Eclipse EGit push to upstream vs push to branch - eclipse

I am new to Git and GitLab. There is a GitLab (remote server) has many projects and I was asked to download "Foo_Master" branch from Project named "Foo" which is Java Maven project then do update in one of source files and push the updated file to the remote repo. So this is what I did.
I installed Eclipse IDE and EGit plugin in my local machine.
Imported Foo_Master to my local machine successfully.
Updated Java source file named "".
My question is I am not sure how to commit the file to the remote repo.
Note: I saw options under Team > Repository (Please refer to a screenshot). I wonder if one of them or both would commit the file.

I realized that I should Commit first to my local repo then choose either Team > Repository > Push to Upstream or Push Branch Foo_Master to push the touched file from local to remote.


How to fix the structure of the project on GitLab?

I have a problem with my project in Eclipse IDE.
For the first time, I worked on an old version and made several changes.
I tried to upload the project on GitLab for the first time I configured Git on Eclipse IDE and I tried to commit and push "but I could do that only after doing a 'Fetch' from the remote branch and commit the 'Merge' change in my local repository.
Because I got this error:
rejected non-fast-forward
I followed this link Egit rejected non-fast-forward to fix it.
The fetch downloaded all the git project files in my project on Eclipse. Until now in my project, I have a subfolder like this: myProject/myProject.
I made several commits and push and it works normally. I figured out that a subdirectory in gitLab docroot is created with every push I make.
This is the local project structure:
This is the project structure on GitLab:
I want to delete docroot/WEB-INF/classes from GitLab.
How to delete this commit from GitLab using git plugin in Eclipse and how to correct my local project structure?
docroot/WEB-INF/classes is a folder. Git does not track folders, only files:
To delete a folder, you have to delete all the files in it.
In the Git Staging view, commit the deletions.
Make sure your current local branch is configured as When pulling: Rebase (in the Git Repositories view right-click the branch and choose Configure Branch...)
Git > Pull to make sure your commit is the latest commit in the upstream branch. If there are conflicts, you have to resolve them in the Git Staging view
Git > Push to Upstream
For details see the EGit User Guide and be aware that old Stack Overflow answers refer to outdated version of EGit.

EGit: combine two git repositories for the same project

Scenario: Project was stored in a git repository created by EGit of Eclipse. Later on my development machine was broken. So I took the backup Eclipse project and imported it (the project, not the git repository) in a new development machine. On the new development host I created a new git repository with the imported project as the initial commit of the new git repository.The new git repository has the exactly same project name as the old one contains. Both have one branch which is the master.
So I lost the history of the commits on my old development host. Is there any way that I can combine the two with all the history from the old and new repositories? thanks

Cloning a github repo into an existing project?

I have a project in Eclipse that I want to put on github, so I went to github and created the repos for them, but I want to clone them right into the folder where the files are stored in my eclipse workspace. How can I do this?
EDIT: When I try it, the github app says it can't clone because the folder isn't empty.
EDIT 2: Will this work? Changing the name in eclipse to rename the project folder, then cloning the repo to the name I want, in the workspace, then renaming the eclipse project so they merge and I can commit the new files.
GitHub has a guide explaining how to put an existing project on GitHub.
You should not clone the repository, but add the GitHub repository as a remote to a local repository you create yourself.
Go to your project folder and initialize a local repository with git init
Add and commit all your project files to the local repository. (e.g. git add . and git commit -m "message")
Add the GitHub repository as a remote. git remote add origin *github repository URL* (Verify with git remote -v)
Push your project to GitHub with git push origin master.
If you already have committed files to the GitHub repository, it is still possible.
Initialize your local repository.
Add GitHub as the remote.
Pull from GitHub.
Add and commit your project.
Push you project to GitHub
First add the remote as follows
git remote add origin <GIT URL>
Then simply do the following (MAke sure to commit any of your local files)
git pull --allow-unrelated-histories

How to push code to root of git repository (GitHub)

I am very new to git and have been facing the problem below for 4-5 days now.
I have a project that I want to share on GitHub and I created a repo ( for the same.
Here is what I did:
Checked out the code from svn using Eclipse (Juno).
Removed svn related files and 'cleaned' the folder by doing Team > Disconnect.
Created a local git repository (using both via eclipse and cli on different occasions).
Added appropriate .gitignore file.
Committed the code into the local repo (somehow eclipse moves the folder there, but not an issue). Eclipse made me choose the $repo/cfs as the folder where the code is committed. I could not commit it to $repo.
Now I want to push it into GitHub. Tried out the following:
Method 1 (eclipse):
Team > Remote > Push
Use refs/heads/master as both source ref and dest ref and commit.
Method 2 (cli from the $repo/cfs directory):
git remote add origin jitix#
git push -u origin master
In both cases, I am getting the cfs directory under the GitHub repo, not at the root (as most projects have). Also, each folder has a .. link to the parent folder in it (something that I have never seen on GitHub, and something that does not happen if I push using svn).
I checked out my code from svn, created a local repo and committed the code into
You need to create the git repository inside the folder that you want to upload. You've created it one level above the cfs folder and then pushed that, you want to run git init while inside cfs and then go from there.
Try in commandline instead using eclipse and follow the steps that GitHub recommends.
Go inside the directory of your project and type:
git init
git commit -a -m "first commit"
git remote add origin jitix#
git push -u origin master
It should work, although is pretty much what you were doing.

Egit push doesn't change files in remote repository

I came to know about the git / egit version control system last week, seems too good to be true .So thought to shift from SVN to git..Since last week I am trying to understand the basics and concepts of git.
So I created a test environment for understanding the workflow of egit in eclipse as following.
I am following the strategy of remote tracking there are two repositories named local and remote used for understanding the workflow.
I created a repository named 'remote' with an emtpy index.php file and has one master branch and imported the project into eclipse.
I created another git repository named 'local' by cloning the above 'remote' git repo, this repository is now tracked by 'remote' repository has one master branch and origin/master remote tracking branch.
I imported the project from 'local' git repo. into my eclipse workbench and changed the index.php file using eclipse php editor -> committed changes to local's master branch and -> performed push from local master branch.
When checking the remote working directory .. there is no change updated which I did in local's index.php file , however master branch in the remote repository view shows the latest commit which I committed in the local's master branch, but unfortunately files are not updated, it just adds asterisk mark to all changed files in my remote project view.
So researching about the asterisk mark I found its in staged condition .So can anyone lead me to the right way explaining how to successfully perform push operation from local's master branch to remote's branch I will be grateful.
this is the picture of my egit test case set up in eclipse for understanding the workflow. you can see the asterisk mark in the remote project after performing push from local repository,you can see all three branches viz.local's master, origin/master and remote's master branches shows same latest commit.
Thank You.
I tried using bare repo. as a remote, when I push from changes from local to remote, I don't find any files in remote repo. Just branch gets updated with the latest commit.
That seems normal, since a bare repo has *no working tree, meaning no files.
You would need to clone that remote repo, and add this cloned repo (non-bare) as a project in your Eclipse, in order to:
push from your first Egit-managed repo to the bare remote repo
pull from that same bare repo to your second Egit-managed non-bare repo.