JavaFx set volume on MediaPlayer not working - javafx-8

This question has been asked before but to date there is no answer. I have just struck the same problem. I traced into the mediaplayer source and all is well until I get to gstSetVolume in GSTMediaPlayer for which I don't have the source.
At that point the volume value is still correct.
After setting the volume System.out.println(player.getVolume()); reports the correct value (0.0 - 1.0) BUT the volume has not changed. If the slider is set to 0, the audio is muted. Any other value is full volume.
Platform is Netbeans 8.1 on Windows 7 with JavaFX-8 and JDK-8 and the media source is a standard mp4 which works on all tested players (Windows, VLC etc).
Here is the code attached to a MediaView (which works well):
Runnable videoLoop;
PlayListViewController playListViewController;
// Videos are looped here
public void startVideoLoop() {
playerIndex = 0;
videoLoop = () -> {
// Previous player MUST be stopped otherwise it is left
// in the PLAYING state and the next video will not PLAY
if (player != null) {
// Point to the next player
if (++playerIndex == videoPlayersList.size()) {
playerIndex = 0;
public void playVideoSequence() {
// If the video options are shown we can update the listview
if (playListViewController != null) {
player = videoPlayersList.get(playerIndex);
A right mouse button press then invokes a 'settings' option. This is a View Controller which is attached to an FXML view. The controller receives a reference to the videoField when it is invoked. Here is the relevant snippet:
private void setHandlers() {
idVolumeSlider.valueProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener() {
public void changed(ObservableValue arg0, Object arg1, Object arg2) {
// videoField is a separate class
I'm sorry I cannot supply a 'cut and paste' example, because that would mean a lot of pruning and simplifying of classes to achieve that with the risk of introducing additional problems.


How do I make the Scoreboard on the side not be visible when the Debug HUD is open?

I'm working on a 1.16.5 Minecraft client-side mod and I am trying to get the scoreboard to be invisible when the Debug HUD is visible. I have a basic mixin to the scoreboard's rendering function but I need to be able to check for whether the DebugHud is visible or not.
public class MScoreboardHUD {
#Inject(at = #At("HEAD"), method = "renderScoreboardSidebar")
private void init(CallbackInfo info) {
// soon
Using MinecraftClient.options.debugEnabled will tell you whether the F3 menu is active.
Final Code
This uses client as the MinecraftClient object, and info.cancel() to cancel the scoreboard render
public class MScoreboardHUD {
#Inject(at = #At("HEAD"), method = "renderScoreboardSidebar")
private void init(CallbackInfo info) {
if (client.options.debugEnabled) {

