When I Mount a .iso file in any folder, the folder becomes write protected. so, I cannot use createrepo coomand thin rhel6.
I mounted .iso file in/var/rhel. Now that folder became write protected. I am using all commands as root.
The instruction is given but I am not able to understand what is the desired location in my file system here.
Can anyone clear my doubt?
On my Windows system, I created a directory C:\bin to hold misc executable programs. That directory is added to the PATH environment variable.
mkdir c:\bin
set PATH=c:\bin;%PATH%
Download the zip file, extract mongosh.exe to C:\bin.
A cleanup Perl script running periodically deletes old log files, and if the folder is empty, it deletes the folder as well. Unfortunately, there is one exception: it should not delete a directory that is symlinked to.
There's no way to tell if there exists a symlink that directly references a dir. (Same for indirect references.)
The best you could do is check every single file on the entire file system, but even that monumental effort wouldn't be perfect. For example, it won't find symlinks on devices that aren't currently mounted, it won't find foreign symlinks to shared portions of the file system, etc.
When building on my linux machine, I notice that install4j creates directories in my /tmp directory. Unfortunately since my /tmp directory is on a small partition, it fills up quickly. Is there a variable I can specify to have these directories and files be in a different directory than /tmp?
Edit bin/install4j.vmoptions and add
-Djava.io.tmpdir=[path to temp dir]
on a new line.
I am developing a Meego/Harmattan application, in my package there is a file x.dat that I need to write in it using my executable foo app, the Debian package succeeds and installs x.dat in /opt/foo/bin but when I debug, the application foo refuse to fopen the file successfully for a subsequent fwrite, Is this related a missing Aegis manifest entry?, what is the correct sentence of that entry and is it done manually?
Note: I tried without success to use different path for the installation of the data file x.dat, this includes trying /home/user.
Thanks in advance,
Your application does not have permission to write to /opt as it is run as user. You have to put the file in /home/user/.yourapp/ and chown it to user:user in the postinstall script. (You could also chown the file right in /opt but it is not recommended)
I need to write a perl script which has to log in to an FTP server and download all the sub-directories and contents on sub-directories to local machine. The version of Perl on the FTP server is 5.8.8, i can't upgrade it. One method is to create directories on local machine and then copy each file. I was wondering if there is any command to copy a directory and its content. Is it possible to "tar" the directory to save space?
There is Net::FTP::Recursive. I haven't tried it but it seems to fit your requirements.