Optimizing cartesian product using keys in spark - scala

To avoid computing all possible combinations, I'm trying to group values according to a certain key, and then compute the cartesian product of the values for each key, i.e.:
Input [(k1, v1), (k1, v2), (k2, v3)]
Desired output: [(v1, v1), (v1, v2), (v2, v2), (v2, v1), (v3, v3)] Here is code I have tried executing:
val input = sc.textFile('data.csv')
val rdd = input.map(s=>s.split(","))
.map(s => (s(1).toString, s(2).toString))
val group_result:RDD[String, Iterable[String]] = rdd.groupByKey()
group_result.flatMap { t =>
val stream1= t._2.toStream
val stream2= t._2.toStream
stream1.flatMap { src =>
stream2.par.map { trg =>
src + "," + trg
This works fine for very small files, but when the list(Iterable) is of length ~1000 the computation completely freezes.

As #zero323 said, the best way to solve this is by using PairRDDFunctions' method join, however in order to achieve this you need to have a PairedRDD, which can be obtained by using RDD's method keyBy.
You could do something like:
val rdd = sc.parallelize(Array(("k1", "v1"), ("k1", "v2"), ("k2", "v3"))).keyBy(_._1)
val result = rdd.join(rdd).map{
case (key: String, (x: Tuple2[String, String], y: Tuple2[String, String])) => (x._2, y._2)
// res9: Array[(String, String)] = Array((v1,v1), (v1,v2), (v2,v1), (v2,v2), (v3, v3))
Here I share the notebook with the code.


Use combineByKey to get output as (key, iterable[values])

I am trying to transform RDD(key,value) to RDD(key,iterable[value]), same as output returned by the groupByKey method.
But as groupByKey is not efficient, I am trying to use combineByKey on the RDD instead, however, it is not working. Below is the code used:
val data= List("abc,2017-10-04,15.2",
val rdd = sc.parallelize(templines)
val rows = rdd.map(line => {
val row = line.split(",")
((row(0), row(1)), row(2))
// re partition and sort based key
val op = rows.repartitionAndSortWithinPartitions(new CustomPartitioner(4))
val temp = op.map(f => (f._1._1, (f._1._2, f._2)))
val mergeCombiners = (t1: (String, List[String]), t2: (String, List[String])) =>
(t1._1 + t2._1, t1._2.++(t2._2))
val mergeValue = (x: (String, List[String]), y: (String, String)) => {
val a = x._2.+:(y._2)
(x._1, a)
// createCombiner, mergeValue, mergeCombiners
val x = temp.combineByKey(
(t1: String, t2: String) => (t1, List(t2)),
temp.combineByKey is giving compile time error, I am not able to get it.
If you want a output similar from what groupByKey will give you, then you should absolutely use groupByKey and not some other method. The reduceByKey, combineByKey, etc. are only more efficient compared to using groupByKey followed with an aggregation (giving you the same result as one of the other groupBy methods could have given).
As the wanted result is an RDD[key,iterable[value]], building the list yourself or letting groupByKey do it will result in the same amount of work. There is no need to reimplement groupByKey yourself. The problem with groupByKey is not its implementation but lies in the distributed architecture.
For more information regarding groupByKey and these types of optimizations, I would recommend reading more here.

