Not an ARRAY reference error in "pop($str)" - perl

I am learning Perl for work and I'm trying to practise with some basic programs.
I want my program to take a string from STDIN and modify it by taking the last character and putting it at the start of the string.
I get an error when I use variable $str in $str = <STDIN>.
Here is my code:
my $str = "\0";
$str = <STDIN>;
sub last_to_first {
print $str;
Exec :
Matrix :hi
Not an ARRAY reference at line 13, <STDIN> line 1.

Why your approach doesn't work
The pop keyword does not work on strings. Strings in Perl are not automatically cast to character arrays, and those array keywords only work on arrays.
The error message is Not an ARRAY reference because pop sees a scalar variable. References are scalars in Perl (the scalar here is something like a reference to the address of the actual array in memory). The pop built-in takes array references in Perl versions between 5.14 and 5.22. It was experimental, but got removed in the (currently latest) 5.24.
Starting with Perl 5.14, an experimental feature allowed pop to take a scalar expression. This experiment has been deemed unsuccessful, and was removed as of Perl 5.24.
How to make it work
You have to split and join your string first.
my $str = 'foo';
# turn it into an array
my #chars = split //, $str;
# remove the last char and put it at the front
unshift #chars, pop #chars;
# turn it back into a string
$str = join '', #chars;
print $str;
That will give you ofo.
Now to use that as a sub, you should pass a parameter. Otherwise you do not need a subroutine.
sub last_to_first {
my $str = shift;
my #chars = split //, $str;
unshift #chars, pop #chars;
$str = join '', #chars;
return $str;
You can call that sub with any string argument. You should do the chomp to remove the trailing newline from STDIN outside of the sub, because it is not needed for switching the chars. Always build your subs in the smallest possible unit to make it easy to debug them. One piece of code should do exactly one functionality.
You also do not need to initialize a string with \0. In fact, that doesn't make sense.
Here's a full program.
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
my $str = <STDIN>;
chomp $str;
print last_to_first($str);
sub last_to_first {
my $str = shift;
my #chars = split //, $str;
unshift #chars, pop #chars;
$str = join '', #chars;
return $str;
Testing your program
Because you now have one unit in your last_to_first function, you can easily implement a unit test. Perl brings Test::Simple and Test::More (and other tools) for that purpose. Because this is simple, we'll go with Test::Simple.
You load it, tell it how many tests you are going to do, and then use the ok function. Ideally you would put the stuff you want to test into its own module, but for simplicity I'll have it all in the same program.
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use Test::Simple tests => 3;
ok last_to_first('foo', 'ofo');
ok last_to_first('123', '321');
ok last_to_first('qqqqqq', 'qqqqqq');
sub last_to_first {
my $str = shift;
my #chars = split //, $str;
unshift #chars, pop #chars;
$str = join '', #chars;
return $str;
This will output the following:
ok 1
ok 2
ok 3
Run it with prove instead of perl to get a bit more comprehensive output.
Refactoring it
Now let's change the implementation of last_to_first to use a regular expression substitution with s/// instead of the array approach.
sub last_to_first {
my $str = shift;
$str =~ s/^(.+)(.)$/$2$1/;
return $str;
This code uses a pattern match with two groups (). The first one has a lot of chars after the beginning of the string ^, and the second one has exactly one char, after which the string ends $. You can check it out here. Those groups end up in $1 and $2, and all we need to do is switch them around.
If you replace your function in the program with the test, and then run it, the output will be the same. You have just refactored one of the units in your program.
You can also try the substr approach from zdim's answer with this test, and you will see that the tests still pass.

The core function pop takes an array, and removes and returns its last element.
To manipulate characters in a string you can use substr, for example
use warnings;
use strict;
my $str = <STDIN>;
my $last_char = substr $str, -1, 1, '';
my $new_str = $last_char . $str;
The arguments to substr mean: search the variable $str, at offset -1 (one from the back), for a substring of length 1, and replace that with an empty string '' (thus removing it). The substring that is found, here the last character, is returned. See the documentation page linked above.
In the last line the returned character is concatenated with the remaining string, using the . operator.
You can browse the list of functions broken down by categories at Perl functions by category.
Perl documentation has a lot of goodies, please look around.
Strings are very often manipulated using regular expressions. See the tutorial perlretut, the quick start perlrequick, the quick reference perlreref, and the full reference perlre.
You can also split a string into a character array and work with that. This is shown in detail in the answer by simbabque, which packs a whole lot more of good advice.

This is for substring function used for array variables:
my #arrays = qw(jan feb mar);
sub last_to_first
my #lists = #_;
my $last = pop(#lists);
#print $last;
unshift #lists, $last;
print #lists;
This is for substring function used for scalar variables:
my $str = "";
$str = <STDIN>;
chomp ($str);
sub last_to_first
my $chr = shift;
my $lastchar = substr($chr, -1);
print $lastchar;


How to get the last item of a split in Perl?

