Angular 2 + ngrx(redux) + forms - forms

How do you handle Angular 2 forms in unidirectional data flow? Especially with validation between several parent/child components?
I am using ngrx/store and model driven forms with form builder.. Is it possible to do something similar like form reducer in React and make it as a part of Store?
Do you have some articles about it?

I have created a library called ngrx-forms that does exactly what you want. You can get it on npm via:
npm install ngrx-forms --save
I recommend checking out the full README on the github page, but below you can find some examples of what you need to do to get the library up and running once installed.
Import the module:
import { StoreModule } from '#ngrx/store';
import { NgrxFormsModule } from 'ngrx-forms';
import { reducers } from './reducer';
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
Add a group state somewhere in your state tree via createFormGroupState and call the formGroupReducer inside your reducer:
import { Action } from '#ngrx/store';
import { FormGroupState, createFormGroupState, formGroupReducer } from 'ngrx-forms';
export interface MyFormValue {
someTextInput: string;
someCheckbox: boolean;
nested: {
someNumber: number;
const FORM_ID = 'some globally unique string';
const initialFormState = createFormGroupState<MyFormValue>(FORM_ID, {
someTextInput: '',
someCheckbox: false,
nested: {
someNumber: 0,
export interface AppState {
someOtherField: string;
myForm: FormGroupState<MyFormValue>;
const initialState: AppState = {
someOtherField: '',
myForm: initialFormState,
export function appReducer(state = initialState, action: Action): AppState {
const myForm = formGroupReducer(state.myForm, action);
if (myForm !== state.myForm) {
state = { ...state, myForm };
switch (action.type) {
case 'some action type':
// modify state
return state;
default: {
return state;
Expose the form state inside your component:
import { Component } from '#angular/core';
import { Store } from '#ngrx/store';
import { FormGroupState } from 'ngrx-forms';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { MyFormValue } from './reducer';
selector: 'my-component',
templateUrl: './my-component.html',
export class MyComponent {
formState$: Observable<FormGroupState<MyFormValue>>;
constructor(private store: Store<AppState>) {
this.formState$ = => s.myForm);
Set the control states in your template:
<form novalidate [ngrxFormState]="(formState$ | async)">
<input type="text"
[ngrxFormControlState]="(formState$ | async).controls.someTextInput">
<input type="checkbox"
[ngrxFormControlState]="(formState$ | async).controls.someCheckbox">
<input type="number"
[ngrxFormControlState]="(formState$ | async).controls.nested.controls.someNumber">

This is a fairly old question, but I couldn't find a great solution in my own quest for working with ngrx + reactive forms in Angular. As a result, I'll post my research here with hope that it may help someone else. My solution can be broken down into two parts, and I pray you (oh weathered soul) find it applicable to your problem:
1) Monitor the form element/s (for example, "keyup" event for a typical text input), and update the State from that event. This strategy comes straight out of the book search component in the ngrx example app. We can now successfully populate the State as our form changes. Awesome! 50% done!
2) The angular reactive forms guide demonstrates creating the form group in the constructor. I have seen some other people do it inside ngOnInit, but this is too late in the lifecycle for our needs (I tried, I failed). Now that we have our form group established, setup ngOnChanges to capture any changes pushed from the state, and then update the form group using patchValue. For example:
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
if (changes.valueICareAbout1) {
valueICareAbout1: changes.valueICareAbout1.currentValue
if (changes.valueICareAbout2) {
valueICareAbout2: changes.valueICareAbout2.currentValue

In the applications I built with Angular 2, the following guideline seemed to work well:
Parent components pass data down to children via data binding. Child components request data changes by emitting output events to parent components. It is the parent components responsibility to act accordingly.
In a hierarchical component structure, data changes are handled by the lowest component that depends on the data. If there's another component higher up or a sibling that depends on the same data item, pass changes up by emitting events and leave the handling to a higher component.
This scheme works well because, for any data that is relevant to more than one component, there is a single component responsible for performing changes. Changes bubble down automatically. Components are reusable, and changes in the component tree can be easily adapted.
With regard to validation, any component in the ladder between the lowest component emitting a data change request up to the highest component that finally handles the change, any component can effectively cancel the change by not passing it higher up. In most applications, I'd opt for validating data changes at the origin of the change though.
Naturally, child components can still have internal state and need not communicate changes - unless changes are relevant to the parent component.