Array[Byte] Spark RDD to String Spark RDD

I'm using the Cloudera's SparkOnHBase module in order to get data from HBase.
I get a RDD in this way:
var getRdd = hbaseContext.hbaseRDD("kbdp:detalle_feedback", scan)
Based on that, what I get is an object of type
RDD[(Array[Byte], List[(Array[Byte], Array[Byte], Array[Byte])])]
which corresponds to row key and a list of values. All of them represented by a byte array.
If I save the getRDD to a file, what I see is:
([B#f7e2590,[([B#22d418e2,[B#12adaf4b,[B#48cf6e81), ([B#2a5ffc7f,[B#3ba0b95,[B#2b4e651c), ([B#27d0277a,[B#52cfcf01,[B#491f7520), ([B#3042ad61,[B#6984d407,[B#f7c4db0), ([B#29d065c1,[B#30c87759,[B#39138d14), ([B#32933952,[B#5f98506e,[B#8c896ca), ([B#2923ac47,[B#65037e6a,[B#486094f5), ([B#3cd385f2,[B#62fef210,[B#4fc62b36), ([B#5b3f0f24,[B#8fb3349,[B#23e4023a), ([B#4e4e403e,[B#735bce9b,[B#10595d48), ([B#5afb2a5a,[B#1f99a960,[B#213eedd5), ([B#2a704c00,[B#328da9c4,[B#72849cc9), ([B#60518adb,[B#9736144,[B#75f6bc34)])
for each record (rowKey and the columns)
But what I need is to get the String representation of all and each of the keys and values. Or at least the values. In order to save it to a file and see something like
or something like
I'm completely new on spark and scala and it's being quite hard to get something.
Could you please help me with that?
First lets create some sample data:
scala> val d = List( ("ab" -> List(("qw", "er", "ty")) ), ("cd" -> List(("ac", "bn", "afad")) ) )
d: List[(String, List[(String, String, String)])] = List((ab,List((qw,er,ty))), (cd,List((ac,bn,afad))))
This is how the data is:
scala> d foreach println
Convert it to Array[Byte] format
scala> val arrData = d.map { case (k,v) => k.getBytes() -> v.map { case (a,b,c) => (a.getBytes(), b.getBytes(), c.getBytes()) } }
arrData: List[(Array[Byte], List[(Array[Byte], Array[Byte], Array[Byte])])] = List((Array(97, 98),List((Array(113, 119),Array(101, 114),Array(116, 121)))), (Array(99, 100),List((Array(97, 99),Array(98, 110),Array(97, 102, 97, 100)))))
Create an RDD out of this data
scala> val rdd1 = sc.parallelize(arrData)
rdd1: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(Array[Byte], List[(Array[Byte], Array[Byte], Array[Byte])])] = ParallelCollectionRDD[0] at parallelize at <console>:25
Create a conversion function from Array[Byte] to String:
scala> def b2s(a: Array[Byte]): String = new String(a)
b2s: (a: Array[Byte])String
Perform our final conversion:
scala> val rdd2 = rdd1.map { case (k,v) => b2s(k) -> v.map{ case (a,b,c) => (b2s(a), b2s(b), b2s(c)) } }
rdd2: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, List[(String, String, String)])] = MapPartitionsRDD[1] at map at <console>:29
scala> rdd2.collect()
res2: Array[(String, List[(String, String, String)])] = Array((ab,List((qw,er,ty))), (cd,List((ac,bn,afad))))
I don't know about HBase but if those Array[Byte]s are Unicode strings, something like this should work:
rdd: RDD[(Array[Byte], List[(Array[Byte], Array[Byte], Array[Byte])])] = *whatever*
rdd.map(k, l =>
(new String(k),
l.map(a =>
a.map(elem =>
new String(elem)
Sorry for bad styling and whatnot, I am not even sure it will work.

How to join two RDDs by key to get RDD of (String, String)?

I have two paired rdds in the form RDD [(String, mutable.HashSet[String]):
For example:
rdd1: 332101231222, "320758, 320762, 320760, 320759, 320757, 320761"
rdd2: 332101231222, "220758, 220762, 220760, 220759, 220757, 220761"
I want to combine rdd1 and rdd2 based on common keys, so o/p should be like:
332101231222 320758, 320762, 320760, 320759, 320757, 320761 220758, 220762, 220760, 220759, 220757, 220761
Here is my code:
def cogroupTest (rdd1: RDD [(String, mutable.HashSet[String])], rdd2: RDD [(String, mutable.HashSet[String])] ): Unit =
val prods_per_user_co_grouped = (rdd1).cogroup(rdd2)
prods_per_user_co_grouped.map { case (key: String, (value1: mutable.HashSet[String], value2: mutable.HashSet[String])) => {
val combinedhs = value1 ++ value2
val sstr = combinedhs.mkString("\t")
val keypadded = key + "\t"
Here is the error that I get when I run the my program:
scala.MatchError: (32101231222,(CompactBuffer(Set(320758, 320762, 320760, 320759, 320757, 320761)),CompactBuffer(Set(220758, 220762, 220760, 220759, 220757, 220761)))) (of class scala.Tuple2)
Any help with this will be great!
As you might guess from the name cogroup groups observations by key. It means that in your case you get:
(String, (Iterable[mutable.HashSet[String]], Iterable[mutable.HashSet[String]]))
(String, (mutable.HashSet[String], mutable.HashSet[String]))
It is pretty clear when you take a look at the error you get. If you want to combine pairs you should use join method. If not you should adjust pattern to match structure you get and then use something like this:
val combinedhs = value1.reduce(_ ++ _) ++ value2.reduce(_ ++ _)

