Creating Drool Decision Table - drools

So I wanted to try my hand out creating a decision table from a rule that I've already made in a .drl file. Then I wanted to convert it back to a .drl. Didn't see any nifty conversions from drl to xls/csv nor was the jboss documentation comprehensive enough. It could be the rule is too complicated for a simple decision table but I was hoping this community could help me out.
Here is the drl:
rule "Patient: Compute BMI"
$basic : BasicInfoModel(
$height : value('height', 0.0),
$weight : value('weight', 0.0))
put('bmi', $weight / Math.pow($height,2))
So this rule basically looks at an objects weight and height field and then computes the bmi. I've tried basically taking what I have and putting it into the decision table format but with little success. Nothing really parses (I'm just using the droolsSpreadSheet.compile and printing out what I get, which is a whole of empty rules). Any help would be appreciated!
This is what my excel sheet looks like
This is what my rule parses out to:
package DROOLS;
//generated from Decision Table
import basic.BasicInfoModel;
// rule values at A11, header at A6
rule "Computing BMI"
$patient:BasicInfoModel(notPresent('bmi'), isPresent('height'),isPresent('weight'), $height:value('height', 0.0), $weight:value('weight',0.0) == "20,4")
Update #2: I think I figured out my parse issues. Here is my new and improved spreadsheet., Basically found out that I cannot have the Computing BMI: data blank, there must be something in there in order to have the rule parse (Which isn't entirely clear in the docs I read, though that could be because my experience with decision tables is novice putting it lightly).
So now the compile looks more like what I want:
// rule values at A11, header at A6
rule "Computing BMI"
$patient:BasicInfoModel(notPresent('bmi'), isPresent('height'), isPresent('weight') == "TRUE")
$weight:value('weight',0.0), $height:value('height', 0.0)
modify($patient){put('bmi', $weight / Math.pow($height,2))};
Can someone confirm that I have to have real, specific data in the rules in order for them to parse? Can I just use injection elsewhere? Perhaps I should ask a new question on this.

So the answer is yes, you do need parameters, but what I didn't know was that the data doesn't have to be hardcoded like every example I've come across. Thanks to stumbling onto this answer. So now the table looks like this. I hope this helps others who've come across this issue. Also my recommendation is to just make your drools in a .drl rather than go through the spreadsheet, unless you have a bunch of rules that are pretty much copy and paste replicas. That's my two cents anyways.


Drools rules are not firing

I am new to drools and I am trying to create some rules for a project. I had been able to create a couple of rules but I have found difficulty to fire the below rules so any help would be valuable and much appreciated. I have been trying for more than a day to fire the below rules and I have tried multiple combinations with no success. The model is a huge object with multiple properties so I could not provide it.
In the below rule the "header.totalGrossMassMeasure" is a bigDecimal value. It is produced from xsd with xjc plugin. I would like to check its format to be a decimal number that has 16 digits overall with maximum of 6 decimal digits
I know the regex is a bit bulky but form testing it here it seems to works. However it can not get fired. Any suggestions?
rule "007"
$msg : Declaration( header.totalGrossMassMeasure.toString() matches "^([0-
result : ValidationResult()
RulesValidationError error = new RulesValidationError();

Grok filter for a time counter HH:MM

I'm quite new to ELK and Grok-filtering, and I'm struggling with parsing this particular pattern in my grok filter.
I've used the grok debugger to try and solve this, but although I like the tool, I just get confused by the custom patterns.
Eventually, I hope to parse lots of log files sent by filebeat to logstash, then send the parsed logs to elasticsearch and display with kibana or some similar visualization tool.
The lines that I need to parse follow the following pattern:
1310 2017-01-01 16:48:54 [325:51] [326:49] [359:57] Some log info text
The first four digits is a log type identifier, and will be used for grouping. I've called the field "LogLineID".
The date is formatted YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, and is parsed ok. I called the field "LogDate".
But now the problem begins. Within the square brackets, I have counters, formatted as MM:SS if you like. I cannot for the life of me find a way to sort these out, but I need to compare these times, hence I want to store them as minutes and seconds, not just numbers.
The first is a counter "TimeSpent",
the second is a counter "TimeStarted" and
the third is a counter "TimeSinceDown".
Then, last, comes the info text, which I've managed to grok with simply applying %{GREEDYDATA:LogInfo}.
I notice that the amount of minutes could be far higher than the standard 60 minutes within an hour, so I may be barking up the wrong tree here trying to parse it with date patterns such as TIMESTAMP_ISO8601, but then, I don't really know how else to do this.
So, I came this far:
%{NUMBER:LogLineID} %{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:LogDate}
and were as mentioned able to (by cutting away the square bracket parts) to parse the log info text with
to create a field LogInfo.
But that's were I'm stuck. Could someone please help me figure out the rest?
Massive thanks in advance.
PS! I also found %{NUMBER:duration}, but it could as far as I could tell only parse timestamps with dot, not colon..
grok regex expression can help you solve the problem.
but first I wanna make sure that do you mean [325:51] [326:49] [359:57] are the three component that you wanna to fetch? And it will returns the result like :
TimeSpent: 325:51
TimeStarted: 326:49
TimeSinceDown: 359:57
were i get the point , you can use my ways in on of the following suggestions:
define your own custom pattern files and add the pattern in your file.
just use the expression in filter part of logstash conf file
hope it will helps you
Ah, there was a space.. Actually, I was misleading myself and everybody in my question, as it was not actually that log line that was causing problems. I just took the first one, not realizing where the problem really were, but the one causing problems had a space within the brackets as such: [ 42:31]. There are also some parts where there are two spaces, so the way I managed to solve this was to include a %{SPACE} between the \[ and the %{NUMBER}:
%{NUMBER:LogLineID} %{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:LogDate} \[%{SPACE}%{NUMBER:TimeSpentMinutes}\:%{NUMBER:TimeSpentSeconds}\] \[%{SPACE}%{NUMBER:TimeStartedMinutes}\:%{NUMBER:TimeStartedSeconds}\] \[%{SPACE}%{NUMBER:TimeSinceDownMinutes}\:%{NUMBER:TimeSinceDownSeconds}\] %{GREEDYDATA:LogText}
I still haven't solved the merging of minutes and seconds, but this I can also handle in a later stage.
Thanks to Lin Don for showing an interest in my problem, and sorry for not replying sooner.
Hope the solution will help others (or even myself) if their stuck on the same kind of problem.
Note to myself: Read the logs more carefully before grok'ing.. :)

