How to completely customize the way that type information gets written to a document by Spring Data MongoDB? - mongodb

Is it possible to use different type attribute (instead of _class) for each polymorphic collection like it's implemented in Doctrine(PHP) or Jackson libraries? Current solution allows to store type information in document field. By default it is a full class name stored in the field named _class.
We can easy change it to save some custom string (alias) instead of full class name and change default discriminator field name from _class to something else.
In my situation I'm working on legacy database while legacy application is still in use. Legacy application uses Doctrine (PHP) ODM as datalayer.
Doctrine allows to define discriminator field name (_class in SpringData) by annotation and have it different for each collection.
In Spring Data when I pass typeKey to DefaultMongoTypeMapper it used for all collections.
// ...
public <T> TypeInformation<? extends T> readType(DBObject source, TypeInformation<T> basicType) {
Class<?> documentsTargetType = null;
Class<? super T> parent = basicType.getType();
while (parent != null && parent != java.lang.Object.class) {
final String discriminatorKey = getDiscriminatorKey(parent); //fetch key from annotation
if (null == discriminatorKey) {
parent = parent.getSuperclass();
} else {
return super.readType(source, basicType);
return super.readType(source, basicType);

Something that should work for you is completely exchanging the MongoTypeMapper instance that MappingMongoConverter uses. As you discovered the already available implementation assumes a common field name and takes yet another strategy to either write the fully-qualified class name or an alias or the like.
However, you should be able to just write your own and particularly focus on the following methods:
void writeType(TypeInformation<?> type, DBObject dbObject) — you basically get the type and have complete control over where and how to put that into the DBObject.
<T> TypeInformation<? extends T> readType(DBObject source, TypeInformation<T> defaultType); — you get the type declared on the reading side (i.e. usually the most common type of the hierarchy) and based on that have to lookup the type from the given source document. I guess that's exactly the inverse of what's to be implemented in the other method.
On a final note, I would strongly recommend against using different type field names for different collections as on the reading side you might run into places where just Object is declared on the property and you basically don't get no clue where to even look for in the document.


Disable query creation from method name - use of projections

I would like to use the Spring Data Projection technique in order to extract from a table only some fields (and not all fields of the table).
As described in the documentation ( I created a simple interface, for example:
interface NamesOnly {
String getFirstname();
String getLastname();
But I have some problems to use it.
Problem 1:
First of all, I would like to use the name findAll() to create a query that finds all rows with only two fields (firstName and lastName):
public interface PersonaRepository extends JpaRepository<Persona, Long> {
List<NamesOnly> findAll();
But in this case I have these errors (maybe because findAll() is a method of the JpaRepository):
The return type is incompatible with JpaRepository.findAll()
Problem 2:
Ok, so I try to change the name of the method to findAllOnlyNames():
public interface PersonaRepository extends JpaRepository<Persona, Long> {
List<NamesOnly> findAllOnlyNames();
But now I have this error:
Caused by: No
property findAllOnlyNames found for type Persona!
Because Spring tries to create a query from the name.
1) Could it be possible to reuse the method name findAll() without having problems with JpaRepository?
2) Could it be possible to turn off the query creation from the method name (only for some queries, not for all projects or repositories)?
You are on the right track, your findAll() is in conflict with the ones specified on the existing Spring Data interfaces and you can rename it (as you tried) but it still has to be a name that is compatible with the query derivation mechanism. Try this instead:
public interface PersonaRepository extends JpaRepository<Persona, Long> {
List<NamesOnly> findAllOnlyNamesBy();
This part of the Spring Data JPA documentation explains how the query creation process works:
The mechanism strips the prefixes find…By, read…By, query…By, count…By, and get…By from the method and starts parsing the rest of it.
So you just need to add the By keyword in the method name, anything after that keyword is treated as a condition, in this case there is no condition so it fetches everything.
To disable the query derivation from the method name you would need to add an #Query(...) annotation to the method and specify either a JPA or native query instead.
You can specify an explicit query rather than rely on it being derived from the method name.
public interface PersonaRepository extends JpaRepository<Persona, Long> {
#Query("select p from Persona p")
List<NamesOnly> findAllOnlyNames();
Overriding findAll() (even in the unlikely event it is possible) is probably a bad idea.

BeanWrapperFieldSetMapper alternative, to avoid setTargetType/setPrototypeBeanName

I need a way to get rid of fieldSetMapper.setTargetType because I do not want to add a POJO every time I have a new file to read. Is it possible?
Springbatch has a few FieldSetMapper implementations available out-of-the-box : Documentation (FieldSetMapper)
You can for example use a PassThroughFieldSetMapper to get a FieldSet object in your processor. You can do the same with an ArrayFieldSetMapper to get an array object.
But in your case, I think you need to implement your own FieldSetMapper. It could for example have a names property (with a setter) and a targetClass property (with a setter). Using Reflect, you could then cast the object to your desired class and call setters according to the names passed as arguments.
Here's what a FieldSetMapper looks like :
public Report mapFieldSet(FieldSet fieldSet) throws BindException {
T object;
return object;
Here's what Reflect looks like :
Method method = object.getClass().getMethod(methodName);

