We are building a website using SSO, we are on the SP side and don't have control over the IdP. We will have multiple environment including local development servers.
The thing is the AssertionConsumerServiceURL will not be accessible by the outside world (it would be something like and I was told that it was a problem because the IdP needed to make a POST request to that server.
However for what I understood of the "double post" method, only the user needs to be able to access the SP and there is no direct communication between the SP and IdP (since the user is the relay).
Could you please indicate if the IdP needs to access the SP "AssertionConsumerServiceURL" directly ?
If so, how should local development environment be handled ?
The ACS URL will need to be accessible to the user of the SP for browser based SSO (for both Redirect and POST bindings). As long as you have credentials for the IdP (unlikely in many situations, unless you control both sides), and can test end-to-end on your own (e.g., your company's "test harness"), then you will need to make the ACS URL/SP Application available to the user.
So, when management tells us our website needs to "support SSO through SAML 2.0", with no additional details, what are they thinking?
What will our customers expect?
Note - The is not an open website, where everyone can join. To log in you need to be a configured user in the system. The customer's admins need to create an account in our system for each user.
So we aren't going to let just anyone who has an account with an IdP in to our website. We'll have to have some mechanism for mapping a SAML identity to our users.
How would our customers expect that to work?
Based on hints in your question, I am going to presume that you will be acting as a service provider.
To be what I would call a "good" service provider, I would expect the following:
You sign your AuthnRequests.
You provide a metadata endpoint that is kept up to date with your SP metadata to include current public keys for encrypting attributes (if necessary) to be sent to you as well as validating your AuthnRequest signatures.
You support dynamic consumption of my identity provider's metadata endpoint to keep your side of the connection up to date, especially with concern to my signing certificate.
You expose management of my identity provider configuration inside of your service provider mechanism to my IdP administrators through a web or API interface.
You either support a mechanism to automatically manage my users (like via SCIM or Graph or something else), or you support Just-In-Time provisioning based on an incoming assertion.
You allow me to decide my SAML Name ID format, and that format is per-tenant. As an example, I may want to use email address as the identifier, while another IdP may want to use sAMAccountName. e.g., john.doe#domain.com vs. johndoe.
You support Service-Provider-Initiated SSO. That means that the user shows up to partner1.yourdomain.com and get redirected for authentication to that partner's IdP, and that going to the location partner2.yourdomain.com would redirect to a different IdP.
As a service provider, you should make using your service easy and secure. By shifting to SAML, it allows you to get out of the business of password and user management because you get to put that back on the identity provider. It allows your users to not have to type in a password (or more, if you're doing MFA) to use your service, removing friction caused by security. It allows you to put the onus of authenticating the user back on the organization that owns the identity.
Your customers would expect that if they have an application that uses the SAML 2.0 client-side stack then when the application sends an AuthnRequest, they will see a login page on your site and once authenticated, the application will receive a set of assertions (claims) from your IDP via an AuthnResponse.
One of these assertions is NameID. This is the "primary key" between their system and yours. Normally this is UPN or email.
This mapping is outside of the SAML spec. There needs to be some kind of "on-boarding" for the customers.
I am implementing front-channel SAML 2.0 SSO golang Service Provider, with Okta as my Identity Provider (this is just a POC and should eventually work with any IdP).
Implementing the sign on process was straightforward with saml2 package. I've created the login endpoint that redirects to the SAML application login URL at the intended IdP, as well as the POST callback endpoint which is properly receiving the SAML assertion and is able to validate it. After that a session with a random cookie is created with the same TTL as the Identity Provider session TTL. So far everything works well (I haven't implemented Single Sign-Out yet, but I'm planning to).
However, when some time passes and the session expires, I'd like to renew it only if the user is still logged in with the Idp and hasn't been removed from the SAML Application. I would like to avoid redirecting the user to perform SSO again with IdP, because it would mean that if they are still logged in, they would be redirected back to the home page of my application. I wasn't able to find great sources on my options to go about it online.
1.1 One solution that comes to mind is storing the requested URL in the RelayState parameter, whenever the session has expired, then redirect the user to the IdP SSO URL. When the redirect returns to the SAML callback POST endpoint, check the RelayState parameter and if set, redirect back to that (original) URL. That means that for users that use the system continuously, I would have to request Assertions very often. Does that make sense?
1.2 A second solution that comes to mind is to implement a back-channel of communicating directly from my SP to the IdP. That would allow me to verify a user is still logged in 'behind the users back'. If that's a sound idea:
a. Do I need to have dedicated code for each IdP?
b. Do I need to load an API key to the IdP which would allow secure communication?
c. Do I need to upload a public certificate to the IdP that would be able to verify that my SP signed the requests?
Will using the Assertion to get an OAuth 2.0 Access Token help me in achieving this?
I've chosen SAML 2.0 for now, since the environment is an enterprise oriented one and I thought it fits well with it based on what I read. Would using OpenID Connect instead help achieve my goals easier and fit well with enterprise oriented products?