GAMS: retrieve information from solution

GAMS: I think I have a pretty simple question, however I'm stuck and was wondering if someone could help here.
A simplified version of my model looks like this:
set(i,t) ;
parameter price
variable p(i,t)
obj.. C=sum((i,t), p(i,t)*price);
Model file /all/ ;
Solve file minimizing C using MIP ;
Display C.l;
p(i,t) and e(i,t) are related:
Equation1 .. e(i,t)=e=e(i,t-1)+p(i,t)*D
Now I want to retrieve information from the solution: lets say I want to know at what t e(i,t) has a certain value for example --> e(i,t)= x(i) or otherwise formulated e(i,t=TD)=x(i) find TD, where x(i) thus is depending on i. Does anyone know how I can write this in to my GAMs model? To be clear I do not want to change anything about my solution and the model I have runs; I just want to retrieve this information from the solution given.
So far I tried a couple of thing and nothing worked. I think that this must be simple, can anyone help? Thank you!
Try something like this:
set i /i1*i10/
t /t1*t10/;
variable e(i,t);
*some random dummy "solution"
e.l(i,t) = uniformInt(1,10);
set find5(i,t) 'find all combinations of i and t for which e.l=5';
find5(i,t)$(e.l(i,t)=5) = yes;
display e.l,find5;
Hope that helps,

Negation of osm class or type

If you search for an airport (aeroway=aerodrome) around brescia, italy, you will also receive a hit for a military airfield, which happens to be tagged as an aerodrome also (it's taggged: aeroway=aerodrome, landuse=military, military=airfield). To avoid this I want to search for aeroway=aerodrome but exclude [military]. I've tried [! military] and [military~"^$"]. Any suggestions?
This particular case may be rare, I realize, but the concept of negating multi-classed elements is useful. And multi-classed elements is not a rare occurance. In general, they seem to be complimentary, not conflicting, so it's not an issue. I also realize that I can weed out conflicting hits with some back-end processing. I wasn't expecting a military airfield to appear with a commercial aerodrome.
In any case, here is a shortened version of my query. I include node, way and relation in full query:
(node[aeroway~%22aero|term|heli%22][! military]; ... ) out etc
(node[aeroway~%22aero|term|heli%22][military~%22^$%22]; ... ) out etc
If you try to run it, you'll need to include way and relation.
Also, as you can see I don't exactly ask for aeroway=aerodrome. I include terminal and variations on heliport. My experience has been that some aerodromes are tagged only as "terminal", so if you're looking for an airport, asking for "aerodrome" isn't enough.
The correct syntax for negation is as follows:
[military !~ ".*"]
Please see the documentation on the OSM wiki for details.

Web2py - Multiple tables read-only form

I've searched around the web for a way to achieve this, and found multiple solutions. Most of them had messy code, all of them drawbacks. Some ideas involved setting default values of all the db fields based on a record. Others worked by appending multiple SQLFORMs, which resulted in differences in indentation on the page (because it's 2 HTML tables in 1 form).
I'm looking for a compact and elegant way of providing a read-only representation of a record based on a join on two tables. Surely there must be some simple way to achieve this, right? The Web2py book only contains an example of an insert-form. It's this kind of neat solution I am looking for.
In the future I will probably need multi-table forms that provide update functionality as well, but for now I'll be happy if I can get a simple read-only form for a record.
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.
This seems to work for me:
def test():
fields = [db.tableA[field] for field in db.tableA.keys() \
if type(db.tableA[field]) == type(db.tableA.some_field)]
fields += [db.tableB[field] for field in db.tableB.keys() \
if type(db.tableB[field]) == type(db.tableB.some_field)]
ff = []
for field in fields:
ff.append(Field(, field.type))
form = SQLFORM.factory(*ff, readonly=True)
return dict(form=form)
You could add in field.required, field.requires validtaors, etc. And also, since you're using SQLFORM.factory, you should be able to validate it and to updates/inserts. Just make sure that the form you are building using this method contains all of the necessary information to validate the form for update -- I believe you can add them easily to the Field instantiation above.
EDIT: Oh yeah, and you need to get the values of the record in question to pre-populate the form based on a record id (after form is defined)... also.. I just realized that instead of those list comprehensions, you can just use SQLFORM.factory and provide the two tables:
def test():
form = SQLFORM.factory(db.tableA, db.tableB, readonly=True)
record = ... (query for your record, probably based on an id in request.args(0))
for field in record.keys():
if (*test if this really is a field*):
form.vars[field] = record[field]
return dict(form=form)
Some tweaking will be required since I only provided psuedo-code for the pre-population... but look at: and the SQLFORM/SQLFORM.factory sections.