Form data is inherently a very local state, especially for Angular since ngModel binds to local component variables. The top devs that I know recommend keeping the data for the form localized to that component (ie just use ngModel with local variables). This is because un-submitted form data is almost never shared by various components across your whole application. When the user submits the form then you can dispatch an action with a payload containing the form data to a parent component, to the store, or even to an ngrx/effect to be posted to a server.


How to get data from an API only once (on app creation, outside component or view) in Vue3 SPA, with Pinia store

Is it possible and is it a good practice to avoid fetching data from an API every time the router view is loaded or the component is Mounted?
The thing is that some data rarely changes (like a dropdown options list, imagine allowed animal picks for my app) and it's logical not to send a request every time to a server, instead on app creation would be sufficient.
Tried in App.vue, is that a common thing?
IN APP.vue
import { computed, onMounted, onUpdated, ref } from 'vue';
.then((res)=>{ =
I think having it on mount in the App.vue component is acceptable since the App component would not be remounted.
The ideal setup, however, depends on some other parameters like size of application and size of team that's maintaining it. In a large applications you might want to organize things in amore structured and consistent way so you and other folks working on the code know where to find things.
You could consider moving the API call into the pinia action.
// instead of
.then((res)=>{ =;
That way you have fewer lines of code in the component. Having "lean" components and moving "business logic" out of components usually makes for better organization which makes it easier to maintain.
Within the action, you can track the state of the API
const STATES = {
INIT: 0,
DONE: 1,
WIP: 2,
export const useMyApiStore = defineStore('myapi', {
state: () => ({
faves: [],
favesState: STATES.INIT
actions: {
loadMyData() { = STATES.WIP;
.then((res) => { =; = STATES.DONE;
.catch((e) => { = STATES.ERROR;
getters: {
return === STATES.DONE;
return === STATES.WIP;
This is, obviously, more verbose, but allows for the components to be smaller and contain less logic. Then, for example, in your component you can use the getter isLoading to display a loading indicator, or use isLoaded inside another component to determine whether to show it.
Yes, this is a oft used way to load some data into the Vue App.
You could also load data before the Mounting in beforeMount() or created() Lifecycle Hooks (see Vue Lifecycle Diagram) to prevent unnecessary HTML updates.

Lifecycle for controlled textinputs

I was wondering if the mobx cycle is triggered on observable change only in stores outside of react components in HOClass operation
because there is a top level Provider to mobx stores which is triggering a react component re-render.
ReactDOM.render(<Provider { ...stores } >
<Routes />
But does that mean I can't add observables directly to react components?
if so that is a bit unfortunate.
export default class Profile extends React.Component {
#observable name;
componentWillMount() { =;
txtChange = (e) => { =;
render() {
return (
<input type="text" onChange={this.txtChange} value={}/>
for some reason on my app I cannot update the observable name. On some apps using mobx however I can. Why am I unable to change the value of this and trigger a react state update if the observable is attached to the React.Component itself?
Here I have forms updating in controlled observable fashion but when Provider 'ing my router on my current project under this setup no react rerender is triggered.
Help anyone?
There (was) a typo: the function is called txtChange but the component references this.txthange instead. Either way, here's a fixed working example:

Wrapping a FormControl in Angular (2+)

