I am trying out a Fabric8 Spring Boot quickstart, following the steps documented here I get the following error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal io.fabric8:fabric8-maven-plugin:1.2.0.Beta4:deploy (default-cli) on project my-spring-boot-rest-module: Execution default-cli of goal io.fabric8:fabric8-maven-plugin:1.2.0.Beta4:deploy failed: Plugin io.fabric8:fabric8-maven-plugin:1.2.0.Beta4 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: The following artifacts could not be resolved: org.apache.karaf.deployer:org.apache.karaf.deployer.blueprint:jar:2.4.0.redhat-620004, org.apache.karaf.admin:org.apache.karaf.admin.management:jar:2.4.0.redhat-620004, org.apache.karaf.features:org.apache.karaf.features.core:jar:2.4.0.redhat-620004, org.apache.karaf:apache-karaf:zip:2.4.0.redhat-620004: Failure to find org.apache.karaf.deployer:org.apache.karaf.deployer.blueprint:jar:2.4.0.redhat-620004 in https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2 was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]
I am running with Maven 3.3.9 and Java 1.8.0_91 on Ubuntu 14.04
Does this guide just not work, or am I missing something from my configuration?
Points to consider:
My ~/.m2/settings.xml is untouched
The project archetype that I download as part of the first step is untouched (aside from the mvn install
I am running Fabric8 inside JBoss Fuse 6.2.0.redhat-133 on my local machine
I have already tried running mvn -U fabric8:deploy -DskipTests to update snapshots (to no effect)
This totally useless issue is the only Redhat acknowledgement of this problem - and changing my Maven to the ancient 3.2.3 version (necessitating a change to Java 6 runtime) is not going to fix the problem going forward.
fabric8 v1 is part of JBoss Fuse, and you can find documentation how to use it as part of the JBoss Fuse product documentation: http://developers.redhat.com/products/fuse/overview/
The Maven Archetype goal to use is different version number than what you type, you must use the version number of the JBoss Fuse product version you use.
In the upstream community fabric8 is now on version 2 which is a different architecture based on Kubernetes and Docker. Unfortunately you found an old documentation of the fabric8 v1 in that gitbook. The fabric8 version 2 documentation is what you can find from the website at the documentation page: https://fabric8.io/
When trying to create a Maven project in Eclipse for Selenium, I am getting the following errors in my POM.xml :
CoreException: Could not calculate build plan: Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.0 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.0:compile (execution: default-compile, phase: compile)
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:pom:3.0.2 from http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2 was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced. Original error: Could not transfer artifact
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.0:testCompile (execution: default-testCompile, phase: test-compile)
I am using the following artifacts :
Eclipse - Version: Kepler Service Release 2
Maven artifact id - maven-archetype-quickstart - v1.4
Group id - org.apache.maven.archetypes
You have to fix your settings or maven installation to use the HTTPS version of http://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2 (https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2): that probably what is blocking your Eclipse installation from finding the dependency, and therefore from continuing.
This is what happens when you type in the HTTP url:
501 HTTPS Required.
Use https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/
More information at https://links.sonatype.com/central/501-https-required
To fix that:
Update your Eclipse installation to latest (2020.06)
Update your Maven to latest (3.6.3)
You may clean up the "*.lastUpdated" files from your local repository (%USERPROFILE%\.m2\repository\). They may block Maven from retrying to download dependency (their purpose is actually to avoid download missing dependency more than once a day).
If the previous items failed, you may also try to add the HTTPs repository in your settings: https://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-multiple-repositories.html
Note: Kepler is very old. If you can't, for various reason, switch to latest Eclipse, you may also update maven and build the pom with maven directly rather than Eclipse. m2e (the Eclipse Plugin in charge of handling maven) does not use the mvn installation for dependency resolution.
I have created a JBoss Fuse Camel integration project and I can deploy it as a Profile on the Karaf Server using fabric8:deploy. The project is running fine so far.
Now I want to create a new Profile to do some other tasks. In oder to avoid double code, I wanted to create a Commons Project and add common code into this. But i cannot figure out how to add the dependency so that fabric8:deploy will still work and also deploy the commons library on BOTH profiles.
How should I add the commons project to both projects pom.xml?
