Interaction between 2 UVM registers - system-verilog

I trying implement UVM RAL for my project, and now faced with problem. For example I have 2 registers - reg A and reg B. I create classes for both, but from device spec value in field A.field1 mapping from B.field2. How I can implement this in UVM RAL.

You are probably looking to use aliased registers. The concept is described in the uvm user guide in section 5.7.3 .(page 114 )
The example in the umm user guide uses a couple of concepts and the same concept can be used to generate the aliasing for the A.field1 and B.field2.
A call back mechanism
A call back can be set up for the post predict function of the reg B.field2 . Every time ,after the value of B.field2 changes the post-predict function is triggered. In the post predict function the field value of register A ( A.field1) is also updated [ by calling the field1.predict ]reflecting the change/linkage. ( assuming A.field1 is dependent/alias of B.field2)
wrapper class
Create a wrapper class which will connect the fields from both these registers (A & B - A.field1 to B.field2) and instantiate the wrapper class. The wrapper class also registers the callback for register B field2. If the register model is auto generated the wrapper class can be instanced outside the register model , else like in the example inside the model itself.

You can use a callback mechanism, “uvm_reg_cbs” specifically as per your requirement. In this class, there are predefined functions like pre_write() , post_write() , post_predict() etc. which provide the flexibility in interdependency between registers.
You can extend your register (Reg A) class with "uvm_reg_cbs" and register this callback with another register (Reg B).


Common variables for all subsystems in OpenMDAO

I'm trying build a framework which starts with reading an input file which contains some keys and corresponding values. I then update the variables accordingly:
from Inertia import Inertia
d = hf.read_input(fin)
Then, I'm defining the group MDA:
class MDA(om.Group):
class ObjCmp(om.ExplicitComponent):
def setup(self):
def setup_partials(self):
def compute(self, inputs, outputs):
def setup(self):
which contains two subsystems (for now):
self.add_subsystem('d1', SomeModule(), promotes_inputs=['x1','x2'],
self.add_subsystem('obj_cmp', self.ObjCmp(), promotes_inputs=['y1'],
For housekeeping reasons, since the framework will eventually contain large number of subsystems, I want to keep the classes defining the particular subsystems in separate scripts, imported the the main script (the one where the Group is defined).
The problem I'm facing is that if I only read the input file once at the level of the script where the Group is defined (before entering the Group() class), the variables retrieved this way are not defined at the lower levels, for instance, I cannot use them inside SomeModule(). I'd normally define an init() method inside SomeModule() to be able to pass some variables:
def __init__(self, d):
self.d = d
but since we instantiate the SomeModule() class within self.add_subsystem(), it does not work.
I would be really grateful for any hints.
In OpenMDAO, we deal with this instantiation timing issue in two ways:
We strongly discourage the use of the __init__ method for components or groups. Instead, we recommend you rely on the initialize and setup methods. initialize is called inside the existing __init__ (i.e. at instantiation time). setup is called much later during the build up of the model hierarchy.
We do provide a means of creating init arguments via an options system. Options allow for some built in validation and also give you the chance to change the values later if you want to.
Delaying as much as possible till setup, if you can. Pass your configuration file (or an object built from it if you prefer) into your component as an option, but don't actually use it till setup.
This goes for both components and groups. You can make the configuration data an option at all levels of your groups. They will each pass the object down to their children inside their own setup methods. This way, you only need to have the object in existence by the time you initialize the top level group. It will then pass it down to all its children.

Creating registrations dependent on current ComponentRegistry - Autofac

Currently stuck on a problem with autofac registrations. To summarise I have an autofac module that registers many instances of IHandle. There could be many implementations of IHandle and IHandle and each typeof(A) or typeof(B) has a corrosponding configuration class that is passed into another Module with the same builder.
My question is DURING the build process how can I get the current registrations that implement > and match them to the correct message configuration, remembering that there could be many implementations of IHandle.
I want to use builder.Register(ctx => {}) but how can I loop within this Register call and register multiple processors for each handler in the component registry
I can get the types of IHandle within the registery by dont know how to register the new processor matching the configuration
Hope that makes sense....
Thanks in advance

traits ui variable number of mayavi scenes and visualization of run time traits

I would like to present the user with a variable number of scenes within the GUI (arranged say horizontally) composing different views of the data, depending on runtime conditions?
I really don't want to redefine the GUI, and a number of scene related traits for every use case. (i.e. bool_scene_1_viewable=Bool(), bool_scene_2_viewable=Bool()... )
It looks like I might be able to define a wildcard trait: scene_=Instance(Scene,()). But, if this is the best way to do it, how would I go about combining n traits into a View?
(A) I did not distinguish between "runtime" dependence, and merely depending on some number of traits that are declared after initialization (but before config_traits is called). As such, I can use default_traits_view to create a view that depends on the current state of the object and its members.
(B) I was also confused about how to turn this list_of_scenes into an object that could be viewed. After all, HGroup and VGroup don't take lists! I was missing that * could be used to unpack the list.
1. init class instance
add scenes as you like
Create group within default_traits_view()
items=[Item(name,style='custom') for name in self. scene_name_list]
scene_group=Group( *items)