Split RDD into RDD's with no repeating values

I have a RDD of Pairs as below :
I would like to split it into two RDD's such that the first has only the pairs with non-repeating values (for both key and value) and the second will have the rest of the omitted pairs.
So from the above we could get two RDD's
1) (105,918)
2) (105,757) - Omitted as 105 is already included in 1st RDD
(105,137) - Omitted as 105 is already included in 1st RDD
(516,816) - Omitted as 516 is already included in 1st RDD
(350,502) - Omitted as 502 is already included in 1st RDD
Currently I am using a mutable Set variable to track the elements already selected after coalescing the original RDD to a single partition :
val evalCombinations = collection.mutable.Set.empty[String]
val currentValidCombinations = allCombinations
.filter(p => {
if(!evalCombinations.contains(p._1) && !evalCombinations.contains(p._2)) {
evalCombinations += p._1;evalCombinations += p._2; true
} else
This approach is limited by memory of the executor on which the operations run. Is there a better scalable solution for this ?
Here is a version, which will require more memory for driver.
import org.apache.spark.rdd._
import org.apache.spark._
def getUniq(rdd: RDD[(Int, Int)], sc: SparkContext): RDD[(Int, Int)] = {
val keys = rdd.keys.distinct
val values = rdd.values.distinct
// these are the keys which appear in value part also.
val both = keys.intersection(values)
val bBoth = sc.broadcast(both.collect.toSet)
// remove those key-value pairs which have value which is also a key.
val uKeys = rdd.filter(x => !bBoth.value.contains(x._2))
.reduceByKey{ case (v1, v2) => v1 } // keep uniq keys
uKeys.map{ case (k, v) => (v, k) } // swap key, value
.reduceByKey{ case (v1, v2) => v1 } // keep uniq value
.map{ case (k, v) => (v, k) } // correct placement
def getPartitionedRDDs(rdd: RDD[(Int, Int)], sc: SparkContext) = {
val r = getUniq(rdd, sc)
val remaining = rdd subtract r
val set = r.flatMap { case (k, v) => Array(k, v) }.collect.toSet
val a = remaining.filter{ case (x, y) => !set.contains(x) &&
!set.contains(y) }
val b = getUniq(a, sc)
val part1 = r union b
val part2 = rdd subtract part1
(part1, part2)
val rdd = sc.parallelize(Array((105,918),(105,757),(502,516),
val (first, second) = getPartitionedRDDs(rdd, sc)
// first.collect: ((516,816), (105,918), (350,502))
// second.collect: ((105,137), (502,516), (105,757))
val rdd1 = sc.parallelize(Array((839,841),(842,843),(840,843),
val (f, s) = getPartitionedRDDs(rdd1, sc)
//f.collect: ((839,841), (1,2), (840,843), (4,3))