I'm trying to create a custom form control in Angular (v5). The custom control is essentially a wrapper around an Angular Material component, but with some extra stuff going on.
I've read various tutorials on implementing ControlValueAccessor, but I can't find anything that accounts for writing a component to wrap an existing component.
Ideally, I want a custom component that displays the Angular Material component (with some extra bindings and stuff going on), but to be able to pass in validation from the parent form (e.g. required) and have the Angular Material components handle that.
Outer component, containing a form and using custom component
<form [formGroup]="myForm">
<div formArrayName="things">
<div *ngFor="let thing of things; let i = index;">
<app-my-custom-control [formControlName]="i"></app-my-custom-control>
Custom component template
Essentially my custom form component just wraps an Angular Material drop-down with autocomplete. I could do this without creating a custom component, but it seems to make sense to do it this way as all the code for handling filtering etc. can live within that component class, rather than being in the container class (which doesn't need to care about the implementation of this).
<input matInput placeholder="Thing" aria-label="Thing" [matAutocomplete]="thingInput">
<mat-autocomplete #thingInput="matAutocomplete">
<mat-option *ngFor="let option of filteredOptions | async" [value]="option">
{{ option }}
So, on the input changing, that value should be used as the form value.
Things I've tried
I've tried a few ways of doing this, all with their own pitfalls:
Simple event binding
Bind to keyup and blur events on the input, and then notify the parent of the change (i.e. call the function that Angular passes into registerOnChange as part of implementing ControlValueAccessor).
That sort of works, but on selecting a value from the dropdown it seems the change events don't fire and you end up in an inconsistent state.
It also doesn't account for validation (e.g. if it's "required", when a value isn;t set the form control will correctly be invalid, but the Angular Material component won't show as such).
Nested form
This is a bit closer. I've created a new form within the custom component class, which has a single control. In the component template, I pass in that form control to the Angular Material component. In the class, I subscribe to valueChanges of that and then propagate the changes back to the parent (via the function passed into registerOnChange).
This sort of works, but feels messy and like there should be a better way.
It also means that any validation applied to my custom form control (by the container component) is ignored, as I've created a new "inner form" that lacks the original validation.
Don't use ControlValueAccessor at all, and instead just pass in the form
As the title says... I tried not doing this the "proper" way, and instead added a binding to the parent form. I then create a form control within the custom component as part of that parent form.
This works for handling value updates, and to an extent validation (but it has to be created as part of the component, not the parent form), but this just feels wrong.
What's the proper way of handling this? It feels like I'm just stumbling through different anti-patterns, but I can't find anything in the docs to suggest that this is even supported.
I've added a helper for doing just this an angular utilities library I've started: s-ng-utils. Using that you can extend WrappedFormControlSuperclass and write:
selector: 'my-wrapper',
template: '<input [formControl]="formControl">',
providers: [provideValueAccessor(MyWrapper)],
export class MyWrapper extends WrappedFormControlSuperclass<string> {
// ...
See some more documentation here.
One solution is to get the #ViewChild() corresponding to the inner form components ControlValueAccessor, and delegating to it in your own component. For example:
selector: 'my-wrapper',
template: '<input ngDefaultControl>',
providers: [
useExisting: forwardRef(() => NumberInputComponent),
multi: true,
export class MyWrapper implements ControlValueAccessor {
#ViewChild(DefaultValueAccessor) private valueAccessor: DefaultValueAccessor;
writeValue(obj: any) {
registerOnChange(fn: any) {
registerOnTouched(fn: any) {
setDisabledState(isDisabled: boolean) {
The ngDefaultControl in the template above is to manually trigger angular to attach its normal DefaultValueAccessor to the input. This happens automatically if you use <input ngModel>, but we don't want the ngModel here, just the value accessor. You'll need to change DefaultValueAccessor above to whatever the value accessor is for the material dropdown - I'm not familiar with Material myself.
I'm a bit late to the party but here is what I did with wrapping a component which might accept formControlName, formControl, or ngModel
selector: 'app-input',
template: '<input [formControl]="control">',
styleUrls: ['./app-input.component.scss']
export class AppInputComponent implements OnInit, ControlValueAccessor {
constructor(#Optional() #Self() public ngControl: NgControl) {
if (this.ngControl != null) {
// Setting the value accessor directly (instead of using the providers) to avoid running into a circular import.
this.ngControl.valueAccessor = this;
control: FormControl;
// These are just to make Angular happy. Not needed since the control is passed to the child input
writeValue(obj: any): void { }
registerOnChange(fn: (_: any) => void): void { }
registerOnTouched(fn: any): void { }
ngOnInit() {
if (this.ngControl instanceof FormControlName) {
const formGroupDirective = this.ngControl.formDirective as FormGroupDirective;
if (formGroupDirective) {
this.control = formGroupDirective.form.controls[] as FormControl;
} else if (this.ngControl instanceof FormControlDirective) {
this.control = this.ngControl.control;
} else if (this.ngControl instanceof NgModel) {
this.control = this.ngControl.control;
this.control.valueChanges.subscribe(x => this.ngControl.viewToModelUpdate(this.control.value));
} else if (!this.ngControl) {
this.control = new FormControl();
Obviously, don't forget to unsubscribe from this.control.valueChanges
I have actually been wrapping my head around this for a while and I figured out a good solution that is very similar (or the same) as Eric's.
The thing he forgot to account for, is that you can't use the #ViewChild valueAccessor until the view has actually loaded (See #ViewChild docs)
Here is the solution: (I am giving you my example which is wrapping a core angular select directive with NgModel, since you are using a custom formControl, you will need to target that formControl's valueAccessor class)
selector: 'my-country-select',
templateUrl: './country-select.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./country-select.component.scss'],
providers: [{
useExisting: CountrySelectComponent,
multi: true
export class CountrySelectComponent implements ControlValueAccessor, OnInit, AfterViewInit, OnChanges {
#ViewChild(SelectControlValueAccessor) private valueAccessor: SelectControlValueAccessor;
private country: number;
private formControlChanged: any;
private formControlTouched: any;
public ngAfterViewInit(): void {
public registerOnChange(fn: any): void {
this.formControlChanged = fn;
public registerOnTouched(fn: any): void {
this.formControlTouched = fn;
public writeValue(newCountryId: number): void { = newCountryId;
public setDisabledState(isDisabled: boolean): void {
NgForm is providing an easy way to manage your forms without injecting any data in a HTML form. Input data must be injected at the component level not in a classic html tag.
<form #myForm="ngForm" (ngSubmit)="onSubmit(myForm)>...</form>
Other way is to create a form component where all the data model is binded using ngModel ;)

