying to write some basic queries with Slick for SQLite database
Here is my code:
class MigrationLog(name: String) {
val migrationEvents = TableQuery[MigrationEventTable]
lazy val db: Future[SQLiteDriver.backend.DatabaseDef] = {
val db = Database.forURL(s"jdbc:sqlite:$name.db", driver = "org.sqlite.JDBC")
val setup = DBIO.seq(migrationEvents.schema.create)
val createFuture = for {
tables <-
createResult <- if (tables.length == 0) else Future.successful()
} yield createResult => db)
val addEvent: (String, String) => Future[String] = (aggregateId, eventType) => {
val id = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString
val command = DBIO.seq(migrationEvents += (id, aggregateId, None, eventType, "CREATED", System.currentTimeMillis, None))
db.flatMap( => id))
val eventSubmitted: (String, String) => Future[Unit] = (id, batchId) => {
val q = for { e <- migrationEvents if === id } yield (e.batchId, e.status, e.updatedAt)
val updateAction = q.update(Some(batchId), "SUBMITTED", Some(System.currentTimeMillis))
val eventMigrationCompleted: (String, String, String) => Future[Unit] = (batchId, id, status) => {
val q = for { e <- migrationEvents if e.batchId === batchId && === id} yield (e.status, e.updatedAt)
val updateAction = q.update(status, Some(System.currentTimeMillis))
val allEvents = () => {
Here is how I'm using it:
val migrationLog = MigrationLog("test")
val events = for {
id <- migrationLog.addEvent("aggregateUserId", "userAccessControl")
_ <- migrationLog.eventSubmitted(id, "batchID_generated_from_idam")
_ <- migrationLog.eventMigrationCompleted("batchID_generated_from_idam", id, "Successful")
events <- migrationLog.allEvents()
} yield events => event match {
case (id, aggregateId, batchId, eventType, status, submitted, updatedAt) => println(s"$id $aggregateId $batchId $eventType $status $submitted $updatedAt")
The idea is to add event first, then update it with batchId (which also updates status) and then update the status when the job is done. events should contain events with status Successful.
What happens is that after running this code it prints events with status SUBMITTED. If I wait a while and do the same allEvents query or just go and check the db from command line using sqlite3 then it's updated correctly.
I'm properly waiting for futures to be resolved before starting the next operation, auto-commit should be enabled by default.
Am I missing something?
Turns out the problem was with which returns Future[Future[Int]] which means that the command was not finished by the time I tried to run another query.
Replacing it with db.flatMap( solved the issue.