Let's say we have a service provider app called A hosted on tomcat, a user clicks a link to the SP A. SP A sees no token is provided so it redirects the user to the IdP for authentication (with a SAML Authn request provided by some means). The IdP then redirects the user to some common login page where credentials are provided, assuming that these credentials are correct the IdP creates a SAML response with a token and some assertions about the subject, and sends it back to SP A. SP A sees this and allows the user access into the application. Great!
I have a few questions though
How is the authorisation request/response sent, I understand there is a redirect binding and a POST binding where the SAMLResponse and request are encoded either as a query param, or sent as an XHTML form in case of a POST binding. But I'm not sure which is used where?
A service provider is the thing providing a service, so Office 365 or Sales force for example. Is each one a separate service provider? I ask as I watched a video where the guy said the service provider was the thing that hosted these services, so I'm not sure of the correct answer here?
How is the token stored on the client side? So for example I am now authenticated against SP A, the user then tries to use SP B from the same machine/browser window, how does SP B and the IdP know that the user has already authenticated and therefore doesn't need to re-authenticate. I.e. the SSO aspect of it.
Does SP B need to be hosted on the same tomcat instance for this to work?
I dedicated significant time to get SSO working for me. The most helpful document was this specification
The answers below are based on this experience:
Redirect or Post binding is used depending on a respective HTTP request header. The Post binding is recommended since it does not imply restrictions on data volume transferred.
A Service Provider in this context is anything that clients request. There may be many of them, participating in the same SSO scheme.
The service providers must be SSO-aware, which includes handling of the authentication response data. Usually you don't have to implement the protocol - there are ready-made frameworks that your SP can utilize.
Service Providers may reside on different servers.
From my own experience:
You choose your own SAMLBinding (redirect or post) depending on what your idp and sp supports. This binding type will be used both for the 1st step (SP -> Idp) and 2nd step (IdP -> SP). If you have some running environment, open your browser devtools and look at network tab to see what happens. It's just a way to send data from browser to SP/IdP.
Both Office 365 and Salesforce.com are cloud services, right? Let's take Office 365. it means that beyond "end-user" services (like Word, Excel) there is some technical SSO service which are common to the platform. It can be viewed as lower (or technical) service layers, I think that what you speaker meant.
The SAML token is stored by you SP application inside your browser, either hidden inside web page, cookie or web storage. It depends on how your SP is implemented.
SAML response can be validate by each SP based on shared private key, so it will decrypt the token using this key and be able to grant user without the help of IdP redirection.
Tomcat have some extension to support SAML. But SAML is designed to work without being on the same instance, as the opposite as basic JSESSIONID cookies.
So you have several instances, of course.
I am creating a service provider which talks to third party IDP for authentication. But I have a concern that I have a set of dedicated machines(Desktop,tab) which are highly trusted, so is their a way in SAML that when a request is sent from such machines user is directly authenticated without the need to type username and password.
you want that user that tries to access a resource from his desktop (which is trusted) will be automatically authenticated? if this is the case, it seems that you need to identify the user using the active directory or something.
if this is the case, search a bit about Kerberos, or ADFS - it might serve your needs.
PingFederate is a single-sign-on (SSO) solution, which allows users to be authenticated by 1-n applications using a single username and password.
High-Level Questions:
How does PingFederate's single-log-off (SLO) feature work?
And how does SLO work in general?
To begin the SLO process, we'd expect the user to request the SLO endpoint from the browser (i.e. https://[PingFederateInstance]/idp/startSLO.ping?PartnerSpId=[PartnerSpId]).
And we can assume that the PingFederate instance will issue a redirect after a succesful SLO invocation.
Specific Questions:
But what if you have multiple applications in multiple browser windows?
How could a federated identity provider tell multiple applications to terminate their user sessions?
Direct from the PingFederate Getting Started manual:
"The single logout (SLO) profile enables a user to log out of all participating sites in a federated session nearly simultaneously. The user may log out globally from any site, whether SP or IdP, as determined by respective Web applications. The associated IdP federation deployment handles all logout requests and responses for participating sites."
That said - PingFederate (acting as an IdP) knows which SPs you have federated with in a given session. When the user kicks off SLO (from the example you gave - at the IdP - it could also be initiated from an SP) the users browser (assuming a Redirect or POST binding) is sent to each SP with a SAML LogoutRequest.
If by "multiple browser windows" you mean independent browsers / browser sessions, then indeed PingFederate wouldn't know to logout of all the IdP's. You need to have some common session amongst them. So, if it's just multiple browser windows, but sharing the same session information (e.g.: cookies) this wil work fine.
For more information, you may want to consult section 4.4 of the SAML 2.0 Profiles spec: http://docs.oasis-open.org/security/saml/v2.0/saml-profiles-2.0-os.pdf
Keep in mind PingFederate supports more than just SAML 2.0 - but not all federation protocols support SLO (e.g.: SAML 1.x). Also, many non-PingFederate SAML aware applications don't support SLO.