#a= split('\.',$k);
print #a[-1]; # WORKS!
print (split '\.',$k)[-1]; # Fails: not proper syntax.`
I'd like to print the last element of a split without having to use an intermediary variable. Is there a way to do this? I'm using Perl 5.14.
Perl is attributing the open parenthesis( to the print function. The syntax error comes from that the print() cannot be followed by [-1]. Even if there is whitespace between print and (). You need to prefix the parenthesis with a + sign to force list context if you do not want to add parens to your print.
print +(split'\.', $k)[-1];
If you are not using your syntax as the parameter to something that expects to have parens, it will also work the way you tried.
my $foo = (split '\.', $k)[-1];
print $foo;
Instead of creating a complete list and slicing it to get the last element, you could use a regex capture:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $k = "";
my ($last) = $k =~ /(\d+)$/;
print $last;
rindex() split last position while index() split from first position found
print substr( $k, rindex($k, '.')+1 );

Why is my Perl code not omitting newlines?

I'm reading this textfile to get ONLY the words in it and ignore all kind of whitespaces:
do you see this.sadslkd.das,msdlsa but
i hoohoh
And this is my Perl code:
#!usr/bin/perl -w
require 5.004;
open F1, './text.txt';
while ($line = <F1>) {
#print $line;
#arr = split /\s+/, $line;
foreach $w (#arr) {
if ($w !~ /^\s+$/) {
print $w."\n";
#print #arr;
close F1;
And this is the output:
The output is showing two newlines but I am expecting the output to be just words. What should I do to just get words?
You should always use strict and use warnings (in preference to the -w command-line qualifier) at the top of every Perl program, and declare each variable at its first point of use using my. That way Perl will tell you about simple errors that you may otherwise overlook.
You should also use lexical file handles with the three-parameter form of open, and check the status to make sure it succeeded. There is little point in explicitly closing an input file unless you expect your program to run for an appreciable time, as Perl will close all files for you on exit.
Do you really need to require Perl v5.4? That version is fifteen years old, and if there is anything older than that installed then you have a museum!
Your program would be better like this:
use strict;
use warnings;
open my $fh, '<', './text.txt' or die $!;
while (my $line = <$fh>) {
my #arr = split /\s+/, $line;
foreach my $w (#arr) {
if ($w !~ /^\s+$/) {
print $w."\n";
Note: my apologies. The warnings pragma and lexical file handles were introduced only in v5.6 so that part of my answer is irrelevant. The latest version of Perl is v5.16 and you really should upgrade
As Birei has pointed out, the problem is that, when the line has leading whitespace, there is a empty field before the first separator. Imagine if your data was comma-separated, then you would want Perl to report a leading empty field if the line started with a comma.
To extract all the non-space characters you can use a regular expression that does exactly that
my #arr = $line =~ /\S+/g;
and this can be emulated by using the default parameter for split which is a single quoted space (not a regular expression)
my #arr = $line =~ split ' ', $line;
In this case split behaves like the awk utility and discards any leading empty fields as you expected.
This is even simpler if you let Perl use the $_ variable in the read loop, as all of the parameters for split can be defaulted:
while (<F1>) {
my #arr = split;
foreach my $w (#arr) {
print "$w\n" if $w !~ /^\s+$/;
This line is the problem:
\s+ does a match just before the leading spaces. Use ' ' instead.
#arr=split(' ',$line);
I believe that in this line:
if(!($w =~ /^\s+$/))
You wanted to ask if there's nothing in this row - don't print it.
But the "+" in the REGEX actually force it to have at least 1 space.
If you change the "\s+" to "\s*", you'll see that it's working. because * is 0 occurrences or more ...

Using a char variable in tr///

I am trying to count the characters in a string and found an easy solution counting a single character using the tr operator. Now I want to do this with every character from a to z. The following solution doesn't work because tr/// matches every character.
my #chars = ('a' .. 'z');
foreach my $c (#chars)
$count{$c} = ($text =~ tr/$c//);
How do I correctly use the char variable in tr///?
tr/// doesn't work with variables unless you wrap it in an eval
But there is a nicer way to do this:
$count{$_} = () = $text =~ /$_/g for 'a' .. 'z';
$count{$_}++ for grep /[a-z]/i, split //, $text;
tr doesn't support variable interpolation (neither in the search list nor in the replacement list). If you want to use variables, you must use eval():
$count{$c} = eval "\$text =~ tr/$c/$c/";
That said, a more efficient (and secure) approach would be to simply iterate over the characters in the string and increment counters for each character, e.g.:
my %count = map { $_ => 0 } 'a' .. 'z';
for my $char (split //, $text) {
$count{$char}++ if defined $count{$char};
If you look at the perldoc for tr/SEARCHLIST/REPLACEMENTLIST/cdsr, then you'll see, right at the bottom of the section, the following:
Because the transliteration table is built at compile time, neither the SEARCHLIST nor the REPLACEMENTLIST are subjected to double quote interpolation. That means that if you want to use variables, you must use an eval():
eval "tr/$oldlist/$newlist/";
die $# if $#;
eval "tr/$oldlist/$newlist/, 1" or die $#;
Thus, you would need an eval to generate a new SEARCHLIST.
This is going to be very inefficient... the code might feel neat, but you're processing the complete string 26 times. You're also not counting uppercase characters.
You'd be better off stepping through the string once and just incrementing counters for each character found.
From the perlop documentation:
will transliterate any A to X.
Because the transliteration table is built at compile time, neither
the SEARCHLIST nor the REPLACEMENTLIST are subjected to double quote
interpolation. That means that if you want to use variables, you must
use an eval()
Alternatively in your case you can use the s/// operator as:
foreach my $c (#chars) {
$count{$c} += ($text =~ s/$c//g);
My solution with some modification based from
sub lowerLetters {
my $string = shift;
my %table;
#table{split //, $letters_uc} = split //, $letters_lc;
my $table_re = join '|', map { quotemeta } reverse sort keys %table;
$string =~ s/($table_re)/$table{$1}/g;
return if not defined $string;
return $string;
You may want to use s instead. Substitution is much more powerful than tr
My solution:
$count{$c} =~ s/\$search/$replace/g;
g at the end means "use it globally".