take top N after groupBy and treat them as RDD

I'd like to get top N items after groupByKey of RDD and convert the type of topNPerGroup(in the below) to RDD[(String, Int)] where List[Int] values are flatten
The data is
val data = sc.parallelize(Seq("foo"->3, "foo"->1, "foo"->2,
"bar"->6, "bar"->5, "bar"->4))
The top N items per group are computed as:
val topNPerGroup: RDD[(String, List[Int]) = data.groupByKey.map {
case (key, numbers) =>
key -> numbers.toList.sortBy(-_).take(2)
The result is
(bar,List(6, 5))
(foo,List(3, 2))
which was printed by
If I achieve, topNPerGroup.collect.foreach(println) will generate (expected result!)
(bar, 6)
(bar, 5)
(foo, 3)
(foo, 2)
I've been struggling with this same issue recently but my need was a little different in that I needed the top K values per key with a data set like (key: Int, (domain: String, count: Long)). While your dataset is simpler there is still a scaling/performance issue by using groupByKey as noted in the documentation.
When called on a dataset of (K, V) pairs, returns a dataset of (K,
Iterable) pairs. Note: If you are grouping in order to perform an
aggregation (such as a sum or average) over each key, using
reduceByKey or combineByKey will yield much better performance.
In my case I ran into problems very quickly because my Iterable in (K, Iterable<V>) was very large, > 1 million, so the sorting and taking of the top N became very expensive and creates potential memory issues.
After some digging, see references below, here is a full example using combineByKey to accomplish the same task in a way that will perform and scale.
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
object TopNForKey {
var SampleDataset = List(
(1, ("apple.com", 3L)),
(1, ("google.com", 4L)),
(1, ("stackoverflow.com", 10L)),
(1, ("reddit.com", 15L)),
(2, ("slashdot.org", 11L)),
(2, ("samsung.com", 1L)),
(2, ("apple.com", 9L)),
(3, ("microsoft.com", 5L)),
(3, ("yahoo.com", 3L)),
(3, ("google.com", 4L)))
//sort and trim a traversable (String, Long) tuple by _2 value of the tuple
def topNs(xs: TraversableOnce[(String, Long)], n: Int) = {
var ss = List[(String, Long)]()
var min = Long.MaxValue
var len = 0
xs foreach { e =>
if (len < n || e._2 > min) {
ss = (e :: ss).sortBy((f) => f._2)
min = ss.head._2
len += 1
if (len > n) {
ss = ss.tail
min = ss.head._2
len -= 1
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val topN = 2
val sc = new SparkContext("local", "TopN For Key")
val rdd = sc.parallelize(SampleDataset).map((t) => (t._1, t._2))
//use combineByKey to allow spark to partition the sorting and "trimming" across the cluster
val topNForKey = rdd.combineByKey(
//seed a list for each key to hold your top N's with your first record
(v) => List[(String, Long)](v),
//add the incoming value to the accumulating top N list for the key
(acc: List[(String, Long)], v) => topNs(acc ++ List((v._1, v._2)), topN).toList,
//merge top N lists returned from each partition into a new combined top N list
(acc: List[(String, Long)], acc2: List[(String, Long)]) => topNs(acc ++ acc2, topN).toList)
//print results sorting for pretty
topNForKey.sortByKey(true).foreach((t) => {
println(s"key: ${t._1}")
t._2.foreach((v) => {
println(s"----- $v")
And what I get in the returning rdd...
(1, List(("google.com", 4L),
("stackoverflow.com", 10L))
(2, List(("apple.com", 9L),
("slashdot.org", 15L))
(3, List(("google.com", 4L),
("microsoft.com", 5L))
Spark 1.4.0 solves the question.
Take a look at https://github.com/apache/spark/commit/5e6ad24ff645a9b0f63d9c0f17193550963aa0a7
This uses BoundedPriorityQueue with aggregateByKey
def topByKey(num: Int)(implicit ord: Ordering[V]): RDD[(K, Array[V])] = {
self.aggregateByKey(new BoundedPriorityQueue[V](num)(ord))(
seqOp = (queue, item) => {
queue += item
combOp = (queue1, queue2) => {
queue1 ++= queue2
).mapValues(_.toArray.sorted(ord.reverse)) // This is an min-heap, so we reverse the order.
Your question is a little confusing, but I think this does what you're looking for:
val flattenedTopNPerGroup =
topNPerGroup.flatMap({case (key, numbers) => numbers.map(key -> _)})
and in the repl it prints out what you want:
Just use topByKey:
import org.apache.spark.mllib.rdd.MLPairRDDFunctions._
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
val topTwo: RDD[(String, Int)] = data.topByKey(2).flatMapValues(x => x)
It is also possible provide alternative Ordering (not required here). For example if you wanted n smallest values:
data.topByKey(2)(scala.math.Ordering.by[Int, Int](- _))