Get UPN from Get-ADGroupMember - powershell

I have a task to get userPrincipalName attribute from users who are in several groups in our multiple-domain AD forest.
The problem is that I can't use Select-Object to get a user's UPN from Get-ADGroupMember because this cmdlet only returns a limited number of properties (samaccountname, name, SID and DN), and UPN isn't one of them.
I wrote this code (get "name" and than search UPN by "name"):
$ScriptPath = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$LocalSite = (Get-ADDomainController -Discover).Site
$NewTargetGC = Get-ADDomainController -Discover -Service 6 -SiteName
IF (!$NewTargetGC)
{ $NewTargetGC = Get-ADDomainController -Discover -Service 6 -NextClosestSite }
$NewTargetGCHostName = $NewTargetGC.HostName
$LocalGC = “$NewTargetGCHostName” + “:3268”
$domains = (Get-ADForest).domains
$MembersOfSFDC_Groups = foreach ($domain in $domains) {
$Group = Get-ADGroup -Filter { Name -like "*groupname*" } -Server $Domain
$Group | Get-ADGroupMember -Server $domain | Select #{
Name="Group";Expression={$Group.Name}}, name}
$DisplayNames = $
$DisplayNames |Out-file (Join-Path $ScriptPath 'DisplayNames.txt')
Get-content (Join-Path $ScriptPath 'DisplayNames.txt') |
$displaynames | ForEach-Object {
Get-ADUser -Server $LocalGC -Filter {Name -eq $_} |
Select-Object -Property userPrincipalName} |
Out-File (Join-Path $ScriptPath 'upnOfSDFC_AD_GroupsMembers.txt')
But next problem is that this code is running about 30 min (Measure-Command cmdlet). We have a huge number of users across multiple domains.
My question is how to improve my code to get user's UPN more faster?
I know about System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher, but don't know how to implementing this method with my txt-file (list of "names").
Any help will be much appreciated.

You can actually get it from one line of code. Simples... :)
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "group name" |%{get-aduser $_.SamAccountName | select userPrincipalName } > c:\scripts\upnofADgroup.txt

Fastest approach is probably avoiding Get-ADGroupMember altogether, and just search for the group, and then search for objects that are members of that group:
$Group = Get-ADGroup -Filter { Name -like "*groupname*" } -Server $Domain
$Members = Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter "(memberOf=$($Group.DistinguishedName))" -Properties UserPrincipalName
$Members |Select-Object UserPrincipalName |Out-File (Join-Path $ScriptPath 'upnOfSDFC_AD_GroupsMembers.txt')
Now you're down to 2 queries, rather than 2 + N (where N is the number of members)

Ok, guys, I'v got it:
function Get-DomainFromDN ($param)
$dn1 = $param -split "," | ? {$_ -like "DC=*"}
$dn2 = $dn1 -join "." -replace ("DC=", "")
$script:test = $dn2
return $dn2
foreach ($Group in $Groups) {
$Members = Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter "(&(objectCategory=user)(memberOf=$($Group.DistinguishedName)))" -Properties UserPrincipalName -Server (Get-DomainFromDN ($group.DistinguishedName))
$UPN_Of_SFDC_Groups += $Members |Select-Object UserPrincipalName }
$UPN_Of_SFDC_Groups | Out-file (Join-Path $ScriptPath 'upnOfSDFC_AD_GroupsMembers.txt')


