Export to CSV of Bugzilla 'Description' - export-to-csv

I have tried to the 'Description' of bugs in Bugzilla as a column agaist each bug id by using '&columnlist=id, description'. But I'm not getting the 'description' in csv columns. Help me on this. Thanks in advance.


The identity ID is returned but not recorded in the table

I am building a project in Zand 1.1.
I created 'email' table and I want to enter record with the insert method. My code looks like:
$this->_db_table = new Mconsole_Model_DbTable_Emailmessages(array(
'db' => parent::getDb()
This code return last inserted id(for example '17') but no realy record inserted in the table. Can anyone help me?

How to export orders in CSV file in Magento 2

In Magento 2.2, I am creating a module to export orders in CSV file, please anybody can help me into this. Please suggest what is the correct way to export orders in CSV file.
Also, anyone know that how can I get orders column name like order_id, firstname, lastname etc.

Access/Get SQL Developer Table 'Details'

I have a list of tables in an Oracle Schema. I use SQL Developer to build my queries. I can click on each table within the schema in SQL Developer and get access to a number of tabs, one of which is 'Details':
Within the 'Details' window, I have a property called 'Comments' which contains a description of what the table is for.
Now, I have quite a few tables and I want to somehow grab the table name and description in that comments property for each table and put it into a spreadsheet. Is there any way to do that in SQL Developer? Maybe a query? Or some built in function that iterates over each table and provides that information? I thought about using python, but I'm not sure I can access the 'Details' of the table.
Every once in a while, I find a solution before i have some of you awesome people answer for me, so i thought I'd post up what I found. This is the query I found that works:
select * from all_tab_comments where owner = 'your_schema_name_here'
This provides a list of all the tables in the schema (owner) I want and provides the comments I was looking for. From there, I can just export to an excel spreadsheet.

TYPO3 7.6 backend search (TCA searchFields) does not work on related table

Following constellation:
TYPO3 7.6.6
own Extension
I have two simple tables:
tx_exaibbrplus_domain_model_clients (clients)
tx_exaibbrplus_domain_model_yearsclientsinstitutions (yci)
One "clients" with a column for a social security number (ex: 123.4567.675.432)). Another (yci) with a relation to clients.
I need the possibility to search the social security number on the second table (yci). On the classic list view I can see the clients social security number (see screenshot) but the list search does not work on the clients social security number.
My TCA (most important parts) of the second table contains "clients" in searchFields.
return array(
'ctrl' => array(
'title' => 'LLL:EXT:exaibbrplus/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_db.xlf:tx_exaibbrplus_domain_model_yearsclientsinstitutions',
'label' => 'year',
'label_alt' => 'clients',
'label_alt_force' => TRUE,
'searchFields' => 'year, clients',
Using the live search to search a social security number works (and brings results of clients table).
Any ideas welcome.
After further investigations and exchange with TYPO3 gurus... I led myself to the illusion this can be achieved because it was so easy to display the related data in the list. Meanwhile I also found a feature whish for this, see: https://forge.typo3.org/issues/75017
In short: there is no solution for this with actual stock TYPO3.

ZendX Jquery Form Autocomplete

Hi i'm using zendx_jquery_form_autocomplete.
I have a mysql database with a table user. User has a ID and a Name.
My problem is that i don't know I can do my research in the Name column and have the id of the right row.
In the tutorial that i saw there is a research in a array and that work fine but now i shoul pass the id of my research...
Use mysql like operator for your search in rows.
$param = $this->_getParam('param'); //send from autocomplete
$result = Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter()->select()->from('users','user_id')->where('name like =?',"%$param")->query()->fetchAll();