Publisher based Source does not output elements

I made a Source for an Akka Stream based on a ReactiveStreams Publisher like this:
object FlickrSource {
val apiKey = Play.current.configuration.getString("flickr.apikey")
val flickrUserId = Play.current.configuration.getString("flickr.userId")
val flickrPhotoSearchUrl = s"$apiKey&user_id=$flickrUserId&min_taken_date=%s&max_taken_date=%s&format=json&nojsoncallback=1&page=%s&per_page=500"
def byDate(date: LocalDate): Source[JsValue, Unit] = {
Source(new FlickrPhotoSearchPublisher(date))
class FlickrPhotoSearchPublisher(date: LocalDate) extends Publisher[JsValue] {
override def subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber[_ >: JsValue]) {
try {
val from = new LocalDate()
val fromSeconds = from.toDateTimeAtStartOfDay.getMillis
val toSeconds = from.plusDays(1).toDateTimeAtStartOfDay.getMillis
def pageGet(page: Int): Unit = {
val url = flickrPhotoSearchUrl format (fromSeconds, toSeconds, page)
Logger.debug("Flickr search request: " + url)
val photosFound = WS.url(url).get().map { response =>
val json = response.json
val photosThisPage = (json \ "photos" \ "photo").as[JsArray]
val numPages = (json \ "photos" \ "pages").as[JsNumber].value.toInt
Logger.debug(s"pages: $numPages")
Logger.debug(s"photos this page: ${photosThisPage.value.size}")
photosThisPage.value.foreach { photo =>
if (numPages > page) {
pageGet(page + 1)
} else {
} catch {
case ex: Exception => {
It will make a search request to Flickr and source the results as JsValues. I tried to wire it to lots of different Flows and Sinks, but this would be the most basic setup:
val source: Source[JsValue, Unit] = FlickrSource.byDate(date)
val sink: Sink[JsValue, Future[Unit]] = Sink.foreach(println)
val stream = source.toMat(sink)(Keep.right)
I see that the onNext gets called a couple of times, and then the onComplete. However, the Sink does not receive anything. What am I missing, is this not a valid way to create a Source?
I mistakenly understood that Publisher was a simple interface like Observable, that you can implement yourself. The Akka team pointed out that this is not the correct way to implement a Publisher. In fact Publisher is a complicated class that is supposed to be implemented by libraries, rather than end users. This Source.apply(Publisher) method used in the question is there for interoperability with other Reactive Streams implementations.
The purpose for wanting an implementation of Source is that I want a backpressured source to fetch the search results from Flickr (which is maximized at 500 per request) and I don't want to make more (or faster) requests than is needed downstream. This can be achieved by implementing an ActorPublisher.
This is the ActorPublisher that does what I want: create a Source that produces search results, but only makes as many REST calls as are needed downstream. I think there is still room for improvement, so feel free to edit it.
import{Cancel, Request}
import org.joda.time.LocalDate
import play.api.Play.current
import play.api.libs.json.{JsArray, JsNumber, JsValue}
import play.api.{Logger, Play}
object FlickrSearchActorPublisher {
val apiKey = Play.current.configuration.getString("flickr.apikey")
val flickrUserId = Play.current.configuration.getString("flickr.userId")
val flickrPhotoSearchUrl = s"$apiKey&user_id=$flickrUserId&min_taken_date=%s&max_taken_date=%s&format=json&nojsoncallback=1&per_page=500&page="
def byDate(from: LocalDate): Props = {
val fromSeconds = from.toDateTimeAtStartOfDay.getMillis / 1000
val toSeconds = from.plusDays(1).toDateTimeAtStartOfDay.getMillis / 1000
val url = flickrPhotoSearchUrl format (fromSeconds, toSeconds)
Props(new FlickrSearchActorPublisher(url))
class FlickrSearchActorPublisher(url: String) extends ActorPublisher[JsValue] {
var currentPage = 1
var numPages = 1
var photos = Seq[JsValue]()
def searching: Receive = {
case Request(count) =>
Logger.debug(s"Received Request for $count results from Subscriber, ignoring as we are still searching")
case Cancel =>"Cancel Message Received, stopping")
case _ =>
def accepting: Receive = {
case Request(count) =>
Logger.debug(s"Received Request for $count results from Subscriber")
case Cancel =>"Cancel Message Received, stopping")
case _ =>
def getNextPageOrStop() {
if (currentPage > numPages) {
Logger.debug("No more pages, stopping")
} else {
val pageUrl = url + currentPage
Logger.debug("Flickr search request: " + pageUrl)
WS.url(pageUrl).get().map { response =>
val json = response.json
val photosThisPage = (json \ "photos" \ "photo").as[JsArray]
numPages = (json \ "photos" \ "pages").as[JsNumber].value.toInt
Logger.debug(s"page $currentPage of $numPages")
Logger.debug(s"photos this page: ${photosThisPage.value.size}")
photos = photosThisPage.value.seq
if (photos.isEmpty) {
Logger.debug("No photos found, stopping")
} else {
currentPage = currentPage + 1
def sendSearchResults() {
if (photos.isEmpty) {
} else {
while(isActive && totalDemand > 0) {
photos = photos.tail
if (photos.isEmpty) {
val receive = searching

Akka-http process requests with Stream

I try write some simple akka-http and akka-streams based application, that handle http requests, always with one precompiled stream, because I plan to use long time processing with back-pressure in my requestProcessor stream
My application code:
import{ActorSystem, Props}
import akka.http.scaladsl._
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._
import akka.http.scaladsl.server._
import{Sink, Source}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.concurrent.Future
object UserRegisterSource {
def props: Props = Props[UserRegisterSource]
final case class RegisterUser(username: String)
class UserRegisterSource extends ActorPublisher[UserRegisterSource.RegisterUser] {
import UserRegisterSource._
val MaxBufferSize = 100
var buf = Vector.empty[RegisterUser]
override def receive: Receive = {
case request: RegisterUser =>
if (buf.isEmpty && totalDemand > 0)
else {
buf :+= request
case Request(_) =>
case Cancel =>
#tailrec final def deliverBuf(): Unit =
if (totalDemand > 0) {
if (totalDemand <= Int.MaxValue) {
val (use, keep) = buf.splitAt(totalDemand.toInt)
buf = keep
use foreach onNext
} else {
val (use, keep) = buf.splitAt(Int.MaxValue)
buf = keep
use foreach onNext
object Main extends App {
val host = ""
val port = 8094
implicit val system = ActorSystem("my-testing-system")
implicit val fm = ActorFlowMaterializer()
implicit val executionContext = system.dispatcher
val serverSource: Source[Http.IncomingConnection, Future[Http.ServerBinding]] = Http(system).bind(interface = host, port = port)
val mySource = Source.actorPublisher[UserRegisterSource.RegisterUser](UserRegisterSource.props)
val requestProcessor = mySource
val route: Route =
get {
path("test") {
parameter('test) { case t: String =>
requestProcessor ! UserRegisterSource.RegisterUser(t)
def fakeSaveUserAndReturnCreatedUserId(param: UserRegisterSource.RegisterUser): Future[Int] =
Future.successful {
} {
connection =>
connection handleWith Route.handlerFlow(route)
I found solution about how create Source that can dynamically accept new items to process, but I can found any solution about how than obtain result of stream execution in my route
The direct answer to your question is to materialize a new Stream for each HttpRequest and use Sink.head to get the value you're looking for. Modifying your code:
val requestStream =
//.run() - don't materialize here
val route: Route =
get {
path("test") {
parameter('test) { case t: String =>
//materialize a new Stream here
val userIdFut : Future[Int] =
requestProcessor ! UserRegisterSource.RegisterUser(t)
//get the result of the Stream
userIdFut onSuccess { case userId : Int => ...}
However, I think your question is ill posed. In your code example the only thing you're using an akka Stream for is to create a new UserId. Futures readily solve this problem without the need for a materialized Stream (and all the accompanying overhead):
val route: Route =
get {
path("test") {
parameter('test) { case t: String =>
val user = RegisterUser(t)
fakeSaveUserAndReturnCreatedUserId(user) onSuccess { case userId : Int =>
If you want to limit the number of concurrent calls to fakeSaveUserAndReturnCreateUserId then you can create an ExecutionContext with a defined ThreadPool size, as explained in the answer to this question, and use that ExecutionContext to create the Futures:
val ThreadCount = 10 //concurrent queries
val limitedExecutionContext =
def fakeSaveUserAndReturnCreatedUserId(param: UserRegisterSource.RegisterUser): Future[Int] =
Future { 1 }(limitedExecutionContext)

