Running stanford moss because of institution proxy - perl

I am running moss by Stanford.
I am using Perl script sent by Stanford at the time of registration.
but it is giving error as :
Checking files . . .
Could not connect to server Connection refused
I tried adding institute proxy also in the code as follows :
$sock = new IO::Socket::INET (
ProxyAddr => '',
ProxyPort => '8080',
PeerAddr => $server,
PeerPort => $port,
Proto => 'tcp',
But it is giving the same error as above.
One possible solution is to set up a virtual environment and run the script.
But what can be another solution ?

Here is what I did and it worked.
I used Google colab for it.
I uploaded the files to be checked for plagiarism and the perl script to colab and then ran the perl script in the notebook
!perl -l python -m 53 -c "Files" ./*.py


Not able to use 'copy_perm' option in Net::SFTP::Foreign module

I want to copy the file from remote host to the local host with the preservation of file permission, hence i tried to use the 'copy_perm' option as per the documentation of Net::SFTP::Foreign as mentioned below -
my $sftp = Net::SFTP::Foreign->new(
host => $host,
key_path => $ssh_key_path,
copy_perm => 1,
more => [ -o => 'Compression yes' ]
But I am getting the below error -
Invalid option 'copy_perm' or bad combination of options at at line 101.
The line 101 is the Net::SFTP::Foreign object creation as mentioned above.
Did i miss anything or anyone has faced same issue before?
That's because copy_perm isn't an option for the new method. You use it in get and put.

can't ssh:unable to establish master SSH connection: bad password or master process exited unexpectedly

I have problem with perl modules, i 'm trying to connect to the remote server using the OpenSSH module from CPAN and i have given the username and password correctly but when i run my CGI from browser i see the following error message "
can't ssh:unable to establish master SSH connection: bad password or
master process exited unexpectedly
in need of immediate reply's and awaiting,
Thanks in Advance.
Here is my code
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use CGI;
use Data::Dumper;
use strict;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use Net::OpenSSH;
my $query = CGI->new();
#my $mach_name=$query->param('mach_name');
my $mach_name= '****.cce.***.com';
my $user='root';
my $passwd='*******';
my $ssh = Net::OpenSSH->new("$mach_name",user => "$user" , passwd => "$passwd
", master_opts => [-o => "strictHostKeyChecking=no"]);
$ssh->error and die "can't ssh:" . $ssh->error;
my $mem_info =$ssh->capture("ioscan -m lun");
print "$mem_info";
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print "<html><head><title>test page</title></head>\n";
print "<body><p>Dicovering Machine Please wait....</p>\n";
print "<p>$mach_name</p>";
print "<p><b>Swap Memory :$mem_info </b> </p>";
print "</body></html>";
The same program if i run through the command line it is getting the o/p but through the browser i'm seeing the above error i have given the passwd and username correctly
My problem was solved when I've increased the timeout from 10 seconds to 15 seconds, because the device is using an older SSH daemon version, but my linux server that made the client connection is upgraded and of course it probes first the newer ciphers.
my $ssh = Net::OpenSSH->new(
port => $port,
user => $user,
password => $pass,
timeout => 15, # <= this was 10 and now is 15
kill_ssh_on_timeout => 1,
strict_mode => 0,
master_opts => [-o => "StrictHostKeyChecking=no", '-vvv'], #<= -vvv helped much
ctl_dir =>'/tmp/libnet-openssh-perl',
Looks like some permissions issue. Run ssh in verbose mode:
my $ssh = Net::OpenSSH->new("$mach_name",
user => "$user",
passwd => "$passwd",
master_opts => '-vvv',
master_stderr_fh => \*LOG);
If that doesn't give you enough information about the cause of the problem, then, you can use truss to see what's happening at the OS level.
Also check .ssh/known_hosts, make sure .ssh directory is writeable by Apache. .libnet-openssh-perl directory should be writeable by Apache.
For example, my Apache user is apache with a home directory of /var/www
I have /var/www/.ssh owned by apache, and /var/www/.libnet-openssh-perl owned by apache. I ssh to devices using my own account, then copy my known_hosts file to /var/www/.ssh/known_hosts

Can't get DBD::ODBC to work with DataDirect ODBC Driver Manager 7.0 - [DataDirect][ODBC lib] Specified driver could not be loaded (SQL-IM003)