Can't get RunTransaction with Firebase in Unity to work

I'm working on a game in Unity, using Firebase for user and game data.
Everything is fine saving the game to Unity, but in Multiplayer I have the challenge to pair an open game to a unique player 2.
The flow is:
1. You look for a game with a state of "open"
2. If no game is found within X seconds, a new one is created with the state of "open"
I have a query that returns open games (those with state "open")
This query is added a Firebase eventhandler
public void OnButtonLookForOpenMPGames()
this.OpenFirebaseGamesAsHost = this.LiveGamereference.OrderByChild("State").EqualTo(WYMSettings.MP_GAME_STATE_OPEN_TO_PLAYER2)
this.OpenFirebaseGamesAsHost.ChildAdded += this.OnOpenMPGameFound;
This fires fine in the handler:
private void OnOpenMPGameFound(object sender, ChildChangedEventArgs args)
Debug.Log("Looking for open games");
if (args.DatabaseError != null)
// handle errors
Debug.Log("Open game found (it may be my own)");
// remove event listener because we got a hit
// it will fire as many times as it's true!
this.OpenFirebaseGamesAsHost.ChildAdded -= this.OnOpenMPGameFound;
if (args.Snapshot.Child("HostId").Value.ToString() != FirebaseAuth.DefaultInstance.CurrentUser.UserId)
Debug.Log("Other game than mine found open");
// this.AddDelayedUpdateAction(() =>
// {
// this.MPGameLockInTransaction(args.Snapshot.Reference);
// });
The problem: The handler passes this on to the transaction function, but it fails with an inner exception (Internal Task Faulted) - I've tried many different variations, but can't figure this one out from the official Firebase example.
Problem code:
What I want to achieve is to lock only that game to those two players, the host and the players 2 in this example querying for open games. The State is an int, but here a string for clarity.
private void MPGameLockInTransaction(DatabaseReference mpreference)
mpreference.RunTransaction(mutableData =>
MultiPlayerGame transactionMPG = mutableData.Value as MultiPlayerGame;
if (transactionMPG == null)
return TransactionResult.Abort();
if (transactionMPG.State != "open")
// game is taken, abort
Debug.Log("transaction aborted");
return TransactionResult.Abort();
transactionMPG.State = "game started";
mutableData.Value = transactionMPG;
return TransactionResult.Success(mutableData);
}).ContinueWith(task =>
if (task.Exception != null)
Debug.Log("Transactionlock to game failed" + task.Exception.ToString());
// Look over again
// not implemented yet
Debug.Log("starting game immediately");
this.AddDelayedUpdateAction(() => this.StartMPGameImmediatelyFromSearch());
This is just a guess but it might be related to threading.
In newer .Net version ContinueWith might end on a thread where most of the Unity API may not be called (including Debug.Log).
Instead you could try and use ContinueWithOnMainThread from the extensions instead which was created exactly for this reason.
With the .NET 4.x runtime, continuations may often execute in the background, whilst this extension method pushes them onto the main thread.
The .NET 3.x runtime didn't have this issue as continuations were contained within the Parse library, which did this implicitly.

Continuous QR-Code scanning in Unity

Question asked just to give solution :)
Main idea is to recognize QR-code on Unity without ANY additional action like tapping on the screen or sth like this.
(For me it's not necessary that "vuforia free" have watermark, so here is my solution)
(Also Vuforia works with camera much faster and no need to realize manually autofocus)
Continious QR code recognition using Vuforia as webcam source and ZXing Library as QR recognizer
using UnityEngine;
using Vuforia;
using ZXing;
public class QRCodeReader : MonoBehaviour {
private bool _isFrameFormatSet;
IBarcodeReader _barcodeReader = new BarcodeReader();
void Start () {
InvokeRepeating("Autofocus", 2f, 2f);
void Autofocus () {
private Vuforia.Image GetCurrFrame()
return CameraDevice.Instance.GetCameraImage(Vuforia.Image.PIXEL_FORMAT.GRAYSCALE);
void RegognizeQR()
if (!_isFrameFormatSet == _isFrameFormatSet)
_isFrameFormatSet = CameraDevice.Instance.SetFrameFormat(Vuforia.Image.PIXEL_FORMAT.GRAYSCALE, true);
var currFrame = GetCurrFrame();
if (currFrame == null)
Debug.Log("Camera image capture failure;");
var imgSource = new RGBLuminanceSource(currFrame.Pixels, currFrame.BufferWidth, currFrame.BufferHeight, true);
var result = _barcodeReader.Decode(imgSource);
if (result != null)
Debug.Log("RECOGNIZED: " + result.Text);
Its possible to realize also without Vuforia, ofc. Unity provides the possibility to get a camera and show it’s input on a webcamtexture. It's possible to find more documentation here.
ZXing lib you can find here, or build it by your own hands using sourse code located on github.
Both libs is cross-platform, so must be no issues on different devices.