Perl's tr/// is not doing what I want

EDIT: tr/// does not support variable interpolation, so I went with s/\Q$_\E//g; instead
Or, more likely, I'm not doing something right...
I have the following code:
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
sub strip_invalid {
my ($str, #chars) = #_;
map { $str =~ tr/$_//; } #chars;
return $str;
my #invalid = qw( a e i o u );
print strip_invalid("This is the super sample with vowels.\n", #invalid);
I'd just like to pass a string to strip_invalid() and have tr/// remove the characters in #invalid through a map... Where did I go wrong? (by the way, using regular expressions it works).
Perl's tr feature doesn't support variables.
Note that because the translation table is built at compile time, neither the SEARCHLIST nor the REPLACEMENTLIST are subjected to double quote interpolation. That means that if you want to use variables, you must use an eval():
eval "tr/$oldlist/$newlist/";
Since tr/// does not allow the use of variables, I would suggest something along these lines (rather than using eval, which raises other concerns):
sub strip_invalid {
my $str = shift;
my $chars = quotemeta(join '', #_);
$str =~ s/[$chars]//g;
return $str;
Note also that tr/// has a delete option, so it's not necessary to iterate across all characters that you want to delete. For example:
$str =~ tr/aeiou//d; # Delete all vowels from $str
To delete with tr, you need to specify the /d flag. Otherwise, it defaults the replacementlist based on the searchlist (so just counts or compresses).
And tr does not support variable interpolation.
To use tr, you'd need to do something like this:
sub strip_invalid {
my ($str, #chars) = #_;
my $strip = quotemeta join '', #chars;
eval "\$str =~ tr/$strip//d";
return $str;

How can I make Perl functions that use $_ by default?

I have an array and a simple function that trims white spaces:
my #ar=("bla ", "ha 1")
sub trim { my $a = shift; $a =~ s/\s+$//; $a}
Now, I want to apply this to an array with the map function. Why can't I do this by just giving the function name like one would do with built-in functions?
For example, you can do
print map(length, #ar)
But you can't do
print map(trim, #ar)
You have to do something like:
print map {trim($_)} #ar
print map(trim($_), #ar)
If you are using 5.10 or later, you can specify _ as the prototype for trim. If you are using earlier versions, use Axeman's answer:
As the last character of a prototype, or just before a semicolon, you can use _ in place of $ : if this argument is not provided, $_ will be used instead.
use strict; use warnings;
my #x = ("bla ", "ha 1");
sub trim(_) { my ($x) = #_; $x =~ s!\s+$!!; $x }
print map trim, #x;
Incidentally, don't use $a and $b outside of a sort comparator: They are immune from strict checking.
However, I prefer not to use prototypes for functions I write mainly because their use makes it harder to mentally parse the code. So, I would prefer using:
map trim($_), #x;
See also perldoc perlsub:
This is all very powerful, of course, and should be used only in moderation to make the world a better place.
The prototype that Sinan talks about is the best current way. But for earlier versions, there is still the old standby:
sub trim {
# v-- Here's the quick way to do it.
my $str = #_ ? $_[0] : $_;
# That was it.
$str =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//;
return $str;
Of course, I have a trim function with more features and handles more arguments and list context, but it doesn't demonstrate the concept as well. The ternary expression is a quick way to do what the '_' prototype character now does.
My favorite way to optionally use $_ without needing 5.10+ is as follows:
sub trim {
my ($s) = (#_, $_);
$s =~ s/\s+$//;
This assigns the first element of #_ to $s if there is one. Otherwise it uses $_.
Many Perl built-in functions operate on $_ if given no arguments.
If your function did the same, it would work:
my #ar = ("bla ", "ha 1");
sub trim { my $s = #_ ? $_[0] : $_; $s =~ s/\s+$//; $s}
print map(trim, #ar), "\n";
And yes, Perl is kind of gross.