I'm trying to set-up PERL DBD::ODBC to use the DataDirect ODBC Driver Manager (7.0) that is provided with Informatica PowerCenter. This is on a Solaris 10 Sparc64 environment. We've had this working in the past with the 5.1 driver manager (on an sp32 server), but now running into problems since moving to this new version. For all ODBC connections I get this error:
failed: [DataDirect][ODBC lib] Specified driver could not be loaded (SQL-IM003) at line 19
Can't connect to DBI:ODBC:tdedwprd: [DataDirect][ODBC lib] Specified driver could not be loaded (SQL-IM003) at line 19, <STDIN> line 2.
I have tested the same connections using the "ssgodbc" tool provided by Informatica for testing and they work. I can login and run queries.
As an example, here's one of my Teradata connections as definied in odbc.ini (we're having the same problem with DB2, SQL Server, Teradata, Sybase, PowerExchange, etc). Don't ask why I have to hard-code the full driver path in this file instead of odbcinst.ini. I couldn't get it to work and the Informatica standard is to hard-code it in odbc.ini so I don't want to affect our support from them.
Description=Teradata Development
ldd output for the driver:
$ ldd /opt/teradata/client/odbc/drivers/
warning: ldd: /opt/teradata/client/odbc/drivers/ is not executable => /opt/SUNWspro/lib/v9/ => /usr/lib/sparcv9/ => /usr/lib/sparcv9/ => /usr/lib/sparcv9/ => /usr/lib/sparcv9/ => /usr/lib/sparcv9/ => /usr/lib/sparcv9/ => /usr/lib/sparcv9/ => /opt/powercenter/v951/ODBC7.0/lib/ => /opt/teradata/client/odbc/lib/ => /opt/teradata/client/odbc/lib/ => /usr/lib/sparcv9/ => /usr/lib/sparcv9/ => /opt/SUNWspro/prod/usr/lib/v9/ => /lib/64/ => /lib/64/ => /lib/64/ => /opt/powercenter/v951/ODBC7.0/lib/ => /usr/lib/sparcv9/ => /usr/lib/sparcv9/ => /usr/lib/sparcv9/ => /lib/64/ => /lib/64/ => /lib/64/ => /lib/64/ => /lib/64/
I tried to run strace as the user that uses these connections, but I get this error so not sure what to do with that:
$ strace perl
ERROR: unable to open /dev/log
Here's the PERL test script we're using:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use DBI;
# use DBD::ODBC;
# use DBD::DB2::Constants;
my $data_source = "DBI:ODBC:tdedwprd";
#Prompt for username
print "Enter user:";
my $user = <STDIN>;
#Prompt for password
print "Enter password:";
my $password =<STDIN>;
# Connect to the tdedwdev teradata database
my $dbh = DBI->connect($data_source, $user, $password, {AutoCommit =>1})
or die "Can't connect to $data_source: $DBI::errstr";
$stmt = "SELECT database, time; ";
$sth = $dbh->prepare($stmt);
#associate variable with output columns...
while ($sth->fetch) {
print "The database is: $db\n";
print "The time is: $timestap\n";
The above script works on our existing dev box (Solaris 10 sp32), but not on the new one we're building (Solaris 10 sp64).
The old server had the driver manager bundled with Informatica PowerCenter 8.6.1 sp32, and the new one has Informatica PowerCenter 9.5.1 sp64.
The DBD::ODBC module did compile fine with some modifications, roughly following this guide from DataDirect (the logic was basically the same, but the references to the Makefile.PL weren't identical):
I enabled Trace in odbc.ini (Trace=1) but this just resulted in a "Segmentation Fault (core dumped)". However it does output a trace file when using the Informatica-provided "ssgodbc" tool.
I tried using isql, but it seems to be tied to the Sybase drivers so I'm not sure if I can use that. I couldn't get it to work
$ which isql
Here are my ODBC environment variables:
$ env | grep -i odbc
I'm totally at a loss. I'm not a Solaris admin by trade though (in fact this is my first significant exposure to Solaris and Informatica really) so I'm hoping I'm missing something obvious.
I'm not sure what else to share right now. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. I've been stuck on problems with this ODBC implementation for weeks.
I realised that the problem here was not with the driver manager. It was caused by the fact that I was using 32-bit Perl but a 64-bit ODBC driver. If I added an entry that used a 32-bit ODBC driver to odbc.ini (despite the driver manager being 64-bit) then there is no problem (although it did raise a licensing issue which is separate to this discussion).
In short, this error message occured because the driver is not the same bitness as the client (check by running the file command against both client and driver):
Specified driver could not be loaded
An example of the file command is:
file /opt/teradata/client/odbc/drivers/
However, it also occurs when the driver cannot find all of its dependent drivers, which can be checked using ldd on the driver to make sure it is finding all of its dependencies.
An example of the ldd command is:
ldd /opt/teradata/client/odbc/drivers/
I tried the above method given by LokMac, all dependant drivers were there and still it wont work, at the end I added "# Driver: The location where the ODBC driver is installed to." before driver path and it magically worked:
# Driver: The location where the ODBC driver is installed to.
in above, tddemo is my DNS name and since I am on TD Express 16.20, thats why my driver name is different.

perl Openssh ConnectionTimeout not working

I have a perl script starts an EC2 instance and then uses Net::OpenSSH to connect and run some commands.
my $ssh = Net::OpenSSH->new( $username . "\#" . $host,
key_path => $key_path,
master_opts => [-o => "ConnectionAttempts=30", -o => "ConnectTimeout=30"] );
if ( $ssh->error ) {
die "Timeout: " . $ssh->error . "\n";
This doesn't appear to be working - this should try for 15 minutes, and then quit, but it returns almost immediately. I never get the Timeout: error message, so ssh is not returning an error.
Is this the correct syntax? Is there a better way to deal with the fact that the EC2 instance may take a few minutes before it is available?
As per CPAN documentation I can see that ConnectionAttempts and ConnectTimeout should go to default_ssh_opts instead of master_opts. Please try that out.

What is the cause for the error message `SSHConnectionAborted` using Net::SSH::Expect?

While connecting to the remote host using the Net::SSH::Expect module, 2 out of 10 times I get the error SSHConnectionAborted.
I an unable to find the reason for this error and its solution. Can anybody please help me in this?
I am using the following Perl code:
my $Ssh = Net::SSH::Expect->new(
host =>,
user => Administrator,
password => Password,
raw_pty => 1,
timeout => 10,
log_stdout => 1
eval {$Ssh_Login = $Ssh->login();};
Do not use Net::SSH::Expect, it is just not reliable!
Net::SSH2, Net::OpenSSH (does not work on Cygwin or Windows) or even Net::SSH::Perl are better options.
Update: If all of those fail, Expect may still be a good option.