Safe to store password on server - server

I am making some scripts for personal use. I need to store user and passwords for various stuff. Is it safe to store password text on webserver outside the webroot, eg
/var/www/includes/? Should it be encrypted as well? Or should I encrypt the password and store it in a database?

I'd suggest tu use the file .htpasswd to manage passwords:
The file contains unencrypted usernames and hashed passwords.
It's one way to protect web ressources from unauthorized access.
The attached screenshot shows how the login will look like!


Storing passwords on server

I want to do the following
User signs up to IOS app and provides username and password
Make a server call and store password in server database
When user logs in in the future, retrieve that password and check against the password that the user entered.
How can I do this in the most secure way possible? I was thinking of encrypting the password when storing in the db. When the user logsin, use the same encryption algorithm and compare against the db encrypted password.
NEVER ever store user credentials in encrypted (reversible) form. Currently best known way for checking user credentials is slow salted hash
for what and why please read
However, don’t try to invent your own algorithm for repeated hashing.
Choose one of these three well-known ones: PBKDF2, bcrypt or scrypt.
As already commented you may outsource the user authentication to some reliable service (google, fb, aws cognito, ibm appid,...)
Have you tried looking into databases? I know that Firebase has an authentication component of their database for ios development, and you might want to try to look into it or other databases. Check out firebase at:

Right way to store encrypted info

I need to store a sensible info in a database (clients passwords). Is there a common practice? The information should be accessible by various users. Think about service company that should make maintenance of clients systems.
I'm thinking about using AES encryption. All the information is encrypted with the same main key. For every user this main key is encrypted with the user's password used as the key and stored separately. During login and authentication the main key is decrypted and saved in a session. Later the key is used to decrypt clients info. Is it a good practice?
P.S.: Yes, I know that it's better not to use passwords, but it's not me to decide the way to access client's servers.

TYPO3 backend user without password

Is it save to create backend user with an empty password?
For example the _cli_lowlevel backend user or a backend user editor-test, which I only use for testing purposes via the "Switch to user" feature.
usually a cli_* user should have no rights to access anything in the BE (non admin user, with no mount-points). it is used to execute TYPO3 by command line. if anyone can get access to a shell he can execute commands more dangerous than a simple BE-access. e.g. he can open access to the install-tool and create an admin-user. or use mysql-cli to set passwords to any given user.
normally you can not create BE-users without password as the form for BE-users requires a not empty password field. as you probably use salted and hashed passwords even a simple password can not be decrypted (so a brute force attack may find the password quickly). so the best way would be a long random password which you might forget the next moment.

Store and retrieve password in database

I am developing an app which uses several API services, the API requires that I provide username and password for API transactions, unfortunately no API token :-( in-order to automate I need to store username passwords somewhere, preferably database, I cannot use hashing because I need to send the username/password to authenticate and process API request, hence I am wondering how to go about it.
If I use Zend\Crypt to encrypt and store the password in database and decrypt whenever required, would this be enough for security? is there something else I must consider?
Looking for pointers.
PS: I am using ZendFramework2 with Doctrine/MySQL for the app.
Usually you would use a token mechanism (like OAuth). If that's not possible, one would use TLS/SSL client authentication.
However, if you rely on plain passwords (on the application-level, I still guess the username/password tupel is transmitted over a secure connection!) and you want to store them encrypted, you have to think of a meaningful mechanism to get an encryption key for your scenario. Just generating an encryption key and storing it on the same machine in plain does not provide more security.
Without more information on your scenario it is hard to make a suitable suggestion.

Store REST-Credentials in Database

I know that usernames and passwords shouldn't be stored in the database in a reversible form, but I need these credentials for accessing a REST-API over HTTP Basic Auth. Would it be secure enough to store an encryption key on the servers hard drive and use it to en-/decrypt the stored passwords or is there any other method to securely store passwords for REST-API's in a database.
Thanks in advance