Overriding abstract method using anonymous class - class

I'm trying to override a abstract method using anonymous class but it shows error like Class A is not abstract and abstract method eat() not implemented.Please Help me out
package javaapplication1;
abstract class D
abstract void eat();
public class A extends D
public static void main(String[] args)
D obj_d=new D(){
void eat()
System.out.println("I'm eating!");


typedef vs extend classes

I have a base class
abstract class Repository<T> {
Future<List<T>> getAll();
Future<T> getByID(int id);
Then I would extend it just to specify type. But Dart has interesting syntax typedef ... = .... What is better?
Classic way
abstract class UserRepository extends Repository<User>{}
Another way
typedef UserRepository = Repository<User>;
Last is more aesthetic
What pros and cons for every way?
You should use inheritance, because typedef required for creating aliases.
abstract class Repository<T> {
Future<List<T>> getAll();
Future<T> getByID(int id);
// with alias
typedef UserRepository = Repository<User>;
class UserRepositoryImpl extends UserRepository {
// without alias
class UserRepositoryImpl extends Repository<User> {

Is a Swift Protocol equal to "extend" in typescript?

I'm learning Swift at the moment and came across "protocols". They seem to me like a prebuild class that you extend, like in typescript, is that true?
Thanks, Pascal
I would compare them to interface in typescript.
interface FooBar {
foo: () => void
bar: () => void
class MyFooBar implements FooBar {
public foo(): void {
public bar(): void {

How do you perform inheritance with abstract classes in dart? error : superclass SpanishData doesn't have a zero argument constructor

I'm trying to create an abstract class called SpanishData
And then I want to create another class called alphabet that extends Spanish data
I'm getting an error: the superclass SpanishData doesn't have a zero-argument constructor. How do I fix this?
Here is my code:
abstract class SpanishData{
String englishWord;
String spanishWord;
String mp3;
void getList (){
//the alphabet class
import '../SpanishDataAbstract.dart';
class Alphabet extends SpanishData{
void getList(
You need to refer to the properties of the parent class your class is extending. You can do this using the super keyword.
The super() method on a class constructor allows a subclass to pass arguments and execute the constructor of its superclass.
The code below works:
abstract class SpanishData{
String englishWord;
String spanishWord;
String mp3;
void getList (){
class Alphabet extends SpanishData{
// create a constructor of the alphabet class and call the parent constructor
Alphabet(String englishWord, String spanishWord, String mp3) : super(englishWord, spanishWord, mp3);
void getList(){}

Call parent constructor with this as argument

I have a class that takes one of its subclasses as an argument. When constructing that subclass, I want to be able to use this as the value of that argument:
class A(val b: B)
class B extends A(this)
However, this fails to compile
this can be used only in a class, object, or template
[error] class B extends A(this)
[error] ^
Is there any way to get around this? I'm pretty sure that a pattern like this can be written in Java.
I'm not so sure about the last statement:
public class MyClass {
static class A {
A(B b) {
static class B extends A {
String value;;
B() {
value = "x";
public static void main(String args[]) {
new B();
gives the following error:
/MyClass.java:10: error: cannot reference this before supertype constructor has been called
There is no good reason to attempt to let the this reference escape the scope of the constructor before the object itself has been constructed. Refactor it.

Unable to mole clasess which use new keyword in inherited methods

I have the following scenario
public abstract ClassA{
public virtual void Initialize(string a, int b){
public abstract ClassB : ClassA{
public virtual int Initialize(string a, int b){
When I try to create stub for Class B, I receive the error saying that SClassB already defines a member called 'Initialize' with the same parameter types.
How do I resolve the issue?
As far as I know, you can not override within an abstract class so you would either need to lose the abstract/virtual and use override modifier on ClassB, or override it in the class(es) that inherits from ClassB.