React - Redux, submit a form with data from child components

I have a component which is a form, with a number of child components. What is the best way to consolidate the data from all of the child components, when submitting the form? Below is one idea, is this the correct method? I pass a reference to a function that will update a property of a form upon change in a component. What is best practice? Thanks.
import React from 'react';
import { Component , PropTypes} from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { saveData } from '../actions/index'
import {bindActionCreators} from 'redux';
export default class MyClass extends Component {
constructor(props) {
super (props);
this.formData = {};
this.setFormData = this.setFormData.bind(this);
this.onSubmitHandler = this.onSubmitHandler.bind(this);
setFormData(key, value){
this.formData[key] = value;
render (){
return (
<form onSubmit = {this.onSubmitHandler} >
<div >
<NameComponent setFormData = {this.setFormData}/>
<AddressComponent setFormData = {this.setFormData}/>
//...lots more components
export default connect( mapStateToProps, {saveData)(MyClass)
Yes, this approach is correct, because children are generally expected to delegate to parent that is responsible for them. In fact, that's how Redux Form works. <Field /> input components delegate their state to a Higher Order <Form /> wrapper.
The problem with your approach is that you have to do a lot of repetitive stuff on your own (such as calling onChange, delegating the value etc).
We use Redux Form for one of our projects and it's great as it integrates forms, react and redux. I find myself writing much less code and there is build in validation for both remote, local submission, submission from child components and other neat stuff.
My suggestion is to go with Redux Form instead of reinventing the wheel.

Is it fine to mutate attributes of React-controlled DOM elements directly?

I'd like to use headroom.js with React. Headroom.js docs say:
At it's most basic headroom.js simply adds and removes CSS classes from an element in response to a scroll event.
Would it be fine to use it directly with elements controlled by React? I know that React fails badly when the DOM structure is mutated, but modifying just attributes should be fine. Is this really so? Could you show me some place in official documentation saying that it's recommended or not?
Side note: I know about react-headroom, but I'd like to use the original headroom.js instead.
EDIT: I just tried it, and it seems to work. I still don't know if it will be a good idea on the long run.
If React tries to reconcile any of the attributes you change, things will break. Here's an example:
class Application extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
classes: ["blue", "bold"]
componentDidMount() {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("modifying state");
classes: this.state.classes.concat(["big"])
}, 2000)
render() {
return (
<div id="test" className={this.state.classes.join(" ")}>Hello!</div>
ReactDOM.render(<Application />, document.getElementById("app"), () => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("Adding a class manually");
const el = document.getElementById("test");
if (el.classList)
el.className += ' grayBg';
}, 1000)
And here's the demo:,output
We start off with a component that has the classes blue and bold based on its state. After a second, we add the grayBg class without using React. After another second, the component sets its state so that the component has the classes blue, bold, and big, and the grayBg class is lost.
Since the DOM reconciliation strategy is a black box, it's difficult to say, "Okay, my use case will work as long as React doesn't define any classes." For example, React might decide it's better to use innerHTML to apply a large list of changes rather than setting attributes individually.
In general, if you need to do manual DOM manipulation of a React component, the best strategy is to wrap the manual operation or plugin in its own component that it can 100% control. See this post on Wrapping DOM Libs for one such example.