ADAccount inactive accounts piping through ADUser issue

I did some PowerShell script to find inactive users in AD that are 90 days old looping through all DCs to also get LastLogon attribute. I also need some extra attributes that only ADUser can bring out. I've got an error when running my script with the piping in the $users = Search-ADAccount line.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
function Get-ADUsersLastLogon() {
$dcs = Get-ADDomainController -Filter {Name -like "*"}
$OUs = #()
$OU += "ou=Users-A,ou=Users,ou=Items,dc=mydc,dc=com"
$OU += "ou=Users-B,ou=Users,ou=Items,dc=mydc,dc=com"
$time = 0
$exportFilePath = "c:\tmp\lastLogon-test $(get-date -f dd-MM-yyyy).csv"
$columns = "name;username;whencreated;whenchanged;DNname;datetime"
$InactiveFilter = #{
UsersOnly = $true
AccountInactive = $true
TimeSpan = New-Timespan -Days 90
Out-File -FilePath $exportFilePath -Force -InputObject $columns
foreach ($OU in $OUs) {
$users = Search-ADAccount #InactiveFilter |
Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase $OUs -Property displayName, whenCreated, whenChanged
foreach ($user in $users) {
foreach($dc in $dcs) {
$hostname = $dc.HostName
$currentUser = Get-ADUser $user.SamAccountName |
Get-ADObject -Server $hostname -Properties lastLogon
if ($currentUser.LastLogon -gt $time) {
$time = $currentUser.LastLogon
$dt = [DateTime]::FromFileTime($time)
$row = $user.displayName + ";" + $user.SamAccountName + ";" +
$user.whenCreated + ";" + $user.whenChanged + ";" +
$user.distinguishedName + ";" + $dt
Out-File -FilePath $exportFilePath -Append -NoClobber -InputObject $row
$time = 0
I think iterating through DC's and OU's and then collecting only the inactive users last logon dates could best be done using a Hashtable object as intermediate storage.
This helps avoiding duplicate entries and gives the opportunity to compare the LastLogonDate properties.
For the final output, it uses one single cmdlet called Export-Csv.
Below my (untested) code:
function Get-ADUsersLastLogon {
# get your ad domain
$DomainName = (Get-ADDomain).DNSRoot
# get all DC hostnames as string array
$DCs = Get-ADDomainController -Filter * -Server $DomainName | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Hostname
# create an array of OU distinghuished names used as SearchBase
$OUs = "OU=Users-A,OU=Users,OU=Items,DC=mydc,DC=com", "OU=Users-B,OU=Users,OU=Items,DC=mydc,DC=com"
$exportFilePath = "c:\tmp\lastLogon-test $(Get-Date -Format dd-MM-yyyy).csv"
$InactiveFilter = #{
UsersOnly = $true
AccountInactive = $true
TimeSpan = New-Timespan -Days 90
# use a lookup Hashtable to eliminate duplicates and collect only the latest logon dates
$lookup = #{}
# loop through the list of dc's
foreach ($dc in $DCs) {
# loop through the list of OU's
foreach ($ou in $OUs) {
$users = Search-ADAccount #InactiveFilter -SearchBase $ou -Server $dc
foreach($user in $users) {
# get the properties we want from the AD User.
# using the PowerShell property names, we get the dates already converted into DateTime objects.
$usr = Get-ADUser -Identity $user.DistinguishedName -Server $dc -Properties DisplayName, Created, Modified, LastLogonDate |
Select-Object #{Name = 'Name'; Expression = {$_.DisplayName}},
#{Name = 'WhenCreated'; Expression = {$_.Created}},
#{Name = 'WhenChanged'; Expression = {$_.Modified}},
#{Name = 'DistinguishedName'; Expression = {$_.DistinguishedName}},
#{Name = 'LastLogon'; Expression = {$_.LastLogonDate}}
if ($usr) {
if ($lookup.ContainsKey($($user.DistinguishedName))) {
# we have collected this user before
$lastLogon = $lookup[$($user.DistinguishedName)].LastLogon
if ($lastLogon) {
if (($usr.LastLogon) -and $lastLogon -lt $usr.LastLogon) {
# only store this new instance if the $user.LastLogon property is of a later date
$lookup[$($user.DistinguishedName)] = $usr
else {
# this is a new user, so add the object to the HashTable
$lookup[$($user.DistinguishedName)] = $usr
else {
# should never happen..
Write-Warning "User $($user.SamAccountName) not found."
# export the objects contained in the $lookup Hashtable as CSV
($output = foreach ($key in $lookup.Keys) {
}) | Export-Csv -Path $exportFilePath -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ';' -Encoding UTF8 -Force
Hope that helps
#voilier Sorry, I don't understand how it works for you. Pasted your code and Get-ADUser cmdlet expects filter value. If you use get-help get-aduser -full you will see that searchbase parameter can only be used with Filter or LDAPFilter parameters. More than that neither of them accept pipeline input. Identity parameter accepts pipeline input by value only. so you need to use the distinguishedname property from Search-ADAccount #InactiveFilter for example distinguishedname and pass it to filter
$users = Search-ADAccount #InactiveFilter | %{Get-ADUser -filter {distinguishedname -eq $_.distinguishedname} -SearchBase $OU -Property displayName, whenCreated, whenChanged}
I replaced your $users=... part with the code above and now I see no errors and CSV file created successfully.
Replace your foreach $ou in $ous with this and check the csv file. it works on my computer
Foreach ($ou in $ous){
$users = (Search-ADAccount #InactiveFilter | %{Get-ADUser -filter {distinguishedname -eq $_.distinguishedname} -SearchBase $OU -Property displayName, whenCreated, whenChanged})
foreach ($user in $users) {
foreach($dc in $dcs) {
$hostname = $dc.Name
$last_logon_time=((Get-ADUser $user.SamAccountName | Get-ADObject -Server "$hostname" -Properties lastLogon) |?{$_.lastlogon -gt $time}) | select -ExpandProperty lastlogon
$dt = [DateTime]::FromFileTime("$last_logon_time")
$row = $user.displayName + ";" + $user.SamAccountName + ";" +
$user.whenCreated + ";" + $user.whenChanged + ";" +
$user.distinguishedName + ";" + $dt
Out-File -FilePath $exportFilePath -Append -NoClobber -InputObject $row
$last_logon_time = 0
I hope it helps you