How to return model query result as JSON in scala play framework

I am using Play framework 2.1.1 with scala.I query a database table return to controller as list and then convert list to string and return to ajax call from javascript code.
How to return query result as json and return to ajax call throught controller?
import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._
import views.html._
import models._
object Application extends Controller {
def index = Action {
def getSummaryTable = Action{
var sum="Summary Table";
def javascriptRoutes = Action { implicit request =>
import routes.javascript._
// Routes
// Use PostgresDriver to connect to a Postgres database
import scala.slick.driver.PostgresDriver.simple._
import scala.slick.lifted.{MappedTypeMapper,BaseTypeMapper,TypeMapperDelegate}
import scala.slick.driver.BasicProfile
import scala.slick.session.{PositionedParameters,PositionedResult}
// Use the implicit threadLocalSession
import Database.threadLocalSession
import java.sql.Date
import java.sql.Time
case class Timesheet(ID: Int, dateVal: String, entryTime: Time, exitTime: Time, someVal: String)
object Timesheet {
//Definition of Timesheet table
// object TS extends Table[(Int,String,Time,Time,String)]("timesheet"){
val TSTable = new Table[Timesheet]("timesheet"){
def ID = column[Int]("id")
def dateVal = column[String]("date")
def entryTime = column[Time]("entry_time")
def exitTime = column[Time]("exit_time")
def someVal = column[String]("someval")
def * = ID ~ dateVal ~ entryTime ~ exitTime ~ someVal <> (Timesheet.apply _, Timesheet.unapply _)
def getAll: Seq[Timesheet] = {
Database.forURL("jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/my_db", "postgres", "password",null, driver="org.postgresql.Driver") withSession{
val q = Query(TSTable)
val qFiltered = q.filter(_.ID === 41 )
val qDateFilter = qFiltered.filter(_.dateVal === "01/03/2013")
val qSorted = qDateFilter.sortBy(_.entryTime)
Also, don't forget to provide an implicit (or not) Json deserializer for your model, otherwise, Scala compiler will yell at you :-). You can do something like :
def allTimesheet = Action {
val timesheetWrites = Json.writes[Timesheet] // here it's the deserializer
val listofTimeSheet = Timesheet.getAll
Ok( Json.toJson( listofTimeSheet )( timesheetWrites ) )
or you can use implicits like :
def allTimesheet = Action {
implicit val timesheetWrites = Json.writes[Timesheet] // here it's the deserializer
val listofTimeSheet = Timesheet.getAll
Ok( Json.toJson( listofTimeSheet ) )
and even declare your deserializer in your model companion object like :
companion object
object Timesheet {
implicit val timesheetWrites = Json.writes[Timesheet] // here it's the deserializer
and in the controller
import models.Timesheet.timesheetWrites
def allTimesheet = Action {
val listofTimeSheet = Timesheet.getAll
Ok( Json.toJson( listofTimeSheet ) )
I recommend you use play.api.libs.Json.toJson.
Here's an example:
object Products extends Controller {
def list = Action {
val productCodes =
Json.toJson returns a JsValue for which Play will automatically add a application/json header.
See Play For Scala chapter 8.