A black window pops up Unable to copy files unity - unity3d

Hi i am trying to install unity3d software on my Windows10 pc. everything downloaded and installed smoothly. but when unity starts its giving the fallowing error
and after i click many times on "Try Again" Button a blank window will be poped and unity is not starting.
I have tried to delete the file "unity-editor-home.0.0.13.tgz" but it says permission denied.I have tried reinstalling 3 times but i am having same problem

You've got Linux Build Support checked in the installer. That's why it's copying a tgz (tarball gzip) file. It's giving you access denied errors because it's trying to copy a file to protected user folders. There are two solutions...
If you need Linux Build support (you're planning to distribute your game on Linux):
Right click the installer > Run As Administrator
Enter password
If you don't need Linux Build support:
Uncheck Linux Build Support in the installer
More on this topic can be found here


unable to create process in anaconda

Image showing result of anaconda prompt
I have been trying to launch anaconda after due installation but windows cannot start up. I also tried using the anaconda prompt but it keeps telling me "Unable to create process as shown in the image above". Please I need a solution to be able to launch the software. I have tried so many possible solutions online. Install and uninstall the software several times but the issues keeps on coming.
I tried uninstalling the software and re-install. Also edit the environment variables by copying and pasting the anaconda directory and it's script.

Unable to install VisualStudio Code in Windows 10

I have a Windows 10 with the latest patches and downloaded the VisualStudio Code setup from the official page but when I double click the .exe nothing happens, it does open a dialog and no error is displayed, just nothing happens, I tried running it as admin, restarting the machine multiple times, always the same result.
It just happens with this specific .exe, I tried with several other installations and it works fine.
Is there a way to see what could be blocking the installation?
Use Chocolatey to install visual studio code if you can't install it by clicking the exe file. See the folowing link:

Visual Studio Code only compiles when launched from project folder on Linux

I have Visual Studio Code installed in Ubuntu 20.04. I love how it works. I installed it from the tar ball. Same with the SDK. I just found that those appear to work better than installing from deb packages.
I created a desktop file so I could add Visual Studio Code to the dock and launch it that way, but what I've noticed is that projects won't compile. I get errors stating it can't find the project even though the errors are listing the folder where the items exist.
The only way I can get it to work is to:
Open a terminal.
Navigate to the folder where the project files reside.
Launch code from the command line.
Then it works. Otherwise, I get a pop-up error that says "The preLaunchTask 'build' terminated with exit code -2" and then the terminal window is filled with errors.
Here's the last of the error messages and then I opened up a terminal and it shows that I'm in the folder for the project and the csproj exists there:
This also happens if I install Visual Studio code from a repository. It seems launching it from the Unity desktop breaks something. But if I launch it from the command line in a terminal session from the folder where the project resides, then the problem goes away.
I can also reproduce this error from the command line if I launch Visual Studio Code from a different folder than the project I'm trying to compile.
Is this common? Just curious. I'm wondering if because when I launch it from the Unity desktop, it's launching under a different
I got it working under 20.04. I must have done something wrong so I did a wipe of the .NET Core install and reinstalled it all using the bash shell script and then was able to install Code via Software Installer tool. Not sure why it didn't work before, but it works now.

VSCode ran once on install, won't run or install again

I'm running this on Windows 7 SP1 with most (if not all) current patches. I have administrative permissions on this machine.
The first time I ran VSCodeSetup.exe, it ran the installer for several minutes then launched the actual application.
I got called into a surprise meeting, so I closed it thinking I'd look at it again later.
However, when I returned to my computer and tried to launch it, I found no evidence that it was actually installed... no desktop icon, no entry in the start menu, no Explorer integration...
I tried running VSCodeSetup.exe again, but all it does it show the installer screen for a split second, which then vanishes.
Since then, I've tried the suggestions outlined in VSCode Installation Failed - Failed to extract installer to install the application, even going so far as to run Update.exe --uninstall followed by running VSCodeSetup.exe again, but nothing has worked.
I even tried disabling my antivirus software and running the installer again, to no avail.
Does anyone know what I can do to get VSCode working again?
According to the comments and answers to Install VSCode in a specific folder, Visual Studio Code installs itself to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Code on Windows.
While I'm not sure why it didn't register itself with Explorer, I can at least create a shortcut to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Code\bin\code.cmd (with icon %LOCALAPPDATA%\Code\app.ico) to get it working again.
Or remove the directory entirely and run VSCodeSetup.exe to install it again, which still doesn't add Explorer integration... but this time at least the PATH now has code in it.
On windows VSCode is installed as Code.exe and its located in your

How to run eclipse on Ubuntu 13.10

I've copied my eclipse from my office laptop to home laptop , both of which are running on Ubuntu 13.10. Well the problem is when I start the eclipse on my home laptop it gives me an error :
There is no application installed for “executable” files.
Do you want to search for an application to open this file
I don't get it ,is it an executable file that i'm starting and i need tools like WINE for this or what type of file is it ,to be clear i want to know what kind of file ubuntu has in contrast to windows < .exe > executable files
Try to right+click on eclipse icon -> properties .. go to permission tab.
Then make sure that the check box "Allow executing file as program" is checked.