"cannot call value of non-function type" error when attempting to call the max(_:_:) function - swift

I'm trying to call the max function: max(x: T, y: T). However I keep getting the following error when I type max(2,3):
error: cannot call value of non-function type Int
var a = max(2, 3)
I am a beginner, and I have never encountered a function signature that uses a type "T". SO threads relating to using the max function call it in the manner I am (like max(2,3) ) so I am not sure where I am going wrong.
I am looking for an explanation on the "T" and how to call functions that support generic types and how to make the max function return 3 when comparing integers 2 and 3.

The problem (as you've confirmed in the comments) is that you have defined a variable named max, causing a naming conflict with the function max(_:_:).
The solution therefore is to either specify the Swift module namespace (as George suggested) in order to disambiguate the fact that you're referring to the max(_:_:) function:
Swift.max(2, 3)
Or, preferably, you should consider renaming your variable. I strongly suspect that there's a more descriptive name you could give it (remember, the Swift API Design Guidelines favours clarity over brevity).

Are you calling max within extension Int?
Try Swift.max(2, 3).


Do any programming languages provide the ability to name the return value of a function?

Quite commonly while programming I find it necessary to document the value that a function returns. In Java/Scala world, you often use comments above the function to do this.
However, this can stand out in contrast to the first-class documentation that function parameters get in all languages. For example:
def exponent(base: Int, power: Int): Int
Here we have the signature for a method that raises base to the power power and returns... probably the result of that computation? I know for certain it returns an Int, and it seems quite reasonable to infer that the return value is indeed the result of calculating base ^ power, but in many functions I've written and read it is not possible to infer the return value's semantic meaning quite so easily and you need to study the documentation and/or actually use the method to find out.
Which leads me to wonder, do any languages provide support for optionally declaring a semantic name for the return value?
def exponent(base: Int, power: Int): Int(exitCode)
A hah! Turns out this function actually returns an indication of whether the operation succeeded or failed! Look it is so clear right there in the method signature! My IDE could also intelligently create a variable with the same name when I call this method, a la:
// Typing in IntelliJ
exponent(5, 5)<TAB>
// Autocompletes to:
val exitCode = exponent(5, 5)
I'm not under any illusion that this is some sort of ground-breaking idea, but it seems like it could be generally useful, and I'm struck that I have never seen this concept implemented in any programming language.
Can you name any single programming language that does have this kind of semantic naming of return values?
In APL, for instance, the result of a function is declared as a variable. The function declaration in your example could be written like
exitCode ← base exponent power
in APL. However, a function with no side effects should always be named after the result it returns. If the function can fail I would use a value that is never returned on success, for instance -1 in this case.

Instantiation in Minizinc

I am reading through "A Minizinc Tutorial" by Kim Marriott and it says that
the combination of variable instantiation and type is called type-inst. As you start to use Minizinc, you will undoubtedly see examples of type-inst errors.
What exactly are type-inst errors?
I believe the terminology is not often used in the MiniZinc literature these days, but for every value in MiniZinc the compiler keeps track of two things: it's type (int, bool, float, etc.) and if it is a decision variable (not known at solve time) or a problem parameter (must be known when rewriting the model for the solver). Together these two things are called the Type Instantiation or type-inst.
A type-inst error is an error given by the type checker of the compiler. These error can occur in many places, such as when in a declaration the declared type instantiation doesn't match it's right hand side, or when two side of an if-then-else have a different type-instantiation, or when the arguments of a call do not match the declared type-instantiation of the function-declaration.
The mismatch that causes these errors can come from either side of the type-inst: either the types are incompatible (e.g. used float instead of bool), or you used a decision variable where only a problem parameter was allowed. These issues are usually caused by mistakes in the model and are usually resolved easily by changing the value used or using different language constructs.
Note that MiniZinc does allow sub-typing: You are allowed to use bool instead of int and it is converted to a 0/1 value. Similarly you can use a integer value instead of a float, and you can use a parameter in place of a variable.
The newest version of the MiniZinc Tutorial can be found with its documentation: https://www.minizinc.org/doc-latest/en/part_2_tutorial.html

A problem with new "count(where:)" syntax in swift 5

The problem is it doesn't compile.
Looks like there is no such a syntax.
But the corresponding proposal is marked as accepted.
And they use the syntax in several trusted articles: for example here and in this video.
The exact code from video above doesn't compile:
import Foundation
let scores = [100, 80, 85]
let passCount = scores.count { $0 >= 85 }
Cannot call value of non-function type 'Int'
SE-0220 has been accepted, but not yet implemented in Swift 5.
In fact an initial implementation had to be reverted due to problems with the type checker. For more information, see Require parameter names when referencing to functions in the Swift forum:
Some of you may remember SE-0220, my proposal that added the
count(where:) function to sequences. This proposal was ultimately
accepted in time for Swift 5, but sadly had to be reverted because
it was causing issues with the type checker.
The issue was that when you reference count, in an expression like
myArray.count * 5, you could be referring to the count property, with
type Int, or the count(where:) function, which has type
((Element) -> Bool) -> Int, which you can refer to in shorthand as count. When Swift
tries to resolve what version of the * function to use, it has to run
through a lot more potential implementations, which explode
combinatorially as you increase the number of operators in the

Using the Python C API, how can I write a function that accepts any number of arguments, including none at all?

METH_VARARGS requires at least one argument; METH_NOARGS doesn't seem to let me pass any at all.
How can I define a function build() that can be called as either build() or build(True)/build(False)?
Calling a METH_VARARGS function with no arguments results in:
TypeError: function takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)
I was thinking about the problem wrong. It's not the definition, but rather the parsing that rose my TypeError.
To prevent it, I just had to use "|O" instead of "O" in PyArg_ParseTuple!

scala method with 2 generics where one can be inferred

I'm new to Scala. I am writing a method which sends a request of type RQ to a server, and receives a response of type Response[RSP]. The simplified version: I define a method to make a call:
def invoke[RQ, RSP](request: RQ): Response[RSP] = {....}
When I invoke the method, all parameters can be inferred if I specify the type of the receiving variable, like this:
val result: Response[Double] = invoke("Hello")
But if I just say invoke("Hello") without assigning it to anything, it won't compile. I have to supply the 2 generic types (e.g invoke[String, Double]("Hello") ). My question is: The String can be inferred from the parameter. Is there a way to write the call specifying only the RSP generic? Something in the lines of : invoke[ , Double]("Hello") ?
This is a feature that has been asked about a number of times. Future versions of Scala may support a syntax similar to named arguments for methods:
invoke[RSP = Double]("Hello")
At the moment, there is nothing much you can do except restructure your code so that the method has only one type parameter, and the second comes from the surrounding context.
The more interesting question is: why do you even care about the return type if you just throw away the result anyway? It looks like your method violates the Command-Query Separation Principle. If your method simply returned Unit, you wouldn't need the second type parameter, and all would work fine. If you actually used the return value, the type inferencer would at least have a chance to infer the second type parameter from the context. But the fact that you have a type parameter for the return value but ignore the return value means that there is no context for the type inferencer to look at.