MongoDB Morphia. Update only new fields but not old fields - mongodb

I get the response from Json like this
"title" : "My User",
"description" : "First User",
"country" : "US",
"state" : "FL",
"city" : "Miam"
"auth" : "Scott"
I need to write an update which updates only the fields which are changed.
If the updated JSON looks like
"title" : "New User",
"description" : "First User",
"country" : "US",
"state" : "Texas",
"city" : "Dallas"
"auth" : "Scott"}
I can achieve using below
Blog blogDB=datastore.find(Blog.class, "blog_ID", blog.getBlog_ID()).get();
Query<Blog> query = datastore.createQuery(Blog.class).field("_id").equal(blogDB.getId()); //Find the object that is in database
UpdateOperations<Blog> ops = datastore.createUpdateOperations(Blog.class).set("title", blog.getcountry()).set("country", blog.getcity()).set("city", ....
datastore.update(query, ops);
I don't want to write an UpdateOperations as shown above. Is there any more efficient way?

There is no dirty state tracking in Morphia, no. You'll need to track those changes manually.


Best way to create index for MongoDB

I am having records stored in mongo-db collection for customer and there transactions with below format:
"_id" : ObjectId("59b6992a0b54c9c4a5434088"),
"Results" : {
"id" : "2139623696",
"member_joined_date" : ISODate("2010-07-07T00:00:00.000+0000"),
"account_activation_date" : ISODate("2010-07-07T00:00:00.000+0000"),
"family_name" : "XYZ",
"given_name" : "KOKI HOI",
"gender" : "Female",
"dob" : ISODate("1967-07-20T00:00:00.000+0000"),
"preflanguage" : "en-GB",
"title" : "MR",
"contact_no" : "60193551626",
"email" : "",
"street1" : "address line 1",
"street2" : "address line 2",
"street3" : "address line 3",
"zipcd" : "123456",
"city" : "xyz",
"countrycd" : "Malaysia",
"Transaction" : [
"txncd" : "411",
"txndate" : ISODate("2017-08-02 00:00:00.000000"),
"prcs_date" : ISODate("2017-08-02 00:00:00.000000"),
"txn_descp" : "Some MALL : SHOP & FLY FREE",
"merchant_id" : "6587867dsfd",
"orig_pts" : "0.00000",
"text" : "Some text"
I want to create index on fields "txn_descp", "txndate", "member_joined_date", "gender", "dob" for faster access. Can some one help me in creating index for this document? Will appreciate any kind of help and suggestions.
While creating the index there are a few things to keep in mind.
Always create the index for the queries you use.
Go for compound indexes whenever possible.
First field in the index should be the one with the minimum possible values.Ie, if there is an index with gender and DOB as keys, It is better to have {gender:1,dob:1}

Mongodb field value as another field

I just want to get filed value where field is value of another filed.
ex: below I want to get valueOf("Brand")="Toshiba" where "Brand" is value of field mappingData.brand
"_id" : ObjectId("5640bdec1b988de0be317251"),
"Part number" : "PS460E-04NVX-NL",
"Brand" : "Toshiba",
"Quality" : "XYZ",
"Category" : "notebooks",
"Model Name" : "Satellite Pro 4600 PIII900",
"EAN" : "",
"Market Presence" : "N",
"Family" : "",
"Title" : "Toshiba Satellite Pro 4600 PIII900",
"mapping" : {
"brand" : "Brand",
"title" : "Title"
I am trying this following way but it is returning undefined.
db.products.find().limit( 5 ).forEach(function(myDoc) {
var b=myDoc.mappingData.brand;
Please help to resolve this issue.
Use the bracket notation to access the property of an object. In your case, this would be
db.products.find().limit(5).forEach(function(myDoc) {
var brand = myDoc.mappingData.brand,
brandVal = myDoc[brand];

mongodb: taking a set of keys from one collection and matching with another

I'm new to mongodb and javascript, and have been reading the manual, but I can't seem to put the pieces together to solve the following problem.. I was wondering if you can kindly help.
I have two collections "places" and "reviews".
One document in "places" collection is as follows:
"_id" : "004571a7-afe4-4124-996e-b6ec779db494",
"name" : "wakawaka place",
"address" : {
"address" : "12 ad avenue",
"city" : "New York",
"review" : [
"id" : "i32347",
"review_list" : [
The "review" array can be empty for some documents.
And in the "reviews" collection, every document in the collection represents a review:
"_id" : ObjectId("53c913689c8e91a5a9c4047f"),
"user_id" : "useridhere",
"review_id" : "r123456",
"attraction_id" : "i32347",
"content" : "review content here"
What I would like to achieve is, for each place that has reviews, get the content of each review from the "review" collection and store them together in another new collection.
I'd be grateful for any suggestions on how to go about this.

want to merge two collection in mongo db using map reduce

I have two collection as bellow products has reference of user. i search product by name & in return i want combine output of product and user using map reduce method
user collection
"_id" : ObjectId("52ac5dd1fb670c2007000000"),
"company" : {
"about" : "This is textile machinery dealer",
"contactAddress" : [{
"address" : "abcd",
"city" : "52ac4bc6fb670c1007000000",
"zipcode" : "39as46as80"
"address" : "abcd",
"city" : "52ac4bc6fb670c1007000000",
"zipcode" : "39as46as80"
"fax" : "58784868",
"mainProducts" : "ads,asd,asd",
"mobileNumber" : "9537236588",
"name" : "krishna steels",
"user" : ObjectId("52ac4eb7fb670c0c07000000")
product colletion
"_id" : ObjectId("52ac5722fb670cf806000002"),
"category" : "52a2a9cc48a508b80e00001d",
"deliveryTime" : "10 days after received the ",
"price" : {
"minPrice" : "2000",
"maxPrice" : "3000",
"perUnit" : "5288ac6f7c104203e0976851",
"currency" : "INR"
"productName" : "New Mobile Solar Charger with Carabiner",
"rejectReason" : "",
"status" : 1,
"user" : ObjectId("52ac4eb7fb670c0c07000000")
This cannot be done. Mongo support Map Reduce only on one collection. You could try to fetch and merge in a java collection. Couple of days back I solved a similar problem using java collection.
Click to see similar response about joins and multi collection not supported in mongo.
This can be done using two map reduces.
You run your first MR and then you reduce out the second MR onto the results of the first.
You shouldn't do this though. JOINs are not designed to be done through MR, in fact it sounds like you are trying to do this MR with inline output which in itself is a very bad idea.
MRs are not designed to run inline to the application.
You would be better off doing the JOIN else where.

Array query and return

My first adventure into Mongo. Please save me some time by answering the following. This is the schema.
"_id" : 1,
"FullName" : "Full Name",
"Email" : "",
"FacebookId" : NumberLong(0),
"LastModified" : ISODate("2012-04-11T09:26:10.955Z"),
"Connections" : [{
"_id" : 7,
"FullName" : "Fuller name",
"Email" : "",
"FacebookId" : NumberLong(0),
"LastModified" : ISODate("0001-01-01T00:00:00Z")
Given an id of a single top user, i'd like to return all of the Emails in the Connections array, and preferably, just the emails. What's the querystring? Much obliged!
You can't get only values from the sub-objects in MongoDB.
If you do a query like this:
db.test.find({"_id": 1}, {"Connections.Email":1});
you will get this kind of response:
"_id": 1,
"Connections" : [ {"Email":""},
{"Email":""} ]
This is the closest you can get with a simple query and field selection from MongoDB.
You can then filter out the e-mails values in your code with a simple foreach.