Powershell ALL AD Users and their Group Memberships

Looking to write a powershell script that will pull ALL AD users, their group memberships and the groups Description Field.
I have been using two scripts to accomplish this, and just manually manipulating them in excel. Any attempt to combine them has been met with error.
Import-module activedirectory
$ou ="DC=blah,DC=blah"
Get-ADGroup -Filter * -SearchBase $OU | select -expandproperty name | % {
$group= "$_"
$result += Get-ADGroupMember -identity "$_" | select #{n="Group";e={$group}},name
$result | export-csv 'c:\users\membership.csv' -notypeinformation
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$Groups = ForEach ($G in (Get-ADGroup -Filter * ))
$UN = Get-ADGroup $G -Properties Description | select name, description
New-Object PSObject -Property #{
$Groups | Export-CSV C:\users\GroupDesc.csv -notypeinformation
I hope i've got this right, this will pull all users from AD and get the groups each one is a member of (including the groups description). After everything is done it puts the info into a csv.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$OU = "DC=blah,DC=blah"
#$allUsers = Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(!userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))" # all users that are enabled
#$allUsers = Get-ADUser -Filter * # all users
$allUsers = Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase $OU
$results = #()
foreach($user in $allUsers)
$userGroups = Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $user
foreach($group in $userGroups)
$adGroup = Get-ADGroup -Identity $group -Properties Description
$results += $adGroup | Select-Object -Property #{name='User';expression={$user.sAMAccountName}},Name,Description
$results | Export-Csv -Path 'C:\Membership.csv' -NoTypeInformation -Encoding Unicode