I tried to add it as a normal dependency:
but i'm getting this error when i want to deploy it via fabric8:deploy:
The POM for com.my.project:common-tools:jar:1.0.0 is missing, no dependency information available
Failed to execute goal on project inbound: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.my.project:inbound:bundle:1.0.1-SNAPSHOT: Failure to find com.my.project:common-tools:jar:1.0.0 in https://maven.repository.redhat.com/ga was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of red-hat-ga-repository has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]
The message indicates that your common-tools project could not be found in the maven repositories. Do you have it in your local maven repo? Have you done a:
mvn clean install
for the common-tools project?
I'm trying to build the project of hadoop. I followed the official document as follows on how to do that.
I've git clone the project, maven install it successfully, but when I import the project, or even a sub-project like 'hadoop-yarn-api', I got the following errors on maven:
Description Resource Path Location Type
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-maven-plugins:3.0.0-SNAPSHOT:protoc (execution: compile-protoc, phase: generate-sources) pom.xml /hadoop-yarn-api line 73 Maven Project Build Lifecycle Mapping Problem
Then I'm trying to mvn clean install the project via External Tools Configuration in eclipse, it also failed on:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-maven-plugins:3.0.0-SNAPSHOT:protoc (compile-protoc) on project hadoop-yarn-api: org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException: 'protoc --version' did not return a version -> [Help 1]
But the curious part is that when I cd into the root directory of 'hadoop-yarn-api' and invoke mvn clean install, it can be built successfully.
I'm using m2ecipse in eclipse, and I'm sure that I've changed to the maven which is exactly the one that I'm used in command line, not the embedded one.
And I've installed protocol buffers 2.5.0:
$ protoc --version
libprotoc 2.5.0
Could anyone give me some idea? Many thanks!
Eclipse Java EE IDE - Juno Service Release 2
m2e -
Mac 1- 0.9.4
maven - 3.0.5
Hadoop - 2.2.0
I'm getting this error in the eclipse logs when I use the maven integration plugin for eclipse in my project:
Build errors for transport-data; org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.4.3:resources (default-resources) on project transport-data: Execution default-resources of goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.4.3:resources failed: Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-resources-plugin:2.4.3 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: The following artifacts could not be resolved: org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interactivity-api:jar:1.0-alpha-4, org.apache.maven.shared:maven-filtering:jar:1.0-beta-4, org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:jar:1.13: Failure to transfer org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interactivity-api:jar:1.0-alpha-4 from http://repo1.maven.org/maven2 was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced. Original error: Could not transfer artifact org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interactivity-api:jar:1.0-alpha-4 from/to central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2): Failed to transfer http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/codehaus/plexus/plexus-interactivity-api/1.0-alpha-4/plexus-interactivity-api-1.0-alpha-4.jar. Error code 416, Requested Range Not Satisfiable
From the browser I can access the jar but how come the plugin gets a 416 status response?
I'm using STS 2.7.2.RELEASE (Eclipse 3.6) with the Maven Integration plugin on Maven 2.2.1
and my OS is Ubuntu 10.10. If someone could please help explain this mystery to me I'd be very grateful.
I know that this is a very old request, but I just came across it too. What worked for me was deleting the relevant downloaded components in the .m2 repository. I figured that there may be some partially-loaded bits in there as I had used both Eclipse and command line with maven.
Hope this helps...
HTTP 416 means that the client requested only a portion of the file, but the server probably doesn't support such requests. Though I would be surprised if maven would have broken their repo webserver.
Another possibility is that you are behind a proxy which doesn't support range requests.
in our company we're using a local nexus repository. If I now try to create a new Maven project using the eclipse project wizard (M2Eclipse 0.12.1 installed) I allways get an 503 error from nexus.