Loader during Unity IAP Callback

I want to put loader in between dialog boxes come up for the purchase. What is the way for this?
Because when game player press Buy button, he should require to wait for 5 to 10 second depends on internet speed and server response and this process happed 2 to 3 times because multiple dialogs come up within screen.
So in this case, may be player can leave the screen. I want to put the loader so that game player realise that some processing is running in background, he required to wait for some time.
At present I was following completely this code for Unity IAP setup.
Integrating Unity IAP In Your Game
I assume this is for mobile platform but even if its not still the following can be considered:
Simple solution is to create a full screen Image (UI/Panel) object in your UI to block clicks. I would use Animator component (with triggers) to display this panel in front of other UI when there is a background process running.
public class Loader : MonoBehaviour
public static Loader Instance;
Animator m_Animator;
public bool Loading {get; private set;}
void Awake()
Instance = this; // However make sure there is only one object containing this script in the scene all time.
void Start()
//This gets the Animator, which should be attached to the GameObject you are intending to animate.
m_Animator = gameObject.GetComponent<Animator>();
Loading = false;
public void Show()
Loading = true;
m_Animator.SetBool("Loading", Loading); // this will show the panel.
public void Hide()
Loading = false;
m_Animator.SetBool("Loading", Loading); // this will hide the panel.
Then in any script which manipulates UI:
public void BuyButtonClicked()
// process time taking stuff
You can also create any kind of loading animation as child of panel object using simple images and animation tool inside Unity (for example rotating animation (use fidget spinner, its cool)).
And in case of Android where user have option to leave screen by pressing OS back button you can prevent going back by checking if any loading is in progress by following example:
// code for back button
void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))
void BackButtonPressed()
// use back button event. (For example to leave screen)
Hope this helps ;)

Project Tango won't relocalize

I am trying out Area Recognition using Area Learning with predefined ADF files using Project Tango in Unity3d. I use the script from this tutorial as the basis, but for some reason it won't relocalize.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using Tango;
public class TestADFFile : MonoBehaviour, ITangoLifecycle
private TangoApplication m_tangoApplication;
public UnityEngine.UI.Text statusText;
public string adfName;
public void Start()
m_tangoApplication = FindObjectOfType<TangoApplication>();
if (m_tangoApplication != null)
public void OnTangoPermissions(bool permissionsGranted)
if (permissionsGranted)
if(AreaDescription.ImportFromFile(System.IO.Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "adfs/" + adfName))){
statusText.text = "success!";
statusText.text = "fail!";
AreaDescription[] list = AreaDescription.GetList();
AreaDescription mostRecent = null;
AreaDescription.Metadata mostRecentMetadata = null;
if (list.Length > 0)
// Find and load the most recent Area Description
mostRecent = list[0];
mostRecentMetadata = mostRecent.GetMetadata();
foreach (AreaDescription areaDescription in list)
AreaDescription.Metadata metadata = areaDescription.GetMetadata();
if (metadata.m_dateTime > mostRecentMetadata.m_dateTime)
mostRecent = areaDescription;
mostRecentMetadata = metadata;
// No Area Descriptions available.
Debug.Log("No area descriptions available.");
public void OnTangoServiceConnected()
public void OnTangoServiceDisconnected()
The statusText is set to "success" so apparently the ADF is successfully loaded, right?
You're doing it right. Relocalization with area learning mode off works very quick. But relocalization with area learning mode on takes quite a while. You have to walk around up to 3-5 minutes until the relocalization works. Don't give up. I had the same problem. But in the end, it works!
Is not an answer I think, but just a checklist of things I would check.
Check that the ADF to relocalize is the right one, you may be loading an ADF from a different area.
On the TangoManager component check if Enable Area Descriptions is set to true.
Also check if the scene is set up correctly with all tango components required like: RelocalizingOverlay.cs, TangoApplication.cs
Also as a personal note I have noticed that ADF sometimes take quite a while to relocalized and sometimes they don't relocalize at all.
I think the reasons are that the room has change in someway or the lighting is very different, by different I mean maybe the day you recorded that ADF was a very sunny day and the day you are trying to relocalize is cloudy.(Again this are just theories of mine, I got from my testing)