Get recursive group membership of all AD users using Powershell

I'm trying to make a PS script which would list all Active Directory user group membership (recursive).
I already have working script:
import-module activedirectory
$users = get-aduser -Filter {Name -Like "*"} -Searchbase "ou=Users, dc=Domain" | Where-Object { $_.Enabled -eq 'True' }
$targetFile = "D:\users.csv"
rm $targetFile
Add-Content $targetFile "User;Group"
foreach ($user in $users)
$groups = Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $user
foreach ($group in $groups)
$username = $user.samaccountname
$groupname = $
$line = "$username;$groupname"
Add-Content $targetFile $line
But script doesn't list groups recursively, i.e., if group listed in the output file is part of another group.
Group1: User
Group2: Group3: User
Script shows only Group1 and 3 but not 2.
What should I add to the first script that it writes group membership recursively?
Sorry I am publishing an answer for a question from 3 years ago but if someone will see it, it can help.
Credit to:
How to get ALL AD user groups (recursively) with Powershell or other tools?
Get-ADGroup -LDAPFilter "(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=User,CN=USers,DC=x)"
You can use it anywahere that you can use an LDAP filter.
$username = 'myUsername'
$dn = (Get-ADUser $username).DistinguishedName
Get-ADGroup -LDAPFilter ("(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:={0})" -f $dn) | select -expand Name | sort Name
Fix in your script:
import-module activedirectory
$users = get-aduser -Filter {Name -Like "*"} -Searchbase "ou=Users, dc=Domain" | Where-Object { $_.Enabled -eq 'True' }
$targetFile = "D:\users.csv"
rm $targetFile
Add-Content $targetFile "User;Group"
foreach ($user in $users)
$dn = $user.DistinguishedName
$groups = Get-ADGroup -LDAPFilter ("(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:={0})" -f $dn) | select -expand Name | sort Name
foreach ($group in $groups)
$username = $user.samaccountname
$groupname = $
$line = "$username;$groupname"
Add-Content $targetFile $line
If you make it a function you can call it recursively. Check this out, I think you'll be pleased with the results:
Function Get-ADGroupsRecursive{
$Results = #()
ForEach($Group in $Groups){
ForEach($Object in (Get-ADGroupMember $Group|?{$_.objectClass -eq "Group"})){
$Results += Get-ADGroupsRecursive $Object
$Results | Select -Unique
Toss that at the top of your script, and then call it for each user. Something like:
import-module activedirectory
$users = get-aduser -Filter {Name -Like "*"} -Searchbase "ou=Users, dc=Domain" -Properties MemberOf | Where-Object { $_.Enabled -eq 'True' }
$targetFile = "D:\users.csv"
rm $targetFile
Add-Content $targetFile "User;Group"
foreach ($user in $users)
$Groups = $User.MemberOf
$Groups += $Groups | %{Get-ADGroupsRecursive $_}
$Groups | %{New-Object PSObject -Property #{User=$User;Group=$_}}|Export-CSV $targetfile -notype -append
Now, depending on the size of your AD structure that may take quite a while, but it will get you what you were looking for.
It is very easy. Just use ActiveRoles Management Shell for Active Directory. Cmdlet Get-QADMemberOf with parameter Indirect is the one you are looking for. Example:
Get-QADMemberOf john.smith -Indirect
The Quest object returned already include All Recursive groupes (and first level users) in properties $_.AllMembers
Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement
$UsersFirstLevel = ($Members | Get-QADObject -Type Group -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties | Get-QADGroupMember -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties | ?{$_.type -eq 'user'})
$UsersSubGroup = ($Members | Get-QADObject -Type Group -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties | Get-QADGroupMember -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties | ?{$_.type -eq 'group'}).Allmembers | Get-QADObject -DontUseDefaultIncludedProperties | ?{$_.type -eq 'user'}
$RecursiveUsers = $UsersFirstLevel
$RecursiveUsers += $UsersSubGroup
$RecursiveUsers = $RecursiveUsers | Sort-Object -Unique
Newer versions of PowerShell (AD Module) do have -Recursive switch. So you can easily use Get-ADGroupMember.
Example: Get-ADGroupMember -Identity My_Group -Recursive

Script to get Group Member, group starting with "ADM*"