MATLAB doesn't show help for user-created class private methods and properties

This is the problem:
Create a class and set the access to be private for some of the properties or methods.
Use the doc command for the created class. This will auto-generate documentation from your comments and show it in the built-in help browser.
doc classname
The problem is that documentation for the private properties and methods is not shown in the help browser. Is there any way to overcome this problem?
So I spent like 10 minutes using the debugger, jumping from one function to the next, tracing the execution path of a simple doc MyClass call.
Eventually it lead me to the following file:
This function is called during the process of generating documentation for a class to determine if the class elements (including methods, properties, and events) are publicly accessible and non-hidden. This information is used later on to "cull" the elements.
So if you are willing to modify MATLAB's internal functions, and you want the docs to always show all methods and properties regardless of their scope, just rewrite the function to say:
function b = isAccessible(classElement, elementKeyword)
b = true;
% ... some more code we'll never reach!
Of course, don't forget to make a backup of the file in case you changed your mind later :)
(on recent Windows, you'll need to perform this step with administrative privileges)
As a test, take the sample class defined in this page and run doc someClass. The result:
This behaviour is by design - the auto-generated documentation is intended for users of the class, who would only be able to access the public properties and methods.
There's no way that I'm aware of to change this behaviour.
You could try:
Use an alternative system of auto-generating documentation such as this from the MATLAB Central File Exchange (which I believe will document all properties, not just public).
Implement your own doc command. Your doc command should accept exactly the same inputs as the built-in doc command, detect if its inputs correspond to your class/methods/properties etc, and if so display their documentation, otherwise pass its inputs straight through to the built-in doc. Make sure your command is ahead of the built-in on the path.

API for plugin framework in Lua

I am implementing a plugin system with Lua scripts for an application. Basically it will allow the users to extend the functionality by defining one or more functions in Lua. The plugin function will be called in response to an application event.
Are there some good open source plugin frameworks in Lua that can serve as a model?
In particular I wonder what is the best way to pass parameters to the plugin and receive the returned values, in a way that is both flexible and easy to use for the plugin writers.
Just to clarify, I am interested in the design of the API from the point of view of the script programming in Lua, not from the point of view of the hosting application.
Any other advice or best practices related to the design of a plugin system in Lua will be appreciated.
Lua's first-class functions make this kind of thing so simple that I think you won't find much in the way of frameworks. Remember that Lua's mantra is to provide minimal mechanism and let individual programmers work out policy for themselves.
Your question is very general, but here's what I recommend for your API:
A single plugin should be represented by a single Lua table (just as a Lua module is represented by a single table).
The fields of the table should contain operations or callbacks of the table.
Shared state should not be stored in the table; it should be stored in local variables of the code that creates the table, e.g.,
local initialized = false
return {
init = function(self, t) ... ; initialized = true end,
something_else = function (self, t)
if not initialized then error(...) end
You'll also see that I recommend all plugin operations use the same interface:
The first argument to the plugin is the table itself
The only other argument is a table containing all other information needed by the operation.
Finally, each operation should return a result table.
The reason for passing and returning a single table instead of positional results is that it will help you keep code compatible as interfaces evolve.
In summary, use tables and first-class functions aggressively, and protect your plugin's private state.
The plugin function will be called in response to an application event.
That suggests the observer pattern. For example, if your app has two events, 'foo' and 'bar', you could write something like:
HostApp.listeners = {
foo = {},
bar = {},
function HostApp:addListener(event, listener)
table.insert(self.listeners[event], listener)
function HostApp:notifyListeners(event, ...)
for _,listener in pairs(self.listeners[event]) do
Then when the foo event happens:
self:notifyListeners('foo', 'apple', 'donut')
A client (e.g. a plugin) interested in the foo event would just register a listener for it:
HostApp:addListener('foo', function(...)
print('foo happened!', ...)
Extend to suit your needs.
In particular I wonder what is the best way to pass parameters to the plugin and receive the returned values
The plugin just supples you a function to call. You can pass any parameters you want to it, and process it's return values however you wish.