org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Could not resolve artifact
at org.maven.ide.eclipse.internal.embedder.MavenImpl.resolve(MavenImpl.java:577)
at org.maven.ide.eclipse.internal.project.ProjectConfigurationManager.resolveArchetype(ProjectConfigurationManager.java:526)
at org.maven.ide.eclipse.internal.project.ProjectConfigurationManager.createArchetypeProject(ProjectConfigurationManager.java:437)
at org.maven.ide.eclipse.wizards.MavenProjectWizard$5.runInWorkspace(MavenProjectWizard.java:279)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.InternalWorkspaceJob.run(InternalWorkspaceJob.java:38)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:54)
Contains: Could not transfer artifact org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-quickstart:pom:1.0-alpha-4 from/to nexus (http://vm-nexus-slx.heuboe.hbintern:8080/nexus/content/groups/public): Failed to transfer http://vm-nexus-slx.heuboe.hbintern:8080/nexus/content/groups/public/org/apache/maven/archetypes/maven-archetype-quickstart/1.0-alpha-4/maven-archetype-quickstart-1.0-alpha-4.pom. Error code 503, Service Unavailable
org.sonatype.aether.transfer.ArtifactTransferException: Could not transfer artifact org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-quickstart:pom:1.0-alpha-4 from/to nexus (http://vm-nexus-slx.heuboe.hbintern:8080/nexus/content/groups/public): Failed to transfer http://vm-nexus-slx.heuboe.hbintern:8080/nexus/content/groups/public/org/apache/maven/archetypes/maven-archetype-quickstart/1.0-alpha-4/maven-archetype-quickstart-1.0-alpha-4.pom. Error code 503, Service Unavailable
at org.sonatype.aether.connector.async.AsyncRepositoryConnector$3.wrap(AsyncRepositoryConnector.java:1413)
at org.sonatype.aether.connector.async.AsyncRepositoryConnector$3.wrap(AsyncRepositoryConnector.java:1404)
at org.sonatype.aether.connector.async.AsyncRepositoryConnector$GetTask.flush(AsyncRepositoryConnector.java:895)
at org.sonatype.aether.connector.async.AsyncRepositoryConnector$GetTask.flush(AsyncRepositoryConnector.java:889)
at org.sonatype.aether.connector.async.AsyncRepositoryConnector.get(AsyncRepositoryConnector.java:276)
at org.sonatype.aether.impl.internal.DefaultArtifactResolver.resolveArtifacts(DefaultArtifactResolver.java:438)
at org.sonatype.aether.impl.internal.DefaultArtifactResolver.resolveArtifact(DefaultArtifactResolver.java:214)
at org.sonatype.aether.impl.internal.DefaultRepositorySystem.resolveArtifact(DefaultRepositorySystem.java:296)
at org.maven.ide.eclipse.internal.embedder.MavenImpl.resolve(MavenImpl.java:555)
at org.maven.ide.eclipse.internal.project.ProjectConfigurationManager.resolveArchetype(ProjectConfigurationManager.java:526)
at org.maven.ide.eclipse.internal.project.ProjectConfigurationManager.createArchetypeProject(ProjectConfigurationManager.java:437)
at org.maven.ide.eclipse.wizards.MavenProjectWizard$5.runInWorkspace(MavenProjectWizard.java:279)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.InternalWorkspaceJob.run(InternalWorkspaceJob.java:38)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:54)
Caused by: org.sonatype.aether.connector.async.TransferException: Failed to transfer http://vm-nexus-slx.heuboe.hbintern:8080/nexus/content/groups/public/org/apache/maven/archetypes/maven-archetype-quickstart/1.0-alpha-4/maven-archetype-quickstart-1.0-alpha-4.pom. Error code 503, Service Unavailable
Resolving 'normal' artifacts works fine either using the integrated build or running install as "run-as" task.
I'm short before going nuts on this problem.
All ideas welcome.
Thx in advance
Well I figured out so far that it seems, that m2eclipse is using the proxy specified in .m2/settings.xml but if relolving an archetype it ignores the nonProxyHosts.
I submitted a Bug-Report to the m2eclipse projekt:
Thx for the help.
We (my team, that is) also get this issue. Command line Maven works like a charm, in Eclipse we get a red wall by Maven (we proxy all dependencies through our Nexus).
I have however noticed, that once I set m2eclipse in Offline mode, it finds all dependencies. Since I often build in command line, resolving new dependencies this way is not an issue for me (it still might annoying for some).
Eclipse -> Window -> Preferences -> Maven
Uncheck the option - Do not automatically update dependencies from remote repositories.
This should take care of the problem.