I have a requirement to generate a CSV report to get group members. However, I there are many child domains which contains groups starting with ADM.
I need report in the following format:
GroupName User Company LasLogon CN
ADM_AM UserOne CP1
I've found one script on internet:
Get-ADGroup -Server dc1.chd1.pd.local -Filter 'Name -like "ADM*"' |
$_ | Get-ADGroupMember -ea 0 -recurs |
New-Object psObject -Property $hash
} |
sort groupname,member
This script only gives me GroupName and UserName but not other information.
How can I generate this report?
I'm not sure what "ADM_AM, UserOne, CP1" is, but i got this much for you. I'm still new to powershell so forgive me if this is a lot of code =)
$array = #()
Foreach ($group in (Get-ADGroup -Server dc1.chd1.pd.local -Filter 'Name -like "ADM*"'))
$hash=#{Username ='';GroupName=$group.Name;Company='';LastLogon='';CN=''}
$members = $hash.GroupName | Get-ADGroupMember -Recursive -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Foreach($member in $members)
$properties = $member.SamAccountName | Get-ADUser -Properties SamAccountName, Company, lastLogon, CN
$hash.Username = $properties.SamAccountName
$hash.Company = $properties.Company
$hash.LastLogon = $properties.lastLogon
$hash.CN = $properties.CN
$obj = New-Object psObject -Property $hash
$array += $obj
$array | Export-Csv C:\ -NoTypeInformation
Here is what I would do, Im sure you can shorten it. You shoud specify a searchbase. Once you have the members samaccountname, you can use Get-ADUser to get whatever fields you want.
$GrpArr = #()
$Groups = get-adgroup -filter {name -like "adm*"} -searchbase "ou=Groups,dc=all,dc=ca" | select samaccountname
foreach ($group in $groups)
$GrpArr += $group
$members = get-adgroupmember $group | select samaccountName
foreach ($member in $members)
$memprops = get-aduser $member -properties company
$comp = $
$grpArr += "$member,$comp"
$grpArr | export-csv c:\temp\Groups.csv -NoTypeInformation

PowerShell script to return members of multiple security groups

I need to return all members of multiple security groups using PowerShell. Handily, all of the groups start with the same letters.
I can return a list of all the relevant security groups using the following code:
Get-ADGroup -filter 'Name -like"ABC*"' | Select-Object Name
And I know I can return the membership list of a specific security group using the following code:
Get-ADGroupMember "Security Group Name" -recursive | Select-Object Name
However, I can't seem to put them together, although I think what I'm after should look something like this (please feel free to correct me, that's why I'm here!):
$Groups = Get-ADGroup -filter 'Name -like"ABC*"' | Select-Object Name
ForEach ($Group in $Groups) {Get-ADGroupMember -$Group -recursive | Select-Object Name
Any ideas on how to properly structure that would be appreciated!
This is cleaner and will put in a csv.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$Groups = (Get-AdGroup -filter * | Where {$ -like "**"} | select name -expandproperty name)
$Table = #()
$Record = [ordered]#{
"Group Name" = ""
"Name" = ""
"Username" = ""
Foreach ($Group in $Groups)
$Arrayofmembers = Get-ADGroupMember -identity $Group | select name,samaccountname
foreach ($Member in $Arrayofmembers)
$Record."Group Name" = $Group
$Record."Name" = $
$Record."UserName" = $Member.samaccountname
$objRecord = New-Object PSObject -property $Record
$Table += $objrecord
$Table | export-csv "C:\temp\SecurityGroups.csv" -NoTypeInformation
If you don't care what groups the users were in, and just want a big ol' list of users - this does the job:
$Groups = Get-ADGroup -Filter {Name -like "AB*"}
$rtn = #(); ForEach ($Group in $Groups) {
$rtn += (Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "$($Group.Name)" -Recursive)
Then the results:
$rtn | ft -autosize
Get-ADGroupMember "Group1" -recursive | Select-Object Name | Export-Csv c:\path\Groups.csv
I got this to work for me... I would assume that you could put "Group1, Group2, etc." or try a wildcard.
I did pre-load AD into PowerShell before hand:
Get-Module -ListAvailable | Import-Module
This will give you a list of a single group, and the members of each group.
import-module activedirectory
# optional, add a wild card..
# $groups = $groups + "*"
$Groups = Get-ADGroup -filter {Name -like $GroupName} | Select-Object Name
ForEach ($Group in $Groups)
{write-host " "
write-host "$($"
write-host "----------------------------"
Get-ADGroupMember -identity $($groupname) -recursive | Select-Object samaccountname
write-host "Export Complete"
If you want the friendly name, or other details, add them to the end of the select-object query.