MongoDB C# Select specific columns

I know that MongoDb C# driver doesn't support projections so I searched a little bit and I found that many people uses a mongoCursor to perform such queries, I'm trying to select only specific fields and my code is the following:
public T GetSingle<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> criteria,params Expression<Func<T, object>>[] fields) where T : class
Collection = GetCollection<T>();
return Collection.FindAs<T>(Query<T>.Where(criteria)).SetFields(Fields<T>.Include(fields)).SetLimit(1).SingleOrDefault();
I got and custom repository for users on top of that:
public User GetByEmail(string mail, params Expression<Func<User, object>>[] fields)
return GetSingle<User>(x=>x.Email==mail,fields);
this is the usage:
_repository.GetByEmail(email, x=>x.Id,x=>x.DisplayName,x=>x.ProfilePicture)
but I'm getting the fields included in the parameter but also all the Enums,dates and Boolean values that are part of the class User, the values that are string and not included in the field list are null so that's fine
what can I do to avoid that?
By using SetFields, you can specify what goes through the wire. However, you're still asking the driver to return hydrated objects of type T, User in this case.
Now, similar to say an int, enum and boolean are value types, so their value can't be null. So this is strictly a C#-problem: there is simply no value for these properties to indicate that they don't exist. Instead, they assume a default value (e.g. false for bool and 0 for numeric types). A string, on the other hand, is a reference type so it can be null.
Make the properties nullable You can use nullable fields in your models, e.g.:
class User {
public bool? GetMailNotifications { get; set; }
That way, the value type can have one of its valid values or be null. This can, however, be clumsy to work with because you'll have to do null checks and use myUser.GetMailNotifications.Value or the myUser.GetMailNotifications.GetValueOrDefault helper whenever you want to access the property.
Simply include the fields instead this doesn't answer the question of how to it, but there are at least three good reasons why it's a good idea to include them:
When passing a User object around, it's desirable that the object is in a valid state. Otherwise, you might pass a partially hydrated object to a method which passes it further and at some point, someone attempts an operation that doesn't make sense because the object is incomplete
It's easier to use
The performance benefit is negligible, unless you're embedding huge arrays which I would suggest to refrain from anyway and which isn't the case here.
So the question is: why do you want to make all the effort of excluding certain fields?

Drools Guvnor data enumeration API

In Guvnor documentation, I know how to define data enumeration and use it in Guvnor. Is it possible to fetch data enumeration from my own Java code?
From Guvnor's documentation:
Loading enums programmatically: In some cases, people may want to load their enumeration data entirely from external data source (such as a relational database). To do this, you can implement a class that returns a Map. The key of the map is a string (which is the Fact.field name as shown above), and the value is a java.util.List of Strings.
public class SampleDataSource2 {
public Map<String>, List<String> loadData() {
Map data = new HashMap();
List d = new ArrayList();
data.put("Fact.field", d);
return data;
And in the enumeration in the BRMS, you put:
=(new SampleDataSource2()).loadData()
The "=" tells it to load the data by executing your code.
Best Regards,
I hope its not too late to answer this.
To load enum from application to guvnor,
Build the enum class dynamically from string (in my case enum values is provided by user via GUI)
Add it to a jar, convert it to byte array
POST it to guvnor as asset (model jar) via REST call
Call save repository operation (change in source code of guvnor)
Now enum will be visible as fact in your rule window.
Editing/Deletion of model jar and validation of rules aftermath is something you have to take care.

What is the "Func<object> modelAccessor" parameter for in MVC's DataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider?

It's one of the parameters supplied to the CreateMetadata method (which you override if extending metadata support).
ModelMetadata CreateMetadata(IEnumerable<Attribute> attributes,
Type containerType,
Func<object> modelAccessor, <<--THIS ONE
Type modelType,
string propertyName)
I had assumed that it allowed you to access the model object itself (e.g. for setting metadata based on model values), however when I try to use it to cast to my model object I just get null.
Entity ent = (Entity)modelAccessor(); // = Null
If I've missunderstood, can anyone explain what it's purpose is? Or alternatively, how to properly use it?
We originally had that as "object model", rather than "Func modelAccessor". We had to change it late in MVC 2's ship cycle.
The purpose is to delay retrieving the actual value of the model until such point as you know you're going to need it (that is, until you call ModelMetadata.Model).
The problem it solves is actually a rather esoteric one related to model binding against a LINQ to SQL class that has a foreign key reference in it. The problem is, if you've retrieved the child object which is represented by a foreign key relationship (which usually means a delay load of that object), then you're no longer allowed to choose a new child object by setting the foreign key ID property. It's very common to model bind the foreign key ID (and not the whole foreign key entity) when model binding, but if we'd retrieved the foreign key entity object (for the purposes of populating the ModelMetadata class) then that binding would no longer be legal, and actually throw an exception. Since ModelMetadata is used for both directions of models -- inbound, via model binding, and outbound, via HTML generation -- we needed to introduce the layer of indirection to protect your ability to use it in both scenarios without disrupting LINQ to SQL's rules.
The modelAccessor parameter does not point to an instance of the object, but rather it is a function that will access some attribute of your object. The Func "encapsulates a method that has no parameters and returns a value of the type specified by the TResult parameter." For example, if we have following class:
public class Bar(){
[DisplayName("I am Foo.")]
public string Foo{get;}
When the CreateMetaData is called, it will be to create meta data for the Foo property and the modelAccessor will be a function that returns the value of Foo.
I did a little digging and found a way to get to the instance of the object, but it requires using reflection. You can do the following to get the Bar class in my example:
if (modelAccessor != null)
//Use reflection to get the private field that holds the Bar object.
FieldInfo container = modelAccessor.Target.GetType().GetField("container");
//Invoke field on the modelAccessor target to get the instance of the Bar object.
Bar myObject = (Bar)container.GetValue(modelAccessor.Target);
I've only run this against a simple test case, so your mileage may vary, but hopefully this will help clarify what is going on.